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Topic subjectMen what do backwards baseball caps mean ?
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12912655, Men what do backwards baseball caps mean ?
Posted by ndibs, Sun Oct-18-15 12:20 PM
Asking bc y'all seem to pay a lot more attention to men's style than woman as evidenced by the beard post. Is this sartorially acceptable if you're not a baseball player on the field?

I tend to subconsciously associate this look with douchebaggery, fratboy culture and late 30 early 40 yo guys stuck in the 90s.

Do you or your friends rock this look? If so why? Doesn't it make more sense to put the brim to the front for sun protection and to shade your face?
12912657, RE: Haha!
Posted by Austin, Sun Oct-18-15 12:25 PM
>as evidenced by the beard post.

"1) God doesn't exist

2) And anyhow he's stupid"
—Philip K. Dick


12912658, sometimes, the brim blocks your field of view.
Posted by Kwesi, Sun Oct-18-15 12:44 PM
or the front rim of the hat can get kinda uncomfortable on your forehead.

its a good idea to switch it to the back, temporarily, for relief.

it's not a practical position for the hat and should only be done temporarily.
12912673, it means the sun isn't out. next question nm
Posted by DVS, Sun Oct-18-15 02:13 PM
12912682, There could be a practical reason, otherwise yes, stuck in the 90s.
Posted by ConcreteCharlie, Sun Oct-18-15 02:48 PM
Maybe you're out in the sun and you wanna protect the back of your neck or you've sweated the fuck out of the front side of your hat and watch to switch. Maybe your hat feels tight (backwards it has slightly more room for whatever reason). But doing it for any other reason than situational comfort, yes, you are probably still listening to Smash Mouth.
12912709, cause we can?
Posted by legsdiamond, Sun Oct-18-15 06:17 PM
12912821, ^^correct answer
Posted by Calico, Mon Oct-19-15 07:57 AM
...I normally don't do it unless I just feel like it or I'm working out and the brim is really sweatty
12912825, yup.. but for some reason that white boy style with their hair down
Posted by legsdiamond, Mon Oct-19-15 08:14 AM
and the hat barely on there head was annoying as shit.


12912847, i don't normally see "that", and i'me grateful LOL
Posted by Calico, Mon Oct-19-15 08:36 AM
...when I think backwards caps, I think of baseball, football and Smokey from "Friday"
12913315, that's frat or bro style
Posted by Atillah Moor, Mon Oct-19-15 04:00 PM
12912822, it means that said man is wearing a hat...no more ...no less
Posted by ambient1, Mon Oct-19-15 08:02 AM
12912827, it means he is a rebel
Posted by legsdiamond, Mon Oct-19-15 08:18 AM
12912828, an animal
Posted by legsdiamond, Mon Oct-19-15 08:18 AM
12912829, drug dealer
Posted by legsdiamond, Mon Oct-19-15 08:18 AM
12912831, one hitter quitter
Posted by legsdiamond, Mon Oct-19-15 08:20 AM
12912832, dont bring home to daddy
Posted by legsdiamond, Mon Oct-19-15 08:21 AM
12912833, washes his meats... but not his jeans
Posted by legsdiamond, Mon Oct-19-15 08:22 AM
12912834, it means he wont call you back
Posted by legsdiamond, Mon Oct-19-15 08:23 AM
because he doesn't own a phone
12912836, it means yall going Dutch
Posted by legsdiamond, Mon Oct-19-15 08:24 AM
12912839, it means he lives with his mom, babys mom or someone elses babys mom
Posted by legsdiamond, Mon Oct-19-15 08:27 AM
or all 3
12912854, it means fuck him, but dont you dare fuck WITH him
Posted by legsdiamond, Mon Oct-19-15 08:51 AM
12912856, It means he's a loner
Posted by Paps_Smear, Mon Oct-19-15 08:52 AM
and a loners gotta be alone
12912901, but he isnt lonely.. there is a difference
Posted by legsdiamond, Mon Oct-19-15 09:22 AM
12912861, RE: it means he is a rebel
Posted by Paps_Smear, Mon Oct-19-15 08:55 AM
12912865, on white boys it mean - "Bro"
Posted by LAbeathustla, Mon Oct-19-15 08:57 AM
12912883, ^ only answer relevant to the OP
Posted by flipnile, Mon Oct-19-15 09:10 AM
12912923, we've officially turned into this...
Posted by gumz, Mon Oct-19-15 09:42 AM
12913052, he bought one with a reverse brim.
Posted by illegal, Mon Oct-19-15 11:32 AM
12913109, lol that scene still cracks me up
Posted by gumz, Mon Oct-19-15 12:26 PM
12913083, * *Pours R-Kelly doodoo butter all over dis post* *
Posted by NoDrawls McGraw, Mon Oct-19-15 12:08 PM

12913087, It means we are totally krossed out
Posted by ShinobiShaw, Mon Oct-19-15 12:10 PM
cause inside out is wiggidity wiggidity wack
12913088, nothing...but this OKP so it will end up meaning something.
Posted by Dstl1, Mon Oct-19-15 12:12 PM
12913096, its mean im serious
Posted by wluv, Mon Oct-19-15 12:17 PM
about not being serious
12913115, It means I'm putting down the signs brah
Posted by Amritsar, Mon Oct-19-15 12:29 PM
12913318, remember when hat position was chicago gang shit?
Posted by double negative, Mon Oct-19-15 04:07 PM
12913337, break left peoples, break right folks or some shit lol
Posted by T Reynolds, Mon Oct-19-15 04:37 PM
12913319, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D3hD9ZbguIg
Posted by Mynoriti, Mon Oct-19-15 04:08 PM
12913320, means "RALLY" or "CATCH THE F*** UP TEAM!!!!! WILL YA!!!"
Posted by PG, Mon Oct-19-15 04:08 PM
never turn my Bengal cap around unless we're behind in a game.
12913332, I only judge the backwards upside down visor
Posted by go mack, Mon Oct-19-15 04:24 PM
or visors in general really lol
12913336, oh you mean the dorito holder
Posted by double negative, Mon Oct-19-15 04:37 PM
12914086, RE: Men what do backwards baseball caps mean ?
Posted by BrawtaLives, Wed Oct-21-15 07:43 AM
Not every look out seen in person or photographed in print signals some sociological or fashion rule trend. Instagram and the many other social tools that capture fashion makes us forget that some people wear what they want. Period. A backwards hat could simply be more comfortable than the brim to the front. Really not that deep. Really.

I have never known a backwards hat to "MEAN" anything. Just another way to wear a hat.