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Topic subjectHave you ever been beat up?
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13014918, Have you ever been beat up?
Posted by deejboram, Wed Dec-31-69 07:00 PM
Did you get beat up pre high school graduation or post- HS graduation?

Poll question: Have you ever been beat up?

Poll result (13 votes)
Yes. (4 votes)Vote
Hell Yes!!! (6 votes)Vote
Yaaaasssss (0 votes)Vote
Nah. I'm lying. (1 votes)Vote
I'm white. (2 votes)Vote


13014939, just by my older brother when we were kids
Posted by SeV, Mon May-02-16 06:09 PM
He's 4yrs older than me

But I started handling him by 8th grade

Other than that nah

I've never gotten washed in a real fight

My freshman yr I kinda did during football practice

I would practice with the Varsity and I got rushed by the whole o-line after I fuked the starting QB up on a sack

Ain't injure him but he was down for a minute

But that ain't count cause I was in pads and helmet

Wasn't none of em trying to see me in the lockerroom tho!

Actually they were but my locker was still in the freshman lockerroom

Coach stopped em before they got in there

Thought I was gonna die man


Dallas Cavericks LETS GO!!
13014942, Nope. I would have if I had swung after being pushed twice though
Posted by -DJ R-Tistic-, Mon May-02-16 06:11 PM
13014943, I got Green Lighted (jumped) before
Posted by deejboram, Mon May-02-16 06:14 PM
Sr year of high school
just wasnt my day
caught a bad one
it was like 12 on one so i took off running
they caught me and we tumbled in some bushed before the homies saw it came over and helped out
still it was 3 on 12
nobody really got no licks in cause old heads saw the huge ass crowd came and broke it up
13014952, about three times.
Posted by Atillah Moor, Mon May-02-16 07:03 PM
First time was because I made the mistake of letting dude out of the headlock.

Second time was because I was terrorizing this dudes little sister, (but those patrols were abusing their authority if you ask me).

Third time well -- I just wanted to see what it would be like to turn the other cheek -- literally.

Think I broke even in terms of wins vs loses.
13014954, i have tinitus because of a situation.
Posted by double negative, Mon May-02-16 07:08 PM
funny thing is that it really represented the end of an era in my life. it was my transition out of being a piece of shit kid to becoming an adult
13014956, I got in a fight every almost every year from K-9th Grade
Posted by Lardlad95, Mon May-02-16 07:26 PM
Cumulative Record

K: 1-0
1: 1-3
2: 2-3
3: 3-3
4: 4-3
5: 6-3
6: 6-3
7: 7-3
8: 8-3
9: 8-4

That last fight was a massive L....then again when I saw the other guy leaving the principal's office he was crying like a bitch so I still feel good about that shit.

"All the world's a stage,
And all the men and women merely players:
They have their exits and their entrances;
And one man in his time plays many parts..." -The Bard
13014967, yeah.
Posted by kingjerm78, Mon May-02-16 08:00 PM
13014971, Noooooo, wait. I got beat up in 8th grade!!!
Posted by deejboram, Mon May-02-16 08:02 PM
We was on the block doing smthg dumb after school.
Can't remember how it happen but I was whuppin the homie who was in 7th grade

He run in the house
Everybody else go back to playin
Then ol boy 9th grade brother come from walkin with his girl
Lil bro told big bro what happen
Big bro come outside to avenge his lil bro's loss ANNND to show out for his girl
He whupped me
Then I go home
Then my next door neighbor, Cockwease, who was like my brother come home
The other homies is still laughin at me for gettin chased home and told cockwease the story
Cockwease dont like older bro cause older bro scuzzy and older bro's girl dissed Cockwease and wouldn't let him hit last year.

