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Topic subjectlife skills?..
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13006890, life skills?..
Posted by CyrenYoung, Tue Apr-19-16 09:07 AM
..where did you (l)earn yours?

saw a father teaching his son the art of grocery shopping the other day and i couldn't help but smile. he walked each isle, quizzing his son on everything from expiration dates to knowing the difference between items "on sale" vs a good deal.

i learned so much from my parents/grandparents about the skills needed for daily living in this world that it pains me to see so many people struggling to make it through simple task (ie: cooking, cleaning, repairs, shopping, managing a budget, etc.). feels like a lost art.

who taught you how to drive? change a tire? oil change?

who taught you how to sew? how to use power tools?

more importantly, what skills are you passing on to the next generation?

tell us your funny stories about adventures in daily living.


*skatin' the rings of saturn*

..and miles to go before i sleep...
13006895, Mayne my little brother kills me because he got a flat screen
Posted by Buddy_Gilapagos, Tue Apr-19-16 09:13 AM
TV and don't know to get an HMDI cord to get the best picture. You know the yellow composite video cord? This dummy doesn't even have that but uses that even shittier wire to hook his cable box up to his TV (what's it called?). SMH.

I wish I grew up in the house with him. My parents were well in his 60s when he came to live with us so thy weren't really teaching him stuff like they taught us.

"Everyone has a plan until you punch them in the face. Then they don't have a plan anymore." (c) Mike Tyson

"what's a leader if he isn't reluctant"
13006896, coax?
Posted by KiloMcG, Tue Apr-19-16 09:18 AM
(what's it called?)
13006905, YES!! I don't think they even put that on new TVs anymore.
Posted by Buddy_Gilapagos, Tue Apr-19-16 09:24 AM

"Everyone has a plan until you punch them in the face. Then they don't have a plan anymore." (c) Mike Tyson

"what's a leader if he isn't reluctant"
13006908, did you teach him the benefits of HDMI
Posted by legsdiamond, Tue Apr-19-16 09:26 AM
13006915, naw I took his flatscreen and left him with a tube tv since he
Posted by Buddy_Gilapagos, Tue Apr-19-16 09:35 AM
didn't seem to give a shit.


"Everyone has a plan until you punch them in the face. Then they don't have a plan anymore." (c) Mike Tyson

"what's a leader if he isn't reluctant"
13006919, lol.
Posted by CyrenYoung, Tue Apr-19-16 09:38 AM

*skatin' the rings of saturn*

..and miles to go before i sleep...
13006906, mom taught me how to cook, treat a lady, etc
Posted by legsdiamond, Tue Apr-19-16 09:25 AM
brother taught me about condoms

Dad taught me how to roll a joint, cook a steak properly,cut potatoes and put them in water so they didnt brown and cursed me out the first time I came home after being stood up on a date.

Told me to GTFO the house and find some new pussy... Smh, I miss him.
13006923, don't just sit there...
Posted by CyrenYoung, Tue Apr-19-16 09:41 AM
>brother taught me about condoms
>Dad taught me how to roll a joint, cook a steak properly,cut
>potatoes and put them in water so they didnt brown and cursed
>me out the first time I came home after being stood up on a
>Told me to GTFO the house and find some new pussy... Smh, I
>miss him.

..DO something! © ol' negro sermon.

your pops sound like a real one, f'sure.

*skatin' the rings of saturn*

..and miles to go before i sleep...
13006912, I regularly have my daughter help when doing car stuff
Posted by Paps_Smear, Tue Apr-19-16 09:30 AM
She's 10

So far nothing major, that'll come later.

But all the tire stuff, oil stuff, basic maintenance that don't need to go to a shop for.

Catching on quick too, a few things she can do by herself with me just standing looking over her. I don't want anyone screwing her over with prices cause they figure she's a woman and don't know better.

All the house stuff is covered too so we good.

