13007356, talking shit with OKPs affected my worldview kind of a lot Posted by veritas, Tue Apr-19-16 03:51 PM
At least in terms of race relations.
I think if more white people purposely put themselves in spaces (even online spaces) where they're considered a minority and actually read/listened we'd all be better off.
And that's not to say I won't push back on certain things when I think people have it wrong or think they're missing nuance, but being fully aware i can't contribute to certain discussions is pretty big.
Also I'm pretty serious about my belief in the idea that the oppression of others makes us all less free and I've been a pretty serious student of history.
You can't dig very deep into American history without confronting how much oppression and exploitation goes into who we are as a nation. You can either try to ignore it or try to confront it and make sense of it, and i personally can't ignore it.
I had a (black) prof in law school basically ask me the same thing like how does a white middle class kid from bumblefuck Indiana wind up with this relatively open and nuanced view on race relations and I almost said "most of my internet friends are black."