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Topic subjectdo you pee on the side of the toilet to make less noise?
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12990657, do you pee on the side of the toilet to make less noise?
Posted by Kwesi, Wed Dec-31-69 07:00 PM
maybe only at night?

would you consider that being overly considerate?

considering you can't quiet the toilet flushing?

Poll question: do you pee on the side of the toilet to make less noise?

Poll result (22 votes)
i've peed on the side of the toilet. i wanted to make less noise. (20 votes)Vote
i used to sometimes pee on the side of the toilet, but not anymore. (0 votes)Vote
i've not ever peed on the side of the toilet. for any reason. (2 votes)Vote


12990663, the flush is louder which negates any noise saving.
Posted by BigJazz, Mon Mar-21-16 09:53 AM
so i'm not altering the way i piss...

I'm tryna be better off, not better than...
12990666, Only if I'm on the phone
Posted by DJPoke, Mon Mar-21-16 09:54 AM
12991084, this my favorite answer.
Posted by Kwesi, Mon Mar-21-16 06:08 PM
12990670, That was in The Last Emperor
Posted by Teknontheou, Mon Mar-21-16 09:57 AM
He was in a Chinese re-education/Labor camp and the fellow prisoners complained that his night time pisses in the bucket were waking the rest of them up and that he should pee against the side of the bucket.

And I only do that when I have company.
12990672, yes
Posted by legsdiamond, Mon Mar-21-16 09:58 AM
if it's a friend's house and the half bath is right off the living room.

not trying to be all loud and pissy
12990674, If someone's sleeping I do
Posted by veritas, Mon Mar-21-16 10:00 AM
Probably makes zero difference but I do it anyway.
12990681, nah but i aim my dookie if i'm not home
Posted by Cenario, Mon Mar-21-16 10:03 AM
don't need anyone hearing my poop drop plus there is less splash action when it slides down the side of the bowl.
12990683, bro, what the fuck.
Posted by Kwesi, Mon Mar-21-16 10:04 AM
12990685, people gotta clean that shit.
Posted by Kwesi, Mon Mar-21-16 10:05 AM
12990697, if its soft enough to stain its soft enough to be washed away when flush
Posted by Cenario, Mon Mar-21-16 10:15 AM
12991252, evidently we not considering the greater good. Asslow's hierarchy
Posted by poetx, Tue Mar-22-16 08:12 AM
of needs clearly goes:

1. Air
2. Water
3. Food
4. Keeping your shit from making noise
5. Shelter
6. Minimizing toilet bowl cleaning
7. Love
8. Job

this shit so serious.

peace & blessings,



I'm an advocate for working smarter, not harder. If you just
focus on working hard you end up making someone else rich and
not having much to show for it. (c) mad
12990692, add a wad of toilet paper to the bowl to prevent the splash
Posted by BigJazz, Mon Mar-21-16 10:12 AM

I'm tryna be better off, not better than...
12990695, i do that in public but not in people's crib unless i'm flushing multiple times
Posted by Cenario, Mon Mar-21-16 10:15 AM
which i don't want to do either. not tryna back up someone's toilet wit too much paper ya know?
12990789, bruh, the fact you got this all figured out is hilarious
Posted by legsdiamond, Mon Mar-21-16 11:54 AM
12990797, right? and i have so many questions now
Posted by tex, Mon Mar-21-16 12:07 PM
exactly how loud is your poop that u gotta do all that?
and since u only do it at other ppls houses, how long did it take to perfect?
is this something u intend to pass down to the next generation?
success: do u have to turn around and look or can u tell by the sound of the bloop?

im mad he has me thinking about this shit now

rosemary's babydaddy
12990809, i'm super regular...i go about 4x a day
Posted by Cenario, Mon Mar-21-16 12:22 PM
if i eat a meal at your crib and stay for a bit, i'll be using ya toliet.

With that kinda regularity you get good at it.
12991262, hol up...padding the water in a public toilet is basic stuff
Posted by Cenario, Tue Mar-22-16 08:41 AM
as is not backing up a person's home toilet

as is not flushing multiple times when bathroom is in earshot of others.

12990694, huh? how?
Posted by legsdiamond, Mon Mar-21-16 10:15 AM
does this mean you wipe the shit off the sides if its above the water line?
12990698, just rock ya body as its coming out and fling it against the bowl
Posted by Cenario, Mon Mar-21-16 10:16 AM
it takes practice but doable.

It slides down under the water line and the flush cleans the sides. I always check for stains when i'm done though in general and clean it myself if necessary.
12990700, jesus christ
Posted by Utamaroho, Mon Mar-21-16 10:17 AM
*logs out* *goes outside*
12990735, logs out (literally)
Posted by legsdiamond, Mon Mar-21-16 10:58 AM
12990810, liar
Posted by Cenario, Mon Mar-21-16 12:23 PM
12990814, you missed it. logs out - shit coming out.
Posted by Kwesi, Mon Mar-21-16 12:24 PM
12990824, i did and didnt
Posted by Cenario, Mon Mar-21-16 12:33 PM
i didn't realize the poster above him said it first.
12990858, take me! lmao
Posted by ThaTruth, Mon Mar-21-16 01:10 PM
>*logs out* *goes outside*
12991204, lofl. exactly. what the fuck did i just read
Posted by astralblak, Mon Mar-21-16 10:21 PM
12990705, You just video gamed your shit...
Posted by Paps_Smear, Mon Mar-21-16 10:23 AM
>it takes practice but doable.
>It slides down under the water line and the flush cleans the
>sides. I always check for stains when i'm done though in
>general and clean it myself if necessary.

