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Topic subject"Too Busy to date" is this real or imagined?
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12998447, "Too Busy to date" is this real or imagined?
Posted by double negative, Wed Dec-31-69 07:00 PM
Can you be too busy to date?

the most common reaction i have heard is "thats bullshit, if you want to make it work you would make it work"

I'm learning that it is possible to be too damn busy to be out there trying to play the game.

Poll question: "Too Busy to date" is this real or imagined?

Poll result (12 votes)
Totally real. (7 votes)Vote
Nah, you can always make time. You should always make time. (5 votes)Vote


12998452, depends on what "dating" means to the 2 people considering it
Posted by SooperEgo, Mon Apr-04-16 03:12 PM
wanna have sex often? yeah, i got time for that

wanna go out to eat/drink 3 times a week? yeah, i got time for that cuz i do it anyway. now i'd just do it with you

wanna talk/text/email for hours a day everyday? nah, i ain't got time for that

wanna spend all day with me on weekends? nah, i'm too busy for that
12998457, lets say too busy to even get to those points your brought up
Posted by double negative, Mon Apr-04-16 03:19 PM
>wanna have sex often? yeah, i got time for that

too busy to search and fine a mate for this for example^^^

>wanna go out to eat/drink 3 times a week? yeah, i got time for
>that cuz i do it anyway. now i'd just do it with you

too busy to search and fine a mate for this for example^^^^

>wanna talk/text/email for hours a day everyday? nah, i ain't
>got time for that
>wanna spend all day with me on weekends? nah, i'm too busy for

but you bring all good points
12998508, Great points.
Posted by lightworks, Mon Apr-04-16 03:50 PM
12998461, Totally real.
Posted by Seven, Mon Apr-04-16 03:21 PM
The hanging out having sex several times a week and not seeing a future together. I don't have time for that.
Hell...my friends complain I don't make enough time for them these days.

If it's someone I like and there's chemistry and I could see it going further id find the time.
12998462, it happens even when you in a relationship lol
Posted by tomjohn29, Mon Apr-04-16 03:21 PM
shit my wife consciously uncoupled with me for a couple weeks last year
straight work...eat dinner...go to sleep because she was so busy at work
12998463, if bums & handicapped can find love, anyone can find love.
Posted by Kwesi, Mon Apr-04-16 03:22 PM
and date, and have sex, and be happy.
12998466, Meeting and coordinating new people in your life takes time.
Posted by MEAT, Mon Apr-04-16 03:24 PM
I think someone can be too busy for dating but not to date.
They may be willing to see/have time for one person that they think highly of but not the same amount of time or energy for balancing and juggling meeting people.
12998509, Yup yup! This is probably too why some people prefer to date friends
Posted by lightworks, Mon Apr-04-16 03:51 PM
Because the energy spent finding new people is a relative waste compared to knowing what you're getting into with friend turned lover and already knowing you would easily make time for them.
12998469, It's real but if you are really really into someone, you find time.
Posted by Buddy_Gilapagos, Mon Apr-04-16 03:26 PM

"Everyone has a plan until you punch them in the face. Then they don't have a plan anymore." (c) Mike Tyson

"what's a leader if he isn't reluctant"
12998470, and thats if you find someone.
Posted by double negative, Mon Apr-04-16 03:28 PM
im talking about being too busy to be playing the game to find a person in the first place

