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Topic subjectIs this Snitching? (Like a good neighboooor you need to stop smokiiiing!)
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12986046, Is this Snitching? (Like a good neighboooor you need to stop smokiiiing!)
Posted by Case_One, Fri Mar-11-16 09:53 AM
So a guy moved into the adjacent apartment an brought all of his drug addict weed-head friends (all from Africa and the Middle-East)with him. Well, it may not be weed, it's more like hash. We'er not next door, but dudes space is connected to the back of mine. So, our bedrooms and bathrooms are back-to-back.

With that said my apartment smells like a COT DANG smoke shop and it's even worst in my bedroom and bathroom. A brother can't sleep in peace without breathing all funny and taking that morning time in the bathroom to read and reflect is a NO GO.

But check this out. I tried to play nice neighbor and ask these dudes to calm it down a bit - TWICE. I was young and I understand the act of burning one, but I was respectful to my neighbors and I didn't try to smoke the building out. So, I tried. But last night I asked these jokers to stop it all together because they were trying to set a world record for getting high.

Anyway, today I told the leasing office about the matter an they're sending over a notice because as it turns out smoking in the and around the building as a lease violation.

I hope this works. And if any of those dudes step to me about it I will handle the matter as a man that love Jesus - but a man first.

I guess I'll be wearing tennis shoes for the next two weeks. LOL

12986049, *worse*
Posted by seasoned vet, Fri Mar-11-16 09:56 AM
12986056, let it be...you know it coulda been much worse than that.
Posted by Cenario, Fri Mar-11-16 09:59 AM
12986181, Man, IDEC about that spelling error.
Posted by Case_One, Fri Mar-11-16 11:47 AM
My lungs and head are hurting.
12986198, lol that aint a spelling error fam.
Posted by Cenario, Fri Mar-11-16 12:03 PM
12986209, right.
Posted by Kwesi, Fri Mar-11-16 12:09 PM
editing the guy is still futile.

he's mastered confidently not caring about grammar or spelling or words, even.
12986273, Word Choice.. What-da-ever
Posted by Case_One, Fri Mar-11-16 12:56 PM

12986050, that's not how smoke works.
Posted by Kwesi, Fri Mar-11-16 09:57 AM
what was your measurement for having them 'cut back'

your mood swings?

you totally cramped their style - you don't even have a health condition.

you're just perturbed.


i'd volunteer to help them pay you back for this bullshit.
12986453, Fool I like fresh air! That's what... LOL
Posted by Case_One, Fri Mar-11-16 03:13 PM

12986051, lmao at wearing sneakers
Posted by legsdiamond, Fri Mar-11-16 09:57 AM
thank good I no longer live in an apt. or condo

you asked them twice... but honestly, if I was young I damn sure wouldn't stop smoking weed in my place.

He needs a fan, humidifier, etc... something to help mask the smell.
12986455, It's like 6 of them too. Puffing away at one time.
Posted by Case_One, Fri Mar-11-16 03:14 PM

12986052, ha, my neighbors smoke weed all time of night and morning.
Posted by Cenario, Fri Mar-11-16 09:58 AM
I catch a contact just going in the backyard. Used to it at this point.

You live in a building tho so ain't nothing wrong with getting the leasing office involved (cept for when the weed heads trace it back to you lol)
12986462, I wish a fool would say something to me.
Posted by Case_One, Fri Mar-11-16 03:17 PM
I will call ICE on them jokers
12986060, that's not snitching. that's a grown up version of being a tattle-tell
Posted by BigJazz, Fri Mar-11-16 10:02 AM
my definition of snitching is when you are doing something wrong and in order to avoid/reduce punishment, you expose the wrongdoings of somebody else.

that's snitching. those snitches kinda deserve those stitches.

what you did was report something that somebody was doing wrong. like telling on a kid you saw do something on the playground so that the kid could get in trouble.

it's only snitching when you tell that story to avoid the consequences of your own actions.

