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Topic subjectLadies: masturbation/nails?
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13006016, Ladies: masturbation/nails?
Posted by jd215, Sun Apr-17-16 12:35 PM
Hello ladies (or other men with long-ish nails),

I've recently grown my nails out on my dominant hand in order to play certain Latin and Spanish styles on the guitar. I'm now affronting what should be my first sensual encounter with these longer nails and, having always used this dominant hand to dominate the pleasure centers of the chocho, I'm a bit nervous about how to proceed.

Of course I am a great fan of clitoral stimulation, which leaves the nails issue moot, but for the next step I'm worried about discomfort/pain, given that I don't feel I can rely on my left hand, which barely has known vag in its life.

So, ladies with longer nails/who have dated flamenco guitarists/flamenco guitarists: what is the best way to give that digital pleasure when the nails are longer?


edit: for reference https://i.ytimg.com/vi/uQ8hvowS0BQ/hqdefault.jpg
13006021, Cut those shits and move to finger picks
Posted by Sarah_Bellum, Sun Apr-17-16 12:57 PM
They come in metal, plastic or bone in various sizes for each finger. 25-50 cents a piece.


13006023, RE: Cut those shits and move to finger picks
Posted by jd215, Sun Apr-17-16 01:03 PM
Nah man that's some banjo/folk shit, flamenco don't get down like that :) Gots to be able to wildly strike and strum the guitar too
13012905, RE: Ladies: masturbation/nails?
Posted by jd215, Thu Apr-28-16 08:01 AM
I'm struggling, okp. Please help
13012912, cut them shits or get a toy...
Posted by legsdiamond, Thu Apr-28-16 08:09 AM
you aren't struggling you are being stubborn
13012913, RE: cut them shits or get a toy...
Posted by jd215, Thu Apr-28-16 08:12 AM
How so?
13012914, RE: cut them shits or get a toy...
Posted by jd215, Thu Apr-28-16 08:14 AM
I think I just have to get better with my left hand. That could be the solution
13012924, get a love glove
Posted by legsdiamond, Thu Apr-28-16 08:38 AM
I have no idea what a love glove is but it sounds like a money maker
13012930, RE: get a love glove
Posted by jd215, Thu Apr-28-16 08:57 AM
Hahaha, let me know once you have a design and we'll market this in music stores!
13012931, music stores? Nah, this is going in nail salons
Posted by legsdiamond, Thu Apr-28-16 08:57 AM
13013341, why am i envisioning some edward dildohands type shit?
Posted by poetx, Thu Apr-28-16 09:49 PM

peace & blessings,



I'm an advocate for working smarter, not harder. If you just
focus on working hard you end up making someone else rich and
not having much to show for it. (c) mad
13020643, Hahahaha
Posted by jd215, Thu May-12-16 03:30 PM
Hope you're well man, I remember laughing out loud at a lot of your posts years ago when I was more active on here
13012906, oh, this wasn't an euphemism
Posted by Cenario, Thu Apr-28-16 08:06 AM
>play certain Latin and Spanish styles on the guitar
13012915, RE: oh, this wasn't an euphemism
Posted by jd215, Thu Apr-28-16 08:15 AM
Haha no
13012919, The reason why lesbian have short ass nails
Posted by boyd, Thu Apr-28-16 08:29 AM

it's not just for the fashion
13012932, And why we see so few lesbian flamenco guitars
Posted by jd215, Thu Apr-28-16 08:58 AM
13013085, RE: And why we see so few lesbian flamenco guitars
Posted by boyd, Thu Apr-28-16 12:20 PM

put a condom on the finger(s)
13013022, This reads like a BeholdME poast
Posted by placee_22, Thu Apr-28-16 11:14 AM
that's all I got.

also, I bite my nails
13013026, wait, is this a dude?
Posted by legsdiamond, Thu Apr-28-16 11:21 AM
13013058, did you read his post or nah?
Posted by Cenario, Thu Apr-28-16 11:51 AM
13013061, kinda
Posted by legsdiamond, Thu Apr-28-16 11:52 AM
13013087, RE: wait, is this a dude?
Posted by jd215, Thu Apr-28-16 12:23 PM
Out of the band.
13013331, It's rubbing kitties or chords. Make a choice.
Posted by Atillah Moor, Thu Apr-28-16 08:59 PM
13020644, Well I have high hopes for my left hand
Posted by jd215, Thu May-12-16 03:31 PM
I figure if I've trained it for sensitive, minute movements forming chords, it must be able to adapt itself to sensual activity
13020687, this is why
Posted by TR808, Thu May-12-16 04:37 PM
The saxaphone player gets all the chicks!!!!!

ol flickety flick ass ni@@a
13020790, nope DJs
Posted by RobOne4, Thu May-12-16 09:53 PM