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Topic subjectThat's So Raven: Thinks it's okay to discriminate against "black" names (video)
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12909358, That's So Raven: Thinks it's okay to discriminate against "black" names (video)
Posted by PimpTrickGangstaClik, Fri Oct-09-15 02:50 PM
She knows her name is Raven, right?

12909361, That New Black Shit is for realz.
Posted by Buddy_Gilapagos, Fri Oct-09-15 02:59 PM

"Everyone has a plan until you punch them in the face. Then they don't have a plan anymore." (c) Mike Tyson

Movies I need y'all bastids to see so we can discuss:

Five Star - https://goo.gl/jBHbVv
Appropriate Behavior - http://goo.gl/isCzTM
12909363, See this is what happens when people just condone anything.
Posted by Kira, Fri Oct-09-15 03:09 PM
These Nu Black niggas disgust me. UGH....
12909369, Her name Black as hell
Posted by John Forte, Fri Oct-09-15 03:16 PM
12909374, Hair is "ghetto" as hell too............
Posted by WarriorPoet415, Fri Oct-09-15 03:26 PM
all these mohawks and colors that don't appear in nature all up in your head talkin' about someone is ghetto?


"There's a fine line between persistence and foolishness..."

"To Each His Reach"
12909370, I agree with Posts #1 and #2
Posted by flipnile, Fri Oct-09-15 03:17 PM
12909371, Her made up example name was "Watermelondrea"
Posted by flipnile, Fri Oct-09-15 03:21 PM
Really wish there was an actual Black card, so we could revoke hers and youtube it going through the shredder.
12909376, To be fair, I think they were referencing this video
Posted by PimpTrickGangstaClik, Fri Oct-09-15 03:29 PM

So it wasn't out of thin air. Why they would be taking about this in 2015, I don't know
12910817, Fair enough, but I still don't like this woman
Posted by flipnile, Wed Oct-14-15 11:59 AM
She comes off as being opportunistically-Black to me. Clowning the very same group of people that (at other times) she wants to portray being down with.
12909386, there's 2 much access to the dumb-ass thoughts of formerly unidentified
Posted by BigJazz, Fri Oct-09-15 03:46 PM
dumb-ass people...

I'm tryna be better off, not better than...
12909423, RE: there's 2 much access to the dumb-ass thoughts of formerly unidentified
Posted by double 0, Fri Oct-09-15 05:54 PM
I just thought this as I stopped in the middle of listening to a podcast...

cant take stupid ass interviewers asking for talking points when they dont even have all the proper facts.. just the #twitterfacts
12909387, On one hand Im like she knows this gets her press
Posted by BigReg, Fri Oct-09-15 03:50 PM
and nobody cares about her acting, so she might as well start a new career as a troll.

But I find it difficult to reconcile how fucking lost someone like that could be, particularly someone who's supposed to be queer. Then again, lots of cash can shield you from a shitload of biases.

>She knows her name is Raven, right?
12909973, With all the money and resources she has...
Posted by Moonlit_Force, Mon Oct-12-15 07:30 PM
...despite being black, queer, a woman, and a child star in hollywood
she really should aim higher than a career in trolldom.

Shit's disappointing ,not without irony , and more than lil' ridiculous.
12910224, Nah. I think she's genuinely too dumb to be that calculated
Posted by Cold Truth, Tue Oct-13-15 12:42 PM
12909395, Man I can't stand this heffa.
Posted by Hitokiri, Fri Oct-09-15 04:08 PM
I'm young enough that I loved Olivia. And Hanging with Mr. Cooper. Was too old for That's So Raven and Cheetah Girls but I was happy she was still doing her thing... Now though... I wish someone would run up on her and smack the shit out of her for as much as opening her mouth to breathe.
12909422, This.
Posted by soulpsychodelicyde, Fri Oct-09-15 05:48 PM
Like ugh... cannot STAND this chick. Fuck she talmbout? Ugh.
12909400, http://i.imgur.com/1j70CTR.gif
Posted by double negative, Fri Oct-09-15 04:28 PM
12909401, Whoopi's eyes were everything in that exchange
Posted by double negative, Fri Oct-09-15 04:30 PM
12909411, perfect
Posted by Dstl1, Fri Oct-09-15 05:04 PM
12909416, she kinda put Whoopi in a trick bag...Whoop held it together, doe
Posted by Dstl1, Fri Oct-09-15 05:14 PM
12909442, RE: That's So Raven: Thinks it's okay to discriminate against "black" names (video)
Posted by Tiggerific, Fri Oct-09-15 08:41 PM
Because she's an idiot.
12909612, If you give your children acceptable names so do you
Posted by Musa, Sun Oct-11-15 09:09 AM
12910863, wat?
Posted by MiracleRic, Wed Oct-14-15 12:36 PM
12909766, her fathers response
Posted by rdhull, Mon Oct-12-15 08:33 AM

