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Topic subjectoh so you bored now?
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12912720, oh so you bored now?
Posted by godleeluv, Sun Oct-18-15 07:28 PM
(Gives side eye)

Nigga, Do what u gotta do.

Lol. His reply

"I knew you were gonna say that"

Lol. Yeah.

I often have to explain to people the kind of couple we are. We dont like each other. We tolerate each other because we both believe keeping a family together is important. U do the crime u do the time.

He can miss me with that bored shit tho.

Find a hobby or a goal.

That is all.

This post isnt to slam him tho. He good peoples, but i dont give 2 fucks about entertaining anyone thats grown. Especially if im not being entertained by said person. Im not bored at all because i know how to entertain myself.

Anyways...i figured id post something that may possibly entertain yall. Lol. Ha ha.
Music is almost everything.
12912724, predicted reply: every post about your relationship
Posted by godleeluv, Sun Oct-18-15 07:33 PM
Makes me sad...

Yada yada...im not sad at all tho.

Music is almost everything.
12912726, RE: predicted reply: every post about your relationship
Posted by rdhull, Sun Oct-18-15 07:41 PM
>Makes me sad...
>Yada yada...im not sad at all tho.

which is sad
12912727, Why should her happiness be predicated on
Posted by ndibs, Sun Oct-18-15 07:42 PM
Him or a relationship at all?
12912729, RE: Why should her happiness be predicated on
Posted by rdhull, Sun Oct-18-15 07:49 PM
>Him or a relationship at all?

its sad that she and her bf/husband/father of her child or whomever he is dont like each other

I dont know about that stuff you posted
12912730, we dont hate each other. that would be sad.
Posted by godleeluv, Sun Oct-18-15 07:51 PM
We just arent in need of anything from each other for ourselves. The child needs us and we know that. And we need to make sure the child is ok. But there is nothing he can do for me personally and vice versa. We arent that kind of couple.

Music is almost everything.
12912733, RE: we dont hate each other. that would be sad.
Posted by rdhull, Sun Oct-18-15 07:56 PM
> But there is nothing he can do for
>me personally and vice versa. We arent that kind of couple.

12912734, If more people had this attitude there would be a lot less divorces.
Posted by ndibs, Sun Oct-18-15 07:58 PM
Most ppl want their partner to provide everything.
12912737, i agree
Posted by godleeluv, Sun Oct-18-15 08:01 PM
I have never wanted my partner to provide everything, but i do believe in reciprocity. This relationship is easy because no one is really giving anything.

Our focus is on our own interests and we both are interested in our child.
Music is almost everything.
12913014, yeah so what would be the point of getting married in the first place?
Posted by NikaMandela, Mon Oct-19-15 10:50 AM
if its like that, just coparent and be done with it.
12913020, exactly.
Posted by godleeluv, Mon Oct-19-15 11:00 AM
And believe me plenty of folks try to tell us why we should get married, but there is no reason to. The idea is nice but its not practical. Not right now anyway.

In my mind lovey dovey shit would be required for marraige. Lol.
Music is almost everything.
12912732, Why if she's fine with the situation?
Posted by ndibs, Sun Oct-18-15 07:55 PM
12912728, :)
Posted by godleeluv, Sun Oct-18-15 07:42 PM

Music is almost everything.
12912731, Are you venting?
Posted by makaveli, Sun Oct-18-15 07:53 PM
12912735, well im not mad in any way, so i dont think so
Posted by godleeluv, Sun Oct-18-15 07:59 PM
I think its funny he tried to project his boredom on me like im supposed to fix that for him. I have no desire to fix anything like that for a grown man.

There is nothing i can do to entertain him. I dont think he wants me to entertain him. I think he wanted an out to go do something entertaining. So i gave it to him when i said, do what u gotta do.

His reply is what made me feel a way. If he knew i would say thay then he should have just dont that from the beginning.

Maybe im just past the whole game shit that relationships bring. To me relationships are like a job. U do what u gotta do for the result u want. All that lovey dovey shit is for the birds and young people. Lol
Music is almost everything.
12912738, why can't you entertain him though?
Posted by makaveli, Sun Oct-18-15 08:02 PM
I'm not even saying you should, just asking. You can't have lovey dovey all the time but you should sometimes.
12912740, I can't stand adults who make the statement 'I'm bored'
Posted by Kwesi, Sun Oct-18-15 08:05 PM
bored or not, it's nothing that should be uttered so plainly.

I'm turned off that she's with someone like that.

though as I type l realizing these two jokers may just be made for each other.

... alls right in the world.

we should carry on.
12912749, exactly.
Posted by godleeluv, Sun Oct-18-15 08:11 PM

Music is almost everything.
12912741, because he doesnt entertain me. he dry as a bitch
Posted by godleeluv, Sun Oct-18-15 08:06 PM
But he is steady and predictable and he cares about the important things that i care about, paying bills, being independent, and family.

If he acted like he wanted to entertain me then id reciprocate. But i aint gotta do that because he doesnt. Works for me.

I spend enough energy on other people so at least i can come home and chill. Lol.
Music is almost everything.
12912743, So you don't want to have fun together?
Posted by makaveli, Sun Oct-18-15 08:07 PM
12912746, i have fun with my friends
Posted by godleeluv, Sun Oct-18-15 08:10 PM
Or doing things alone or with my son.