So we all roll down to they house
Cockwease tell ol boy to come outside
Ask why he was fuckin with his lil homie (me)
then Cockwease whoops ol boy in front of his girl

Ol girl brother was a baby G from a brosstown set (gang from other side of the city)
she tells her brother
next day at school he brother and half the set is rollin by my 2nd period peekin in the door tryna intimidate me (fuck tryin to THEY WERE)
i'm like DAMN i aint no gangsta I just bick it in the set
I'm in it but not OF it!
so by 4th period I'm HELLLLLAAAA noid cause they keep coming by all my classes

so the homies tell me I should tell Lil Brazy
that's the most G of the young G's from my set
his older brothers founded the set and was like quadrupule OGs

so at lunch we find him in a dice game and i shoot a few boodles with blood then tell him what happen
he was like "who did it? aww blood that nigga barry? fuck that nigga blood! i 'ont like blood anyway blood. let's ride!!!"

so we on the east campus
and them niggas bicked it on west campus
so a group of like 100 niggas is mobbin from east bampus to west bampus (like a quarter mile walk) and of course it's a scene
a fucking MOB
literally, a mob
so we make it to blood and Lil Brazy is like "aye Blood, i heard you was fuckin wit the lil homie Boram!'
n-n-n-n-n-n-nah blood
w-w-w-w-w-weeeee was just fuckin wideem
we aint doin nothin to that lil nigga

lil brazy: aight then blood i'mma let you know if any of yall niggas fuck wit blood i'mma fuckin witCHEW!!!
then blood turns and walks off and our entire mob follows behind

mind you, Lil Brazy was HELLLLA tiny and looked like Eazy E
had a curl and alllll the girls like the nigga too

so that was that

a few years after that he killed himself
guess he couldn't take the pressures no more

oh half the niggas that jumped me is in this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wvQxbBh2Le0

and about 20 other niggas in the video is the homie
shit is weird like that
you get a pass from some niggas in they set but not all them niggas gone see eye to eye and let you slide
13015110, the hell does bicked it mean?
Posted by KiloMcG, Tue May-03-16 09:37 AM
13015124, Ha i thought I remembered you being from Southeast
Posted by T Reynolds, Tue May-03-16 09:47 AM
13015160, nigga came in here like John Singleton and shit nm
Posted by DVS, Tue May-03-16 10:20 AM
13015077, yes...post
Posted by Trinity444, Tue May-03-16 09:01 AM
her name is Sophia
I'll never forget it
I deserved it tho lol
13015090, Absolutely, Until I learned how to fight. - New Kid in the Hood!
Posted by Case_One, Tue May-03-16 09:15 AM
I caught quite a few L's as the new kid in the hood, especially before I learned how to through these hands and not be scared.

I was a really skinny that could joke you out. That combination didn't make for a good mix. When a fight popped off I could hold my own in the beginning, but I would eventually take one too many to claim the win. And if the fight made it to the ground it was over because I was too weak.

But once I learned not to be sacred, how control my breathing, how move my feet and bob my head it was on. And once I started doing about 500 push-ups a day and growing it was ON. All comers took major L's after I got my confidence in check. I was handing out beat downs on the regular.
13015095, Nah.
Posted by flipnile, Tue May-03-16 09:18 AM
Caught a few punches, but never got 'beat up' before.
13015097, So did you win or did you just get punched in the face?
Posted by Case_One, Tue May-03-16 09:21 AM

13015103, I didn't win, but I didn't lose either
Posted by flipnile, Tue May-03-16 09:29 AM
I was in a handful of those fights where we both landed a bunch of punches, but shit got broken up because it wasn't that serious to begin with. Plus, I played sports my whole life, so the dudes I'd be fighting would be hard-headed football/basketball players so it was really hard to 'beat up' one of us without causing serious injury. Most of my fights were school or sports related... never had any physical problems with dudes on the block.
13015106, Oh, yeah, ain't nothing like a practice scuffle.
Posted by Case_One, Tue May-03-16 09:32 AM
I don't think we can count those, because after the skirmish thing go back to normal like nothing ever happened.
13015128, Yeah, I never had any street fights.
Posted by flipnile, Tue May-03-16 09:50 AM
Only school or sports-related fights/brawls. Dudes were pulling guns out in the streets, so fighting just wasn't the move out there.
13015120, man, those ain't no fights lol
Posted by Trinity444, Tue May-03-16 09:45 AM
13015129, LOL.. Swing, punch, Swing, punch. Break it up...
Posted by Case_One, Tue May-03-16 09:51 AM
That is not a fight...lol
13015132, Hey... that's the best I got, lol
Posted by flipnile, Tue May-03-16 09:53 AM
For some reason, dudes NEVER tested me in the streets (I guess I look kinda crazy), but I got tested all the time in school/sports.

