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Topic subjectget over yourselves, tall airplane passengers. (link/swipe)
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12913071, get over yourselves, tall airplane passengers. (link/swipe)
Posted by SoWhat, Mon Oct-19-15 11:56 AM

Man Allegedly Tries To Strangle Woman On LAX-SFO Flight After She Tilted Her Seat Back

by Eve Batey in News on Oct 19, 2015 8:55 am

A San Francisco-bound flight was grounded at Los Angeles International Airport Sunday night after a male passenger allegedly grabbed a woman by the throat for reclining her seat.

The plane took off at around 10:25 p.m. Sunday night, and had been in the air for about ten minutes when, according to an email statement from Southwest spokeswoman Melissa Ford, “The pilot in command of Southwest flight #2010 from LAX to San Francisco International airport returned to Los Angeles to allow police access to the cabin because of a rapidly escalating situation involving passengers who were not traveling together.“

"To receive priority handling from air traffic controllers, the Captain declared an emergency, landed uneventfully, and reached a gate where law enforcement officers met the flight.”

According to in-flight audio obtained by NBC, the plane's pilot contacted the control tower at LAX, saying "Evidently, we’ve got two passengers who are in a physical altercation, so we need to get turned around back to LAX."

A witness who spoke with NBC says that after a female passenger put her seat in the reclining position, the man, who was seated behind her, “started choking her. She shouted for help and the crew came to see what happened. The man stayed very calm during the whole situation.”

The woman moves to another seat, and by 10:43, the flight was back at LAX.

Law enforcement officers met the plane at the gate, ABC7 confirms, and removed the man from the flight.

"An individual was detained for questioning following the return of a SW aircraft to LAX based on allegations of an assault involving a fellow passenger,” FBI spokeswoman Laura Eimillier said in an emailed statement.

““The allegations involve assault of a fellow passenger but no charges have been filed...No arrest has been made at this time and the investigation is continuing.”

Ford says that the plane's other 136 passengers — everyone but the alleged choker — boarded another flight and landed at San Francisco International Airport at 1:48 this morning, about five hours behind schedule.
12913077, People are crazy and airplanes are getting smaller
Posted by MEAT, Mon Oct-19-15 12:03 PM
Here's a flight I took a few months ago.

12913092, If you are actually hitting the person's legs, then you shouldn't recline back.
Posted by PimpTrickGangstaClik, Mon Oct-19-15 12:14 PM
Just gotta just sit straight backed and deal with it

There are airplane things that feel innate and you have to be some type of sociopath to not follow.
Like the distribution of armrests. Leg spreading (I understand you want to let your shit breathe, but stay in your zone). The disembarking order (back waits for front passengers to get their stuff and move through the aisle).
12913097, i have no way of knowing b/w i don't care
Posted by SoWhat, Mon Oct-19-15 12:17 PM

how am i supposed to know if the reclined seat is hitting the legs of the person behind?


i don't care if the reclined seat hits the legs of the person behind. the seat is designed to recline and so i'm going to recline. period.
12913101, That's because you are an asshole
Posted by PimpTrickGangstaClik, Mon Oct-19-15 12:19 PM
If you are making someone physically uncomfortable (or even causing them pain), why are you going to continue doing it just because you can?

You can reduce your reclining, he/she can't shorten their legs
12913102, it's also b/c i paid for a seat that reclines.
Posted by SoWhat, Mon Oct-19-15 12:20 PM
and so i'm going to use it to its full capabilities.

legs too long? too bad/so sad. not my problem.
12913108, he/.she can pay for more space
Posted by Cenario, Mon Oct-19-15 12:24 PM

>You can reduce your reclining, he/she can't shorten their
12913847, This is asshole logic
Posted by John Forte, Tue Oct-20-15 01:21 PM
It's like saying that you can make as much noise as you want in an apartment, because your neighbor can pay to live in a single-family home. The fact that other people theoretically have options, does not excuse you from having basic human decency.
12913857, LOL @ 'basic human decency'
Posted by SoWhat, Tue Oct-20-15 01:28 PM

12913861, Inflicting pain on a stranger because "I paid for the seat and it reclines"
Posted by John Forte, Tue Oct-20-15 01:33 PM
Sosa in fact show a lack of decency. You might actually be a sociopath.
12913863, 'inflicting pain', eh? LOL
Posted by SoWhat, Tue Oct-20-15 01:34 PM
>You might actually be a

i'll be that. in a reclined seat, natch.

