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Topic subjectOkfrancaise. Help me out...
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=12906582
12906582, Okfrancaise. Help me out...
Posted by normal35762, Sat Oct-03-15 05:12 PM
So this article is about some Congolese with Japanese dads who abandoned them? Japanese doctors killed unwanted kids? When did this happen? In the 70's?


Any other details you care to share from the video?
12906607, u got the gist of it
Posted by thegodcam, Sat Oct-03-15 09:15 PM
back in the 70's about a thousand Japanese men came to the Congo to extract cobalt.... many of them slept with Congolese women and sometimes got them pregnant... the beginning of the vid, some of these women testify that they they had 8 or 9 children and that the only child of theirs that died was the one they had with a Japanese.... what seem to have happened is that at some point after the birth, the baby was brought to a Japanese doctor to be examined... the women couldnt be in the room, only the Japanese father would be there with the Japanese doctor... next thing u know, the baby would pass away the next day... the perception is that the baby was poisoned because the men couldnt/wouldnt bring back a half-black baby back to Japan

that being said, there is a small community of half-japanese congolese who formed an association... they feel like they r survivors cuz many of them say they feared of being killed when they were younger... many of them say they dont even have a birth certificate because their birth was never officially recorded...
12906643, Weird and fascinating story
Posted by dafriquan, Sun Oct-04-15 01:32 AM
12906662, this shit is crazy. nm
Posted by Binlahab, Sun Oct-04-15 09:05 AM
12906668, Thanks.
Posted by normal35762, Sun Oct-04-15 09:37 AM
12906698, wow
Posted by shamus, Sun Oct-04-15 11:45 AM
12906654, here is the version in english
Posted by dapitts08, Sun Oct-04-15 08:02 AM
