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Topic subjectjust had a vasectomy
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12922773, just had a vasectomy
Posted by tariqhu, Thu Nov-05-15 10:28 AM
at home now with an ice pack on my balls.

shit was lil weird, but pretty easy.
12922784, best 15 bucks I ever spent
Posted by esb225, Thu Nov-05-15 10:32 AM
would do it again

12922794, hope mine is that cheap!
Posted by tariqhu, Thu Nov-05-15 10:37 AM
I'll be billed later.
12922809, it was in office copay for my insurance
Posted by esb225, Thu Nov-05-15 10:45 AM
they did it in the office
12922816, mine is diff.
Posted by tariqhu, Thu Nov-05-15 10:48 AM
I almost never pay for any visit on the day of the visit.

hate getting surprise bills, but overall my insurance is not bad.
12922799, why, exactly?
Posted by Kwesi, Thu Nov-05-15 10:40 AM
i feel like this is never the man's idea.
12922806, it'll be my idea. after this 2nd one is born and thriving *snip*
Posted by KiloMcG, Thu Nov-05-15 10:42 AM
12922813, *throat slice motion*
Posted by Kwesi, Thu Nov-05-15 10:47 AM
think i forgot!
12922819, haha, oh yeah
Posted by KiloMcG, Thu Nov-05-15 10:50 AM
12922894, I did it after my second, too.....SHOOT if the second
Posted by RaphaelSoulLee, Thu Nov-05-15 11:46 AM
one was the first one....it'd mighta been over a LONG time ago! Lil man is so different from little miss. HA...nah it's all good, I'm just old, tired, and a new parent all over again.
12922902, this too! lol
Posted by tariqhu, Thu Nov-05-15 11:56 AM
>all good, I'm just old, tired, and a new parent all over
12922808, it was completely my idea.
Posted by tariqhu, Thu Nov-05-15 10:43 AM
it was completely my idea.

I got 2 kids and don't want anymore.

easier and cheaper. no more bc pills and no more condoms.
12922812, she got tired of taking birth control?
Posted by Kwesi, Thu Nov-05-15 10:46 AM
12922818, she never really mentioned it,
Posted by tariqhu, Thu Nov-05-15 10:49 AM
but that just one of the benefits of it.
12922822, damn, that's nice of you.
Posted by Kwesi, Thu Nov-05-15 10:53 AM
12922825, I actually like my wife.
Posted by tariqhu, Thu Nov-05-15 10:54 AM
and women in general.
12922885, my god THANK YOU. this needs to be on a t-shirt
Posted by Damali, Thu Nov-05-15 11:37 AM
school these fools
my first marriage broke up because of this.

while we were together, I'd had 2 children and 2 miscarriages (which are followed by DNCs).... My body had been through alot. When we agreed we would have no more children (he also had 3 from a previous marriage), he suggested that I either get on the pill or get my "tubes tied"....meaning the birth control responsibility was squarely and solely on my shoulders. he refused to wear condoms and when i asked him to consider a vasectomy, he said no way.

so i was like, ok you know nothing about it. At least go to the doctor and get all the information. If you still don't want to do the procedure, i will support you because you are making an INFORMED decision and not one based on your gut reaction.

He refused to even do that. That was the beginning of the end of our marriage.

12922955, that was pretty damn selfish.
Posted by tariqhu, Thu Nov-05-15 12:28 PM
I don't see how folks justify that kind of assholia.
12922959, wtf, did he think they were gonna cut his balls off or something?
Posted by KiloMcG, Thu Nov-05-15 12:31 PM
12922969, damn
Posted by Ashy Achilles, Thu Nov-05-15 12:38 PM
12922996, 5 kids? I just got light headed reading that
Posted by double negative, Thu Nov-05-15 12:59 PM
gotdamn gotdamn FUCK YO WALLET gotdamn
12923135, *slow clap*
Posted by soulpsychodelicyde, Thu Nov-05-15 02:36 PM
12923177, Dude's replies are just disturbing, sad he doesn't see it
Posted by micMajestic, Thu Nov-05-15 03:31 PM
>and women in general.

