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Topic subjectAww sheeit, Hillary winning Nevada with this new ad
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12975761, Aww sheeit, Hillary winning Nevada with this new ad
Posted by Deebot, Thu Feb-18-16 12:58 PM

Bernie can't top that...
12975768, RE: Aww sheeit, Hillary winning Nevada with superdelegates.
Posted by bentagain, Thu Feb-18-16 01:10 PM
12975770, Someone needs to throw up that Elian Gonzalez video
Posted by legsdiamond, Thu Feb-18-16 01:13 PM
I know it would be dirty but didn't that happen on Bills watch?

Someone from outside Bernie's campaign needs to throw that clip up
12975787, because I just found a wikipedia page titled Clinton adminstration
Posted by bentagain, Thu Feb-18-16 01:38 PM
controversies = take your pick.


12976006, she isn't Bill tho. she wasn't the President.
Posted by Damali, Thu Feb-18-16 06:32 PM
Michelle is NOT responsible for anything Barack fails to do.

12976008, lmao, that isnt how it works.
Posted by legsdiamond, Thu Feb-18-16 06:37 PM
and if Michelle ran best believe Obama's failures would be in play...

she has no problems saying "we" for the positives during the Clinton Administration.
12976028, Hillary was a major part of that admin
Posted by PimpTrickGangstaClik, Thu Feb-18-16 07:55 PM
She was deeply involved in major political decisions.

Michelle Obama was a more traditional first lady. She had a few pet projects. But she wasn't out drumming up support for legislation or in strategy meetings.
12976013, Uhh, what was Bernie's position on Elian Gonzalez?
Posted by stravinskian, Thu Feb-18-16 06:56 PM

I'm pretty sure he was with the rest of the Democrats in saying that poor kid needs to be with his dad.

Elian Gonzalez didn't get deported, he was rescued from kidnappers and returned to his legal guardian.
12975791, That "little girl" is actually a 35 year old midget. Don't believe the
Posted by Buddy_Gilapagos, Thu Feb-18-16 01:43 PM
lame stream media.

"Everyone has a plan until you punch them in the face. Then they don't have a plan anymore." (c) Mike Tyson

"what's a leader if he isn't reluctant"
12975799, From supporting child deportation & a right-wing coup in Honduras
Posted by Mansa Musa, Thu Feb-18-16 02:01 PM
...to LOVING Latino children just days before the Nevada primary.

Very sincere.
12975808, lol
Posted by Ashy Achilles, Thu Feb-18-16 02:09 PM
12975844, lol indeed
Posted by Mansa Musa, Thu Feb-18-16 02:38 PM
12975843, How the coup she supported produced more refugees
Posted by Mansa Musa, Thu Feb-18-16 02:37 PM

"Five years after a coup deposed its democratically elected populist government, Honduras now has the highest homicide rate in the world, and political repression runs rampant throughout the Latin American nation. Human rights activists, coup opponents, and journalists have been murdered with impunity. While President Obama called the coup illegal at the time, the U.S. government has since normalized relations. Today the United States continues to provide assistance to the Honduran military, despite its direct role in human rights abuses."

Clinton recommended using Lanny Davis to negotiate with the coup government. Davis became the primary lobbyist on behalf of the coup government on Capitol Hill.


"The Hillary Clinton emails released last week include some telling exchanges about the June 2009 military coup that toppled democratically elected Honduran president Manuel Zelaya, a leftist who was seen as a threat by the Honduran establishment and U.S. business interests.

At a time when the State Department strategized over how best to keep Zelaya out of power while not explicitly endorsing the coup, Clinton suggested using longtime Clinton confidant Lanny Davis as a back-channel to Roberto Micheletti, the interim president installed after the coup.

During that period, Davis was working as a consultant to a group of Honduran businessmen who had supported the coup.

In an email chain discussing a meeting between Davis and State Department officials, Clinton asked, “Can he help me talk w Micheletti?”

Davis rose to prominence as an adviser to the Clintons during the Monica Lewinsky scandal, and has since served as a high-powered “crisis communications” adviser to a variety of people and organizations facing negative attention in the media, from scandal-plagued for-profit college companies to African dictators. His client list has elicited frequent accusations of hypocrisy.

Davis was not the only foreign agent with access to Clinton. As The Guardian and Politico have reported, other emails point to lobbyists with direct access to Clinton’s personal email.

The request to talk to Davis came on October 22, 2009, a crucial turning point for the “de facto” government that had ousted Zelaya.

A week later, Clinton and her top aides reportedly brokered a deal to bring Zelaya back to power through a national unity government. But the deal was no “breakthrough,” as some media outlets reported. Rather, there was a huge loophole, providing the pro-coup Honduran legislature with veto power over Zelaya’s return. The supposed plan fell apart, and the “de facto” government sponsored what many considered a fraudulent election while denying Zelaya’s return.

The election, on November 29, 2009, was beset by violence, with anti-coup organizers murdered before the election and the police violently suppressing an opposition rally in San Pedro Sula and shutting down left-leaning media outlets. Major international observers, including the United Nations and the Carter Center, as well as most major opposition candidates, boycotted the election. As journalist Jesse Freeston documented for the Real News Network, election officials provided wildly disparate estimates for election turnout. The election paved the way for coup-supporters from the National Party to solidify power.

Rather than seeing this as a failure, the Clinton emails released last week further confirm that the State Department had sought the permanent ouster of Zelaya all along."
12975877, thank you
Posted by GOMEZ, Thu Feb-18-16 02:57 PM
12975887, I wish more people knew about this
Posted by Mansa Musa, Thu Feb-18-16 03:11 PM
The more people know about her record, the less they trust her. The truth is disturbing.
12975993, Smh
Posted by legsdiamond, Thu Feb-18-16 06:00 PM
12975807, really? this is the plan that wins it?
Posted by GOMEZ, Thu Feb-18-16 02:09 PM
"Let me do the worrying. I'll do all the worrying, is that a deal? I'll do all the worry. I'll do everything I can to help, OK?"

I hope that latino voters in Nevada ask for a little bit more detail than that.

12975909, man... that felt like some House of Cards shit...
Posted by Walk On, Thu Feb-18-16 03:30 PM
12976021, that ad was weak, she should have name dropped Obama
Posted by RobOne4, Thu Feb-18-16 07:33 PM
dont worry, Obama. Let me do all the worrying, 9/11. I'll do my best, JFK.
12976025, knew there would be tears of some kind
Posted by Amritsar, Thu Feb-18-16 07:41 PM
wasnt expecting thst though

not surprised at all

12976029, It bothers me that emotional ads like this have huge influence
Posted by PimpTrickGangstaClik, Thu Feb-18-16 07:57 PM