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Topic subjectSteak Eaters, How do you like your meat cooked?
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12965306, Steak Eaters, How do you like your meat cooked?
Posted by Case_One, Wed Dec-31-69 07:00 PM
I know that some stake eaters hate anything with "WELL" in the suggestions. But I mt steaks to me cooked love Medium Well.

Poll question: Steak Eaters, How do you like your meat cooked?

Poll result (80 votes)
Bloody (3 votes)Vote
Rare (5 votes)Vote
Medium Rare (30 votes)Vote
Medium (29 votes)Vote
Medium Well (10 votes)Vote
Well Done (3 votes)Vote


12965310, Medium rare, all day.
Posted by soulfunk, Fri Jan-29-16 09:24 AM
12965311, medium.. anything else is uncivilized
Posted by legsdiamond, Fri Jan-29-16 09:38 AM
my Dad used to cook at a restaurant and used to crack up when black folk ordered Filet Mignon well done.

12965315, You see that a lot though
Posted by Paps_Smear, Fri Jan-29-16 09:40 AM
>my Dad used to cook at a restaurant and used to crack up when
>black folk ordered Filet Mignon well done.

A lot of the older cats I know won't eat anything unless its well done. To me that ruins the steak. Medium all day for me.
12965345, you guys are animals lol
Posted by Trinity444, Fri Jan-29-16 10:03 AM
12965371, LOL
Posted by Case_One, Fri Jan-29-16 10:27 AM

12965394, once you go black you can't go back
Posted by legsdiamond, Fri Jan-29-16 10:46 AM
but you can always cook a medium or medium steak a little longer
12965626, thats why I go with medium well...
Posted by Trinity444, Fri Jan-29-16 01:51 PM
there's still hope
12965742, Damn that's some dry ass shit
Posted by Mgmt, Fri Jan-29-16 04:50 PM
>my Dad used to cook at a restaurant and used to crack up when
>black folk ordered Filet Mignon well done.
12965312, Medium rare if it's quality
Posted by Atillah Moor, Fri Jan-29-16 09:38 AM
12965319, ^^^This. if it ain't quality, Medium.
Posted by Buddy_Gilapagos, Fri Jan-29-16 09:41 AM

"Everyone has a plan until you punch them in the face. Then they don't have a plan anymore." (c) Mike Tyson

"what's a leader if he isn't reluctant"
12965658, exactly
Posted by Atillah Moor, Fri Jan-29-16 02:59 PM
12965351, I agree with this also
Posted by Paps_Smear, Fri Jan-29-16 10:09 AM
I'm a medium type of dude, but yeah if its a super high quality then I'll do medium rare as well.
12965483, Yup
Posted by sectachrome86, Fri Jan-29-16 11:39 AM
Burgers I do medium, but a nice steak medium rare. I hardly ever order steaks though. Good ones are expensive and cheaper ones aren't good.
12965313, med well
Posted by Trinity444, Fri Jan-29-16 09:38 AM
no blood
12965469, Yeah, I can do Pink but no blood.
Posted by Case_One, Fri Jan-29-16 11:31 AM

12965327, Medium rare most of the time
Posted by Innocent Criminal, Fri Jan-29-16 09:46 AM
12965352, Rare
Posted by cgonz00cc, Fri Jan-29-16 10:11 AM
Even medium is kinda ruined to me

Id rather just have pork or chicken at that point
12965354, Yep. If it's not high enough quality for me to eat
Posted by soulfunk, Fri Jan-29-16 10:12 AM
medium rare, then I'll go with something else entirely.
12965357, If you're asking steak eaters, there's really only two possible answers:
Posted by shockzilla, Fri Jan-29-16 10:15 AM
rare or medium rare.
12965572, YUP.
Posted by BigReg, Fri Jan-29-16 12:51 PM
12965580, +1
Posted by Eric B Is Prez, Fri Jan-29-16 12:58 PM
12965358, It depends on the cut, but generally medium or medium well
Posted by ConcreteCharlie, Fri Jan-29-16 10:16 AM
on rare occasions i will go medium rare. recently had a waygu ribeye from argentina and did the medium rare thing, very flavorful and it was worth it. generally speaking i think that is for texans and if you do it on a very thick cut like a filet, then i really dislike it. if its real thick i will go medium well so it gets cooked all the way to the center, normal to kinda thick medium. people who get their shit super well done bug me out. the rare thing i understand but it's just not for me, personally.
12965365, Is steak preference all a visual thing?
Posted by PimpTrickGangstaClik, Fri Jan-29-16 10:24 AM
Like how much blood are you will to look at? Or is there another dimension to consider?