12986070, somewhere over the years that definition was lost
Posted by seasoned vet, Fri Mar-11-16 10:08 AM
12986463, Cam'ron did that.
Posted by MEAT, Fri Mar-11-16 03:18 PM
12986061, my 60 yr. old neighbors blaze up daily
Posted by Utamaroho, Fri Mar-11-16 10:03 AM
when i FIRST moved in this house they did it as if to welcome me to East Atlanta. they give no fucks about me nor the cops driving by.

LOVED it...and i don't smoke. Just love the smell of good weed.
12986066, Old weed heads are cool...these young cats though? they get snitched on...
Posted by FLUIDJ, Fri Mar-11-16 10:06 AM
if I were in Case's shoes....
12986062, you're getting a free smokeout brotato chip
Posted by Amritsar, Fri Mar-11-16 10:03 AM
I don't see the problem here
12986183, BUT IT AIN'T WEED! IDK what those fools are smoking
Posted by Case_One, Fri Mar-11-16 11:49 AM

12990499, it'd be wild if it just ended up being shisa or something
Posted by philpot, Sun Mar-20-16 05:06 PM
12986064, Y'all have cardboard walls down there or something?
Posted by flipnile, Fri Mar-11-16 10:05 AM
Or even worse, do y'all share vents (heat or central A/C included?)

Ain't shit going through these plaster walls here. As long as a window's open the smoke clears out fast. Are they hotboxing their crib?

Oh, and yeah... it's not snitching, but it is some tattling shit. I'd be annoyed-as-fuck if someone tried to get me in trouble for smoking. Glad that it's decriminalized here.
12986073, it's coming through the plumbing chase most likely...
Posted by FLUIDJ, Fri Mar-11-16 10:09 AM
Bathrooms are back to back in order to share a plumbing chase and run all the pipes concurrently...

Where the pipes penetrates the wall (drain line & water supply lines) is SUPPOSED to be fire-stopped & sealed....but it's rarely done and often overlooked in large residential projects. They simply put a metal escutcheon over it and K.I.M. The smoke just flows right on through....
Same issue with electrical outlets.....

"Get ready..for your blessing..."
12986083, Gotcha. I chief in my bathroom...
Posted by flipnile, Fri Mar-11-16 10:13 AM
...and occasionally I'll look to see where any smoke could leak to the other apartments. Only weak spots are where the radiator pipes come through the floor, and there's a recessed ceiling light that may not be sealed.

Maybe Case can look to see what vents he could block when the smoke gets bad.
12986184, Yup! That's what's happening.
Posted by Case_One, Fri Mar-11-16 11:50 AM

12986521, lol and the crazy part is they are prolly chiefing in the bathroom...
Posted by dapitts08, Fri Mar-11-16 03:58 PM
in order to contain the smell and keep it from bothering Case when in fact is making it worse....
12986508, What if there are shared vents?
Posted by MEAT, Fri Mar-11-16 03:48 PM
Still tattling?
Last unit I left had a lot of shared vents. Three units, two on the bottom me on the top. One of the units below my bedroom smoked a lot. I think he did it out the window and I was good for the most part, but the other unit said it was getting into her clothes and hair.
12986549, Someone told me that the vest are shared in the bathroom.
Posted by Case_One, Fri Mar-11-16 04:24 PM
Man it's awful
12986187, Reporting after 2 warnings is fair imo nm
Posted by RaFromQueens, Fri Mar-11-16 11:53 AM
12986446, Real talk
Posted by Case_One, Fri Mar-11-16 03:08 PM
12986195, brought all of his drug addict weed-head friends ..report them mfkas
Posted by rdhull, Fri Mar-11-16 12:03 PM
>So a guy moved into the adjacent apartment an brought all of
>his drug addict weed-head friends (all from Africa and the
>Middle-East)with him. Well, it may not be weed, it's more like
>hash. We'er not next door, but dudes space is connected to the
>back of mine. So, our bedrooms and bathrooms are back-to-back.
>With that said my apartment smells like a COT DANG smoke shop
>and it's even worst in my bedroom and bathroom. A brother
>can't sleep in peace without breathing all funny and taking
>that morning time in the bathroom to read and reflect is a NO
>But check this out. I tried to play nice neighbor and ask
>these dudes to calm it down a bit - TWICE. I was young and I
>understand the act of burning one, but I was respectful to my
>neighbors and I didn't try to smoke the building out. So, I
>tried. But last night I asked these jokers to stop it all
>together because they were trying to set a world record for
>getting high.
>Anyway, today I told the leasing office about the matter an
>they're sending over a notice because as it turns out smoking
>in the and around the building as a lease violation.
>I hope this works. And if any of those dudes step to me about
>it I will handle the matter as a man that love Jesus - but a
>man first.
>I guess I'll be wearing tennis shoes for the next two weeks.
12986205, SACK UP Rev...you could prolly make a killing for the collection plate
Posted by LAbeathustla, Fri Mar-11-16 12:06 PM
be nosey find out what they on..sack up...stack cheese