We get into a few self defense things, the rougher stuff will come when she's a bit older. Tough little thing though, she's gonna be right when she grows up!
13006922, Dope! That's how I wanna be wit my daughter too.
Posted by Big Kuntry, Tue Apr-19-16 09:40 AM
13006954, props for this.
Posted by CyrenYoung, Tue Apr-19-16 10:24 AM

*skatin' the rings of saturn*

..and miles to go before i sleep...
13006959, we are enrolling our daughter in self defense classes
Posted by legsdiamond, Tue Apr-19-16 10:32 AM
when she gets a little older
13007041, It's so useful
Posted by Paps_Smear, Tue Apr-19-16 11:20 AM
Helps with discipline and respect for others bodies as well as your abilities and acknowledging the harm you could do to something.

I'm showing her a bit of what I know, as well as some Muay Thai she's learning as well.

She wants to do Krav Maga when she gets older, figured that would be too extreme for her age now but will come in handy when she might have to fight someone off on the street.
13006920, Like to wear a suit/dress when you go to the WH to meet POTUS?
Posted by maryhattalillamb, Tue Apr-19-16 09:38 AM
Is this what that's about?
My father taught us all (including the girls) how to change a tire/oil, work on a car, shoot guns, field dress a hog/deer, stuff like that.

My dad is a countryboy from East Texas.

Our mom taught us all the household/lady stuff like how to fold towels, cook and paint our nails.
13006921, I was just talkin to my folks bout this...
Posted by Big Kuntry, Tue Apr-19-16 09:39 AM
I learned everything from fixing a car to putting up dry wall from my pops
but, learned how to holla at chicks from the barbershop.

My parents never taught me bout money (savings, stocks, etc) except to live
within your means. I learned bout finances through Google and random old heads
that seemed to be gettin it.
13006930, we need to break the cycle...
Posted by CyrenYoung, Tue Apr-19-16 09:50 AM

>My parents never taught me bout money (savings, stocks, etc)
>except to live
>within your means. I learned bout finances through Google and
>random old heads
>that seemed to be gettin it.

its always a little disheartening to hear that parents aren't shedding light on these vital life skills, but i'm quickly reminded that a lot of parents don't know either.

the internet is a great tool, but still neglected by far too many people as a legit resource for improvement.

*skatin' the rings of saturn*

..and miles to go before i sleep...
13006938, Yeah man
Posted by 13Rose, Tue Apr-19-16 10:00 AM
Parent generally give you the best of what the have. Sometimes it aint much. My parents taught me nothing when it comes to finances. My father only told me that I should make more a year than my age. That's some weak ass bottom of the barrel advice. I'm fortunate that I've always been down to save since I was a kid. I've learned most of my finance stuff from friends who know better and the internet.
13006946, each one, teach one...
Posted by CyrenYoung, Tue Apr-19-16 10:10 AM
..this also seems to be a lost art, as most people frown when you try to instill something valuable that requires hard work & maintenance.

anytime someone asks me for/to do something, i'm always inclined to help them learn to be self sufficient. unfortunately, that's typically met with:

"..um, that's why i asked you to do it..."


*skatin' the rings of saturn*

..and miles to go before i sleep...
13006966, moms taught us to be scared of budgeting
Posted by legsdiamond, Tue Apr-19-16 10:35 AM
it's been a hard cycle to break. My sister still has a fear of going to the bank and not being able to withdrawal money even though she knows it's in there.

13006984, fear what?..
Posted by CyrenYoung, Tue Apr-19-16 10:49 AM
..lol at your sis, but what is there to fear if you know the work you're puttin' in daily?

*skatin' the rings of saturn*

..and miles to go before i sleep...
13007213, fear that the money won't be in there
Posted by legsdiamond, Tue Apr-19-16 01:53 PM
it comes from going to the bank with our mom when funds were low and you had to wait a day or 3 for a check to clear.

walking to the bank hearing our mom say "I hope the money is in the account" and then getting told it hasn't cleared yet was some cold blooded shit to watch.

13006928, i've had access to alot of information. some i took, alot i didn't
Posted by BigJazz, Tue Apr-19-16 09:49 AM
>saw a father teaching his son the art of grocery shopping the
>other day and i couldn't help but smile. he walked each isle,
>quizzing his son on everything from expiration dates to
>knowing the difference between items "on sale" vs a good deal.

this is me now. i've taught all my kids how to shop and how money works.