Steak is the only food where you tell the chef how to cook your food. I wish i could just trust him on this too. He knows what's best.
12965374, I think so. But the red liquid isn't even blood.
Posted by soulfunk, Fri Jan-29-16 10:30 AM

The Red Juice in Raw Red Meat Isn't Blood

The red juice that often collects in a package of red meat is not blood, as many assume. Most of the blood is removed during processing and any that remains is usually contained within the muscle tissue.

The red liquid, instead, is a mixture of water and a protein called myoglobin, whose purpose is to help ship oxygen to muscle cells. Myoglobin is deeply pigmented, which is why the more myoglobin a meat contains, the darker (or redder) the meat will be.
12965379, 60/40
Posted by Trinity444, Fri Jan-29-16 10:32 AM
12965564, look and texture
Posted by hardware, Fri Jan-29-16 12:45 PM
12965583, what is the look of....it got somethin to do with, uh...
Posted by Dstl1, Fri Jan-29-16 01:01 PM
12967473, For me it's 90% texture
Posted by Cold Truth, Tue Feb-02-16 06:19 PM
I got so used to the texture of well done meat that I just can't fuck with it less than medium well
12965384, Me-Jum
Posted by RaphaelSoulLee, Fri Jan-29-16 10:38 AM
Sometimes....I have to lean and closer on the mudda suckas and say Medium Rare. They see my melanin and think..."Surely you mean, well-done."
12965387, here's a good reference chart:
Posted by BigJazz, Fri Jan-29-16 10:41 AM

12965746, Lol
Posted by Mgmt, Fri Jan-29-16 04:54 PM
12965389, any one here prefer blue rare?
Posted by double negative, Fri Jan-29-16 10:43 AM
just learned about this level of done-ness
12965397, you mean un-done-ness
Posted by legsdiamond, Fri Jan-29-16 10:47 AM
12965399, That's just warm.Not even cooked.
Posted by Case_One, Fri Jan-29-16 10:48 AM

12966220, Ive had it. Not my preference per se but it was rather tasty.
Posted by cgonz00cc, Sun Jan-31-16 09:43 PM
12965497, well as fuck
Posted by Dstl1, Fri Jan-29-16 11:44 AM
12965503, man i used to think this
Posted by Ashy Achilles, Fri Jan-29-16 11:51 AM
until i actually tried a medium rare steak
it was mind-blowing
12965793, As a kid I cooked beef well because I didn't trust the pink
Posted by Cold Truth, Fri Jan-29-16 07:45 PM
I'd see commercials and even cooks on tv serve shit up rare and I just didn't get it. I thought that shit was raw. I didn't learn about degrees of done, cutting techniques, etc until I was about 11 but by that time it was so heavily ingrained in my taste buds that I couldn't stand the texture of 'medium' meat.

To be honest the whole anti-rare thing is little more than snobbery. It's like people who insist on a "correct" way to make scrambled eggs. If people think well means a brick somewhere between charcoal and dry shoe leather, they just plain don't know how to cook it correctly and refuse to accept/admit as much.
12965563, i actually made a tender well-done steak
Posted by hardware, Fri Jan-29-16 12:45 PM
back when my girl was pregnant, she was craving steak
it was just cheaper to buy it and cook it, but she could only have it well done

so i basically would sprinkle on sea salt (especially on the fat), and peppercorns
sear both sides then pop the skillet in the oven with onion, herbs, (maybe butter?) for about 8 minutes which is enough to render the fat and JUST get well done

you probably think i'm lying, but i'm not posting this to gloat or sing the praises of well done because i like medium. I'm lamenting that i don't remember how i did it. i think i made 8 steaks consistently, but as soon as she had the baby, they just got tough and i think i may have forgotten something i did.

they were good too.