12913099, "don't make me turn this plane around"
Posted by Dstl1, Mon Oct-19-15 12:19 PM
12913104, "you think i won't??"
Posted by SoWhat, Mon Oct-19-15 12:21 PM
12913106, I'm 6'4 and i will never complain about someone puttin their seat back
Posted by Cenario, Mon Oct-19-15 12:24 PM
unless the attendants instructions are to put the seats upright.

I just flew to hawaii (10+hours) and these were freaking recliners. When my tray was down it was actually on my lap. I had to keep one leg on my wife's side and one in the aisle (fell asleep and got clipped by the food tray twice)

But that's what i paid for. You paid for what you paid for so how can i be mad at you?
12913112, I'd be packing this if I were you lol
Posted by PimpTrickGangstaClik, Mon Oct-19-15 12:28 PM
12913117, lmao.
Posted by Cenario, Mon Oct-19-15 12:30 PM
12913160, banned.
Posted by SoWhat, Mon Oct-19-15 01:09 PM
12913116, fam, that flight to Hawaii is a beast, too...
Posted by Dstl1, Mon Oct-19-15 12:30 PM
we was on that jawn with a bunch of girl scouts. Its enough that I don't like flying as it is. Nothing but little girls key-keyin' and the sound of the engines from Chicago to Honolulu. I had to get extra B.A. Baracus'd up for that one.
12913111, I'm sorta surprised there aren't more fracases on airplanes
Posted by veritas, Mon Oct-19-15 12:28 PM
air travel never fails to make me want to choke at least one person, i just don't because i'm an adult with some semblance of impulse control.
12913119, smh on an airplane is the worst place to act a fool
Posted by Cenario, Mon Oct-19-15 12:31 PM
you are going to have over 100 people pissed off at you if there's a hint of their flight being diverted.
12913118, Tall people deserve sympathy for this ; fat people do not
Posted by Amritsar, Mon Oct-19-15 12:30 PM
12913121, if you get caught next to a fat person and they are oozing in your space
Posted by Cenario, Mon Oct-19-15 12:32 PM
what do you do?

complain to a flight attendant?
12913140, Military style burpees in the aisle
Posted by Amritsar, Mon Oct-19-15 12:49 PM
I'm a lead by example kind of guy

12913369, LMAO
Posted by Big Kuntry, Mon Oct-19-15 06:25 PM
12913801, WHOOPSIE!!!
Posted by MiracleRic, Tue Oct-20-15 12:29 PM
12913123, i don't usually complain but it does suck...
Posted by gumz, Mon Oct-19-15 12:34 PM
most of the time i charge it to the game but once or twice i have asked the person in front if they could move it up a little cause they were straight up crushing me legs. they didn't have to comply though, it was of them to but i couldn't blame them if they were like "nah fuck that".

because i've been there i usually don't recline too much. you can tell when you're just destroying the person behind you. i'm just not that much of a dick i guess.
12913162, sometimes i care about the person behind my seat
Posted by SoWhat, Mon Oct-19-15 01:11 PM
but i usually don't.

12913143, I get up on my toes, make my knees into immovable objects
Posted by flipnile, Mon Oct-19-15 12:51 PM
If they're gonna put that seat back then they are gonna have to do it the old-fashioned way and ask me if they can, lol. Fuck that passive-aggressive, "pretend they don't know someone is behind them" shit.
12913147, if that happened i would assume the chair was broke and tell the attendant
Posted by Cenario, Mon Oct-19-15 12:58 PM
so she could comp me something free.
12913155, lol, last time dude tried to recline, kept hitting my knees then eventually...
Posted by flipnile, Mon Oct-19-15 01:03 PM
Turned around, saw my knees pressing into the back of his chair, said "sorry" and gave it up. It was a short flight tho, like 90 minutes.

On longer flights, I aim for that aisle seat so I can stick my legs out there. Only major annoyances are the people that have to shit (and walk by me) 10 minutes after the plane takes off.
12913164, yup.
Posted by SoWhat, Mon Oct-19-15 01:11 PM
12913241, wtf? someone is usually on front of them reclining as well
Posted by legsdiamond, Mon Oct-19-15 02:22 PM
why are you taking it personally?

y'all talk niggas don't recline? I don't get it?