>who taught you how to drive? change a tire? oil change?

i took driver's ed in school but my practice was with my father. he drove a cadillac so he figured if i learned to drive that big ass car i could drive anything. he also taught me how to change a tire and check the oil and other fluid levels.

him & my uncles tried to teach me how to fix cars. my pops knew alot and i had uncles who were master mechanics. they could take a car apart and put it back together.

i showed zero interest in learning. all i wanted to know was how to drive it and i wanted to know how it worked so that if i ever got stranded and it was something simple, i could get it going and get home. i paid $9.99 for my first oil change back in 1989. i had a coupon for either jiffy lube or precision tune. why change it myself when i could pay them to do it? my pops hated that logic but i embraced it.
>who taught you how to sew? how to use power tools?

i learned sewing & shop stuff in school. then got better when my mother tried to teach me more sewing stuff at home and my father & uncles tried to show me home improvement. i had plumbers, electricians, and carpenters right there in front of me. and they were dying to teach me. again, i showed zero interest.

i regret not learning what they tried to teach me.

>more importantly, what skills are you passing on to the next

no doubt. i teach my kids money management, healthy living, and how to set yourself up to be independent and evolve in an ever-changing world. as far as fixing shit, i teach them how to use their resources. i can't naturally fix shit but i'm kinda smart and very determined so between Google and youtube, most basic things can be figured out. and i've gone with my son to home depot and struck up a conversation with a worker there and got the tips i needed to come back home and fix my sink.

I'm tryna be better off, not better than...
13006932, thanks for being honest about it...
Posted by CyrenYoung, Tue Apr-19-16 09:55 AM
..so many people claim they were never shown/taught the proper ways of navigating skills for living. its nice to see someone acknowledge that they simply weren't interested in learning some of those things at the time.

*skatin' the rings of saturn*

..and miles to go before i sleep...
13006968, I changed oil myself and that shit is over rated
Posted by legsdiamond, Tue Apr-19-16 10:36 AM
13006929, i've had access to alot of information. some i took, alot i didn't
Posted by BigJazz, Tue Apr-19-16 09:49 AM
>saw a father teaching his son the art of grocery shopping the
>other day and i couldn't help but smile. he walked each isle,
>quizzing his son on everything from expiration dates to
>knowing the difference between items "on sale" vs a good deal.

this is me now. i've taught all my kids how to shop and how money works.

>who taught you how to drive? change a tire? oil change?

i took driver's ed in school but my practice was with my father. he drove a cadillac so he figured if i learned to drive that big ass car i could drive anything. he also taught me how to change a tire and check the oil and other fluid levels.

him & my uncles tried to teach me how to fix cars. my pops knew alot and i had uncles who were master mechanics. they could take a car apart and put it back together.

i showed zero interest in learning. all i wanted to know was how to drive it and i wanted to know how it worked so that if i ever got stranded and it was something simple, i could get it going and get home. i paid $9.99 for my first oil change back in 1989. i had a coupon for either jiffy lube or precision tune. why change it myself when i could pay them to do it? my pops hated that logic but i embraced it.
>who taught you how to sew? how to use power tools?

i learned sewing & shop stuff in school. then got better when my mother tried to teach me more sewing stuff at home and my father & uncles tried to show me home improvement. i had plumbers, electricians, and carpenters right there in front of me. and they were dying to teach me. again, i showed zero interest.

i regret not learning what they tried to teach me.

>more importantly, what skills are you passing on to the next

no doubt. i teach my kids money management, healthy living, and how to set yourself up to be independent and evolve in an ever-changing world. as far as fixing shit, i teach them how to use their resources. i can't naturally fix shit but i'm kinda smart and very determined so between Google and youtube, most basic things can be figured out. and i've gone with my son to home depot and struck up a conversation with a worker there and got the tips i needed to come back home and fix my sink.