12965571, even though I've heard it's risky.....a medium rare burger is heaven
Posted by sweet ruffian, Fri Jan-29-16 12:49 PM
12965584, RE: even though I've heard it's risky.....a medium rare burger is heaven
Posted by Eric B Is Prez, Fri Jan-29-16 01:01 PM
I always go medium rare on a steak, but medium on a burger. I've heard that you're more likely to find e coli in ground beef, so medium is a safer bet.

I also don't love all the extra juice in a medium rare burger...it turns the bun into a soggy mess.
12965581, Medium rare to medium
Posted by ShinobiShaw, Fri Jan-29-16 12:59 PM
12965613, If it's a good cut of meat, then anything beyond medium rare is a crime
Posted by mrhood75, Fri Jan-29-16 01:35 PM
12965638, Like.......80% Medium, 20% Medium rare. Basically medium
Posted by -DJ R-Tistic-, Fri Jan-29-16 02:29 PM
12965639, well done from a good restaurant = steak goodness
Posted by PoppaGeorge, Fri Jan-29-16 02:30 PM
any naysayers need to stop expecting cooks at Denny's to know how to hook up a tender, juicy well done steak.


"Where was the peace when we were getting shot? Where's the peace when we were getting laid out?
Where is the peace when we are in the back of ambulances? Where is the peace then?
They don't want to call for peace then.
12965650, LOL
Posted by Case_One, Fri Jan-29-16 02:48 PM

12965652, EDIT: While i agree
Posted by hardware, Fri Jan-29-16 02:52 PM
its very possible to have a delicious well-done steak

i wouldn't go to a restaurant for it. especially an expensive one.
12965653, lol...right. cats mad that they 5oz Grand Slam Ribeye ain't come out right
Posted by Dstl1, Fri Jan-29-16 02:53 PM
12965656, lol
Posted by Trinity444, Fri Jan-29-16 02:56 PM
now, I'm not getting know steak from Denny's
12965657, These words don't belong together
Posted by BigReg, Fri Jan-29-16 02:56 PM
>a tender, juicy well done steak.
12965661, ^^^ Eats his steak at Cracker Barrel
Posted by PoppaGeorge, Fri Jan-29-16 03:02 PM


"Where was the peace when we were getting shot? Where's the peace when we were getting laid out?
Where is the peace when we are in the back of ambulances? Where is the peace then?
They don't want to call for peace then.
12965721, ^^^Likes fine cuts of meat burned
Posted by BigReg, Fri Jan-29-16 04:18 PM
12965729, ^^^ Eats Grade D "WTF are you doing son?" beef
Posted by PoppaGeorge, Fri Jan-29-16 04:36 PM


"Where was the peace when we were getting shot? Where's the peace when we were getting laid out?
Where is the peace when we are in the back of ambulances? Where is the peace then?
They don't want to call for peace then.
12965788, I've had, and cooked, a juicy well done steak plenty of times.
Posted by Cold Truth, Fri Jan-29-16 07:35 PM
12965669, beef can have great flavor independent of how long it's cooked
Posted by sweet ruffian, Fri Jan-29-16 03:06 PM
just look at cheesesteaks and pot roasts

but a standard cut of steak, cooked using typical methods is never going to taste best well done.
12965719, I went to a really nice steak place in SF
Posted by sectachrome86, Fri Jan-29-16 04:16 PM
a guy I was with tried to order the filet mignon well done. The waiter told him quietly to the side "sir the chef recommends medium rare or medium" AKA "youre fuckin blowing it sir". I think he went with medium after that.
12965723, Yup. Im not gonna go tell a person how to spend their money
Posted by BigReg, Fri Jan-29-16 04:20 PM
>a guy I was with tried to order the filet mignon well done.
>The waiter told him quietly to the side "sir the chef
>recommends medium rare or medium" AKA "youre fuckin blowing it
>sir". I think he went with medium after that.

But if you're going to pay for fine cuts of meat, you actually want to taste the meat, not the grill.

