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Topic subjectOpinions of cities based on the past
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=12913289
12913289, Opinions of cities based on the past
Posted by John Forte, Mon Oct-19-15 03:25 PM
I just tweeted something about Amsterdam smelling like piss when I was there, then I realized that I haven't been there in TWENTY FUCKING YEARS. I quickly tweeted a retraction. I'm not qualified to have any opinions about Amsterdam. Other than the old landmarks and general geography, I don't know shit about that city.

So, how many years have to pass before your knowledge of a city becomes completely outdated. I'd say 10 under normal circumstances and 3-5 in cities with hypergentrification.
12913299, My knowledge of LA is really worthless at this point
Posted by T Reynolds, Mon Oct-19-15 03:31 PM
I think if people are asking 'what's the hot place to chill / eat / drink' and you've been out of the city for 5 years, you should qualify your opinion
12913322, Eugene is a nice spot in NY. nice upscale crowd.
Posted by Cenario, Mon Oct-19-15 04:10 PM
12913327, Rock out like this at the Tunnel bro
Posted by T Reynolds, Mon Oct-19-15 04:18 PM
12913330, lol
Posted by Cenario, Mon Oct-19-15 04:22 PM
12913333, totes.
Posted by SoWhat, Mon Oct-19-15 04:28 PM
12913323, 5 yrs, period.
Posted by SoWhat, Mon Oct-19-15 04:12 PM
w/o concern re: hypergentrification.

12913325, You're right
Posted by John Forte, Mon Oct-19-15 04:15 PM