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Topic subjectGuys, would you buy a house with the house number 8666???
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=12975521
12975521, Guys, would you buy a house with the house number 8666???
Posted by eye.M.woman, Wed Feb-17-16 07:12 PM
it may be dumb for some
whatever you want to call it

but this house is ready to move in!
one of the best iv seen in my area
but once the realtor showed me the address..
idk it made me feel some way
price is right too!
Nas >>> your favorite rapper's favorite rapper
12975524, id buy a house with 666....in Kabbalah 666 references perfection
Posted by tomjohn29, Wed Feb-17-16 07:15 PM
12975577, Sidebar. Your sig. That's the ATLiens intro, right?
Posted by Seven, Wed Feb-17-16 09:59 PM
Do you know the recording it was taken from?
12975527, if you believe its bad luck then NO.
Posted by double negative, Wed Feb-17-16 07:19 PM
no need manifesting

12975528, It's haunted
Posted by kevlar skully, Wed Feb-17-16 07:25 PM
12975532, Crazy thing.. It hasn't been owned by a person in 15 years... Never foreclosed
Posted by eye.M.woman, Wed Feb-17-16 07:32 PM
The history just says that it was
Transferred to an llc and then to another company.. But no foreclosure
And now all of a sudden they want to
Put it on the market
12975540, there are reasons to make a house an llc
Posted by ndibs, Wed Feb-17-16 07:56 PM
other than it's haunted. even if you live there.
12975797, Do you know what the house was being used for?
Posted by StephBMore, Thu Feb-18-16 01:57 PM
if that house has just been sitting as is for 15 years, that would bother me more than the fact that it's 8666.
12975534, that address wouldn't prevent me from buying a house i want.
Posted by SoWhat, Wed Feb-17-16 07:42 PM
12975554, the hubs was saying the same... but he wont be living in it fulltime
Posted by eye.M.woman, Wed Feb-17-16 08:40 PM
like I will..
and its going to be an income property later on
decisions decisions
I gotta put my investor hat on
Nas >>> your favorite rapper's favorite rapper
12975538, if I wanted the house, yes...without hesitation
Posted by Dstl1, Wed Feb-17-16 07:53 PM
12975539, i lived at 666 w est e nd in nyc
Posted by ndibs, Wed Feb-17-16 07:54 PM
it was great. but the landlord was the devil.
12975547, Man, probably not.
Posted by KiloMcG, Wed Feb-17-16 08:29 PM
12975548, dude.. right? like on one hand its a good ass deal for my fam.. BUT
Posted by eye.M.woman, Wed Feb-17-16 08:31 PM
to keep writing that shit over and over?
like idk

what would be your reasons you wouldn't move forward?
Nas >>> your favorite rapper's favorite rapper
12975549, LOL
Posted by SoWhat, Wed Feb-17-16 08:32 PM

there are ppl who live in places where their ZIP Code begins w/666:


12975551, ay dios I know. i think i may be a bit superstitious. I didnt know I was
Posted by eye.M.woman, Wed Feb-17-16 08:38 PM
til now LOLO
Nas >>> your favorite rapper's favorite rapper
12975555, Yes, my reasons are just as silly as yours.
Posted by KiloMcG, Wed Feb-17-16 08:42 PM
I mean, my church growing up was in the 23666 zip code. That always kinda bugged me out Haha
12975561, i feel you.
Posted by SoWhat, Wed Feb-17-16 09:06 PM
12975579, This is a little more than "a bit" to me. Lol
Posted by Seven, Wed Feb-17-16 10:01 PM
12975558, As long as the realtor isn't named Damien, why not?
Posted by Innocent Criminal, Wed Feb-17-16 08:52 PM
12975565, Wouldnt the 8 cancel out the "bad luck"
Posted by Binladen, Wed Feb-17-16 09:13 PM
>it may be dumb for some
>whatever you want to call it
>but this house is ready to move in!
>one of the best iv seen in my area
>but once the realtor showed me the address..
>idk it made me feel some way
>price is right too!
>Nas >>> your favorite rapper's favorite rapper
12975567, i dont know about that..
Posted by eye.M.woman, Wed Feb-17-16 09:20 PM
just the fact that the number is consecutive and there
we will see
Im gonna do a walk thru tomorrow, so we will see how it feels

if we do like it, and if we do put an offer..
maybe I can put in the contract if the seller
can change the house number lol
Nas >>> your favorite rapper's favorite rapper
12975575, That unclean spirit will be there regardless
Posted by Mgmt, Wed Feb-17-16 09:47 PM
Watching you sleep

>just the fact that the number is consecutive and there
>we will see
>Im gonna do a walk thru tomorrow, so we will see how it feels
>if we do like it, and if we do put an offer..
>maybe I can put in the contract if the seller
>can change the house number lol
>Nas >>> your favorite rapper's favorite rapper
12975584, #DEAD
Posted by SP1200, Wed Feb-17-16 10:09 PM
12975591, The seller can't change a house number
Posted by handle, Wed Feb-17-16 10:48 PM
You might be able to get the county assessor and the city to change the address - but I don't think it's easy. It'll impact property taxes, postal deliveries, address verification services, 911 databases, GPS units, /etc.

