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Topic subjectBill Maher says what we already knew. Mass shooters can't get laid
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12912393, Bill Maher says what we already knew. Mass shooters can't get laid
Posted by GameTheory, Sat Oct-17-15 11:09 AM
12912544, People avoiding this thread like the plague.
Posted by GameTheory, Sat Oct-17-15 08:26 PM
Very telling.
12912545, ok, i'll play.
Posted by Busta Rhymes, Sat Oct-17-15 08:29 PM
let's supposed this is true.

the follow-up question is why won't any women fuck them?
12912547, He's not blaming women per se, only that this motive is ignored
Posted by GameTheory, Sat Oct-17-15 08:32 PM
He's only saying that we should at least acknowledge the fact that sexual repression is a real think for outcast males and that any attempt to even broach the topic gets redirected into some other more nebulous context.

We see this all the time in theocracies where people are limited in even holding hands with the opposite sex. All that pent-up aggression leads to some serious strains in societies.

Not to mention, polygamy also adds to these pressures for young, broke dudes.
12912550, but aren't camps/classes out there to become more fuckable...
Posted by Busta Rhymes, Sat Oct-17-15 08:34 PM

are you suggesting that men can't simply 'be themselves' and find somebody?
12912553, Funny enough, some of these guys like Eliot Roger were in those
Posted by GameTheory, Sat Oct-17-15 08:35 PM
Eliot Roger had online profiles on the bodybuilding forum misc and all that. He was just one of those dudes who breaks when they can't figure life out. He was rich. Had all the resources in the world. Just couldn't get laid.

Sad shit. But diverting it to mental illness or some other thing isn't exactly being fair to more visceral emotions at play
12912557, RE: Funny enough, some of these guys like Eliot Roger were in those
Posted by Busta Rhymes, Sat Oct-17-15 08:37 PM
from what i understand he was actually anti-bodybuilding, anti-male improvement...

how many of these mass-shooters have no meaningful friendships?

is that not equally to blame as not getting laid?
12912567, Its not equal to blame when they outright WRITE manifestos saying so
Posted by GameTheory, Sat Oct-17-15 08:59 PM
These dudes can't fall in. Its tragic to some of their senses of identity. You can't keep passing this off.

This might mean anything to you, but if you can't understand how this would drive some dudes mad, you're not showing any sort of perspective what-so-ever
12912572, what people say is the cause and the underlying cause of their behavior
Posted by Busta Rhymes, Sat Oct-17-15 09:07 PM
are two different things that aren't always congruent.

is it because 'they can't get laid'?

a sexual release is a very easy thing to get with the internet.

it's the lack of attention that comes with isolation in general that is driving these people to wantonly disregard life, their own and others.

lack of friends, lack of family, lack of romantic interest from opposite sex.

feelings of inadequacy, feelings of powerlessness...

the lack of positive relationships and positive attention is what really drives these attacks.

racism, misogyny... their 'manifesto' is just the tip of the ice berg.
12912670, again, you're trying to fit everything into OTHER paradigms
Posted by GameTheory, Sun Oct-18-15 02:05 PM
You're not taking this perspective on youth male development seriously by pretending to shovel it into pre-defined psychological categories so you don't have to think critically about this.

Some people lash the fuck out when they can't get laid

Jealously is some real shit.
12913700, nah, he's making a good point though
Posted by MiracleRic, Tue Oct-20-15 10:42 AM
he's saying it's bigger than JUST not getting laid and it is bc most those guys not only can't get laid...they often have trouble finding even the most basic of close relationships

and let's be honest...it's extremely difficult to not get laid at all unless something is really

i get what you are saying but it's trying to narrow down a complex issue into something simplistic and it's not going to work...

it's more likely a symptom of a bigger issue rather than a/the cause

all it takes is to ask "why can't he get laid?"

"why doesn't he have any real friends?"