I'm tryna be better off, not better than...
13006934, honestly a lot of things i learned on my own
Posted by StephBMore, Tue Apr-19-16 09:56 AM
my grandma taught me about cooking, cleaning, gardening, and sewing. I can do all of these things if necessary. I'm actually really good at gardening, but I don't ever really have that opportunity to do it.

money things I learned on my own.

car things I learned from my uncles and older cousins BUT i learned to drive at school (driver's ed class).

shopping was always "get the cheapest thing. pick the best looking fruit/veggies. best looking meat under this price." which is pretty much how i shop now.

but i try to teach my younger cousins and nieces things now so that they will now. the financial things and school are the most important things.
13006947, where'd y'all learn about sex? that's a life skill so i think it's relevant
Posted by BigJazz, Tue Apr-19-16 10:16 AM
i got 100% of what i know from the streets & my own experiences.

I'm tryna be better off, not better than...
13006956, this is another cycle that needs to be broken...
Posted by CyrenYoung, Tue Apr-19-16 10:29 AM
..a lot of people don't like to talk about things considered taboo.

sex ed is such an awkward convo for most parents, but it doesn't have to be. parents need to talk to their children about the subtleties of sexual behavior and dating in general.

*skatin' the rings of saturn*

..and miles to go before i sleep...
13007131, My pops
Posted by 13Rose, Tue Apr-19-16 12:50 PM
Had to let me know that contrary to what my friends say, YES you can get a girl pregnant at this age.
13007223, My old man, sex ed and my fellas
Posted by Marbles, Tue Apr-19-16 01:57 PM

Sometimes, I was fortunate enough to be tagging along when he would hang with his friends and talk shit. Typical, locker room talk. But afterward, he would always make sure I understood that 95% of what I heard was just that...talk. I learned at a young age that you brag & boast with your boys but you come home, kiss your wife, take the trash out and thank her for the things she does.

We also had sex ed class in 6th grade (at a Catholic school, no less). I'm still a little shocked that there are people who don't want their kids to learn about the basic biology of it.

13006952, teaching my daughter how to make money
Posted by tariqhu, Tue Apr-19-16 10:21 AM
and maintain a house. she helped me cut the grass sunday and I paid her $15.
13006953, really close to my grandma growing up, moms was jealous
Posted by kittyswift, Tue Apr-19-16 10:23 AM
but anyway, i observed a lot of daily "life skills" from my old old lady.

if i really wanted to:
i know how to keep a clean house ( wood work, cleaning the chandelier, iron the sheets, hospital corners, etc... )
cook some collards
sew/ hem
be submissive.
13006958, LOL...
Posted by CyrenYoung, Tue Apr-19-16 10:31 AM
>be submissive.

..ok, i laughed, but this is real.

everyone wants to lead, but very few know how. even worse, most people don't know how to follow.

*skatin' the rings of saturn*

..and miles to go before i sleep...
13006988, the classic scenario he would say jump, she'd ask how high...
Posted by kittyswift, Tue Apr-19-16 10:51 AM
he always got the big piece of chicken.

she took care of him.

very rarely did she step outta bounds.
13006994, ^^^^^Knows how to keep a man. LOL. JK...NR.
Posted by Buddy_Gilapagos, Tue Apr-19-16 10:55 AM

"Everyone has a plan until you punch them in the face. Then they don't have a plan anymore." (c) Mike Tyson

"what's a leader if he isn't reluctant"
13007035, ^^^aaaaaaand POAST^^^
Posted by CyrenYoung, Tue Apr-19-16 11:16 AM

*skatin' the rings of saturn*

..and miles to go before i sleep...
13007051, when we go to visit my wife's grandmother
Posted by legsdiamond, Tue Apr-19-16 11:29 AM
she be on my wife.

"Get his food, check on him, make sure he doesn't need anything..."

my wife hates that shit...

I sit back and laugh.
13007077, ol' school southern women don't play...
Posted by CyrenYoung, Tue Apr-19-16 11:56 AM

*skatin' the rings of saturn*

..and miles to go before i sleep...
13006955, My girl is constantly AMAZED
Posted by TheAlbionist, Tue Apr-19-16 10:27 AM
I don't know what her parents were doing tbh, but she looks at me doing stuff around the house sometimes with the "WHERE DID YOU LEARN TO DO THIS?" expression.