in kidding of course Rev..but yeah
12986218, Snitching is like Payola as it only exists in certain environments...
Posted by Kira, Fri Mar-11-16 12:14 PM
Snitching like payola on exists in certain environments. You a street dude but not involved in "that" life so snitching does not apply to you. You weren't involved in a crime so how can you snitch?

With that said, stop telling on people. They could suffer from hypertension or glaucoma and need to self medicate. Stop shaming Rev because it is not cool. How do you know it's smoking? It could be vaping. I''m disappointed in you for telling on people going through tough circumstances.
12986336, RE: Snitching is like Payola as it only exists in certain environments...
Posted by TR808, Fri Mar-11-16 02:00 PM

>With that said, stop telling on people. They could suffer from
>hypertension or glaucoma and need to self medicate. Stop
>shaming Rev because it is not cool. How do you know it's
>smoking? It could be vaping. I''m disappointed in you for
>telling on people going through tough circumstances.

LOL this was the funniest thing I have read all day....

12986424, I never said it was conclusively proven in both instances...
Posted by Kira, Fri Mar-11-16 02:54 PM

but it helps and Rev out here negatively impacting people's lives by telling on them for self medicating. They trying to lower their blood pressure or eye pressure and Rev out here hating.

Georgia weed prices are pure BS by the way:

12986253, i would've gave them the "or else" warning...
Posted by TRENDone, Fri Mar-11-16 12:39 PM
"this is the 2nd time i've asked. (state the problem eg. i have kids or medical condition). if you guys don't stop you leave me no choice but report you to the leasing office."

then the 3rd time knock on their door and tell them you gotta do what you gotta do.

also, does their apt. have a balcony?
12986451, I told them fools that last night and they kept on smoking
Posted by Case_One, Fri Mar-11-16 03:11 PM
I was trying to take a shower this morning and the steam intensified that smell. That's when I made my decision to call the office.
12986500, it's all good u did it on your own accord.
Posted by TRENDone, Fri Mar-11-16 03:39 PM
12986539, you cant be responsible for your actions anyways
Posted by GriftyMcgrift, Fri Mar-11-16 04:09 PM
you being baked out of your gourd and all
12986390, You did tell on em, but you know what?
Posted by BabyYoda, Fri Mar-11-16 02:38 PM
It does not bother me because you should be allowed to enjoy your place without having to deal with all of that smoke. Now, you may be looked at a certain way by your neighbors, but it is what it is.

If you went to your neighbors and asked them to keep their windows closed while smoking or something similar and they refused to work with you, then I could understand you going to management and having them deal with it. Just know that by doing so, you may have to deal with retaliation. So, gear up for it or consider moving to a different place.
12986460, I believe in the 2nd Amendment and the right to bare knuckles.
Posted by Case_One, Fri Mar-11-16 03:16 PM