Her dad Christopher Pearman said in a statement on his page:

There has been much talk today about my daughters comments on her show The View. People have been hitting me up all night questioning me about her remarks. Let me say this......I haven't managed Ravens career in over 10 years. This woman is grown, has her own management team, has her own opinions, right or wrong, and is responsible for her own words and actions. A woman wrote to me tonight and said she couldn't support my book because of the words of my daughter. What she fails to realize is that my book is about teaching your child to believe and achieve. Raven has achieved incredible success, and this cannot be denied!
Children grow up and become influenced by many things, situations and people. I certainly don't agree with what she said....but she is damn near thirty years old. She's a grown ass woman making grown ass mistakes. We all have been guilty of this.

And then he dropped this nugget:

I did my best as her father, mentor and career manager. I believe I did a Wonderful job. Aside from this inexcusable gaffe, her 29 years in the entertainment industry has been quite successful, for there have been only an Elite Few Child Stars to last this long and have little to no controversy. For this, I am Very Proud!
Raven is a really Beautiful, Sweethearted, Human Being.I should know. Her Mother and I Love her Very much and will always support her and have her back. Even if sometimes..........she says some dumb S#%T!


Raven has remained silent about all the fall out, but we're sure she'll say SOMETHING on the show Monday morning....


Sunday afternoon, Raven used her Facebook page to apology and explain her comments:

"I'd like to begin by saying that I was not attacking a specific race, but repeating a name that was said in a viral video which has received over 2 million likes," she wrote, addressing her 4.8 million followers. "My comment was in poor taste. My lack of empathy towards name discrimination was uncalled for....As an equal opportunity employer, I have never discriminated against a name....even though I said I would, it's not true," she insisted.

"I have been denied many jobs because of my skin color, body size, and age. Each time I was rejected, my self-esteem was negatively affected, so I empathize with those who feel victimized by what I said," she went on. "We would hope that when it comes to hiring, our names, physical appearance, sexual orientation, and age would never outweigh our qualifications, but often times, they do, that's the truth and it sucks. But I should not be part of the problem, I should be part of the solution," she concluded.
12909768, haha, pops called it like it is.
Posted by KiloMcG, Mon Oct-12-15 08:41 AM
12909778, ''she says dumb shit'' lol
Posted by rdhull, Mon Oct-12-15 09:08 AM
12909951, Is her father Mistermaxx by chance?
Posted by Cold Truth, Mon Oct-12-15 04:22 PM
12910120, lol
Posted by Ashy Achilles, Tue Oct-13-15 11:19 AM
maxxx don't curse tho
12909957, My homegirl on Facebook posted this personal experience today:
Posted by -DJ R-Tistic-, Mon Oct-12-15 06:05 PM
"Raven Symone issue: My freshman year of College I went to SDSU and I was the last person to move into the dorm on my floor. This was 2002 so J-lo, cornrolls and bedazzled bandanas were in. I remember getting off the elevator and walking towards my room and I heard chatter. People had signs and confetti waiting for me to come (Signs said Welcome Jessica) as I walked down the hall with my braids, Red bedazzled bandana, Jordan's, and guess outfit I can see the look of surprise on their faces. I remember thinking to myself "I guess they didn't expect a black person" as I approached them they all just said hi and it was the worst welcome ever. When I got settled that night my roomate says to me "We didn't know what race you were by your name it was kind of confusing, I guess this will be interesting especially since I've only went to school with 1 black person". So I just told her sucks for you because I'm gonna be black all year long. After this happened I remember saying I'm going to name my kid something racially ambiguous like Chloe Michelle. The issue is we need to stop discriminating against people. If someone wants to name their kid something crazy that's their prerogative."
12909971, Would've been a perfect anecdote... with the last line omitted.
Posted by Moonlit_Force, Mon Oct-12-15 07:26 PM
12910066, i definitely experienced this a few times at job interviews
Posted by legsdiamond, Tue Oct-13-15 08:47 AM
12910173, Being real, I still get that shock face when I show up
Posted by soken, Tue Oct-13-15 12:09 PM
and they realize I am black. I have what is considered a "white name" mother named me that so I wouldn't have any issues getting a job. Always a funny awkward moment.
12910238, One day on a phone interview I want to say 'by the way I'm not white'
Posted by Atillah Moor, Tue Oct-13-15 12:49 PM
just to hear that pause on the other end. Sometimes I feel like you just need to give those folks a heads up so we don't waste each other's time.
12910299, Job calls "hello can I speak with Justin" me - "waddup nig"
Posted by soken, Tue Oct-13-15 01:54 PM
12911102, lol
Posted by rdhull, Wed Oct-14-15 06:04 PM
12910227, "Cornrolls" makes me angry.
Posted by Hitokiri, Tue Oct-13-15 12:44 PM
12910259, Agreed.
Posted by Teknontheou, Tue Oct-13-15 12:57 PM
12910308, as you can see by mu screen name i have a very common first and middle
Posted by tomjohn29, Tue Oct-13-15 02:12 PM
the look i get sometimes is astounding
from black folk too
12910125, There's a reason why Koreans and Chinese have an 'American' name
Posted by Atillah Moor, Tue Oct-13-15 11:27 AM
but something else among the people who actually give a damn about them i.e. family and friends. When going to work or school one is not attending with the goal to gain either of the aforementioned.
12910135, I think in their case its more about the name being easier to spell/pronounce
Posted by Binladen, Tue Oct-13-15 11:35 AM
12910225, It's that as well, but the point is that it makes things easier.
Posted by Atillah Moor, Tue Oct-13-15 12:43 PM
which is what we're both getting at.
12910364, They want to assimilate niggas still carry name brands
Posted by Musa, Tue Oct-13-15 03:21 PM
of white folks around as if it's their own.
12910374, Is it assimilation if you have one name for outsiders and another
Posted by Atillah Moor, Tue Oct-13-15 04:11 PM
For your own? I'd think assimilation would be a complete adoption of another's culture which isn't really what's happening with Koreans at least IMHO.

