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Topic subjectRE: #hillarysoprogressive
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=12969220&mesg_id=12969222
12969222, RE: #hillarysoprogressive
Posted by murph71, Sat Feb-06-16 03:29 PM

That chick Hill Dawg so progressive that she voted along with Bernie 93 percent of the time when they were in the Senate together (true story)...

Like I said on the Huff Post....The Dems are headed to the flipped version of the Tea Party....Whether people vote for Bernie or Clinton (if either gets the nomination they will get my vote...Repugs should never see the Oval Office again given their batshit crazy ideology) is moot. The issue now is people like yourself drawing up a litmus test to what a Progressive is...

We saw what happened to the Republicans when the Tea Party forced them to go down that purity road......

Dems need to make sure they don't fall off that cliff....