12923179, guys. you're reaching.
Posted by Kwesi, Thu Nov-05-15 03:35 PM
im not married, nor have children.

im simply petrified of penis surgery.

that's it, that's all.

how are you disturbed by that?
12923188, it was your assertion that
Posted by tariqhu, Thu Nov-05-15 03:48 PM
that men don't make this decision, which just isn't true.

and its not penis surgery. its all in the ball sack.

doc told me they actually mic up the snipping sound now
since expect to hear it.
12923193, Yup. Instead of projecting & being snarky, he could have expressed his
Posted by micMajestic, Thu Nov-05-15 03:53 PM
>that men don't make this decision, which just isn't true.
>and its not penis surgery. its all in the ball sack.
>doc told me they actually mic up the snipping sound now
>since expect to hear it.

fears. There are tons of men who share those fears. But he'd rather present himself as a douchebag than do that.
12923197, dont tell me what to do. or how to type. you see me showing up
Posted by Kwesi, Thu Nov-05-15 03:57 PM
trying to edit your replies?
12923205, Why do you think people respond to you like they do? It must be everyone
Posted by micMajestic, Thu Nov-05-15 04:05 PM
>trying to edit your replies?

else, huh? Not you. The hilarious thing is that you may have these same communication issues in real life. If that's the case, it's unlikely that you'd find too many even keeled dudes that are willing to talk to you in confidence. Lol at you stewing in your own foolishness and imagining how other people feel about a situation. Then running online with these opinions and looking like a fool. Again.

12923233, oh shit. WE GOT A JOKER!
Posted by Kwesi, Thu Nov-05-15 04:37 PM
>else, huh? Not you. The hilarious thing is that you may have
>these same communication issues in real life. If that's the
>case, it's unlikely that you'd find too many even keeled dudes
>that are willing to talk to you in confidence. Lol at you
>stewing in your own foolishness and imagining how other people
>feel about a situation. Then running online with these
>opinions and looking like a fool. Again.

i love this reply. thabks for typing it out.

ill come back tonight to give you the fuck up you're clearly asking for.

wait right here...
12923190, nigga said its never a guys idea...proven wrong now we reaching
Posted by tomjohn29, Thu Nov-05-15 03:50 PM
12923196, i said I FEEL. like, it's my hunch. get it?
Posted by Kwesi, Thu Nov-05-15 03:55 PM
12923207, and you REACHED the wrong conclusion....deal
Posted by tomjohn29, Thu Nov-05-15 04:05 PM
12923236, you're here to celebrate every 'wrong turn' you perceive me to have made?
Posted by Kwesi, Thu Nov-05-15 04:44 PM
interesting hobby.
12923251, "every"....pretty sure this the first time ive ever directly responded to u
Posted by tomjohn29, Thu Nov-05-15 04:59 PM
what kind of delusions are you under?
12923256, ok. so make this the last time.
Posted by Kwesi, Thu Nov-05-15 05:06 PM
I want you to prove how cool you can be about it all.
12923274, ill do the opposite...im that immature
Posted by tomjohn29, Thu Nov-05-15 05:28 PM
this is a message board for crying out loud
keep the computers puting
12923292, ... i think we might could get along.
Posted by Kwesi, Thu Nov-05-15 05:48 PM
truce for right now?

i got a clown further up that's asking for this molly wop.
12922814, was 100% my idea
Posted by esb225, Thu Nov-05-15 10:47 AM
i didn't want no more kids and wanted to be sure.
12922823, TF are you talking about? I was heavily considering it for some years
Posted by double negative, Thu Nov-05-15 10:53 AM
12922840, yeah, everyone i know that has had it done it was their idea for sure.
Posted by KiloMcG, Thu Nov-05-15 11:07 AM
12922872, da fuck? almost everyone i know did it as "their idea"
Posted by ConcreteCharlie, Thu Nov-05-15 11:30 AM
are you just a bottomless supply of wrong?
12922918, LOL..geez
Posted by Dstl1, Thu Nov-05-15 12:09 PM
12923106, "bottomless supply of wrong" is the best thing I've read today
Posted by janey, Thu Nov-05-15 02:10 PM

~ ~ ~
All meetings end in separation
All acquisition ends in dispersion
All life ends in death
- The Buddha


Every hundred years, all new people
12923436, sowhat did it better here:
Posted by Kwesi, Fri Nov-06-15 08:56 AM
12923122, ^^sidenote, the layout of this thread is visually do it for me
Posted by double negative, Thu Nov-05-15 02:26 PM
12923291, you say the dumbest shit.
Posted by Rjcc, Thu Nov-05-15 05:48 PM

www.engadgethd.com - the other stuff i'm looking at
12923435, you just had to type this out?
Posted by Kwesi, Fri Nov-06-15 08:55 AM
12922995, I was altered in 97 (98? I forget now it's been so long)
Posted by janey, Thu Nov-05-15 12:58 PM
One of the best decisions I ever made.