12966222, Chefs at "good" restaurants do not enjoy serving well done meat
Posted by cgonz00cc, Sun Jan-31-16 09:45 PM
12966794, Lol!
Posted by Binladen, Mon Feb-01-16 10:09 PM
12965726, Medium is as far as I'll go. Anything else is uncivilized
Posted by spenzalii, Fri Jan-29-16 04:23 PM
As for going well done, I believe Hank Hill has the final word on this:

12965735, smh
Posted by will_5198, Fri Jan-29-16 04:43 PM
anything over medium rare and you should save the steaks for people who actually enjoy them. eat a hamburger or something.
12965767, yall DO realize that they overcookin ya meats on some stereotype shit now?
Posted by now or never, Fri Jan-29-16 05:52 PM
like fa reals
i've asked for medium burgers/medium rare steaks multiple times in the past year and a half
and they be bringing my shit burned all the way thru
one time, i got the receipt and it actually said "NO PINK"

they SOOO tired of yall niggas sending pink shit back that us who actually like pink/red shit can't even get it
yall fuckin shit up for everybody
No one ever went broke underestimating the intelligence of the American public. (c) HL Mencken or some other motherfucker.
12965784, Speaking of stereotypes, I had an incident at Golden Corral.....
Posted by The Wordsmith, Fri Jan-29-16 07:25 PM
...(yeah, I know their steaks aren't top quality, just work with me here) when I was in the steak line. It was a brother hooking up the steaks and he asked the white dude ahead of me how'd he like his steak. Once he got to me, the first thing he said was "what's up, brother? You want your steak well done?" I'm standing there like "well, damn." After I told him "medium", he then asked the sister behind me and of course she said "well done." I'm standing there thinking "see, this is why we get the stereotype of well done meat."

Since 1976
12965796, LMAOO. Nah on the for real, Golden Corral has decent steaks
Posted by -DJ R-Tistic-, Fri Jan-29-16 08:07 PM
People here act like they at Boa or Mastro's EVERY TIME they get steak, but that's hella lies.
12965789, "no red" does not equal "burned all the way through"
Posted by Cold Truth, Fri Jan-29-16 07:38 PM

The anti-well contingent can't seem to discuss this sans hyperbole.

"Well" and "burnt" are very different things.
12965923, RE: NO PINK
Posted by hardware, Sat Jan-30-16 02:09 PM
12966191, Basically
Posted by RexLongfellow, Sun Jan-31-16 07:52 PM
Cats screaming that shit is ruined if it's not pink

At this stage in our lives I think we know what we like... you can have a well done not ruined steak...it is indeed possible.
12965905, medium. as libra I generally pick the middle option
Posted by exactopposite, Sat Jan-30-16 01:24 PM
just a tendancy

Well done is fools gold though
Posted by jrocc, Sat Jan-30-16 06:05 PM
for the love of all that is holy ... it's 2016 and people still think that a cut of meat from an animal that's long been dead still has blood in it. that's just stupid on so many levels. getting your steaks well done cuz you think it's safer?! a medium rare steak is cooked to about 145 degrees. that's more than enough heat to kill anything that could possibly have been on it. grow up and get that steak medium rare and stop it with all the nonsense.
12966185, So what's that red fluid that runs out of a Rare or Medium Rare Steak?
Posted by Case_One, Sun Jan-31-16 07:41 PM

12966186, RE: So what's that red fluid that runs out of a Rare or Medium Rare Steak?
Posted by GriftyMcgrift, Sun Jan-31-16 07:43 PM
12966200, Myoglobin . Still too close to blood for me. LOL
Posted by Case_One, Sun Jan-31-16 08:35 PM
Myoglobin is an iron- and oxygen-binding protein found in the muscle tissue of vertebrates in general and in almost all mammals. It is related to hemoglobin, which is the iron- and oxygen-binding protein in blood, specifically in the red blood cells. In humans, myoglobin is only found in the bloodstream after muscle injury. It is an abnormal finding, and can be diagnostically relevant when found in blood.
12966301, it ain't blood though fam,it's red meat
Posted by jrocc, Mon Feb-01-16 09:50 AM
ya know, cuz the meat is red. blood is in veins, not flesh.
12966360, I gotta get my mind right for it.. I see red and i think blood.
Posted by Case_One, Mon Feb-01-16 11:27 AM

12966789, blood comes from the heart
Posted by jrocc, Mon Feb-01-16 10:03 PM
once the heart stops, no more blood is produced. a piece of meat removed from a body could not make nor store blood.
12966208, Its more like "grow up and accept that people like different things"
Posted by Cold Truth, Sun Jan-31-16 09:00 PM
There are few things more indicative of a control freak than a rant on how other people choose to eat and why they should change.

