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Topic subjectThings you love to do even though you're terrible at it
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13016281, Things you love to do even though you're terrible at it
Posted by justin_scott, Wed May-04-16 08:03 PM
For me, it's playing pool. i suck, but man is it always a fun game, and i would love to own a pool table someday.
13016296, secks
Posted by murderbear, Wed May-04-16 08:36 PM
13016299, Basketball
Posted by DavidHasselhoff, Wed May-04-16 08:43 PM
I suck at pool but only for the first couple games til Im warmed up so that probably doest count.
13016301, RE: Things you love to do even though you're terrible at it
Posted by denny, Wed May-04-16 08:45 PM
Basketball. I was starting point guard for my elementary school but we were the worst in our district. During high school I realized I could not even participate in pick-up games I was so bad. And I'm pretty good at most sports.

Bodybuilding. I'm in good shape but have a soccer player's type body. Decent definition (I have abs) but no matter how hard I try...I can't get big muscles...especially my arms. I'm the smallest, weakest guy in the gym and I'm convinced I work twice as hard as everyone else on average. Oh well.

Singing. I'm a pretty good instrumentalist and all-round musician. I love to hum things to myself but I have the hoarsey, weirdest voice. It sounds like it belongs to a big, ogre-like person but I'm 5'9 and 155 pounds.
13016303, bowling...If I score over 100, you can't tell me shit, lol
Posted by Dstl1, Wed May-04-16 09:03 PM
13016719, I got 140 one time and was HYPE
Posted by -DJ R-Tistic-, Thu May-05-16 12:53 PM
13016319, fishing
Posted by RobOne4, Wed May-04-16 10:06 PM
I catch a sun burn more often than I catch fish. But its always a good time on the lake.
13016335, breakdancing
Posted by eye.M.woman, Wed May-04-16 11:54 PM
i think its pretty halarious
but if I eat ice cream,
i get the ill sugar rush and improvise break dancing moves
but im horrible at it :(
people request it at times tho haha
13016337, video games
Posted by LAbeathustla, Thu May-05-16 01:06 AM
13016342, Singing definitely
Posted by Coco la chapelle, Thu May-05-16 02:16 AM
I just love singing even though I sound like shit, in my head Im crooning like Marvin Gaye
13016685, ^THIS^ ....my voice is TERRIBLE but...
Posted by KnowOne, Thu May-05-16 12:31 PM
I love me some Karaoke
13016687, I came in here for this
Posted by 13Rose, Thu May-05-16 12:33 PM
I actually hate people who can really sing that go to Karaoke. Take yo monkey ass to the studio with that. Leave this for us horrible singers who get by on energy alone.
13016802, I'm in this camp.
Posted by Sepia., Thu May-05-16 01:48 PM
I only sing when people can't hear me though.

Except my best friend. I'll call him and sing 90s rock really badly. lol.
13017095, true. i turn the headphones up so i can't hear myself
Posted by justin_scott, Thu May-05-16 08:16 PM
i swear i sound great. lol
13016690, pool is the only thing i can think of...but i'm sure i'd be better if i played
Posted by Cenario, Thu May-05-16 12:35 PM
with anymore regularity.

everything else i enjoy doing i'm good at or gotten better from the repetition.
13016695, All sports related
Posted by Mack, Thu May-05-16 12:38 PM
13016715, Skiing, golf & bowling
Posted by Marbles, Thu May-05-16 12:50 PM
13016718, I REALLY need to get back to Basketball. I didn't make the team from
Posted by -DJ R-Tistic-, Thu May-05-16 12:52 PM
6th grade to 10th grade, not because I sucked, but because I was 4'8 in 9th grade and our team was #25 in the country...so even the Freshman squad had a 5'8 point guard. Hell, our girls team had a 5'9 PG at one point.

I was good til maybe 1st year college...I gave it up and just stopped playing for recreation. I absolutely fuckin SUCK now...I can barely dribble!!!!
13016725, chess, driving
Posted by fontgangsta, Thu May-05-16 12:56 PM
13016947, cycling
Posted by ChocoBliss, Thu May-05-16 03:40 PM
13017126, Smoke weed :/
Posted by tameek, Thu May-05-16 10:54 PM
I cough too much.
So I just stick to edibles.
13017127, I've gotten better at pool, buuuuuuut...
Posted by CRichMonkey, Thu May-05-16 10:56 PM
I can't run on a treadmill without feeling like I look like a wounded newborn giraffe. Like, I feel great after three miles, I just think I look terrible doing it.

my avy: Deep in your heart, you know he's right: http://coreyrichardsonneedsajob.com/
my hustle: http://SupaSoulSounds.com

*RIP: John T. "220v" Richardson, Blessing Benson, and Dilla*
13017133, First-person shooter and driver arcade games
Posted by Boogie Stimuli, Thu May-05-16 11:08 PM