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Topic subjectWord on the street: Serial season 2 starts tmw
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12941589, Word on the street: Serial season 2 starts tmw
Posted by Amritsar, Wed Dec-09-15 05:20 PM
Just saw it on the r/serialpodcast forum

Not sure why they're going with the quiet rollout of the new season

Anyone know what the subject is going to be about?
12941619, What up with Adnan? And what about the Nisha call?
Posted by PimpTrickGangstaClik, Wed Dec-09-15 05:47 PM
Last I heard is he was granted an appeal
12941712, it's a rehearing on a couple of limited issues
Posted by janey, Wed Dec-09-15 08:43 PM
the cell phone tower evidence is in question, along with the potential testimony of Asia McLain. The order for the rehearing was issued about a month ago and the hearing would have been set within a couple of weeks after that, but his attorney's twitter hasn't updated with a hearing date yet.

~ ~ ~
All meetings end in separation
All acquisition ends in dispersion
All life ends in death
- The Buddha


Every hundred years, all new people
12942020, Adnan bout to get off.
Posted by PROMO, Thu Dec-10-15 12:34 PM
At least, he will if the rule of law is properly applied.
12941735, fool me once, shame on u....
Posted by thegodcam, Wed Dec-09-15 09:32 PM
12941882, ^^^^^
Posted by gumz, Thu Dec-10-15 10:46 AM
12941816, Season 2 is about Bowe Bergdahl
Posted by PimpTrickGangstaClik, Thu Dec-10-15 09:33 AM
The army deserter captured by the Taliban.
Ep1 is out. I may give it a shot.

I'm interested to see what they can add since it is already a pretty popular story.
12941851, This is why I was almost disappointed to hear this was the subject...
Posted by Brew, Thu Dec-10-15 10:07 AM
>The army deserter captured by the Taliban.
>Ep1 is out. I may give it a shot.
>I'm interested to see what they can add since it is already a
>pretty popular story.

A huge part of the magic of the first "season" (for lack of a better term) was the relative obscurity of the story, in my opinion.

I'm sure they'll do a good job with it I'm just saying the initial news disappointed me.
12941857, It's a popular story -- without Any word from Bergdahl himself tho
Posted by Amritsar, Thu Dec-10-15 10:17 AM
He hasn't spoken to any media

I can already bet we hear his side. In his words
12941896, yeah i wish they picked another "unknown" case
Posted by StephBMore, Thu Dec-10-15 10:58 AM
not that Adnan was ever unknown to me, it just wasn't popular. But I'm still here for it.
12942007, I'm confident they'll find angles we haven't heard about yet.
Posted by stravinskian, Thu Dec-10-15 12:19 PM

Ep 1 was great, and the promo for ep 2 sounds even better. I won't spoil it.

I didn't catch on to season 1 until it had mostly all aired, so I was able to binge the whole thing. After listening to this episode I was just as itchy as ever to click forward to the next episode.
12942022, There is sooo much we don't know about this case. And there is
Posted by Buddy_Gilapagos, Thu Dec-10-15 12:36 PM
already speculations that the official account is not the truth.

This is a great choice.

"Everyone has a plan until you punch them in the face. Then they don't have a plan anymore." (c) Mike Tyson

"what's a leader if he isn't reluctant"
12942024, I'm anxiously awaiting the Taliban interviews
Posted by PimpTrickGangstaClik, Thu Dec-10-15 12:39 PM
I hope the dropped Koenig off in Afghanistan to get the real scoop
12942031, Koenig with the Kevlar and an AK
Posted by Amritsar, Thu Dec-10-15 12:42 PM
She the real based god
12941818, Episode 1 is up.
Posted by stravinskian, Thu Dec-10-15 09:34 AM

The Bowe Bergdahl story, as expected.

Haven't listened to it yet, but I can't wait.
12941839, Just wakin up in the morning gotta thank god...
Posted by Amritsar, Thu Dec-10-15 09:54 AM
12942053, Listened to about 80 to 90% of episode 1 on the drive to work
Posted by mrhood75, Thu Dec-10-15 01:00 PM
The ep. focuses on what he says are the reasons for what happened. At first, he's not the most sympathetic guy in the world (which I imagine is part of the point), and I'm not sure I believe everything he says, but he sounds like he believes, even if he's convinced himself after the fact.

Also want to note the "base" in Mest where he was stationed sounded like the one of the absolutely worst places on Earth ("Pit of Hell" FTW). I can at least understand how being stationed there could drive someone to act very stupidly.

But, so far, good ep. and interesting choice of subject.
12942062, HTF Sarah Koenig just call up Taliban customer support???
Posted by WarriorPoet415, Thu Dec-10-15 01:13 PM
Shits crazy.....


"There's a fine line between persistence and foolishness..."