I wish a nigga would try to stop me from reclining... you better be swollen and mean as fuck cause otherwise... fuck your knees.
12913345, My legs are that long without doing all that extra shit
Posted by John Forte, Mon Oct-19-15 05:08 PM
If I sit in a regular coach seat, my knees touch the seat in front of me. You can not recline. Period. Now, I usually get an exit row, bulkhead or economy plus, but recently I booked on a full flight and had to sit in regular coach. I'll inly do this on flights of two hours or less. You can sit up straight for two hours
12913153, if you can recline, more power to you
Posted by EMATI, Mon Oct-19-15 01:01 PM
if you can't recline and i have that unbothered look on my face...
12913317, Thank god I'm a normal sized person that can fit in a sit comfortable
Posted by Cocobrotha2, Mon Oct-19-15 04:03 PM
12913339, you recline, I'm kneeing the fuck in your back
Posted by Deacon Blues, Mon Oct-19-15 04:45 PM

Fuck all you reclining bitches,

I feel his pain been there before but I wouldn't do it to a woman
12913341, LOL
Posted by SoWhat, Mon Oct-19-15 04:50 PM
po thang.

don't nobody curr.
12913343, I would definitely fight SoWhat on an airplane
Posted by John Forte, Mon Oct-19-15 05:03 PM
12913348, If so you would definitely get folded and placed in an overhead bin.
Posted by SoWhat, Mon Oct-19-15 05:13 PM
12913366, *Opens bin during flight* John Forte: "Man fuck you, the fuck you
Posted by ShinobiShaw, Mon Oct-19-15 06:09 PM
looking in here for! Nothing for you inside this bin fam. I don't care my back feels mad comfy in this bin. Look I got my own blanket and pillows, hahahahahaahaha fuck you!"
12913495, lol
Posted by Ashy Achilles, Tue Oct-20-15 07:51 AM
12913429, lol...damn
Posted by Dstl1, Mon Oct-19-15 11:09 PM
12913367, fuck flying in the goat ass.
Posted by Dr Claw, Mon Oct-19-15 06:12 PM
that being said, nothing ever merits THIS type of response.

still, fuck it in the goat ass.
if I can drive there within reasonable time, I will.

too expensive, TSA eats da poo poo, and the seating is just bullshit
12913368, The solutions seats that slide forward to recline
Posted by John Forte, Mon Oct-19-15 06:18 PM
Wanna lean back? That shit is coming out of YOUR leg room.
12913808, and then the person in front of them slides forward to recline
Posted by legsdiamond, Tue Oct-20-15 12:34 PM
and we are right back where we started...LMAO.

12913371, how rich and how white was this guy?
Posted by ndibs, Mon Oct-19-15 06:32 PM
not even alec baldwin could get away with this without getting tasered, beat down and/or arrested? WTF?!
12913377, Is that the entire story?
Posted by Lach, Mon Oct-19-15 06:59 PM
She reclined her chair and he started choking? Sounds like we're missing something.
12913417, Right? Is he a diplomat or CIA agent?
Posted by ndibs, Mon Oct-19-15 09:45 PM
>She reclined her chair and he started choking? Sounds like
>we're missing something.

Wtf? Calmly chokes a woman out and is let go scot free? And no photos or video leaked anywhere ?
12913427, Turns out hanging with Mr.Cooper broke the fight up!
Posted by Sarah_Bellum, Mon Oct-19-15 10:52 PM

The actor-comedian Mark Curry, star of the 1990s sitcom Hangin’ with Mr Cooper who now hosts a morning radio show in San Francisco, said he had been asleep on the plane and the commotion woke him up.

“I thought it was a terrorist so I jumped up,” Curry told KNTV-TV, the NBC affiliate in the Bay Area. “The woman was saying he grabbed her neck, saying ‘He choked me! He choked me! He hit me in the head!”’

“The lady was frantic. They wanted me to put restraints on the guy. They asked me if I would help. I said, ‘At 30,000 feet yes! I’ll beat anybody down.’ It was an incredible situation.”

Imma put this dope ass theme song just cus...