"why does he feel so disconnected from those that would otherwise befriend him or fuck him?"

i think it's valid to talk about it as factor that worsens some already fucked up shit but if getting laid is that important to you...there are lots of sure fire ways to do so

12912551, RE: ok, i'll play.
Posted by rdhull, Sat Oct-17-15 08:34 PM
>let's supposed this is true.
>the follow-up question is why won't any women fuck them?

theyre schizoid/schizotypal
12912552, RE: ok, i'll play.
Posted by Busta Rhymes, Sat Oct-17-15 08:35 PM
>theyre schizoid/schizotypal

all of them? definitively?
12912555, This is the problem. They're not all crazy, just vengeful
Posted by GameTheory, Sat Oct-17-15 08:36 PM
Unless you're gonna say being angry is in itself a disease. You've got to at least admit that some acts of violence are carried out by sometimes rational people in precarious circumstances.
12912562, those are perosnality disorders, not 'crazy' as in out of reality per se;
Posted by rdhull, Sat Oct-17-15 08:53 PM
>Unless you're gonna say being angry is in itself a disease.
>You've got to at least admit that some acts of violence are
>carried out by sometimes rational people in precarious

and then maybe cluster B, Antisocial Personality Disorder

12912570, Why do they have to be disorders? Are all mass murderers sick? ALL?
Posted by GameTheory, Sat Oct-17-15 09:03 PM
C'mon son...some of these dudes legitimately are acting out...you can't front like theres an anomaly out there where their brains are fine and they're just pissed.
12912574, not my fault they fit criteria of personality disorders I mentioned lol
Posted by rdhull, Sat Oct-17-15 09:10 PM
and it doesnt mean they were 'out of their mind' either, they are full aware of their actions and whether those actions are right or wrong

its not as if theyre being labelled as psychotic

they typically meet the criteria for the personality disorders I stated

you can disagree or whatever all you want :kanye shrug:

>C'mon son...some of these dudes legitimately are acting
>out...you can't front like theres an anomaly out there where
>their brains are fine and they're just pissed.
12912671, stop it with the "oh i took psych classes" BS. Not everything is predefined
Posted by GameTheory, Sun Oct-18-15 02:09 PM
You high-minded wannabe psychologists are some of the worst people sometimes because you all use the DSM to try and evade critical thinking into nuanced personal psychology by just dropping a label and leaving the conversation.

Jealously is and can be a simple motivation without you all trying to interpret this complex outcome as something completely outside of the equation.

Having friends sometimes isn't enough. Having positive relationships isn't sometimes enough.

Getting laid is a huge part of male identity and when you can't even get a girl to hold your hand, some people are going to break.

Does this make it OK? No...but for you to try and just drop a label then walk away shows how uninvested you are in really addressing this.
12912674, k...whatever you say
Posted by rdhull, Sun Oct-18-15 02:24 PM
>You high-minded wannabe psychologists are some of the worst
>people sometimes because you all use the DSM to try and evade
>critical thinking into nuanced personal psychology by just
>dropping a label and leaving the conversation.
>Jealously is and can be a simple motivation without you all
>trying to interpret this complex outcome as something
>completely outside of the equation.
>Having friends sometimes isn't enough. Having positive
>relationships isn't sometimes enough.
>Getting laid is a huge part of male identity and when you
>can't even get a girl to hold your hand, some people are going
>to break.
>Does this make it OK? No...but for you to try and just drop a
>label then walk away shows how uninvested you are in really
>addressing this.
12912576, Telling ... That we r a bunch of virgin potential school shooters?
Posted by Amritsar, Sat Oct-17-15 09:14 PM
Me out here
12912561, imo, this is just adding insult to injury
Posted by Busta Rhymes, Sat Oct-17-15 08:53 PM
the problem with most violent criminals in general is nobody cares about them.

whether they never got told somebody loved them as a child, they had/have no friends, no romantic prospects, etc.

the root cause is that they have been isolated, rejected, and treated incompassionately by the world at large.

it's the same reason people 'cut' themselves or do other anti-social behavior.

they are attempting to cope with being rejected and an overall lack of attention given to them.

some of these people end up taking their feelings of rejection out violently on themselves and others.

there needs to be a push from the psychiatric community to treat isolated people with participation in positive rituals.

develop a hobby, improve your body through sport and exercise, create something artistic.

yes, you can matter too.

pay somebody a compliment.

have a genuine conversation with somebody who you feel is 'lesser than' you.

you might be making that persons day.
12912564, RE: imo, this is just adding insult to injury
Posted by rdhull, Sat Oct-17-15 08:56 PM

>some of these people end up taking their feelings of rejection

those who do generally have one of the three personality disorders I mentioned
12912565, there's far more to the spectrum of mental illness than schizoid.
Posted by Busta Rhymes, Sat Oct-17-15 08:57 PM
12912566, none of what I mentioned have anything to do with schizophrenia .
Posted by rdhull, Sat Oct-17-15 08:59 PM
12912563, I concur......pussy solves everything.
Posted by rorschach, Sat Oct-17-15 08:55 PM
but really....Bill Maher's on to something. American culture is oversexed immensely and hardly anyone says that.
12912568, Its not OVERsexed. Cause undersexed communities suffer way more
Posted by GameTheory, Sat Oct-17-15 09:02 PM
Theres more rape and violent crimes in sexually oppressive cultures where dudes can't freely get their rocks off.