Steak is a particularly amusing subject because so many of you are so ridiculously upset that people don't eat it Your way. The good news is that what they eat won't make you shit, so you can now grow up and accept that some people like a steak cooked well and the reasons why don't particularly matter.
12966209, when im on the grill at home its a judgement free zone!
Posted by GriftyMcgrift, Sun Jan-31-16 09:05 PM
you want yours still mooing? done

you want yours to be able to be thrown like a frisbee? done

12966302, if you want it well done cuz you think it tastes better, fine
Posted by jrocc, Mon Feb-01-16 09:52 AM
but if you want it well done because you think there's blood in it then you need to come to your senses. i'd never tell anyone what they should eat, but this always bugs the mess out of me.
12966845, Why is completely immaterial. If it bugs you thats 100% your issue
Posted by Cold Truth, Mon Feb-01-16 11:57 PM
And frankly that's an issue several degrees of magnitude greater than the guy who wants his red meat cooked well because he thinks blood when he sees pink.

If you're not eating it this shouldn't bother you at all.

If I'm eating it, it doesn't really make a difference why I want it how I want it because the net affect is the same In that I either like it or I don't and whether or not it grosses me out based on a placebo effect or something more substantial doesn't change whether or not some aspect of food that may not bother you is renders that same food inedible to me.

12966187, i have this thing if im a low end/random restaurant
Posted by GriftyMcgrift, Sun Jan-31-16 07:46 PM
i usually order the steak medium well because it seems like its always way underdone at those spots and theres a certain point where I cant eat rare steak, more of a texture consistency thing

if im at a nice restaurant, i order "medium" because I have faith that they know what they are doing...usually
12966188, Medium. Any less is for white ppl and anymore is for idiots.
Posted by BrooklynWHAT, Sun Jan-31-16 07:48 PM
12966189, Black and blue
Posted by osu_no_1, Sun Jan-31-16 07:48 PM
12966192, Rare or Revenant
Posted by RagOnMe, Sun Jan-31-16 07:52 PM
12966206, Med if I'm out Med Rare if it's good place Well if a cookout
Posted by CaptNish, Sun Jan-31-16 08:53 PM
I prefer medium rare though.
12966792, No lie...I honestly came in here to clown you
Posted by Anonymous, Mon Feb-01-16 10:08 PM
By typing "stake" because you don't know how to spell Peyton Manning's name and well...

You stole my joke in your own fucking post.
12966859, lol my family is steak segregated.
Posted by denny, Tue Feb-02-16 01:10 AM
I literally divide the steaks by race. Medium rare for me and my white daughter. Cooked dry so that the only flavor is seasoning for everyone else. Even have to use two different plates because my black peoples believe that the juices are blood. I don't see a compromise in the near future.
12967471, Get a good sear, cook slower over low heat and let it rest fam
Posted by Cold Truth, Tue Feb-02-16 06:17 PM
Hell if you get that sear and throw it in some foil in low heat with a little butter and some veggies?

Nice and tender.

There's no need for a well done steak to be dry or flavorless.

Even on a medium steak, if the juices are running it's because you didn't let the meat rest. Also, make sure you cut against the grain or it will be a much tougher bite and the juices will run out.
12966861, medium rare generally, but medium if the place is kinda janky
Posted by sndesai1, Tue Feb-02-16 02:04 AM
12967125, when i was young and silly, it was all about well done...
Posted by StephBMore, Tue Feb-02-16 12:43 PM
now that I'm older...medium. I even order my burgers medium. Medium well sometimes depending on my mood (but this is visual and texture based). My friend and i were in Chile and she ordered a well done steak and in Chile, nothing is cooked all the way. so the steak came out medium well. all around the middle of the steak was well done, and then when she got to the middle, the best thickest part it was medium. a perfectly cooked medium, she removed all the pink and only ate the well pieces. it was a tragedy watching her mutilate that steak.
12967474, Ehhhhhhh. I woulda been heated just watching her
Posted by -DJ R-Tistic-, Tue Feb-02-16 06:36 PM
12967533, Good lord
Posted by cgonz00cc, Tue Feb-02-16 08:29 PM
12967141, Medium, but sometimes order medium rare if I anticipate overcooking
Posted by Wonderl33t, Tue Feb-02-16 12:50 PM

12967574, Steaks is Dumhi
Posted by exactopposite, Tue Feb-02-16 10:15 PM