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Topic subjectHow old were you when you first sucked a dick?
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=12912122
12912122, How old were you when you first sucked a dick?
Posted by godleeluv, Wed Dec-31-69 07:00 PM
Inspired by a conversation i had with a friend whose daughter told her she had just sucked a dick for the first time. I was getting ready to judge but i remembered i had done the same at that age. Lol. I would never have told my mom though. She would have never let me live that down. Ironically i lost my viriginity 4 years after i first SAD.


Poll question: How old were you when you first sucked a dick?

Poll result (21 votes)
15 (2 votes)Vote
16 (0 votes)Vote
11-13 (4 votes)Vote
14 (0 votes)Vote
under 11 (9 votes)Vote
over 16 (6 votes)Vote


12912127, *Right clicks on your avatar image* *Selects "open image in new tab"*
Posted by micMajestic, Fri Oct-16-15 04:33 PM
12912129, lol. congrats on focusing on the wrong thing.
Posted by godleeluv, Fri Oct-16-15 04:35 PM
Music is almost everything.
12912144, I think my focus is where it should be lol
Posted by micMajestic, Fri Oct-16-15 04:50 PM
Besides, I never sucked a dick before, so I have nothing to add.
12913003, RE: nah, the focus is on the RIGHT thing considering,,,
Posted by tekktron, Mon Oct-19-15 10:42 AM
the topic and those juicy lips lol

hell, I right-clicked too LOL!!!
12913296, her face is glorious
Posted by Tw3nty, Mon Oct-19-15 03:30 PM
12912131, why the poll options in fucked up order?
Posted by John Forte, Fri Oct-16-15 04:35 PM
12912138, to keep you on your toes
Posted by godleeluv, Fri Oct-16-15 04:41 PM
And us on our knees.
Music is almost everything.
12912613, you silly for this lol
Posted by Boogie Stimuli, Sun Oct-18-15 06:09 AM
>And us on our knees.

12912676, lol
Posted by godleeluv, Sun Oct-18-15 02:27 PM

Music is almost everything.
12912159, lol
Posted by Ashy Achilles, Fri Oct-16-15 05:14 PM
12912139, This should be good.
Posted by Atillah Moor, Fri Oct-16-15 04:42 PM
12912143, Under 11? This happens??
Posted by Binladen, Fri Oct-16-15 04:50 PM
12912145, wonder how old the dudes were.
Posted by godleeluv, Fri Oct-16-15 04:52 PM
If they were older then im judging them. If they were the same age then not so much.
Music is almost everything.
12912160, now i wonder how old dudes were when they first had a bj
Posted by Ashy Achilles, Fri Oct-16-15 05:15 PM
12912166, most dudes i ask say 9- 11
Posted by godleeluv, Fri Oct-16-15 05:28 PM
But the women were older.
Music is almost everything.
12912336, hmm
Posted by Ashy Achilles, Sat Oct-17-15 08:27 AM
12912151, That poll option is making me cry
Posted by Amritsar, Fri Oct-16-15 05:02 PM
Bawling even
12912158, lol u must have a daughter.
Posted by godleeluv, Fri Oct-16-15 05:13 PM
I do not. But the mombi was talking to didnt seem too bothered. I mean she was mad but 15 really isnt that young to be experimenting. As i said, i would never have talked to my mom about it tho.
Music is almost everything.
12912202, yes, it happens.
Posted by PoppaGeorge, Fri Oct-16-15 06:43 PM
that was my first sexual contact with a girl, and I was 9 or 10 years old when it happened; she was 11.


"Where was the peace when we were getting shot? Where's the peace when we were getting laid out?
Where is the peace when we are in the back of ambulances? Where is the peace then?
They don't want to call for peace then.
12912210, see 9-11 is what most men tell me.
Posted by godleeluv, Fri Oct-16-15 06:56 PM
And the girl was older most of the time.

How old were u when u lost your virginia?
Music is almost everything.
12912224, 18, but not for lack of trying.
Posted by PoppaGeorge, Fri Oct-16-15 07:48 PM
And she was 24.

From the first bj to the first piece of pussy I was chasing ass relentlessly. I was surprised at the number of girls willing to blow me or have anal sex but not give up their virginity (the anal part is reeeally surprising) and obviously I took what I could get back then. Almost got it a number of times between 12 and 17, but finally got it on my 18th birthday.


"Where was the peace when we were getting shot? Where's the peace when we were getting laid out?
Where is the peace when we are in the back of ambulances? Where is the peace then?
They don't want to call for peace then.
12912251, Ok. I was 19.
Posted by godleeluv, Fri Oct-16-15 08:51 PM
I was picky. Plenty of offers and opportunities before then but i wasnt ready. But boy when i did lose it there were a lot of repercussions. I didnt get burned or pregnant or anything but i did get caught by my mama. :(

I was made to feel like the worst person in the world. That affected the majority of my future sexual experiences.
Music is almost everything.
12912157, i am cracking up at my desk and i've only read the post title
Posted by Ashy Achilles, Fri Oct-16-15 05:13 PM
12912191, something about SAD is funny.
Posted by godleeluv, Fri Oct-16-15 06:21 PM
I agree.
Music is almost everything.
12912169, my sensibilities are offended ... cyren, please BAN THIS FOOl!
Posted by Kwesi, Fri Oct-16-15 05:31 PM
12912172, lol.
Posted by godleeluv, Fri Oct-16-15 05:35 PM

Music is almost everything.
12912601, Lol
Posted by DavidHasselhoff, Sat Oct-17-15 11:57 PM
12912171, Man, this shoulda been a monday post
Posted by legsdiamond, Fri Oct-16-15 05:34 PM
12912176, my friend came by today to bring me some baby shower gifts
Posted by godleeluv, Fri Oct-16-15 05:38 PM
She also brought great conversation.