Put up a wall full of shelves at the weekend, all nice and flush with each other, no swearing involved... easiest job in the world... it was like I'd just made the Statue of Liberty disappear in front of her eyes. I always hear my Dad's voice when I'm doing DIY - usually his advice that "A job may be possible without, but will be 10 times easier with the correct tool" whenever I open the toolbox.

Same goes for cooking... I wasn't allowed to leave home without being able to cook a meal for the entire family - nobody even taught her how to boil a fucking egg before she went to college, so she gets herself into a state anytime she has to do even the simplest tasks in the kitchen.

Other people's parents were really weird.
13006962, spoiling children is never a good thing...
Posted by CyrenYoung, Tue Apr-19-16 10:34 AM
..some people hate chores so much, they've vowed to never impose them on their children.

that shit backfired.

now we have entire generations that don't know the first thing about life skills. if it doesn't involve them paying for services with a credit card, they're lost in the sauce.

we're losin' recipes :(

*btw: i low-key believe that you haven't completed your job as a parent if your child leaves the house without knowing basic skills for living.

*skatin' the rings of saturn*

..and miles to go before i sleep...
13007020, She got the work ethic, just not the skills
Posted by TheAlbionist, Tue Apr-19-16 11:07 AM
It's weird - she will pull 24 hour days sometimes... rarely does anything that isn't in some way connected to her or work or side-hustle, so they definitely instilled that.

They just didn't teach her anything to actually *do* with it.
13007038, gold star in the office, but a failure at home?..
Posted by CyrenYoung, Tue Apr-19-16 11:18 AM
..luther said that house ain't a home, homie



hopefully, she's encouraged by your effort.

*skatin' the rings of saturn*

..and miles to go before i sleep...
13007645, I'd never say "failure"
Posted by TheAlbionist, Wed Apr-20-16 08:55 AM
She does everything I need of her and more... she's a wonderful partner, a hard worker and a pleasure to have around - I actually love having the responsibility for cooking/DIYing as I'm definitely the one of us that's more geared to be "homemaker" - if all her efforts come off and she leapfrogs me in the earning stakes, I'd have no problem playing second on the earning and staying home to look after kids or whatever. My career's been steadily moving along since I was 18, but will probably top out somewhere shy of being "rich" (I scrape 6 figures working for blue chips/banks but not sure I've got much more rising to do), but her plans mainly involve ultra-high earning from her own business ventures - IMHO she's better chasing that than learning to make pastry!

The day her salary overtakes mine (which I have no doubt it will) will be glorious INDEED!
13006972, your patience must be off the charts
Posted by legsdiamond, Tue Apr-19-16 10:38 AM
13006963, trial and error for the most part..or self taught..i mean i learn all
Posted by ambient1, Tue Apr-19-16 10:34 AM
over the place...

I can credit certain people with certain things

like ...car/house/electrical/manly shit...my father and self.....

street shit....stepfather, self, and friends

women shit.....self

financial shit....mother...self...and randos

13006975, Mom taught me everything about living on my own
Posted by Case_One, Tue Apr-19-16 10:40 AM
My Big Mamma and my Grandmother taught me about prayer.
My Sudo-Mom taught me about faith
My Pastor taught me about the Word of God
My Father taught me about forgiveness and loving beyond the issues
My Son taught me about being a father and unconditional love
13006997, I love cleaning house. Put the music on Saturday morning and
Posted by Buddy_Gilapagos, Tue Apr-19-16 10:57 AM
get to it.

I learned from my dad to Bargain. Also how to put a white person line stepping in check.

"Everyone has a plan until you punch them in the face. Then they don't have a plan anymore." (c) Mike Tyson

"what's a leader if he isn't reluctant"
13007004, has there been a time in human history where so much info was so readily
Posted by BigJazz, Tue Apr-19-16 11:00 AM
available and easily accessible?

all my kids know how much i hate laziness. lazy thinkers, people who don't want to take the time to find out so they're content not knowing.

mofos walking around with all that right there in their pockets. in 2016, the answers to alot of things is right there waiting for you to get it. and you don't have to try that hard to find it...