13015194, LOL.. That's good stuff.
Posted by Case_One, Tue May-03-16 11:11 AM
Street fighting sucks
13015112, head up...1 on 1....never
Posted by ambient1, Tue May-03-16 09:40 AM
I've lost but beat up....nah

only time I ever been beat up was me vs @ 6 bouncers in college
13015115, So you don't classify an L as getting beat up?
Posted by Case_One, Tue May-03-16 09:42 AM
Why? I thought they were the same thing.
13015142, i consider beat up if u walk away leakin, lumped up or eye dotted
Posted by ambient1, Tue May-03-16 10:00 AM
and that has never happened to me 1 on 1
13015218, I'm with Case_One
Posted by tariqhu, Tue May-03-16 11:39 AM
beat up to me is just losing the fight. not literally being beaten like on some MMA shit.

I've never bleed from a fight.
13015229, ok?
Posted by ambient1, Tue May-03-16 11:57 AM
13015757, Yup! Beat up = L
Posted by Case_One, Wed May-04-16 09:39 AM

13015761, so replies 13 and 14 are what?
Posted by ambient1, Wed May-04-16 09:47 AM
I mean that's pretty much how my 'L' went

2 11-year olds swinging...one lands 5 the other 4

the one who lands 4 lost or got beat up?

13015141, I got ROCKED my last ever fight. I was 15 and a loud mouth.
Posted by MEAT, Tue May-03-16 09:59 AM
There was a dude that I couldn't stand, always following me, "hating on me". Bad mouthing me to girls that I liked.
One day he rolls up in art class bothering me and I just get up smack the dude in the middle of class, proceed to sit down, then keep talking shit.
I was not a very smart teenager.
Then for a week I antagonized dude, pointing him out in the hallways, still talking shit.
And dude was bigger than me. Like a three inches, 20 lbs bigger.
After a week of that he had enough and came up and confronted me. To which I promptly started throwing them fists to his jaw.
To which he promptly ate like they were candy and stole me so hard with one punch that he knocked both of my contacts out.
I had lumps.
Someone stole my CD player.
Track coach didn't even punish me, said it looked like if been punished enough.

I had all of that coming.
And then to make it really worse. You know how folks get on that, when I get older I'm gonna get revenge on a dude.
Nah. Dude is like 6'2 now with a linebacker build. The only reason I know that is because scrolling through my cousins Facebook one night there they were hugged up on 6th street. Dude isn't even from Austin. How does that happen?

What simp ass prize do I win? A Drake verse in bronze?
13015149, Got my nose broken but he ran off
Posted by T Reynolds, Tue May-03-16 10:11 AM
I guess he caught me twice hard and clean and saw me keep coming

He jumped back in his car but I was slapping the driver side window laughing blood all over my face

(coudn't feel shit, just took 3 long islands to the dome but I sure felt it the next morning lol)
13015155, Nah...my older brothers wasn't having it
Posted by DVS, Tue May-03-16 10:14 AM
I got into minor dustups in High School...but for the most part I was either too measured to go full on emotional (got punked on 75th and Jeffrey as a teen...knew better than to swing back because the niggaz I was rocking with were cowards)...or my older brothers was like "Nah...y'all ain't touching my little brother".

Didn't go to the same high school as the crew so I never really had to go thru that shit.

I mean...my brothers served me up a little but that doesn't count.