This dude solved a puzzle that you'd find in a game by swinging his shit so it slides down into the bowl then lands slowly in the water so it doesn't lose one life.


Nigga just beat the level Shit World 3-4

I can't even right now...
12990713, O_o
Posted by KiloMcG, Mon Mar-21-16 10:30 AM
12990715, Ol Kegels booty ass nigga
Posted by DJPoke, Mon Mar-21-16 10:31 AM
Lol man wtf
12990717, lol
Posted by Cenario, Mon Mar-21-16 10:34 AM
12990736, Wait so you do all this
Posted by sectachrome86, Mon Mar-21-16 11:00 AM
but just peeing to the side is not for you?
12990741, Nigga tarzaning his doo doo
Posted by legsdiamond, Mon Mar-21-16 11:03 AM
but won't pee to the side unless his doo doo missed its mark.

okp strikes again

12990737, lmao.. this type of info
Posted by legsdiamond, Mon Mar-21-16 11:01 AM
makes me feel better when some of y'all disagree with me on random shit (no pun)

I love this place. no chip at all
12990812, now you see why i used to post "some ya'll niggas is weird"
Posted by Cenario, Mon Mar-21-16 12:23 PM
12990784, bruh- practice? lol
Posted by tex, Mon Mar-21-16 11:50 AM
eating buckets of fiber and grains
chasing chickens and running for miles thru the streets of philadelphia & shit


champion poop-flinging mad talented asshole u got there dude
oh lordy i'm dying

12990788, can't even imagine the disappointment when it misses
Posted by legsdiamond, Mon Mar-21-16 11:53 AM
dude walking out the bathroom in shame...

the prep
the pep talk
the swing
and the miss

and for what?

12990804, try to imagine the training montage
Posted by tex, Mon Mar-21-16 12:17 PM
without cracking a rib laughing
good luck with that shit

mine has rocky horns and a screaming burgess meredith

man let me gtfo this poast
rosemary's babydaddy
12990886, dude is booty plopping to Rhianna
Posted by legsdiamond, Mon Mar-21-16 01:37 PM
can only imagine the SO walking in by accident and seeing him clapping ass while looking back at the success

okps were saying their shit don't stink but damn it....this is next level.

thighs and calves on swole
12991240, Lmao
Posted by Mgmt, Tue Mar-22-16 05:54 AM
>can only imagine the SO walking in by accident and seeing him
>clapping ass while looking back at the success
>okps were saying their shit don't stink but damn it....this is
>next level.
>thighs and calves on swole
12991254, lmao. eatin all kindsa meat while training for the super bowl.
Posted by poetx, Tue Mar-22-16 08:15 AM

squeezing mad hard trying to get another rep.

dude from nfl combines getting wild hyped and clapping him on his back w/ the powder.

scouts from the raiders and chargers looking all anxious, holding they stop watches and watching the jumboobootron.

peace & blessings,



I'm an advocate for working smarter, not harder. If you just
focus on working hard you end up making someone else rich and
not having much to show for it. (c) mad
12990860, y'all mf's got people coming to my cubicle to see if I'm ok, lmao
Posted by ThaTruth, Mon Mar-21-16 01:12 PM
12990961, whet lol
Posted by queenie, Mon Mar-21-16 03:06 PM

It's plenty of money to be made
from Candler Road to Bankhead
It's plenty of room to get paid
for those that ain't scared
12990751, Nah I just put the toilet seat papers all in the water.
Posted by -DJ R-Tistic-, Mon Mar-21-16 11:15 AM
12991102, Lmfao fam
Posted by MeshaMeesh, Mon Mar-21-16 06:34 PM

"I'm twenty-two, catch
In the prime of my life,
I don't have time to be a wife"