"To Each His Reach"
12942063, You tryin to get my muslim nigga free over there? You good here ma.
Posted by BigReg, Thu Dec-10-15 01:14 PM
>Shits crazy.....
>"There's a fine line between persistence and foolishness..."
>"To Each His Reach"
12942263, IKR? I bugged out too...i thought it was a joke until he didnt hang up
Posted by tully_blanchard, Thu Dec-10-15 04:53 PM

Bottoms up....and the devil laughs..

12942312, #wps
Posted by CaptNish, Thu Dec-10-15 05:31 PM
That blew my fucking mind.
12942328, White curiosity fam
Posted by Amritsar, Thu Dec-10-15 06:03 PM
12942067, after episode 1? i miss Adnan.
Posted by PROMO, Thu Dec-10-15 01:19 PM
Bergdahl is very boring sounding, very unsympathetic and kind of just comes across as someone who is potentially lying about everything. he was too vague to be telling the truth, IMO.

i'll still listen if for no other reason than to hear Koenig talk to the Taliban.

i dunno though, this just doesn't seem a very interesting story on its face - especially since much of it was already very public.
12942277, i can't decide if i think he's cute.
Posted by SoWhat, Thu Dec-10-15 04:57 PM
which is a large reason i dunno if i care about his story.
12942387, Man I haven't even listened to a single second and it already sucks.
Posted by Brew, Thu Dec-10-15 09:20 PM
I was at the gym this afternoon and every fucking TV that wasn't on a sports channel was talking about this shit. Interviewing "former platoon mates" about their thoughts about "the podcast" and shit. Ugh. I'm really disappointed in my girl Sarah. Everything that was good and interesting and fun about the first "season" (for lack of a better term) appears to be gone besides Sarah's sexxy ass voice. I'm sure I'll eventually check it out but as of now I have no interest at all, which makes me sad considering how interested and involved I was in the first season, including tons of follow up after the episodes were done.
12942440, That's a strange line of logic.
Posted by Frank Longo, Fri Dec-11-15 12:21 AM
You loved the first season. You haven't heard a second of the new season. You've heard some media coverage of the new season. You've decided the new season must suck. Am I following that correctly?

I heard the first episode today and really enjoyed it. I think fans of last season would too. *shrug*
12942447, it was trash.
Posted by PROMO, Fri Dec-11-15 02:10 AM
12942506, Lol. You're not interested to hear the Taliban's version of events?
Posted by Amritsar, Fri Dec-11-15 09:59 AM
I know adnan's charming sociopathic personality made for a more engaging listening compared to bergdahl's dryness. But there's a lot of layers to uncover here fam

Give it time..Sarah got bars
12942552, I think you missed my point.
Posted by Brew, Fri Dec-11-15 11:17 AM
12942561, what was your point then? because that's how I read it too...
Posted by StephBMore, Fri Dec-11-15 11:53 AM
that the media coverage may be a bit much and so now it "Sucks". but the media coverage is basically because of two things

1. its an ongoing case
2. the success of the first season which had everyone anticipating this second season.

it almost didn't matter what this season was about, ppl were on it. and once it was leaked what this season was about, it got more attention

I listened to the first episode and it was good. Bowe doesn't seem to reliable to me (and this is only because he can't really articulate the issues happening in the military but that might occur further down the line)
12943104, Yea "sucks" was too strong of a word. My bad.
Posted by Brew, Sun Dec-13-15 02:00 PM
All I was trying to say was this: I think the magic of the first season of the podcast was the obscurity of the story being told. It wasn't something that was covered all over the news, so the entire thing was fresh and new to everyone who listened. That was the main draw initially, to me. It was a sort of "this could've happened in our town" type of story, which was appealing.

It doesn't really have anything to do with the podcast "blowing up" or the news coverage of it, on its face. Serial got a ton of momentum and coverage last season, too. But the immediate CNN/Fox/etc. coverage immediately following the first episode is just indicative of the fact that instead of going with another unfamiliar story, they decided to go with a story that had massive news coverage at the time it happened, so everyone at the very least has "heard" the story before even if they are not familiar with the intimate details.

I should make clear that I am certain that the information presented will be new and fresh, specifically considering the fact that the story is being told in Bergdahl's (sp) own words. It will be a fresh take on the whole thing, and I'm sure it is going to be incredibly interesting, informative and complex just like last season. I guess at times I simply have a tendency to romanticize things based on my initial impression of what they are and have been, so when they even presumably venture from that first impression I come off disappointed. I guess I was just hoping for another unexplored story like last season, because that's what drew me into the podcast in the first place.

All this said, the wife convinced me to listen to the first podcast Friday night and I'm interested *shrugs*. But I think my point still stands. Hopefully I'm explaining myself well enough so at least you get where I'm coming from.