13015156, nope. im one of these fabled OKP n****s that's never been in a fight
Posted by Government Name, Tue May-03-16 10:17 AM
ive been a scuffles and tussles and sh*t, but never an fight where clean shots were being thrown at or by me. never was bullied or picked on either.

coming up in elementary and HS, i was always cool w/ everybody and usually the cats considered "bullies" had my back in case somebody got out of line. post HS, i've never had a need to square up w somebody one on one bc i keep a small, tight circle and im not one for getting emotional w/ people i dont know
13015186, this is me too
Posted by KiloMcG, Tue May-03-16 10:54 AM
13015159, I didn't win a fight until 9th grade
Posted by Binlahab, Tue May-03-16 10:19 AM
And more often then not took a massive public L

But after 9th grade I didn't lose one

on sabbatical.

does it really matter?

wonder what bin's doing?
13015200, twice
Posted by tariqhu, Tue May-03-16 11:18 AM
once in forth grade. ran home crying lol. it was bad look. I was too scared to fight back.

also got beat up by my cousin. we shouldn't have been fighting. he was prolly 4-5 yrs older than me and he played football. I was a scrawny kid in like 5th-6th grade.
13015212, dotted eye in grade school
Posted by infin8, Tue May-03-16 11:37 AM
had it coming.

"...don't letcha alligator mouf getcha hummingbird azz kicked.."
13015219, Lost a backyard smoker or two, but never beat up
Posted by GOMEZ, Tue May-03-16 11:47 AM
A- I wasn't that interested in fighting and didn't come from the toughest neighborhood

B- I was a good enough wrestler to win a couple league titles, etc. so people didn't go out of their way to mess with me.

13015227, according to this post, since i'm white, i've won every fight
Posted by justin_scott, Tue May-03-16 11:56 AM
hell yeah. go me!
13015392, both of my fights ended in a draw*
Posted by jdub1313, Tue May-03-16 02:07 PM
*6th grade. George hit me in the face, did a 360 and hit me in the face again, did this same move once more before i grabbed him and put him in the head lock and gave him the Nolan Ryan. 3 hits landed for him, about 3 or more for me before the teacher broke it up

*11th Grade. Damon pushed my stuff off the seat in the cafeteria during lunch. Can't stand for that shit during lunch, and he was a freshman. So i got up and cussed his ass out real loud. He got up, and punched me in the face once, but i dodged the 2nd one and landed one on top of his dome before he tried to tackle me for the ground and pound. flipped his ass over and kicked him in the leg, but he grabbed my leg and bit me before the teacher came and sent us both to detention. Cool with him the rest of HS. still laugh about it, ol leg bitin ass.
13015407, My shame is that I got beat up two nights in a row.
Posted by Buddy_Gilapagos, Tue May-03-16 02:25 PM
So I mentioned that I got jumped once. Townies versus students beef. Fraternity heard about it and rolled up deep to a party the next night on campus. I didn't want any trouble and went there to bring the peace. Really. My folks weren't having it. It was a brawl in the street. like 20 dudes. We had a good showing but I got caught from behind with a bottle to the head.

Hospitalzied. Shit was in the paper. SMH.

"Everyone has a plan until you punch them in the face. Then they don't have a plan anymore." (c) Mike Tyson

"what's a leader if he isn't reluctant"
13015454, Yoooo Nuuuuupe! Candy Canes vs Herringbone Chains
Posted by deejboram, Tue May-03-16 03:00 PM
13015457, You were a townie in the story?
Posted by flipnile, Tue May-03-16 03:02 PM
13015451, I should have did this on Wednesday
Posted by deejboram, Tue May-03-16 02:56 PM
For those of you used to getting lumped up, was this therapeutic for you at all?
13015657, Never been beat up nor dunked on
Posted by BabyYoda, Tue May-03-16 11:01 PM
I plan on keeping it that way. Lol
13015758, If you ever played BBall you've been dunked on!
Posted by Case_One, Wed May-04-16 09:40 AM
At least if you were doing any kind of weak side help!

13015868, Let me repeat myself
Posted by BabyYoda, Wed May-04-16 11:20 AM
I never got beat up nor dunked on. I have played basketball and never been yammed on by any human being!! IJS