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Topic subjectHow do I create a vision board?
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=12940314
12940314, How do I create a vision board?
Posted by atruhead, Mon Dec-07-15 10:07 PM
who has experience doing this?
12940322, Lol thats kinda like asking how do I make a scrapbook
Posted by Firecracker, Mon Dec-07-15 10:46 PM

A vision board is basically just a collection of pictures, quotes, goals, whatever you wanna visualize yourself being / having / achieving in the future.

I made one once in Photoshop, just added a bunch of pictures and quotes to an A4 page and had "2011/2012" in big letters in the middle. Printed it out and kept it on my fridge

12940427, find photos of what you want and put it on a board
Posted by legsdiamond, Tue Dec-08-15 10:07 AM
type out goals, etc...

12940430, I use Pinterest.
Posted by daryloneal, Tue Dec-08-15 10:11 AM
12940775, +1 came in here to say use pinterest
Posted by dapitts08, Tue Dec-08-15 04:52 PM
12940437, just do it.
Posted by infin8, Tue Dec-08-15 10:27 AM
mine is a manila folder cut in half with all kinds of photos/representations of goals taped to it.
12940713, First, have a vision. Second ...
Posted by Case_One, Tue Dec-08-15 03:33 PM

12940714, lol
Posted by legsdiamond, Tue Dec-08-15 03:35 PM
12940720, lmao
Posted by Big Kuntry, Tue Dec-08-15 03:45 PM
12940754, what comes second?
Posted by atruhead, Tue Dec-08-15 04:38 PM
12940769, give your vision clarity
Posted by Big Kuntry, Tue Dec-08-15 04:49 PM
12943452, then, buy some spanx. stuff all that girly-gut you trying to stuff all
Posted by Kwesi, Mon Dec-14-15 01:49 PM
your girly-dreams in.

in other words, quit playing around.

vision boards are for college-girls.

how you aint get that memo?

you need to get your life together?

go read some books.

talk to people.

study it.

you don't need tacky posters cluttering up your vanity, young nigga.
12943519, you upped my post just to troll. I hope 2016 is better for you
Posted by atruhead, Mon Dec-14-15 03:31 PM
12943541, this isn't about trolling or upping a post. deal with the idea that your
Posted by Kwesi, Mon Dec-14-15 03:49 PM
plan for a vision board is simply not a good idea.

as i type, im realizing that you may be doing research for your old lady.

and that's commendable.

i think it's kinda odd, but i get the idea of wanting to help your wife figure some girly shit out.

are you also the type to apply for jobs on her behalf over the internet?

i like that in a couple.


but if at any moment you thought it was a good idea to to cut some photos of cars and buff-niggas and wads of cash, out of a magazine - please just stop.

im helping you out.

don't you understand?!
12943544, https://youtu.be/jIS3KouPdgM
Posted by legsdiamond, Mon Dec-14-15 03:54 PM
12943550, look, other trolls are jerking your dick now that you're posting again
Posted by atruhead, Mon Dec-14-15 04:02 PM
I hope you all enjoy whatever you're doing
12943564, why are you always typing about dicks bruh?
Posted by legsdiamond, Mon Dec-14-15 04:16 PM
real talk? your snark always involves doing something with a dick.

12943582, fact: men trolling men is latent homosexuality
Posted by atruhead, Mon Dec-14-15 04:47 PM
fact: men cheering each other on trolling other men is even more homosexual
fact: going into 2016 homosexuality is more accepted than ever in society

summary: talking about men exhibiting gay behavior doesnt always have a negative connotation, sometimes it's just pointing out facts
12943662, so your gay?
Posted by legsdiamond, Mon Dec-14-15 07:21 PM
12943666, my gay what?
Posted by atruhead, Mon Dec-14-15 07:31 PM
12943695, ha!
Posted by legsdiamond, Mon Dec-14-15 08:59 PM
12940745, maybe make a vision board of vision boards....
Posted by sevencents, Tue Dec-08-15 04:19 PM
...to get you started.

12940784, like this:
Posted by SoWhat, Tue Dec-08-15 05:01 PM
12940929, Post images and words related to things you want AND/ OR
Posted by caramelapplebttms, Wed Dec-09-15 12:55 AM
a tip I recently heard on a podcast: Post images/ words related to what you will have to do to get what you want. Focus on images of the process as oppose to the outcome.
12943583, Buy a big enough bullentin board for your vision
Posted by Heinz, Mon Dec-14-15 04:48 PM
Use visuals of the "vision" if you can or print it out in words if you cant find a picture of it online

12943668, Im going to add "losers leaving me alone" to my vision board
Posted by atruhead, Mon Dec-14-15 07:35 PM
maybe I can manifest this into reality