but thats just my reality
12998472, poor you.
Posted by Kwesi, Mon Apr-04-16 03:29 PM
12998482, Kwesi. You make the board a shitty place.
Posted by double negative, Mon Apr-04-16 03:35 PM
12998489, be grateful that you're on my list.
Posted by Kwesi, Mon Apr-04-16 03:38 PM
12998527, you are the new noodity.
Posted by double negative, Mon Apr-04-16 04:04 PM
12998531, relax. im about to make you a star.
Posted by Kwesi, Mon Apr-04-16 04:07 PM
12998535, Whatever happened to that guy.
Posted by MEAT, Mon Apr-04-16 04:14 PM
12998544, i think he resolved his do/for loops
Posted by double negative, Mon Apr-04-16 04:20 PM
12998476, every morning he got up dreading each moment he had to be awake...
Posted by Kwesi, Mon Apr-04-16 03:31 PM
He'd look at the floor and scribble on gum wrappers
He never found a better way to joke around
The clock would tick, time was slow
There wasn't anywhere that he wouldn't go to avoid
Having to see anyone
He'd sit in a chair and lean against the wall
He just didn't seem to matter much at all
But late at night, he had a savior
In his sleep, in his dreams
She came to him and she said
Poor you, poor you
No one understands you
Poor you, poor you
And every word that everyone would say
Got mumbled up in his head
Like mumblejumble and everywhere he went
It seemed everyone was saying to him
Blah Blah Blah
But late at night, he had a mistress
In his dreams, in his sleep,
And she would say
Poor you, poor you
No one understands you
Poor you, poor you
This story, though not well told, is not that old
It's not that funny, it's not that great
But I know it to be true
Because late at night, I have an angel
In my dreams, in my sleep
And as she runs her fingers through my hair
As I lay on her lap and she says
Poor you, poor you
No one understands you
Poor you, poor you

man, listen: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZL4qRVGNMlk
12998570, ^^yup
Posted by teefiveten, Mon Apr-04-16 05:07 PM
but as far as dating multiple folks? yeah i can see being too busy for that but who says you have to go on mad dates w/ one person or mad dates w/ multiple folks?

i like to give it a few dates and then figure out if i want to see them more/make time for them. honestly i haven't had to deal w/ more than 2 dudes at once in the 'initial dating' stage at one time and i found that to be manageable

12998473, a female friend of mine wanted to hook me up with one
Posted by J_Stew, Mon Apr-04-16 03:29 PM
of her coworkers. Physical Therapist, very nice, attractive. BUT she lived on the other side of town which is about an hour away, and goes to bed at about 7:30pm to be up for her AM workouts. That person is basically undateable for anyone who also doesn't have a niche lifestyle that is exactly like hers. I've got my own issues/problems as well, but I think there are a lot of people that set up routines and structures that just aren't compatible with many people they would otherwise be open to dating.
12998487, I have a friend who always has to leave social function to feed
Posted by Buddy_Gilapagos, Mon Apr-04-16 03:37 PM
their dog. Then mad they never meet anyone.

"Everyone has a plan until you punch them in the face. Then they don't have a plan anymore." (c) Mike Tyson

"what's a leader if he isn't reluctant"
12998503, people who never go anywhere in general
Posted by Rjcc, Mon Apr-04-16 03:46 PM
you gotta leave the house sometimes

www.engadgethd.com - the other stuff i'm looking at
12998500, Yup. Dated someone briefly years ago who wouldn't eat past 7pm and
Posted by Seven, Mon Apr-04-16 03:46 PM
Had to be in bed by 9 to get up at 4am to practise yoga. She was cool but it didn't last past date 2.
12998488, too busy to date.. but not too busy to become text buddies!!
Posted by Amritsar, Mon Apr-04-16 03:38 PM
12998496, Just like "Too Broke to date" is real
Posted by Case_One, Mon Apr-04-16 03:43 PM
12998497, if too busy means "no time for bullshit" then yeah
Posted by atruhead, Mon Apr-04-16 03:44 PM
but if people spark an undeniable connection, exceptions can be made with the right amount of understanding
12998498, here comes mr. miserable.
Posted by Kwesi, Mon Apr-04-16 03:45 PM
12998521, lol
Posted by legsdiamond, Mon Apr-04-16 04:00 PM
12998522, suck dick, king :-)
Posted by atruhead, Mon Apr-04-16 04:00 PM
12998608, LMAO
Posted by Shaun Tha Don, Mon Apr-04-16 06:39 PM
12998515, It depends on your response to why you're so busy...
Posted by Trinity444, Mon Apr-04-16 03:55 PM
12998533, how does one refute this lol...
Posted by Big Kuntry, Mon Apr-04-16 04:11 PM
you cant be like, "b*tch no you not!"

i guess that's one of those things yall lame n*ggas gotta contend wit.

