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Topic subjectWould you agree MOST black entertainers have died tragically or broke?
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12975465, Would you agree MOST black entertainers have died tragically or broke?
Posted by Buddy_Gilapagos, Wed Feb-17-16 04:56 PM
It's true about the absolutely biggest ones to date Whitney and Michael.

If we started listing the others we'd be here all day so could someone share the success stories?

DJ R-Tistic, you are in LA. Do you know a bunch of old retired black entertainers living the good life with their children prospering? I once went to a pool party in Ladera Heights and Ike Turner was there with a young white woman and a Versace Short Set. He seemed to be living good before his death.

Seeing someone like Vanity needing to do a gofundme for 50k is a bit heartbreaking (sadder she only raised 5k).

It seems a life time of hard living and no health insurance is starting to catch up with the first wave of young rap & R&B artist I grew up listening as they start to hit 50 & 60 years old. I bet we will be seeing alot more gofundmes for our favorite artists.

"Everyone has a plan until you punch them in the face. Then they don't have a plan anymore." (c) Mike Tyson

"what's a leader if he isn't reluctant"
12975466, i think most entertainers PERIOD die broke.
Posted by SoWhat, Wed Feb-17-16 04:57 PM
12975501, RE: i think most people PERIOD die broke.
Posted by veritas, Wed Feb-17-16 06:25 PM
12975502, Yup.
Posted by SoWhat, Wed Feb-17-16 06:26 PM
Maybe BG is asking about _famous_ entertainers.

And if so I don't agree that most of them die tragically or broke.
12975503, I never really understood the downside of dying broke anyway
Posted by veritas, Wed Feb-17-16 06:28 PM
Can't spend it dead.

Now living broke. That sucks.

12975512, Kids. Inheritance. Funereal expense. Outstanding debt. Et al.
Posted by SoWhat, Wed Feb-17-16 06:49 PM
Plus the phrase assumes the person lived in poverty at least toward the end.
12975642, I'm inclined to think this as well.
Posted by Atillah Moor, Thu Feb-18-16 09:25 AM
12975470, ... nah.
Posted by Frank Longo, Wed Feb-17-16 04:58 PM
I don't think *most.* Several? Of course. Too high a number? Yes. I don't think most, though.
12975498, For every horror story, I see someone living well here.
Posted by bignick, Wed Feb-17-16 06:07 PM

I used to see Billy Dee Williams posted up the bar of this Italian joint near us. Scarf on, sipping martinis, living the life. Clarence Williams III too. He used to buy me and my wife drinks on some old "Look at this young brother out here, doing it" type shit.

Verdine White from EW&F goes to my gym. He's pushing a Benz coupe and wearing expensive work out gear.
12975510, I feel like actors with a substantial career might be in the best shape.
Posted by Buddy_Gilapagos, Wed Feb-17-16 06:44 PM
At least those who reached a certain height or longevity.

Billy Dee was in Star Wars for jimmney' sake. He has got to be in good shape.

"Everyone has a plan until you punch them in the face. Then they don't have a plan anymore." (c) Mike Tyson

"what's a leader if he isn't reluctant"
12975514, I doubt BDW still gets paid off SW.
Posted by SoWhat, Wed Feb-17-16 06:54 PM
He may be paid for public appearances talking about SW but he's not receiving royalty payments. He doesn't own any piece of SW.

I suspect entertainers who own some piece of their work where the work still generates revenue are in the best shape. Like entertainers who also write or produce (if we're talking movies or tv). Or music acts who write and own their publishing rights. The rest of them are paid on the front end (if they're lucky) and that's it AFAIK.
12975545, ACTUally
Posted by Mgmt, Wed Feb-17-16 08:22 PM
>He may be paid for public appearances talking about SW but
>he's not receiving royalty payments. He doesn't own any piece
>of SW.
>I suspect entertainers who own some piece of their work where
>the work still generates revenue are in the best shape. Like
>entertainers who also write or produce (if we're talking
>movies or tv). Or music acts who write and own their
>publishing rights. The rest of them are paid on the front end
>(if they're lucky) and that's it AFAIK.
12975550, RE: ACTUally
Posted by Buddy_Gilapagos, Wed Feb-17-16 08:36 PM

"Everyone has a plan until you punch them in the face. Then they don't have a plan anymore." (c) Mike Tyson

"what's a leader if he isn't reluctant"
12975582, Welp, that settles that.
Posted by The Wordsmith, Wed Feb-17-16 10:08 PM
He's definitely getting those Lando checks in this day and age.

Since 1976
12975624, he's still playing the character.
Posted by SoWhat, Thu Feb-18-16 07:22 AM
when i said he's not still getting paid off SW i meant he's not getting royalty checks from his appearance in the original SW movies AFAIK. like Fox/Disney ain't sending BDW a check every time someone buys a SW DVD or movie ticket, et al.
12975662, http://static.vibe.com/files/images/bigl6.jpg
Posted by legsdiamond, Thu Feb-18-16 09:58 AM
12975623, Verdine White was a writer on some HUGE hits that
Posted by soulfunk, Thu Feb-18-16 06:27 AM
are still selling. And for EWF's hits, they are getting paid even more off of their music being used in films and on TV. Any entertainer who is getting big residuals from writing is gonna be doing well for life.
12975696, And they STILL perform.
Posted by bignick, Thu Feb-18-16 11:15 AM
12975541, like was already said,
Posted by tariqhu, Wed Feb-17-16 07:59 PM
most entertainers end up with little to nothing, especially is they weren't the big anyway. sucks for Vanity, but I didn't think she got much cash being in the group. they didn't control anything and while she was the girlfriend, she wasn't THE STAR.

