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Topic subjectGot An Hour Left In This Hoe,Wanna Ask U N*ggas N Crackas Questions
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13007320, Got An Hour Left In This Hoe,Wanna Ask U N*ggas N Crackas Questions
Posted by Big Kuntry, Tue Apr-19-16 03:24 PM
Post up so I can waste time
13007322, okay.
Posted by atruhead, Tue Apr-19-16 03:25 PM
13007326, Why do you keep coming back here? I remember you made a post...
Posted by Big Kuntry, Tue Apr-19-16 03:26 PM
sayin you were leaving a long time ago, yet here you are.

You seem to loathe this place, so why not just say fuck it and bounce?
13007362, "How long ago are we talking?" - R Kelly
Posted by atruhead, Tue Apr-19-16 03:53 PM
RE: Why do you keep coming back here? I remember you made a post...
sayin you were leaving a long time ago, yet here you are.

"a long time ago" reads like my feelings could have changed or shit doesnt matter to me as much these days. I cant remember ever making a post saying I was leaving, so...yeah

>You seem to loathe this place, so why not just say fuck it and

receipts? 2 or 3 people are dickheads, Im busy enough to not be on here often. but there's no record of me being on some "I hate okp" anytime over the past 3 years
13007325, waste time
Posted by soken, Tue Apr-19-16 03:26 PM
13007332, Do you see yourself ever leaving Cali and what's up wit the sig?
Posted by Big Kuntry, Tue Apr-19-16 03:30 PM
13007691, I cannot see myself leaving cali.
Posted by soken, Wed Apr-20-16 09:29 AM
Based off weather and being a weirdo. I love many places but Northern California is my home.

- Sig - In life we got to keep it moving. Whether we pushing love or product. The cycle of life.
13007334, In the new weed capital of th country on the eve of 4/20
Posted by veritas, Tue Apr-19-16 03:32 PM
Whatcha got for me?
13007338, I got hella respect for you after our back n forth on race awhile back...
Posted by Big Kuntry, Tue Apr-19-16 03:38 PM
Where did you get your open minded view of the world from & how do you think
your surroundings played a role in shaping them.

*pushes mic into your face*
13007356, talking shit with OKPs affected my worldview kind of a lot
Posted by veritas, Tue Apr-19-16 03:51 PM
At least in terms of race relations.

I think if more white people purposely put themselves in spaces (even online spaces) where they're considered a minority and actually read/listened we'd all be better off.

And that's not to say I won't push back on certain things when I think people have it wrong or think they're missing nuance, but being fully aware i can't contribute to certain discussions is pretty big.

Also I'm pretty serious about my belief in the idea that the oppression of others makes us all less free and I've been a pretty serious student of history.

You can't dig very deep into American history without confronting how much oppression and exploitation goes into who we are as a nation. You can either try to ignore it or try to confront it and make sense of it, and i personally can't ignore it.

I had a (black) prof in law school basically ask me the same thing like how does a white middle class kid from bumblefuck Indiana wind up with this relatively open and nuanced view on race relations and I almost said "most of my internet friends are black."
13007369, This is deep...
Posted by Big Kuntry, Tue Apr-19-16 04:02 PM
about my belief in the idea that the oppression of others makes us all less free and I've been a pretty serious student of history.

Thanks for this
13007363, Let's hear it.
Posted by Buddy_Gilapagos, Tue Apr-19-16 03:53 PM

"Everyone has a plan until you punch them in the face. Then they don't have a plan anymore." (c) Mike Tyson

"what's a leader if he isn't reluctant"
13007368, Buddy, Buddy, Buddy. Where do I start....
Posted by Big Kuntry, Tue Apr-19-16 04:01 PM
I'm intrigued by you cuz I get the sense that you love your people but at the
same time you're embarrassed by us.

What's your biggest gripe wit black folks in 2016?
13007727, Embarrassed?!?!? That's crazy talk.
Posted by Buddy_Gilapagos, Wed Apr-20-16 09:55 AM
The truth is that I inherited a very old school "You Have to Work Twice As Hard" mentality. So I consider it hustling backwards to see stuff like cats defending wearing sweats to the White House.

My love for my people has no end which in my world means I am harder on them then anyone else.

Black Excellence is my shit, but it seems like the goal now is to be allowed to be as bad as them.

My biggest gripe with black folks? I don't trust white folks enough to expect them to do better by us so I expect that we are going to have to do everything on our own. We did it before, we can do it again.

All black everything.

I don't know, I am just old.

Just don't put me on some Clearance Thomas shit.

>I'm intrigued by you cuz I get the sense that you love your
>people but at the
>same time you're embarrassed by us.
>What's your biggest gripe wit black folks in 2016?

"Everyone has a plan until you punch them in the face. Then they don't have a plan anymore." (c) Mike Tyson

"what's a leader if he isn't reluctant"
13007755, lol @ "Clearance" Thomas
Posted by veritas, Wed Apr-20-16 10:09 AM
13007371, ...
Posted by ambient1, Tue Apr-19-16 04:02 PM
13007381, My brotha. You stand out like a nigga on a hockey team (c) Common...
Posted by Big Kuntry, Tue Apr-19-16 04:08 PM
Do you feel like Instagram has changed the way average niggas view women?
13007393, hmmmm......yeah and no....it's like Steroid era baseball
Posted by ambient1, Tue Apr-19-16 04:20 PM
same game just easier to hit HRs....

13007373, I got some time nm
Posted by RaFromQueens, Tue Apr-19-16 04:05 PM
13007384, What's the difference between Drake's fake Jamaican accent and...
Posted by Big Kuntry, Tue Apr-19-16 04:09 PM
Iggy' fake "blackcent"?
13007419, Kids in Toronto really do fake patois to sound cool.
Posted by RaFromQueens, Tue Apr-19-16 04:58 PM
Drake is actually representing his experience with that.

Iggy is a train wreck for a number of reasons. She's not even just trying to sound American it's such a specific 2000s Atlanta hiphop inflection it's basically an impersonation.
13007402, yo
Posted by philpot, Tue Apr-19-16 04:33 PM
13007409, *barrel rolls off the ban-wagon*
Posted by Kwesi, Tue Apr-19-16 04:45 PM
13007425, YO.
Posted by Kira, Tue Apr-19-16 05:15 PM
13007473, holla
Posted by legsdiamond, Tue Apr-19-16 06:39 PM
13007739, day late dollar short?
Posted by KiloMcG, Wed Apr-20-16 10:00 AM
if not, hit me
13007744, 'sup, folk?
Posted by infin8, Wed Apr-20-16 10:02 AM