I'm tryna be better off, not better than...
13007044, which is exactly why this is hilarisad...
Posted by CyrenYoung, Tue Apr-19-16 11:24 AM
..so many resources, yet very few people apply those in real time.

*also: being heavily dependent on digital tech is a bad move. the moment you're forced to fend for yourself, you're shit out of luck.

comprehension & retention are essential tools.

*skatin' the rings of saturn*

..and miles to go before i sleep...
13007056, Exactly
Posted by Paps_Smear, Tue Apr-19-16 11:33 AM
>..so many resources, yet very few people apply those in real

Man damn Youtube can teach you how to get your life together! You didn't have that shit back in the day, you just had to hope you were taking advice from the right person. All that knowledge that we had to acquire from the right people and remember and now its as simple as pulling your phone out for a few seconds.

There is not really too many excuses to not know basic shit these days.
13007065, some not so funny shit:
Posted by BigJazz, Tue Apr-19-16 11:39 AM
one day we're sitting in the crib and the lights go out.

all of them

so my wife's smart ass says "let's see you Google how to fix it".

no lights... no electricity...no laptop...no Google.

we had joked about it alot: i can't naturally fix a whole lot but i'm a "i'll figure it out" typa dude. and the internet is a big part of my figuring process. i got other resources but the internet has shown me how to fix alotta shit.


sometimes you gotta know how to do the shit.

if i woke up in the middle of The Walking Dead, would i know how to make a water filter?

I'm tryna be better off, not better than...
13007078, RE: some not so funny shit:
Posted by Paps_Smear, Tue Apr-19-16 11:57 AM
>if i woke up in the middle of The Walking Dead, would i know
>how to make a water filter?



Now you ready
13007108, lol.
Posted by CyrenYoung, Tue Apr-19-16 12:20 PM

*skatin' the rings of saturn*

..and miles to go before i sleep...
13007080, how did you resolve the light scenario?..
Posted by CyrenYoung, Tue Apr-19-16 11:58 AM

*skatin' the rings of saturn*

..and miles to go before i sleep...
13007120, it just blinked & came back on 3 minutes later.
Posted by BigJazz, Tue Apr-19-16 12:27 PM
by the time i got to my fuse box the lights were back on.

i had my phone out ready to Google it.

I'm tryna be better off, not better than...
13007198, `
Posted by KiloMcG, Tue Apr-19-16 01:41 PM
disregard, i see 52
13007636, yeah but once you google enough stuff you will remember some of it
Posted by gumz, Wed Apr-20-16 08:49 AM
and be able to do it relatively well without google next time...you're still building up that knowledge base you're just doing your initial research.
13007110, The problem is there really is too much info.
Posted by Buddy_Gilapagos, Tue Apr-19-16 12:21 PM
Like yeah there is more of that good information available but there is a lot more BAD information available.

Kids can find online any dumb shit they want to believe. Like there is tons of website supporting the idea the earth is flat. that type of BS.

"Everyone has a plan until you punch them in the face. Then they don't have a plan anymore." (c) Mike Tyson

"what's a leader if he isn't reluctant"
13007114, reading is fundamental...
Posted by CyrenYoung, Tue Apr-19-16 12:23 PM
..comprehension is key.

*skatin' the rings of saturn*

..and miles to go before i sleep...
13007205, I'd say critical thinking is key.
Posted by Buddy_Gilapagos, Tue Apr-19-16 01:47 PM

"Everyone has a plan until you punch them in the face. Then they don't have a plan anymore." (c) Mike Tyson

"what's a leader if he isn't reluctant"
13007221, pretty much...
Posted by CyrenYoung, Tue Apr-19-16 01:57 PM
..critical thinking is a part of comprehension and digesting the info received.