12913428, lol...dude had to get on the plane and go to sleep immechily
Posted by Dstl1, Mon Oct-19-15 11:09 PM
12913800, I've done that
Posted by Rjcc, Tue Oct-20-15 12:29 PM
put my belt on, and woke up when we were landing, I can fall asleep anywhere

www.engadgethd.com - the other stuff i'm looking at
12913477, tight seats are part of the game, i don't really care about folks reclining
Posted by Calico, Tue Oct-20-15 06:54 AM
........honestly, I already know going in that as a big and tall dude it's gonna be a painful trip....I basically go to sleep as long as possible and try to buy seats with more legroom... however, my flights are normally less than a couple hours...I can't imagine flying more than two hrs like that

I wish the trains were faster and cheaper...way better experience
12913485, making tight seats tighter is not part of the game
Posted by John Forte, Tue Oct-20-15 07:34 AM
It shows a lack of basic human decency
12913501, my self(ishness) >> your self(ishness)
Posted by SoWhat, Tue Oct-20-15 08:03 AM
You tall ppl are going to be uncomfortable in a coach seat during a long flight even if the seat in front doesn't recline. So why should the person in that seat ahead not recline? Those 2 inches of lost space weren't going to make any difference in your comfort level. And if it's THAT deep then make arrangements to cop a seat at the front of the plane or in an exit row. Or, maybe try not being an asshole or a grump or a whiny baby and politely ask the person ahead not to recline totally. Or just stfu with your mutant ass and deal with fabric touching your knees for a few fucking hours.
12913923, They actually make a huge difference
Posted by Lach, Tue Oct-20-15 03:26 PM
Those 2 inches of lost space weren't going to make
>any difference in your comfort level.

But if I'm forced to sit in coach I always sit in an exit row for the extra leg room.
12913950, oh okay.
Posted by SoWhat, Tue Oct-20-15 04:17 PM
i still don't care.
12913838, then dont use their product
Posted by Cenario, Tue Oct-20-15 01:09 PM
or buy something that accomodates your size.

You don't buy pants 2 sizes too small and then complain when they don't fit do you?
12913894, these niggas weird...
Posted by legsdiamond, Tue Oct-20-15 02:32 PM
really, really weird

12914075, LOL...base
Posted by Calico, Wed Oct-21-15 07:02 AM
I get why they do it...it sucks for ME, but I get it, and I ain't mad...I know what I'm in for and I can't trip over something that just IS....maybe it'll change one day, but not today....

12913794, 6'4" here.
Posted by RS, Tue Oct-20-15 12:23 PM
....and I like my room, hence I always up to first class....which is what all tall people should do....or shut the fuck up...

and when i do fly coach, my seat goes all the way back....fuck yo problems....and yo knees.....
12913797, 6'5 here. Travels with kids
Posted by John Forte, Tue Oct-20-15 12:25 PM
You want that baby in first class? He's not allowed to sit in an exit row.
12913805, Go Greyhound.
Posted by SoWhat, Tue Oct-20-15 12:32 PM
12913806, Less leg room
Posted by John Forte, Tue Oct-20-15 12:33 PM
12913810, not my concern.
Posted by SoWhat, Tue Oct-20-15 12:36 PM
i'm just making suggestions that will keep you off an airplane.

12914020, lol
Posted by guru0509, Tue Oct-20-15 08:05 PM
12913809, ^^^lets his kids throw tantrums on plane^^^
Posted by legsdiamond, Tue Oct-20-15 12:35 PM
12913818, Never, not once
Posted by John Forte, Tue Oct-20-15 12:42 PM
12913807, that's cool...good luck falling asleep as i tapdance with my knees
Posted by MiracleRic, Tue Oct-20-15 12:33 PM
hope u enjoy this free Deep Tissue in your ass pussy
12913811, i would enjoy that, actually.
Posted by SoWhat, Tue Oct-20-15 12:37 PM
and you wouldn't keep it up long enough to bother me. and if you did i'd ask the flight attendant to handle the situation.

hint: they won't force me to raise my seat.

so, good luck w/that.
12913814, may u shit fire ants
Posted by MiracleRic, Tue Oct-20-15 12:39 PM
12913822, From your fingers to God's inbox.
Posted by SoWhat, Tue Oct-20-15 12:51 PM
12913817, What is the flight attendant going to do? Make him stop shaking his leg? lol
Posted by PimpTrickGangstaClik, Tue Oct-20-15 12:41 PM
For what? He's in his own space.