*cranks that soulja boy all up in my foreign chick*
12998538, too busy to date YOU!!!
Posted by legsdiamond, Mon Apr-04-16 04:16 PM
that's what they are really saying.

those people will date someone they really think is a catch but they aren't going to put in the time for an average nigga to impress them with their poetry skills
12998540, and what does one say in response to this? you cry in the car?
Posted by Big Kuntry, Mon Apr-04-16 04:17 PM
12998557, ^gets it
Posted by SP1200, Mon Apr-04-16 04:50 PM
k.i.m. at all times.
12998639, if thats how you handle rejection, then yeah... in the car
Posted by legsdiamond, Mon Apr-04-16 07:58 PM
12998572, The last one I dated is in Med School. It became such a hassle
Posted by -DJ R-Tistic-, Mon Apr-04-16 05:10 PM
Thing is, it could have worked with another woman...this one just had no idea how to balance things out, and was almost selfish about it all. But she would really have weeks where she worked 65-70 hours, and then had other meetings and stuff to do when she wasn't working. And what I can say is that, it wasn't solely the fact that she was just "too busy" but that med school/fellowship was her ENTIRE life, to where that's the only damn thing she would talk about. 80% of the conversations we had were about what she had going on there...it was draining as hell.
12998699, Most folks in Med school are married/engaged or single & not dating
Posted by FILF, Tue Apr-05-16 02:31 AM
Dating in Med school just doesn't work b/c you will be hard-pressed to find free-time on a consistent basis. You have to just live together as couples & spend time when you can.

I was actually in Med school but voluntarily withdrew after the 1st semester b/c I didn't want to be a physician that bad to torture myself. Most of my classmates were in their early-to-mid 20s & already in a serious relationship (some of the dudes had kids). All of them were either white or Asian(didn't have kids) except one Nigeria-American dude who was single so there is a cultural aspect to it.
12999120, Damn! Yeah I can see it....it was........a fuckin drain.
Posted by -DJ R-Tistic-, Tue Apr-05-16 01:16 PM
>Dating in Med school just doesn't work b/c you will be
>hard-pressed to find free-time on a consistent basis. You have
>to just live together as couples & spend time when you can.
>I was actually in Med school but voluntarily withdrew after
>the 1st semester b/c I didn't want to be a physician that bad
>to torture myself. Most of my classmates were in their
>early-to-mid 20s & already in a serious relationship (some of
>the dudes had kids). All of them were either white or
>Asian(didn't have kids) except one Nigeria-American dude who
>was single so there is a cultural aspect to it.
12998700, You can't date in med school...
Posted by Sarah_Bellum, Tue Apr-05-16 02:35 AM
All you can do lock down s holding pattern.

12998821, Certain professionals tend to flock with others in their profession
Posted by Buddy_Gilapagos, Tue Apr-05-16 09:37 AM
our spouses that stay at home.

My first few years of law school and working immediately after only worked with a person who was on the same crazy schedule.

"Everyone has a plan until you punch them in the face. Then they don't have a plan anymore." (c) Mike Tyson

"what's a leader if he isn't reluctant"
12998641, imagined. they dont want to date. if they did theyd make time.
Posted by BrooklynWHAT, Mon Apr-04-16 08:01 PM
just like they made time for whatever is keeping too busy.
12998813, if he or she doesn't call/text back don't worry
Posted by j., Tue Apr-05-16 09:31 AM
most people only have their phone in their hand 99.9% of the time.
12998824, Often, the person saying it wants to believe that, so it comes
Posted by Teknontheou, Tue Apr-05-16 09:42 AM
from a faux-sincere place.