"She was on that tip about stoppin' the violence
About my people she was teachin' me..."
12991261, CRINE
Posted by ShinobiShaw, Tue Mar-22-16 08:38 AM
12990691, no, but i pee on the side of urinals to prevent splash back
Posted by seasoned vet, Mon Mar-21-16 10:11 AM
12990701, i thought that was a given. People are out here peeing straight into urinal
Posted by Cenario, Mon Mar-21-16 10:18 AM
12990696, thanks okp. now i don't feel so weird.
Posted by Utamaroho, Mon Mar-21-16 10:15 AM
12990747, peeing on the side of the toilet creates that splatter action though
Posted by illEskoBar221, Mon Mar-21-16 11:10 AM
now you got piss droplets on you the toilet surface
and the floor

you're making more of a mess with that
12990761, Agreed.
Posted by denny, Mon Mar-21-16 11:30 AM
If I'm trying to be quiet for the wife/kids I'll just sit down. Too much splatter aiming for the side while standing up.
12990762, You pee sitting down?
Posted by Amritsar, Mon Mar-21-16 11:31 AM
Sounds about right lol
12990916, 2 Birds with one rock action
Posted by FILF, Mon Mar-21-16 02:15 PM
12990971, looking like ray charles singing on the crapper
Posted by tex, Mon Mar-21-16 03:21 PM
rosemary's babydaddy
12991021, or Stevie Wonder sitting sideways.
Posted by denny, Mon Mar-21-16 04:26 PM
12990791, jesus come back!!!
Posted by legsdiamond, Mon Mar-21-16 11:55 AM
12990857, lmao
Posted by ThaTruth, Mon Mar-21-16 01:10 PM
12990859, LMAO man are you in jail?
Posted by Paps_Smear, Mon Mar-21-16 01:11 PM
Only jail cats sit down to pee when their bigger and stronger cell mate don't wanna hear or see that shit.

Tyree demands you sit when you take a piss, ain't nobody trying to hear that shit
12990888, I work night shifts.
Posted by denny, Mon Mar-21-16 01:38 PM
The washroom is beside the kid's room and the 5 year old gets scared with the door closed. Shrug. I find other ways of affirming my masculinity than the method with which I pee.
12990890, he is a white canadian with a Black SO = yes
Posted by legsdiamond, Mon Mar-21-16 01:40 PM
12990767, Hell nah, I aim to make the most noise
Posted by flipnile, Mon Mar-21-16 11:35 AM
Minus well start sitting down to pee if I'm worried about noises.
12990825, niggas really do believe anything they read on the internet smh.
Posted by Cenario, Mon Mar-21-16 12:34 PM
12990837, newman!
Posted by Kwesi, Mon Mar-21-16 12:45 PM
12990843, piss to the side = less splashing
Posted by My_SP1200_Broken_Again, Mon Mar-21-16 12:50 PM
...those motherfuckers who piss right into the water are the ones getting pee pee all over shoes and the floor
12990862, are we talking urinal or toilet?
Posted by ThaTruth, Mon Mar-21-16 01:12 PM
12990884, i was def talking about toliet
Posted by Cenario, Mon Mar-21-16 01:34 PM
ain't nobody rocking while standing at a urinal
12990893, well this was fun
Posted by GriftyMcgrift, Mon Mar-21-16 01:44 PM
12990915, okps stay talkin shit...
Posted by BigJazz, Mon Mar-21-16 02:14 PM

I'm tryna be better off, not better than...
12991112, AYO, KEISHA!!!!! Do that thang...
Posted by poetx, Mon Mar-21-16 06:59 PM
i am in fucking TEARS at this poast.

all the side commentary.

so much insanity: 'tarzaning his poop', 'videogaming'. i'm so through.

and how cats jumped on that shit quickly. we ain't never been ones to let shit slide.

peace & blessings,



I'm an advocate for working smarter, not harder. If you just
focus on working hard you end up making someone else rich and
not having much to show for it. (c) mad
12991242, Lol I see what you did
Posted by Mgmt, Tue Mar-22-16 05:58 AM

>i am in fucking TEARS at this poast.
>all the side commentary.
>so much insanity: 'tarzaning his poop', 'videogaming'. i'm so
>and how cats jumped on that shit quickly. we ain't never been
>ones to let shit slide.
>peace & blessings,
>I'm an advocate for working smarter, not harder. If you just
>focus on working hard you end up making someone else rich and
>not having much to show for it. (c) mad
12991115, https://media2.giphy.com/media/r3nVdvaeoWvPW/200_s.gif
Posted by poetx, Mon Mar-21-16 07:02 PM
my mans lookin at that ish like, 'eureka!'


peace & blessings,



I'm an advocate for working smarter, not harder. If you just
focus on working hard you end up making someone else rich and
not having much to show for it. (c) mad
12991123, dude
Posted by tex, Mon Mar-21-16 07:16 PM
rosemary's babydaddy
12991223, youre all some weirdos...smh
Posted by guru0509, Tue Mar-22-16 12:09 AM
12991224, just when you think OKP has covered all possibilities of
Posted by astralblak, Tue Mar-22-16 12:25 AM
no one says or does that, OKP is like, think again!

i'm in tears
12991276, basically...
Posted by ThaTruth, Tue Mar-22-16 09:34 AM
>no one says or does that, OKP is like, think again!
>i'm in tears
12991264, A+ post would read again
Posted by ShinobiShaw, Tue Mar-22-16 08:54 AM
12991285, this is the type of premium content that keeps me coming back
Posted by Government Name, Tue Mar-22-16 09:49 AM
12991305, they got a gadget for that:
Posted by BigJazz, Tue Mar-22-16 10:04 AM

I'm tryna be better off, not better than...