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Topic subjectRE: What can he talk about? What is on the pre-approved list of talking points?
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=12998123&mesg_id=13000367
13000367, RE: What can he talk about? What is on the pre-approved list of talking points?
Posted by murph71, Thu Apr-07-16 11:29 AM

He can talk about the issues?...lol

I mean...Bernie just said Clinton was unqualified because SHE HAS A SUPER PAC AND DOES BIG MONEY FUNDRAISING....But wouldn't that disqualify damn near every modern Presidential candidate from Bush senior to Obama?

I mean, what r we talking about here? Sometimes I really believe that Bernie takes his whole Captain Progressive purity thing too seriously....Dude is playing a different game right now...And its quite head scratching....