>that the media coverage may be a bit much and so now it
>"Sucks". but the media coverage is basically because of two
>1. its an ongoing case
>2. the success of the first season which had everyone
>anticipating this second season.
>it almost didn't matter what this season was about, ppl were
>on it. and once it was leaked what this season was about, it
>got more attention
>I listened to the first episode and it was good. Bowe doesn't
>seem to reliable to me (and this is only because he can't
>really articulate the issues happening in the military but
>that might occur further down the line)
12943518, Totally get your point now and I agree
Posted by StephBMore, Mon Dec-14-15 03:30 PM
we all though it would be an obscure case. So the fact they chose this one is like...WHY? but Im still interested
12950067, Sure, this all makes sense.
Posted by Frank Longo, Wed Dec-30-15 06:28 PM
I was just taking umbrage with the "I haven't listened and it sucks" comment. That kind of comment always drives me nuts, and it happens way too often on OKP, lol.
12942592, Slim was fresh Joe when she was underground?
Posted by Amritsar, Fri Dec-11-15 12:36 PM
12943107, Haha - not exactly.
Posted by Brew, Sun Dec-13-15 02:15 PM
See post #36.
12942510, I'm skeptical about his version of how he was captured
Posted by Amritsar, Fri Dec-11-15 10:02 AM
Dude said he bought afghani clothes as to not stick out

Then daybreak comes and he's captured that quickly?

He had a LOT of time to devise a story about all this. Which is why I'm excited to hear the Taliban's version

There is also a possibility he was "turned" Here. And immsure SK will explore that
12942513, Mine was he got lost?
Posted by BigReg, Fri Dec-11-15 10:07 AM
He did all this planning and he got lost? Didn't look at his compass for hours? Decided to go take a side trip to go hunt for people planting bombs?
12942525, this right here!
Posted by dapitts08, Fri Dec-11-15 10:23 AM
>Didn't look at his compass for hours?

with so much at stake there is no way in my mind that could happen. hell i'd be checking too many freaking times lol so yeah doesn't add up for me
12942564, I'm skeptical about EVERYTHING *spoilers i guess*
Posted by StephBMore, Fri Dec-11-15 11:59 AM
obviously he did a lot of planning to get out but like I said above, he never is able to articulate why he felt there was so much incompetence in his platoon.he just states he felt it was unsafe, someone was going to die, but HOW? What was the real issue? Examples?

I said on FB I feel like he was bullied/hazed and he was fed up. He did this to prove a point (which he states), he wanted to be Jason Bourne, he wanted to get some hard evidence once he realized "this wasn't a great idea" blah blah blah...trying really hard to prove his greatness.

He was cool with the Afghan police and was always hanging with them. This was known which means either he wasn't getting along with his own men or there was something about them that intrigued him. This was just the WORST idea I have ever heard.

regardless of everything, I do think he should be courtmartialed for desertion. The only reason ppl are against this is because they believe he paid for his crimes already. But that's literally what he did and why shouldn't he get in trouble for stupidity?
12943105, I was curious about this too when I listened...
Posted by Brew, Sun Dec-13-15 02:03 PM
>obviously he did a lot of planning to get out but like I said
>above, he never is able to articulate why he felt there was so
>much incompetence in his platoon.he just states he felt it was
>unsafe, someone was going to die, but HOW? What was the real
>issue? Examples?

But I assume that will be explained down the line. Hopefully, at least. I think they were just trying to lay some basics down in the first ep, and intentionally kept that question unanswered for the time being because obviously that's kind of the meat of the whole story; it will likely dictate whether the majority of listeners sympathize with his story or not.
12943534, yup that was my assumption too...
Posted by StephBMore, Mon Dec-14-15 03:42 PM
that hopefully it will be explained further down the line. But calling the Taliban? OH SHIT.
12943062, I like how he he was afraid but decided to look for people
Posted by makaveli, Sun Dec-13-15 08:00 AM
planting bombs instead going straight to his destination. sounds fishy.
12943248, The thing that has me blown is dude shipped home his personal items
Posted by magilla vanilla, Mon Dec-14-15 10:49 AM
from a military base. That shit was definitely inspected, and nobody lifted an eyebrow even?
12943495, Bowe Bergdahl to Face Court-Martial on Desertion Charges
Posted by Mageddon, Mon Dec-14-15 02:56 PM
12943532, flyover map of the route Bergdahl was trying to take: https://serialpodcast.org/maps/fly-over-op-mest-and-fob-sharana
Posted by Amritsar, Mon Dec-14-15 03:37 PM

that terrain and elevation. Have to be a fuckin beast to get through all of that in the allotted time frame.
12944939, Episode 2: The Golden Chicken
Posted by Amritsar, Thu Dec-17-15 09:55 AM
Listening now. Back later with thoughts ..
12949995, This chick really called up the Taliban??
Posted by PimpTrickGangstaClik, Wed Dec-30-15 03:18 PM
Lol. I thought y'all were joking.
12953031, So are we all agreed this season is boring as shit?
Posted by WarriorPoet415, Thu Jan-07-16 11:10 AM



"There's a fine line between persistence and foolishness..."