You can't even consume porn in like half the world...which is a MASSIVE boon to helping some of these guys out.

Imagine this:

You can't date before marriage

You can't get laid before marriage

You can't even get porn openly

You can't even hang out with the opposite sex

You live in polygamous societies where you can't compete cause you're broke and young

So what do you do? Your attention gets redirected to anyone who won't let you even just be human and you get drawn into any sort of causes.
12912582, I believe AMERICAN CULTURE is oversexed....
Posted by rorschach, Sat Oct-17-15 09:52 PM
not necessarily the person.

I believe the point that Maher is trying to make is that constant push of sexuality in today's media gives off the false notion that everyone's having sex and this is perceived as the normal (standard) behavior. These guys, who may already be suffering from various mental disorders are taking the ideas put forth by the media and using it to reinforce ideas that they aren't desired.

The acts of violence are the manifestations of these ideas.

12912672, I don't. I believe America is just free, and some can't compete
Posted by GameTheory, Sun Oct-18-15 02:12 PM
Look around the world and say the US is oversexed...it could be a lot better. You could argue that we're in some cases undersexed because of the overarching puritanical predilection to still shame expressions of sexuality...but I don't think an abundance of sexual imagery is particularly a bad thing. I think in your case the problem is how we interpret and are comfortable with that imagery...that goes way beyond how much of the imagery there is.
12912677, I guess I can agree to disagree then....
Posted by rorschach, Sun Oct-18-15 02:40 PM
While I'm with you on the point that other countries are very repressed, I cant help but feel that we (Americans) sometimes place too much emphasis on sexuality. Couple that with the rigid structure of many popular religions and you have a shit storm. I believe there's a middle ground in there somewhere.

What that middle ground actually is, however.....I don't really know.
12912668, basically.
Posted by kinetic94761180, Sun Oct-18-15 01:48 PM
12912573, RE: I mean, yeah, but trying to get laughs is in pretty poor taste.
Posted by Austin, Sat Oct-17-15 09:08 PM

"1) God doesn't exist

2) And anyhow he's stupid"
—Philip K. Dick


12912887, They're lonely in general
Posted by NikaMandela, Mon Oct-19-15 09:12 AM
its not just about lack of sexual release. there's porn for that.

12912970, porn doesn't solve those problems.
Posted by PROMO, Mon Oct-19-15 10:10 AM
not for people who already feel rejected.
12912996, thats my point.
Posted by NikaMandela, Mon Oct-19-15 10:37 AM
if it was just about lack of sexual release, they'd just beat off and be somewhat done with it.

but being lonely + horny is a really bad combo.
12912994, No intimacy in pron. Or hookers.
Posted by flipnile, Mon Oct-19-15 10:36 AM
12913012, Right.
Posted by Teknontheou, Mon Oct-19-15 10:49 AM
12913016, Dudes get alot of emotional fulfillment from a romantic-sexual
Posted by Teknontheou, Mon Oct-19-15 10:53 AM
relationship with someone. I think that's something that separates most men from most women, and it doesn't get brought up alot. These dudes can't turn to friends and family for what they're craving (a deep emotional connection with another human being), like women often can with their girlfriends/sisters/mother/children.
12913026, how does this separate most men from most women?
Posted by NikaMandela, Mon Oct-19-15 11:10 AM
by and large both men and woman crave intimacy with sex.
12913040, For adult men, a sexual relationship is the primary way to be
Posted by Teknontheou, Mon Oct-19-15 11:20 AM
emotionally close to another human being. Women seem to get a ton of emotional sustenance from non-sexual friendships and family relationships. Those avenues generally don't work that way for most men. So for women, sex is just one of a number of ways to have emotional intimacy. For men it's the main and largest one.