The truth regarding "black people" is that names that don't reflect any known etymology put as at a disadvantage. Why add more obstacles to a life which is guaranteed a certain unbalanced amount of such to begin with?

I'd argue a "Raven" will get an interview before a "Rakeisha". Wouldn't it be more strategic to be Rakeisha at home and Raven at work?
12910783, I went to high school with a kid named Neeraj. He opened an auto repair shop
Posted by KosherSam, Wed Oct-14-15 11:26 AM
and goes by Nick. I asked him about it (because unlike other Asian kids with "American" names, he went by Neeraj all through school) and he said flat out "people don't want some guy named Neeraj fixing their car."

My old boss shortened his last name to something less Jewish sounding for the same reason.
12910240, her name is Raven. Her co-host is named Whoopi. oh, and there was Star
Posted by Cold Truth, Tue Oct-13-15 12:49 PM
Seems like The View has the exact opposite philosophy, at least when it comes to hiring black women.

Perhaps that, along with obvious Disney Nepotism, is how they eventually wound up with a fat lesbian with a Kool Aid Tropical Punch colored rooster on her head named Raven as a host who is dumb to the degree self parody.

When you look at it from that standpoint, Ravens policy might well be a wise choice.
12910242, ouch
Posted by Ashy Achilles, Tue Oct-13-15 12:50 PM
12910372, *searches this reply for fucks but finds none*
Posted by Kira, Tue Oct-13-15 04:01 PM
>Seems like The View has the exact opposite philosophy, at
>least when it comes to hiring black women.
>Perhaps that, along with obvious Disney Nepotism, is how they
>eventually wound up with a fat lesbian with a Kool Aid
>Tropical Punch colored rooster on her head named Raven as a
>host who is dumb to the degree self parody.
>When you look at it from that standpoint, Ravens policy might
>well be a wise choice.

This warms my heart.
12911106, Her name is Raven-Symoné
Posted by Hitokiri, Wed Oct-14-15 06:10 PM
Symoné isn't her last name.
Her name is hyphenated. With an unused/unnecessary accent mark. And an alternate spelling.


12910788, meanwhile, she's got an accent on her name that is just for show.
Posted by KosherSam, Wed Oct-14-15 11:27 AM
12911039, wonder how she would feel about Josephine.
Posted by godleeluv, Wed Oct-14-15 03:52 PM

Music is almost everything.