"To Each His Reach"
12953198, thx for upping i forgot about the new episode
Posted by Amritsar, Thu Jan-07-16 01:38 PM
would have listened to it this morning omw to work had I rememered.

Without having heard the new joint, I will agree I haven't been as captivated by this season

Coming into this season I thought there could have been a chance Bowe tried to defect instead of deserted, but I don't think that at all anymore.. WIthout that angle I'm definitely less interested.

there is still a few things I've found interesting so far though that keep me listening.

1.)The perspective from the Taliban and local Afghanis about the kidnapping. I hadn't really considered what it was like for the actual guys holding him hostage. They felt a combination of boredom and fear. Boredom from the hours and hours of just sitting around guarding this guy. And fear from other rivals like Al Qaeda or criminal elements wanting to steal Bowe from them.

2.) Hearing the stories from Bergdahl's fellow soldiers has been interesting too. Especiallyt hearing them say how they wanted to Murk him if they found him lol... They were understandably pissed at the situation

12953201, Boring. For me "Making A Murder" has been my Serial seaon 2
Posted by KnowOne, Thu Jan-07-16 01:42 PM
12956620, So it's switching to an every other week format for the rest of the season
Posted by mrhood75, Wed Jan-13-16 05:54 PM
Koenig says it's because of new developments in the story and new access to people involved in the story. She also said they're adding another episode.


I think people are being kind of rough on this season. Yeah, there's not as much ambiguity (Bergdhal was being extremely stupid and impulsive, he wasn't defecting), but I think it's been pretty compelling, if depressing, listening.
12956657, Thx for the heads up
Posted by Amritsar, Wed Jan-13-16 07:31 PM
Was kinda looking fwd to a new ep for tomorrow's commute but oh well

And agreed. Ppl are being way too hard on this season.
12956630, If you like Adnan but think Bowe is boring AF...
Posted by PROMO, Wed Jan-13-16 06:10 PM
check out this podcast called Truth & Justice.
12956659, Bowe is definitely boring compared to adnan
Posted by Amritsar, Wed Jan-13-16 07:31 PM
But not everyone can be a charming sociopath tho
12956671, you find Adnan charming?
Posted by PROMO, Wed Jan-13-16 08:06 PM
i don't. i just figure him to be innocent.
12956848, Dude listen to Koenig on them phone call tapes
Posted by Amritsar, Thu Jan-14-16 09:40 AM
Broad was giddy talking to him

I dont blame her; He was funny and engaging.

Except for that one instance where Koenig asked him why tf he didn't at least page Hae when she disappeared

His tone got dark REAL fast ..."so what are you asking me a question?"

12956672, How exactly is Adnan a sociopath?
Posted by Cold Truth, Wed Jan-13-16 08:09 PM
12956849, Hes either a sociopath or the most unlucky mfer ever
Posted by Amritsar, Thu Jan-14-16 09:41 AM
12968764, So yeah S:2 officially sucks. But Sarah is doing S:1 updates on the podcast
Posted by Amritsar, Fri Feb-05-16 09:30 AM
She's been at adnan's new hearing the last week

Her voice is noticeably different covering this stuff than the Bergdahl story. She sounds way more excited. Makes for a better listen

Day one was Asia McClain testifying for the defense. It wasWild to hear Serial come up in her testimony. How it made her realize she was way more significant part of the trial then she had thought

Day two State cross examines Asia's testimony

12969013, So these updates are great...
Posted by StephBMore, Fri Feb-05-16 03:42 PM
I wish they could be longer than 16 minutes tho! But its' definitely interesting. And I love that it's daily (as the trial goes on).

Also...in regards to season 2, it was all about bullying. He felt bullied by the Sargent. I knew it would come down to that. all that shit they talked about yesterday and it is just bullying.
12969034, Undisclosed got updates too.
Posted by PROMO, Fri Feb-05-16 04:09 PM
Not sure if they are better but they are longer and more entertaining.

Either way, sounds like the the state's attorney is grasping at straws...but according to the Undisclosed update he confronted the Defense's cell phone tower expert and told him to make sure he's there tomorrow (today) cuz the state's expert is about to drop some heat (which is very unusual for a prosecutor to come at an expert witness btw).
12969053, i never listened to Undisclosed
Posted by StephBMore, Fri Feb-05-16 04:34 PM
and I kept saying I would but I still haven't gotten to it yet. Hmmm...I might check that out this weekend though.
12969815, Apparently Adnan's attorney is SMOKING the prosecution.
Posted by PROMO, Mon Feb-08-16 11:54 AM
I wouldn't have expected less, but it sounds pretty entertaining.