That's why alot of men in LTR's and marriages will list their S.O. as their best friend, but far fewer women do the same.
12913058, ah i see. its the converse for women.
Posted by NikaMandela, Mon Oct-19-15 11:40 AM
swap out physical intimacy for emotional intimacy and thats how it goes with women:

women seek out relationships to give them the physical intimacy that they crave. for men, a relationship is just one of a number of ways to have physical intimacy. for women, its the main and largest one.

most people think men have higher sex drives than women and it makes me laugh/cry.
12912974, I doubt it's that simple.
Posted by Atillah Moor, Mon Oct-19-15 10:12 AM
12913002, After building all of those pedestals, lonely nice guys still don't get any
Posted by flipnile, Mon Oct-19-15 10:41 AM
Unable to figure out what they are doing wrong, they start to come unraveled. Not getting pussy isn't the *only* thing that's wrong with these guys (mental illness is probably #1), but that plus a lack of male friends (and a few other issues) means that they probably feel completely outcast from society, and stop giving a fuck.
12913053, It should be mentioned if its explicitly noted in manifestos
Posted by GameTheory, Mon Oct-19-15 11:33 AM
Again, i've never seen a mainstream news source even highlight sexual identity as a motive
12913086, especially when the guy who bullies them got hoes
Posted by legsdiamond, Mon Oct-19-15 12:09 PM
12913125, the larger problem is that they think they're entitled to women
Posted by Bluebear, Mon Oct-19-15 12:35 PM
and attractive women at that, regardless of what they're working with (call it the Costanza effect). So it's not just that they can't get women, but that they think they're supposed to and are being insulted and deprived.
12913127, yep.
Posted by NikaMandela, Mon Oct-19-15 12:38 PM
12913170, You're still evading. Of course they feel entitled. They're not smashing
Posted by GameTheory, Mon Oct-19-15 01:14 PM
I'm not saying that its fair for them to feel that way. I'm saying that its unreported how influential this simple aspect can be
12913186, that Colorado Dark Night theater shooter had nothing to do with any of that
Posted by rdhull, Mon Oct-19-15 01:25 PM
>and attractive women at that, regardless of what they're
>working with (call it the Costanza effect). So it's not just
>that they can't get women, but that they think they're
>supposed to and are being insulted and deprived.
12913546, The problem isn't "entitlement" at all. That's just another strawman
Posted by flipnile, Tue Oct-20-15 08:44 AM
If they were truly "entitled" then they would most likely turn to sexual assault and rape, something which NONE of these shooters have done.

-the fact of having a right to something.
-the amount to which a person has a right.
-the belief that one is inherently deserving of privileges or special treatment.

These emotional labels are just another way to avoid addressing the actual issues. Just like video games or rap music are used as scapegoats to avoid looking at what's really going on.
12913577, whats really going on? are they just craaaazy
Posted by legsdiamond, Tue Oct-20-15 09:11 AM
I had a friend in Richmond who killed a friend of his who was a good dude... and he tried to kill his other friend but the gun jammed. Asked him if he was ready to see Jesus then pulled the trigger but I guess Jesus want ready to see the second car cause the gun didn't go off.

we never found out why he did it.

some people are just off I guess?

no manifesto and it wasn't a mass shooting but we all wondered why he shot the nicest guy on campus.

it didn't make sense
12913603, Sadly, I think the main reason is emotional instability, or being crazy
Posted by flipnile, Tue Oct-20-15 09:33 AM
Young men with wildly-fluctuating emotions that are often at the extreme ends of the manic/depressive spectrum. There are probably reasons why they are that way, but to find out requires empathizing with the plight of America's loser young men that have fallen through the cracks, which is something that people just don't like to do.

Similar to how the media portrays black men as shiftless criminals that need to be locked the fuck up, but they rarely show the cultural and societal reasons why so many black men are and continue to be that way.
12913726, social disorders != mental disorders
Posted by MiracleRic, Tue Oct-20-15 10:55 AM
not consistently anyway...

social disorders are really just groupings of people who are either incapable or find it extremely difficult to observe, engage, and understand social rules and behaviors

part of the problem is we colloquially use "crazy" as a container for all that shit

the general isolation and complete lack of intimacy is just as much the problem as not having meaningful relationships with women...these men rarely have meaningful relationships with anyone...

social emphasis on sex definitely compounds the problem but yea...saying these guys suffer from social disorders is a no-brainer (no pun intended)

whether or not these guys are insane or suffer from some other mental illness is a crap shoot...flawed social behaviors can stem from mental illness but it's definitely not that strong a correlation that we have to be ignorant about it

having a girlfriend that they want would only be a band aid on that isolation...what happens when that band-aid comes off?