This was the same lady who i complained about her saying her kids were together and her other friends werent. I knew if i waited id get her to tell me some shit that showed nobodys kids are perfect.

She did meet my son, and she commented about how well i dealt with him, unlike her other friend.

This girl is a trip. Kinda messy and full of drama.

I like her.
Music is almost everything.
12912197, 26, 28....can't remember....
Posted by Trinity444, Fri Oct-16-15 06:34 PM
It was still taboo when I grew up
at least amongst my crew...hood

12912198, how old were u when u first watched pr0n?
Posted by godleeluv, Fri Oct-16-15 06:36 PM

Music is almost everything.
12912206, hell...even that is more recent...
Posted by Trinity444, Fri Oct-16-15 06:49 PM
as a child, we played....
I mean like...we kissed and grind
I was naive when it came to sex
12912209, i got my ghost titties sucked when i was 14
Posted by godleeluv, Fri Oct-16-15 06:54 PM
Them thangs were non existent. But i got mines regardless.


Music is almost everything.
12912214, 23
Posted by SimplyHannah, Fri Oct-16-15 07:13 PM
Tried it out and ain't done it since.
12912248, Lol. Its much easier when u start younger
Posted by godleeluv, Fri Oct-16-15 08:48 PM
Because the instrument is easier to handle/manage/master

Music is almost everything.
12912238, somebody in here got violated
Posted by LAbeathustla, Fri Oct-16-15 08:21 PM
12912247, Id say the 9yr old boy who got head from the 11yr old
Posted by godleeluv, Fri Oct-16-15 08:46 PM
But hey, thats just my opinion
12912240, 29
Posted by murderbear, Fri Oct-16-15 08:25 PM
12912249, Ok
Posted by godleeluv, Fri Oct-16-15 08:48 PM

Music is almost everything.
12912304, Where Was THIS post when I was tryna get through Friday?
Posted by RaphaelSoulLee, Sat Oct-17-15 01:28 AM
....Oh yeah, I can't click on this kinda shit!
12912875, 21.
Posted by NikaMandela, Mon Oct-19-15 09:06 AM
the guy was about 5 years older and he'd never ate pussy, so we decided to experiment with each other. also, this was in paris.

growing up it was always thought of as some nasty shit only white girls did.
12912893, The last one
Posted by ThaTruth, Mon Oct-19-15 09:15 AM
12912895, lol :-/
Posted by NikaMandela, Mon Oct-19-15 09:16 AM
12913261, wait a minute... was this some random dude or your bf?
Posted by legsdiamond, Mon Oct-19-15 02:45 PM
cause this sounds like an awesome lie to get some head while eating pussy badly aka the fake chow
12913290, he was my study abroad boo.
Posted by NikaMandela, Mon Oct-19-15 03:26 PM
he was not trying to hustle me out of some head at all.

funny thing is, we're still friends.
12913294, keen peepology, lol...
Posted by ThaTruth, Mon Oct-19-15 03:30 PM
>cause this sounds like an awesome lie to get some head while
>eating pussy badly aka the fake chow
12913257, found my nieces p0rn bookmarks folder on grandmom's laptop. she 12
Posted by Riot, Mon Oct-19-15 02:37 PM
How should I handle it, godleeluv?

I guess I gotta put the Internet blockers/filters on, or my mom gonna pass out

But If I take away the freaky vids, am I gonna catch her grinding behind the house?

Just tell her it's normal, but Kool out?

No way in hell nobody over here is SAD at nobody's 9yrs old tho. Wtf. yall on some prince Richard Pryor stuff
12913270, id make her aware that i saw it
Posted by godleeluv, Mon Oct-19-15 02:57 PM
And tell her to be glad her gma didnt. Clear it and then if u can, talk to her to see where her head is at. No pun intended.

The main thing for me is making sure an older person isnt influencing the behavior.

As far as the 9yo thing....man from what ive seen and heard the kids were unsupervised. On my block there was a house that the mom wanted to be young so bad, she threw parties and kids would come there from 8 or 9 to 16. The mama even had sex with some of the 16year olds. Her son was around that age so she would act like the parties were for him. All kinds of things were rumoured to have happened there. Her son was fucking with younger girls too. That house had too many rooms man. :(

I never was allowed to go to her house.
Music is almost everything.
12913286, clear indication why white girls be stealing yall men
Posted by ShinobiShaw, Mon Oct-19-15 03:24 PM
If you got a college degree and never sucked a dick you doing it wrong.
this goes for guys and girls.
Posted by ThaTruth, Mon Oct-19-15 03:31 PM
>If you got a college degree and never sucked a dick you doing
>it wrong.