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Topic subjecti just found out white people have family reunions
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12913181, i just found out white people have family reunions
Posted by legsdiamond, Mon Oct-19-15 01:22 PM
I'm shocked...

and I bet I offended so new co-workers but iont care.

I couldn't hide my "oh shit" face..

is it true y'all or are they bullshittin meh?
12913188, I learned how to fish from my Uncle Tom* at Family Reunions growing up
Posted by veritas, Mon Oct-19-15 01:26 PM
*that's not some sort of pejorative phrase, his name is Tom and he's my Uncle.
12913189, Potato salad jacked all the way up
Posted by Paps_Smear, Mon Oct-19-15 01:27 PM

I kid I kid...

but not really
12913253, coworker said they jad one this weekend... all 12 of them
Posted by legsdiamond, Mon Oct-19-15 02:34 PM
nah, that ain't no reunion, that's Sunday dinner.

I'm talking hotel rooms and last names you ain't heard before.
12913205, When do you think those Lynching Postcards get passed around?
Posted by Atillah Moor, Mon Oct-19-15 01:40 PM
And crazy old Uncle Jeb pulls out that jar containing his trophy from the time that negro stepped out of line by sass talking. All the while Cousin Myrtle be talking about the good ole' days when coloreds knew their place amidst compliments from the rest of the family on her famous rhubarb marsh mellow casserole?
12913206, lol whut?
Posted by ConcreteCharlie, Mon Oct-19-15 01:40 PM
you never watched a sitcom before?

the ones on the gentile side of my family are vaguely pleasant, i had a good time getting drunk and stoned to get on the level of relatively simple suburbanites. the ones on the jewish side of my family are not reunions but since jews have this obsession with ritual when it comes to death, it's usually when someone croaks. they are usually marked by sadness, tension and guilt. i never go.
12913207, While the DJ's spinning a tune as the old folks Carlton dance at your family reunion
Posted by rdhull, Mon Oct-19-15 01:42 PM
While the DJ's spinning a tune as the old folks Carlton dance at your family reunion
12913255, i you dont have a DJ or tshirts... it aint a real family reunion
Posted by legsdiamond, Mon Oct-19-15 02:35 PM
12913258, I changed the lyric to Will's 'Summertime'
Posted by rdhull, Mon Oct-19-15 02:37 PM
12913264, i caught that... lol
Posted by legsdiamond, Mon Oct-19-15 02:48 PM

12913226, i just found out white people get bunions. who knew??
Posted by Kwesi, Mon Oct-19-15 02:04 PM
12913274, what about gout?
Posted by Government Name, Mon Oct-19-15 03:04 PM
12913285, YT dude I at the shop I used to work at had gout...
Posted by Dstl1, Mon Oct-19-15 03:23 PM
dude drank like a fish, ate the worst diet I'd ever seen and never did any kind of exercise besides being a mechanic. One day dude was like his big toe was on fire. I said, you got gout. Next day he could barely put his boot on. He was limping bad as shit. Damn near in tears. He went on like that for a week...it would come and go. Finally he went to the doc. That uric acid was kickin his ass, lol.
12913275, what about gout?
Posted by Government Name, Mon Oct-19-15 03:04 PM
12913230, definitely true
Posted by Mack, Mon Oct-19-15 02:07 PM
always funny when you find out you're related to people that you know but didn't realize you were cousins.
12913234, I'd go just to play horse shoes...
Posted by Big Kuntry, Mon Oct-19-15 02:12 PM
White folks can play some ga damn horse shoe!

12913250, I challenge you to a game of horse hoes, a game of horseshooooeeeees
Posted by legsdiamond, Mon Oct-19-15 02:32 PM
12913269, :-\
Posted by Big Kuntry, Mon Oct-19-15 02:56 PM
12913518, i don't know why but i'm cracking up
Posted by Ashy Achilles, Tue Oct-20-15 08:23 AM
12913280, And cornhole
Posted by Amritsar, Mon Oct-19-15 03:13 PM
12913338, no they don't. not like black families. they have wedding.
Posted by ndibs, Mon Oct-19-15 04:38 PM
12913350, they dont make t shirts for it though
Posted by drugs, Mon Oct-19-15 05:20 PM
12913513, Being a west coast negro, we rarely have these
Posted by soken, Tue Oct-20-15 08:18 AM
12913517, smh
Posted by KiloMcG, Tue Oct-20-15 08:23 AM
12913566, sorry fam.
Posted by legsdiamond, Tue Oct-20-15 08:59 AM
12913568, haha
Posted by KiloMcG, Tue Oct-20-15 09:00 AM
12913575, I grew up in the burbs in Pittsburgh...
Posted by legsdiamond, Tue Oct-20-15 09:04 AM
white kids looked at us sideways when we talked about family reunions..

white dude in my Uber said it was his family reunion, he prolly gave me a line rating cause I straight up told him I was shocked.
12913588, yeah, you're in the South now.
Posted by KiloMcG, Tue Oct-20-15 09:23 AM
we do things different down here.

dont think my family reunions ever had tshirts, but they did involve renting out hotels/cabins/whatever and used to be pretty big. they have since dwindled in participation as the older siblings that held it all together have pretty much all died now. this was the first year that there wasn't one, my mom said last night. i haven't been to one in many years.

at one such reunion when i was probably around 8 my step-grandfather got drunk (he was a drunk. there wasn't even booze like that at the actual gatherings. pretty conservative Christian family) and accused someone of stealing his wallet out of his room and he was being an ass to my grandmother (my mom's mom), so my dad slapped him across the face. i remember that being an awkward night at the family dinner Haha.
12913591, I do see it seems to be more of a south thing but.
Posted by soken, Tue Oct-20-15 09:27 AM
this day in age it seems like all the elders who kept the fam together is slowly dieing out. For example my madea had everyone get together but once she passed, all the fam went there separate ways
12913592, yeah, for sure. it may be a dead practice among my people these days.
Posted by KiloMcG, Tue Oct-20-15 09:29 AM
i really don't know.