Nah. If you're going to make me uncomfortable, we're going to be uncomfortable together
12913823, I dunno.
Posted by SoWhat, Tue Oct-20-15 12:52 PM
12913833, The problem is lcak of space and price differences
Posted by handle, Tue Oct-20-15 01:02 PM
I'm 6' tall and 295. And I'm talking about domestic flights in the US.

I have friends who are 6'4" and 6'6" and even in first class there is not enough leg room for them to be comfortable. (They get around 5" extra so imagine how the feel in "normal" seats.)

Being fat I can still fit in the seat without a seat belt extensions but my arms definitely go over into the next seat.

I either buy two seats (wouldn't help tall folks as much) or fly first class. (I make enough money a year to do so - if you make $35,000 a year you probably can't afford it.)

Some airlines have a deal where if you buy two seats and the flight is not 100% booked then they'll let you have both and refund the charge for the extra. (Southwest calls it Passengers of Size program.)

Often times two seats are cheaper than a single first class set. And the fist class seat is only about 2 inches wider so if you're really fat it won't help.

But let's face it - if they offered different seat sizes for commensurate prices then people would have much less of a problem. Need 20% more leg room, pay 20% more price. Need 50% wider seat, pay %50 more. Charge 10% more to stop the person in front of you from reclining - and 10% less for non-reclining seats.

And "first class" is nearly the same as the back room - no one drinks $300 worth of booze, or eats $300 of muffins.

The sad fact is that airline consolidation, the increased "extra fees" like baggage fees, and fewer flights (so they're almost all full now) are coming into conflict with basic human behavior.

I hear a bunch of people in here blaming humans - like "ignore every instinct in you and just fucking bring your arms in and legs up and sit in a fetal position for 6 hours --it's what you PAID FOR!!!"

Not realistic.

12913840, Also the difference for 1st class on an international flight is thousands
Posted by John Forte, Tue Oct-20-15 01:13 PM
Seriously, pick some random dates and look for first class tickets to Paris or Tokyo
12913872, Examples
Posted by John Forte, Tue Oct-20-15 01:50 PM
NY to Tokyo

economy: Cheapest ticked $741

First class: cheapest ticket $5709


Chicago to London:

Economy: cheapest ticket $888

First class: cheapest ticket $6889

Now imagine that you're buying two, three or four tickets.

I'm going to mexico with the family in December. I got us bulkhead seats. If we'd flown first class it would cost literally TWICE as much. It's not as big of a difference as those routes/dates, but it;s not insignificant when you're buying multiple tickets.
12913873, Examples
Posted by John Forte, Tue Oct-20-15 01:50 PM
NY to Tokyo

economy: Cheapest ticked $741

First class: cheapest ticket $5709


Chicago to London:

Economy: cheapest ticket $888

First class: cheapest ticket $6889

Now imagine that you're buying two, three or four tickets.

I'm going to mexico with the family in December. I got us bulkhead seats. If we'd flown first class it would cost literally TWICE as much. It's not as big of a difference as those routes/dates, but it;s not insignificant when you're buying multiple tickets.
12913942, That's when I realized my $ isn't THAT nice :/
Posted by Ishwip, Tue Oct-20-15 03:53 PM
I finally reached that point career-wise where I'm making enough to kinda/reasonably do whatever I want without having to budget or plan too much. I've been traveling more and although I knew 1st class would obviously cost more, I was thinking it would be something like "if it's $350 for a regular seat, 1st might be like $500....maybe $550?"

Nope, not even close.

Best I might spring for are those seats with supposedly more leg space, but I guess I'll be holding it down with the common folk haha.

I don't like the beat anymore because its just a loop. ALC didn't FLIP IT ENOUGH!

Flip it enough? Flip these. Flip off. Go flip some f*cking burgers.(c)Kno

Allied State of the National Electric Beat Treaty Organization (NEBTO)
12913836, I've never actually reclined a seat on a plane before
Posted by Ishwip, Tue Oct-20-15 01:06 PM
Am I missing out lol?

