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Topic subjectIf you can't go 60 seconds without sucking the snot back up your nose
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=12948409
12948409, If you can't go 60 seconds without sucking the snot back up your nose
Posted by veritas, Thu Dec-24-15 11:34 AM

Or at least learn to properly blow your fucking nose.

Now I'm gonna be sick over Christmas because you wanna be an asshole. Disgusting.
12948410, There was an intern here that did that... over the summer
Posted by flipnile, Thu Dec-24-15 11:38 AM
Literally every minute or two he was snorting mucous back up. I wondered if he was doing coke, considering the time of year.

Edit: My son does this when he gets sick. Drives me crazy.
12948627, We fired a secretary because she couldnt stop sniffling
Posted by legsdiamond, Fri Dec-25-15 01:58 PM
I think she was doing coke.

One day she came in and said she totaled her car after swerved to avoid a deer. She left the scene before the cops came.

She was crying when she was fired and the bosses wife said "dont worry, you sniff all the time so no one knows you are crying right now"

12948784, there should be an entire chapter in the etiquette handbook...
Posted by mikediggz, Sat Dec-26-15 07:41 PM
dedicated to issues dealing with mucus...but alas, there are many who skipped that section.
12948789, pops wouldnt put up with us doing that
Posted by rdhull, Sat Dec-26-15 09:37 PM
go blow that nose!
12948790, Get a fucking nasal spray.
Posted by Kira, Sat Dec-26-15 09:45 PM
The shits are $5. Take that, some theraflu, and stop being a primadonna.
12948845, Dudes be calling out of work for a runny nose? Who raised yall?
Posted by Brotha Sun, Sun Dec-27-15 11:53 AM
Lol @ exiling people from society because they're sniffling too much. Smh I thought everybody on okp was vaccinated.
12949083, I had a co-worker some years ago
Posted by janey, Mon Dec-28-15 01:40 PM
who snorted and sniffled ALL FUCKING DAY. I wanted to get a box of tissues and just SLAM it down on his desk and say "BLOW FOR GOD'S SAKE."

Turns out he had Tourette's and that was his twitch.

As a side note, he was also trying to be a stand up comedian and the single most uncomfortable comedy bit I ever saw was him joking about his Tourette's. Travis Bickle time like whoa.

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