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Topic subjectNetflix: F is for Family
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=12948400
12948400, Netflix: F is for Family
Posted by legsdiamond, Thu Dec-24-15 11:16 AM
Bill Burr has a cartoon on Netflix...

Has to be based on his father, the rants are awesome.

Definitely not for the kiddies
12948407, Watched all six episodes
Posted by Amritsar, Thu Dec-24-15 11:29 AM
It was cool...didn't laugh as much as I had expected

But the characters and storyline was engaging enough. Bill Burr is that dude too

Hoping it gets a second season so they can expand on it a bit more
12948413, I'm a huge Bill Burr fan
Posted by Mgmt, Thu Dec-24-15 11:40 AM
And this shit is unfunny