First off numerology is a mental issue - try to get over it.

If you can't then this house will never be for you - because you'll always remember the original number.

Just get a steel ball bearing and weld it onto your address so you live at 86.66 Crazy Person Drive :)
12975581, Yes, I would.
Posted by Hitokiri, Wed Feb-17-16 10:07 PM
You should too. You'll get over the silliness.
12975598, I can't imagine a world where I wouldn't.
Posted by Rjcc, Thu Feb-18-16 12:02 AM

www.engadgethd.com - the other stuff i'm looking at
12975631, You know?
Posted by Marbles, Thu Feb-18-16 09:02 AM
12975599, fuck yeah
Posted by RobOne4, Thu Feb-18-16 12:03 AM
maybe the christians and mormons would leave me alone then
12975601, TBH, everytime something bad happened no matter how small...
Posted by rdhull, Thu Feb-18-16 12:11 AM
Id be wary..is this the 666? lol
12975641, Probably and I get the superstition, but the number is 8,666 not 666
Posted by Atillah Moor, Thu Feb-18-16 09:24 AM
and even if it were the number itself isn't "bad" or "evil" carbon has 6 protons 6 neutrons and 6 electrons is carbon evil? Oh wait -- on second thought j/k.
12975792, well ppl are composed of carbon,
Posted by StephBMore, Thu Feb-18-16 01:51 PM
and some people are evil...so there is that.
12975802, right -- people are evil not houses or receipts or video game scores
Posted by Atillah Moor, Thu Feb-18-16 02:04 PM
even in literature the number refers to an evil person not an object.
12975674, http://images.clipartpanda.com/haunted-house-clip-art-eaceMbpT4.jpeg
Posted by Binladen, Thu Feb-18-16 10:16 AM
12975682, My phone number has a 666 prefix
Posted by Danny, Thu Feb-18-16 10:31 AM
didn't ask for it but didn't turn it down either
helps weed out the kooks
"i can't put your number in my phone because (something moronic-sounding)"
lol k
12975690, LOL people are strange
Posted by teefiveten, Thu Feb-18-16 10:59 AM
i wouldn't let that stop me from shit
12975783, does Freddy's tongue come out of your phone when u answer lol
Posted by rdhull, Thu Feb-18-16 01:35 PM
>didn't ask for it but didn't turn it down either
>helps weed out the kooks
>"i can't put your number in my phone because (something
>lol k
12975860, RE:
Posted by Danny, Thu Feb-18-16 02:46 PM
>LOL people are strange

i swear yo. there's even a term for the, quite literally, irrational fear of *that* number: "hexakosioihexekontahexaphobia". and i only know it after Google-searching "morons scared of 666"

>>does Freddy's tongue come out of
>>your phone when u answer lol

ha! only during my night and weekend minutes ;)
12976040, lol all rubberized and animatronic
Posted by Atillah Moor, Thu Feb-18-16 08:23 PM
12975795, If the house is evil or haunted,
Posted by StephBMore, Thu Feb-18-16 01:56 PM
that won't change if you change the house number. because it's always truly going to be that address (kind of like skipping the number 13 on elevators). In the hospital I work in, there are no 13 rooms or 13 beds. it's 12 then 14. I love it.

I'm all about superstitions so for me, I'd feel a certain way BUT if it's a great house and well below the true market value and you can't find something just a good, in the same price range then go for it. you can always try to change the number which I have seen before so it's not a big deal.

However, I'd look into the history of the house to see why it sat so long.
12976011, There are tons of bldgs in NYC without 13th floors.
Posted by ndibs, Thu Feb-18-16 06:43 PM
I don't want to say most, cause I haven't counted. But even the 666 bldgs I lived in didn't have a 13th floor.
12975876, Yesindeed!
Posted by Case_One, Thu Feb-18-16 02:56 PM
I'd just bury a Bible in the front yard and it will be all good....

..................... Just Kidding!

12976100, Let it go to someone sane.
Posted by TheAlbionist, Fri Feb-19-16 06:07 AM
>it may be dumb for some
>whatever you want to call it
>but this house is ready to move in!
>one of the best iv seen in my area
>but once the realtor showed me the address..
>idk it made me feel some way
>price is right too!
>Nas >>> your favorite rapper's favorite rapper