along with that, we will always here when celebs don't have or lose money more than the opposite. success stories aren't as exciting unless its a comeback type.
12975546, Elvis Presley died tragic and Broke
Posted by mistermaxxx08, Wed Feb-17-16 08:27 PM
Buddy Holly Plane Crash

John Lennon shot down cold

Ricky Nelson free base plane crash

Stevie Ray Vaughan plane crash

Kurt Cobain i think he got wacked personally,

anyway alot of white acts went out tragic as well.

alot of horror on both sides of the ice cream truck.
12975626, both sides of the ice cream truck?
Posted by shockzilla, Thu Feb-18-16 07:57 AM
12975572, I can say it happens to a lot of old reggae artists in jamaica....
Posted by Seven, Wed Feb-17-16 09:29 PM
...it's really sad.
A lot of them were involved in some classic songs that still get played today. Can't help but thinking had they been more astute businessmen and women they'd have been a lot better off.
12975583, most of them are probably doing ok, but they had to get a day job
Posted by Rjcc, Wed Feb-17-16 10:08 PM
like, those dudes in the sugar hill gang.

I was watching unsung the other day, they were doing ok after the group broke up, they just had to go work doing other stuff. they weren't broke and strung out on drugs or whatever.

you just don't hear from people like that ever again.

www.engadgethd.com - the other stuff i'm looking at
12975695, that would be cool.
Posted by Buddy_Gilapagos, Thu Feb-18-16 11:11 AM

"Everyone has a plan until you punch them in the face. Then they don't have a plan anymore." (c) Mike Tyson

"what's a leader if he isn't reluctant"
12975609, I think its a combination of a lot of things, often the most talented...
Posted by ThaTruth, Thu Feb-18-16 12:45 AM
people have the most issues.

Also the more successful they get they start to surround themselves with "yes" people and don't have anybody around to tell them when they're fucking up.
12975622, Most entertainers don't make nearly as much money
Posted by soulfunk, Thu Feb-18-16 06:21 AM
the public might think. And most that did get good money at some point aren't getting it regularly in their old age. So yeah, unless they had ownership in something they did so they can still get paid, I think it's reasonable to say that most either die broke if they are living to an old age, or tragically if they die young.
12975693, I think that's part of why some of them keep working even when they're old.
Posted by SoWhat, Thu Feb-18-16 11:04 AM
They have to keep hustling in part bc they're not receiving residual payments and may not have 'retirement' money saved.

Like that BDW example above. Or look at Betty White. She's working in her 90s probably bc she loves the work. But she's also not getting residual payments from the repeated airings of The Golden Girls or the Mary Tyler Moore Show or most of her other sitcom/game show appearances. Bc AFAIK she doesn't own a piece of any of those projects. I wonder how much she would work if she were collecting residual payments.
12975734, SAG actors do get residual payments though.
Posted by Buddy_Gilapagos, Thu Feb-18-16 12:32 PM
I don't think it's a ton of money but they do get it without being owners of the show.


"Everyone has a plan until you punch them in the face. Then they don't have a plan anymore." (c) Mike Tyson

"what's a leader if he isn't reluctant"
12975740, that's good stuff.
Posted by SoWhat, Thu Feb-18-16 12:38 PM
I'm glad to learn that.
12975747, It's so many levels to the Black entertainers, but yes, a lot of them
Posted by -DJ R-Tistic-, Thu Feb-18-16 12:48 PM
are living great. Especially those who were never HUGE, but either worked with huge artists, or were moderately known in their time, and knew how to save/invest.

My dad's main crew is the whole Locke High camp, and while the only one that was a star on her own was Patrice Rushen, the rest of them are all doing great. A few have health issues, such as how George Duke recently passed from his issues, but overall, they stayed clean, saved their money, and are still involved in music.

With the actors, I know some who you haven't seen in years, but they're still living good. What's surprising is that some of the celebs we know of actually came from rich/well to do families, so they were good even before they got the money.

Now, with rappers, most of the ones in their 40's and 50's that aren't the major names (Snoop/Dre/Quik) there's some who are living and doing decent/good, while some are doing horrible. I'm talking about...Skee-Lo, AMG, Second II None, Big Hutch, Ahmad, Fatlip, etc etc..some of them are living good enough, but most aren't necessarily thriving. They ALL still make music, too LOL.

12975801, Co-signing Two things.
Posted by Buddy_Gilapagos, Thu Feb-18-16 02:04 PM
>A few have health issues,

Main I don't know any black folks over 60 without health issues. The soul food eating catches up on you.

>With the actors, I know some who you haven't seen in years,
>but they're still living good. What's surprising is that some
>of the celebs we know of actually came from rich/well to do
>families, so they were good even before they got the money.

It's kind of just like White People but a lot of black celebs don't come from nowhere. Like so many of them at least have like an uncle or aunt who worked in the business. Not even the Jayden Smiths, you got people like Sanaa Latham whose pops is a big time TV person.

"Everyone has a plan until you punch them in the face. Then they don't have a plan anymore." (c) Mike Tyson

"what's a leader if he isn't reluctant"
12975806, Yep, it's a looot of those in the business. Even Jaleel White came
Posted by -DJ R-Tistic-, Thu Feb-18-16 02:08 PM
from money beforehand. And it makes sense..the richer kids are more connected and can afford the classes and whatever else it is that's necessary.