~ ~ ~
All meetings end in separation
All acquisition ends in dispersion
All life ends in death
- The Buddha


Every hundred years, all new people
12923121, feels very freeing
Posted by tariqhu, Thu Nov-05-15 02:25 PM
even tho it'll be a few months before no bc or condoms.
12923062, almost every dad I know who's done with kids has had one
Posted by lonesome_d, Thu Nov-05-15 01:34 PM
only guy that hasn't is b/c his wife got tied (intentionally) during the C-section for their third kid.

I mentioned to two different guys that I needed one and they both recommended the same doctor. Made it pretty easy.
12923125, my doc was recommended by
Posted by tariqhu, Thu Nov-05-15 02:29 PM
my regular doc. after I met him, he seemed cool enough.
12923172, wife pregnant now...she is due in june
Posted by tomjohn29, Thu Nov-05-15 03:27 PM
appointment set for july
12923181, lol
Posted by tariqhu, Thu Nov-05-15 03:39 PM
>appointment set for july

I waited a while just so I could get my mind right. had planned on
doing it last year about this same time, they were booked.

so I basically just waited til now to get back in there.
12923200, more power to you
Posted by wluv, Thu Nov-05-15 04:00 PM
i understand why people get them.

and i already have one kid.

i just dont see myself ever getting one.

i dont think i'll ever get over my irrational fear of something going wrong with me.

kudos to u though sir.
12923222, thanks.
Posted by tariqhu, Thu Nov-05-15 04:16 PM
I only thought about it over the last couple of years, but before that I thought it was some old people shit that I'd never do.

guess I'm old now, but wasn't as bad as it may seem. honestly, its just weird more than anything. not everyday you talk to people while they're pulling tubes out your sack.

there was a female nurse who had to prep me before the doc came in. not use to nurses doing shit with my balls.

dental visits are actually more stressful than this.

12923235, how long did it take?
Posted by wluv, Thu Nov-05-15 04:41 PM
12923239, about 30 minutes
Posted by tariqhu, Thu Nov-05-15 04:46 PM
including the prep.
12923349, welcome to the club
Posted by boyd, Thu Nov-05-15 08:36 PM
12923433, daps
Posted by tariqhu, Fri Nov-06-15 08:52 AM
12923377, It's the mature thing to do.
Posted by mochalox, Thu Nov-05-15 10:38 PM
12923438, word
Posted by tariqhu, Fri Nov-06-15 08:58 AM
12923395, Vicodin and Tylenol will be your friend for the next week or so
Posted by PoppaGeorge, Fri Nov-06-15 12:44 AM
Had mine done on a Friday, went to work on Monday loaded up with Tylenol. Vicodin makes me sleep hard so that was reserved for when I got home. Shit was kinda painful at the office, sorta like somone squeezing your balls constantly. I had to tell my team leader what was up. Dude looke at me like "why are you here?", then he asked me all about it 'cause he and his wife had been talking about it.

I popped my stitches twice too and had my antibiotic switched from cephalexin to levofloxacin 'cause the first one made me too nauseous (which is odd 'cause I generally don't have a reaction to ANY antibiotics, including cephalexin).


"Where was the peace when we were getting shot? Where's the peace when we were getting laid out?
Where is the peace when we are in the back of ambulances? Where is the peace then?
They don't want to call for peace then.
12923437, does the pain get worse over time?
Posted by tariqhu, Fri Nov-06-15 08:58 AM
I haven't taken any pain meds since its not been bad really. it hurts when I get up from sittting and walking I notice it, but it's been way less pain than I thought.

they gave me some hydrocodon and cephalexin. only taken one of the cephelexin, but I'll take those to make sure there's no infection. never had it before so hopefully I avoid being nauseous.