Dude doesnt have fun, he is a worker.

Im cool with that.

I dont even look to him for fun
I look to him for work.
Music is almost everything.
12912748, So he's basically like a provider and that's it?
Posted by makaveli, Sun Oct-18-15 08:11 PM
12912751, provider for who?
Posted by godleeluv, Sun Oct-18-15 08:13 PM
His son? Yeah
Me, hell naw.

Music is almost everything.
12912753, What I mean is
Posted by makaveli, Sun Oct-18-15 08:16 PM
As far as you are concerned, he is basically a provider for your son and nothing more?
12912754, well, him being present in my sons life means a lot to me.
Posted by godleeluv, Sun Oct-18-15 08:21 PM
That means a lot more than being all lovey dovey with someone. To me, when i made the decision to have a child i committed to making sure that child was nurtured in every way. His dad loves him and knows him better than any other man could. And i love seeing them bond. That shit warms my heart.

In a way, he loves me by loving him
Thats what i want. I dont need that other shit.
Music is almost everything.
12912757, All of those things are good
Posted by makaveli, Sun Oct-18-15 08:37 PM
I guess I just don't understand why you wouldn't want more?
12912762, more is fine but not required or expected
Posted by godleeluv, Sun Oct-18-15 08:43 PM
And im not going to give more than im getting.

I am very fulfilled in my life from friends and family. Ive been in enough relationships to know that that lovey dovey shit shouldnt be expected. If u find it, you should appreciate it, but it isnt a requirement for me. Stability is.
Music is almost everything.
12912739, maybe he wanted the both of you to do something..together
Posted by rdhull, Sun Oct-18-15 08:05 PM
>I think its funny he tried to project his boredom on me like
>im supposed to fix that for him. I have no desire to fix
>anything like that for a grown man.
>There is nothing i can do to entertain him. I dont think he
>wants me to entertain him. I think he wanted an out to go do
>something entertaining. So i gave it to him when i said, do
>what u gotta do.
>His reply is what made me feel a way. If he knew i would say
>thay then he should have just dont that from the beginning.
>Maybe im just past the whole game shit that relationships
>bring. To me relationships are like a job. U do what u gotta
>do for the result u want. All that lovey dovey shit is for the
>birds and young people. Lol
>Music is almost everything.
12912744, yeah we can pay these bills together. and raise these boys together. and clean this house
Posted by godleeluv, Sun Oct-18-15 08:09 PM

And he has a mouth so if he actually had a plan to do something outside that, he can say it specifically and not expect me to read his mind.

Im not going to read his mind. Im not even gonna try. That shit is exhausting. And ive gotten used to things being the way they are. Right now im good because im not emotionally attached, meaning regardless of what happens, ill be ok.
Music is almost everything.
12912750, maybe you should give him some head
Posted by rdhull, Sun Oct-18-15 08:12 PM
sounds like it would do you both some good

>And he has a mouth so if he actually had a plan to do
>something outside that, he can say it specifically and not
>expect me to read his mind.
>Im not going to read his mind. Im not even gonna try. That
>shit is exhausting. And ive gotten used to things being the
>way they are. Right now im good because im not emotionally
>attached, meaning regardless of what happens, ill be ok.
>Music is almost everything.
12912752, lol. i will when i feel like it.
Posted by godleeluv, Sun Oct-18-15 08:14 PM
Its not for him tho

Music is almost everything.
12912841, by trolling us.
Posted by atruhead, Mon Oct-19-15 08:27 AM
Im not bored at
>all because i know how to entertain myself.
12912998, yes, by forcing you to read and reply to my post.
Posted by godleeluv, Mon Oct-19-15 10:38 AM
That is one way i entertain myself.
Music is almost everything.
12912843, when is the LAST time you sucked a dick?
Posted by legsdiamond, Mon Oct-19-15 08:29 AM
12912997, bout 2 weeks ago.
Posted by godleeluv, Mon Oct-19-15 10:37 AM
I still got it.
Music is almost everything.
12913042, I believe you... not sure why but i do... its time for another mic check
Posted by legsdiamond, Mon Oct-19-15 11:22 AM
12913027, do yall have an open relationship? do yall rely on each other for
Posted by mikediggz, Mon Oct-19-15 11:10 AM
the fulfillment of sexual needs...is there an understanding with that?
12913041, no comment
Posted by godleeluv, Mon Oct-19-15 11:21 AM

Music is almost everything.
12913047, The Jacksons - Torture - YouTube
Posted by legsdiamond, Mon Oct-19-15 11:24 AM
12913057, what an interesting video
Posted by godleeluv, Mon Oct-19-15 11:40 AM
Was michael singing but not in the video? They all look so much alike i cant tell if he was in the video, but i heard his voice on that verse.
Music is almost everything.
12913054, gotcha. sounds like with a few minor adjustments things could
Posted by mikediggz, Mon Oct-19-15 11:36 AM
get better in that dept...but alot of times thats easier said than done.
12913062, yeah maybe. but neither one of us is going to change first
Posted by godleeluv, Mon Oct-19-15 11:43 AM
We both are too stubborn for that.

Music is almost everything.