*skatin' the rings of saturn*

..and miles to go before i sleep...
13007124, gotta consider primary sources & the credibility of the sources
Posted by BigJazz, Tue Apr-19-16 12:28 PM

I'm tryna be better off, not better than...
13007633, So true... i've learned quite a few how-to-do things off the internet
Posted by Amritsar, Wed Apr-20-16 08:48 AM
youtube specifically

learned to knit,sew, change my oil, etc

there's really no excuse for not knowing how to do something anymore. Its fuckin right there in front of your dumb faces
13007264, that's so hard for me to quantify...
Posted by Trinity444, Tue Apr-19-16 02:30 PM
Like, every encounter is a lesson for me...
13007266, my dad was what i called a live-in deadbeat
Posted by seasoned vet, Tue Apr-19-16 02:31 PM
i learned a lot on what NOT to do watching that idiot

through survival i became a sponge and learned from everybody
mostly from an uncle and a step-dad

i figured out a long time ago, you really can learn a lot from a dummy
13007306, Figure it out as you go along.. Think of it like young QBs
Posted by Kira, Tue Apr-19-16 03:09 PM
You have the Nick Montanas and Jimmy Clausens of the world that had QB coaches since middle school whereas some people are more like Cam, Russell, and Tyrod having to figure it out.

A lot of people in this world learn on the fly out of necessity. Children today have excuses but not a lack of information on what to develop and how to develop it efficiently.
13007323, Whoooo the fuuuuuck is Nick Montana?
Posted by legsdiamond, Tue Apr-19-16 03:26 PM
I know Tony and I know Joe but Nick, where he go to school bruh?
13007399, .
Posted by Kira, Tue Apr-19-16 04:31 PM
13007647, thx, never heard of dude...lol
Posted by legsdiamond, Wed Apr-20-16 08:56 AM
13007336, I feel like this should be an entire forum...
Posted by Triptych, Tue Apr-19-16 03:36 PM
13007404, http://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topics&forum=32
Posted by CyrenYoung, Tue Apr-19-16 04:36 PM


Life, Style, Art, Food, Health, & Travel. An archive of useful info for everyday life.

*Everything you never knew you needed and so much more!

that's the goal. still up to the community to contribute. slow rolling, but its a start.

*skatin' the rings of saturn*

..and miles to go before i sleep...
13007750, If Organix comes up with interesting stuff you want to share on the site
Posted by Triptych, Wed Apr-20-16 10:05 AM
I'm all ears :)
13007346, RE: life skills?..
Posted by Original Juice, Tue Apr-19-16 03:45 PM
My dad pretty much taught me everything described up above.. everything practical/physical in life (budgeting, pacing/applying myself, sports, drawing, critical thinking, cars, computers, tools, etc). RIP

My mom taught me a lot of my social skills such as how to be a good bullshitter, how to present myself, how to get what you want from people, how to be a boss, etc.. lol
13007366, I taught myself all the car stuff I know
Posted by sectachrome86, Tue Apr-19-16 03:59 PM
My Dad is into cars like me but not so much the getting dirty part.

My Dad and Mom both taught me how to drive stick in my first car. My Mom is very proud of this and likes to think it was all her and my Dad didn't do shit.

My Mom is in human resources and I learned a ton from her about job stuff. She's always given me really good advice for my career. I'm very thankful for this when I see people who have no idea how to write a resume or conduct themselves professionally.

Tools I learned a little bit from my Dad, and a lot from building theater sets in stage crew in high school.
13007377, hey bro, my post was 1)first 2)not about jcoles struggle sweats
Posted by Riot, Tue Apr-19-16 04:06 PM
13007410, fair...
Posted by CyrenYoung, Tue Apr-19-16 04:45 PM
..my bad.

g'on and keep the party goin'.

*skatin' the rings of saturn*

..and miles to go before i sleep...
13007629, it's odd but i have a hard time rememebering where/when i learned things
Posted by gumz, Wed Apr-20-16 08:44 AM
like i have no clue how i learned to cook...i've gotten small pointers and i know i learned from watching my mom but she never actually had me cook a meal from end to end for me to pick it up...

also some of the things you mentioned i can only assume i learned from observing and random tidbits i picked up along the way.

I mention this because now that i have a son i wonder about the stuff i should teach him. i had the benefit of older siblings which he doesn't so i have no clue what kinda game i need to proactively put him on to versus stuff he will just pick up if he's smart enough to observe how we're doing it.