I'm 33, have flown most of my life, and still do so every few months or so. Never once pushed that button and leaned back. I can't sleep sitting up OR being around people I don't know so it seems pointless to lean back those few degrees since I'll still be awake.

I don't like the beat anymore because its just a loop. ALC didn't FLIP IT ENOUGH!

Flip it enough? Flip these. Flip off. Go flip some f*cking burgers.(c)Kno

Allied State of the National Electric Beat Treaty Organization (NEBTO)
12913864, it makes a small difference.
Posted by SoWhat, Tue Oct-20-15 01:35 PM
enough that i've noticed when i haven't reclined my seat during a flight.
12913883, Tall/big guys: this is why we must bully little dudes at every opportunity
Posted by flipnile, Tue Oct-20-15 02:02 PM
See how they act when they get a little bit of power?

Next time you see a little dude, shoulder check him just to remind him.
12913954, The world is lucky most of us big dudes are usually nice dudes lol
Posted by Lach, Tue Oct-20-15 04:35 PM
My wife always jokes that I don't have an aggravated/middle ground mode. I'm just always nice, but when I finally do get mad you gotta get Black Widow to calm me down like Bruce Banner.
12913955, you mean you big dudes are lucky. LOL
Posted by SoWhat, Tue Oct-20-15 04:36 PM
b/c, you know, jail and shit.

12913959, ^^mean guy lol
Posted by Lach, Tue Oct-20-15 04:45 PM
12913961, LOL
Posted by SoWhat, Tue Oct-20-15 04:46 PM
i'm totally in this for the lulz, btw.
12914031, little consolation when you're dead
Posted by J_Stew, Tue Oct-20-15 09:34 PM
12914071, yes. ask Eric Garner. :-(
Posted by SoWhat, Wed Oct-21-15 06:12 AM
b/c i assume you're referring to a big dude being killed by police as opposed to whatever else you meant. considering i'd said big dudes are lucky they don't act out more often b/c they might end up in jail - as illustrated by the story in the OP.

police kill big dudes. choke holds. one more reason it's best that big dudes keep it cool.
12914082, Big & Tall people also don't live as long
Posted by flipnile, Wed Oct-21-15 07:25 AM
12914091, (c) ndibs
Posted by SoWhat, Wed Oct-21-15 07:53 AM
12914014, American Airlines are fit for cattle
Posted by Nappy Soul, Tue Oct-20-15 07:41 PM
Travelling to South Africa, I almost break out in Dance when I have to change planes, even Ethiopian Airlines is more comfortable than any American company.As tall fella though, I always ask for the emergency seats. almost always get it , even once during a Thanksgiving flight to NYC from Dallas.People be inconsiderate as a mug. Because they paid the fare their bamma ass think they own the plane.
12914016, I'm tall and I fly a lot. And I pay for exit row seats all the time
Posted by Very-Effortless, Tue Oct-20-15 07:56 PM
If you're tall and you have that much of a problem then

#1: Don't fly southwest unless you're an A-lister and can get on in the first group and get bulkhead or exit row
#2: Spend the extra money for exit row

Yeah it sucks and airlines are assholes, but you can't fight another passenger because of it.

12914017, Im a big guy who just recently flew Southwest for the first time.....
Posted by KCPlayer21, Tue Oct-20-15 08:03 PM
and they gave me a free second seat, along with letting me preboard with the handicapped folks so I got my pick of seats, and all my flights were fully booked. This is my airline of choice from now on.....

We the children of the Light, you know what I mean?
That's why I'm hating on the darkness like Paula Deen
Cause in my hood they masked up like it's Halloween
We going hard for the Rock, but we not some fiends
- Andy Mineo
12914297, RE: Im a big guy who just recently flew Southwest for the first time.....
Posted by Deacon Blues, Wed Oct-21-15 11:23 AM
>and they gave me a free second seat, along with letting me
>preboard with the handicapped folks so I got my pick of seats,
>and all my flights were fully booked. This is my airline of
>choice from now on.....
>We the children of the Light, you know what I mean?
>That's why I'm hating on the darkness like Paula Deen
>Cause in my hood they masked up like it's Halloween
>We going hard for the Rock, but we not some fiends
>- Andy Mineo

yes I love southwest as well, I usually manage to get a seat by the exit or with some extra room. they when with customer service.