12986591, Right on!
Posted by BabyYoda, Fri Mar-11-16 05:11 PM
If you catch a fade, then make sure you bomb first before getting bombed on! Even if you get packed out, just know that the first dude got "got" first! Lol Good luck with your situation.
12986458, You didn't put that old man fear in them
Posted by PimpTrickGangstaClik, Fri Mar-11-16 03:15 PM
Should have approached them the second time like this:
12986466, Yeah I did. I went to there door last night in short, sneakers, and a t- shirt
Posted by Case_One, Fri Mar-11-16 03:19 PM
I was ready to roll.
12986912, Would've done the same. But I have BAD asthma & allergies. BAD
Posted by MeshaMeesh, Sat Mar-12-16 07:12 PM
I actually think I'm allergic to weed lol, every time I smell it, my lungs get tight (because of my asthma), and then I start itching all over & my throat gets irritated. It doesn't matter if I'm right next to it or if it's coming from outside my bedroom window. it's wild yo. This actually happened on Thursday too. Homies were chiefin in the back of the apt complex so I had to go to the opposite side of my house.

But if I were you, I would've probably waited after the 3rd time and explained from the first time about my medical conditions (that's if you had any. Your reasons are just as valid as mine). I'd feel guilty as hell doing this too, because I like everyone to be happy. When it starts to interfere with my health, that's when I have to intervene.


"She was on that tip about stoppin' the violence
About my people she was teachin' me
By not preaching to me, but speaking to me
In a method that was leisurely"
12990386, Update. Turns out these clowns were squatters
Posted by Case_One, Sat Mar-19-16 07:43 PM
They live in the complex but broke into the empty apartment so that they could smoke. I don't know how in the world this even happens in a complex that in the suburbs.
12990403, Hell in that case they got thrice as much consideration as they deserved
Posted by Cold Truth, Sat Mar-19-16 10:15 PM
12990406, wooowww
Posted by MeshaMeesh, Sat Mar-19-16 11:17 PM

"I'm twenty-two, catch
In the prime of my life,
I don't have time to be a wife"


"She was on that tip about stoppin' the violence
About my people she was teachin' me..."
12990413, Are they gone now?
Posted by MME, Sun Mar-20-16 05:34 AM
12990482, Yeah. Lights have been out since that day I told on'em
Posted by Case_One, Sun Mar-20-16 03:54 PM
And the patio door has been open.
12994047, That's good. Even a homophobic simp like yourself
Posted by MME, Fri Mar-25-16 06:39 PM
shouldn't have to deal with that.
12990402, You handled that like a mature, reasonable adult from start to finish
Posted by Cold Truth, Sat Mar-19-16 10:14 PM
Ignore anyone saying anything else.

Anyone who has a problem with this probably blasts their music on their smart phone while standing in line at the store or plays frogger on main streets during rush hour traffic.

Being an inconsiderate prick is just their way in life.
12990494, Somebody did this BS to a friend of mine recently
Posted by philpot, Sun Mar-20-16 04:56 PM
Friend is Black, lives with a white woman...this old white neighbor kept trying to rat them out for supposedly smoking in their garage...I think they filed a restraining order bc dude was getting really obsessive with it

I don't think what you did in a different scenario was wrong but definitely herbish

Also your first sentence is pretty clearly dismissive of people struggling with addiction or choosing to live a certain lifestyle, pointing out that were foreign raised a red flag
12990513, Herbish"? Yeah. The 'cool' flag doesnt apply.
Posted by Cold Truth, Sun Mar-20-16 07:03 PM
That's just about the weakest and most delusional stance to take.

That and the "struggling with addiction" bit.

Of you smoke enough that your neighbors have to smell it with regularity and they've politely asked you to ease up and you don't, none of that shit matters.
12990514, I said what he did wasn't wrong
Posted by philpot, Sun Mar-20-16 07:12 PM
he also seemed to know an awful lot of details for never having been in the room with these guys while it was going down

But really what Case did was reasonable & he didn't call the cops so that's a plus
12990538, While Troll'in I guess you missed the update about them being squatters
Posted by Case_One, Sun Mar-20-16 09:19 PM
12990565, nah I saw that it changes the situation not your reaction that
Posted by philpot, Mon Mar-21-16 01:24 AM
You did what you did thinking they lived there

Again, you didn't call the cops so kudos