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Topic subjectWould you volunteer for slavery on Mars?
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=12906348
12906348, Would you volunteer for slavery on Mars?
Posted by DJPoke, Wed Dec-31-69 07:00 PM
Let's say planet Earth is in its last days. Famine, disease, war, environmental disasters etc. White folk have built a colony on Mars. The only Blacks they're taking with them have to volunteer to be slaves. You signing up or is you chilling here on earth to await your demise?

Poll question: Would you volunteer for slavery on Mars?

Poll result (14 votes)
yessuh bawse! we'suh ready? (4 votes)Vote
hell nah (10 votes)Vote


12906349, Almost a Koku-worthy hypothetical.
Posted by IkeMoses, Fri Oct-02-15 06:08 PM
12906351, Can one be a volunteer slave?
Posted by MEAT, Fri Oct-02-15 06:28 PM
12906354, i'd only volunteer for sex slavery.
Posted by SoWhat, Fri Oct-02-15 06:36 PM
12906358, that would be the easiest uprising ever, I'll go just so I can help y'all
Posted by J_Stew, Fri Oct-02-15 06:49 PM
12906362, Sure, why not
Posted by Paps_Smear, Fri Oct-02-15 06:58 PM
I'd be sleeping with their wives on the low in no time.

The uprising would happen pretty fast. Know damn well we ain't going for free work for that long.
12906364, Can we add some realism to this scenario?
Posted by Kira, Fri Oct-02-15 06:59 PM
No one Black person volunteers for slavery. I don't care how much we care about humanity none of us is voluntarily going back to slavery so let's alter the scenario:

They make us an offering at the national black people meeting day held via Skype across North and South America. Basically, they offer us favorable terms that are utter bullshit as soon as we leave Earth's atmosphere. Literally they put us to sleep and wake us up right before we land telling us the real scenario. It's similar to that one movie with that dude from Friends, Lacey Chabert, and those fantastic four space suits.

I'm under the assumption it's me and like 11 other black people because they need guinea pigs to test the efficacy of such a scenario. Yeah, I'm turning my back on humanity. Either I'm taking all the supplies and leaving dooming humanity to perish or "making sure" all these alleged slave masters discover negative ramifications of such actions and ditch them to die in space. Knowing me I'd find out the scenario early and make sure I wake up before the white people do, steal the supplies, but let the spaceship keep moving as I slide out to another galaxy dooming them to live on Mars without supplies. Either way fuck humanity and these racist fucks as I chuck the deuce to go explore the galaxy.
12906405, "No one Black person volunteers for slavery..." the poll so far disagrees
Posted by Buddy_Gilapagos, Fri Oct-02-15 10:35 PM
"Everyone has a plan until you punch them in the face. Then they don't have a plan anymore." (c) Mike Tyson

Movies I need y'all bastids to see so we can discuss:

Five Star - https://goo.gl/jBHbVv
Appropriate Behavior - http://goo.gl/isCzTM
12906409, Maybe they're thinking of incentives...
Posted by Kira, Fri Oct-02-15 11:05 PM
... i.e. here's millions for your family from now until the trip and after to cover lost wages for your entire geneology. No amount of money would ever justify slavery.
12906480, I wouldn't bet the farm on that
Posted by Garhart Poppwell, Sat Oct-03-15 05:57 AM
12906610, Maaaynne, you wouldn't do shit.
Posted by KiloMcG, Sat Oct-03-15 09:33 PM
12906703, Yes, I would....
Posted by Kira, Sun Oct-04-15 12:35 PM
... I'd sooner than later doom the rest of humanity to destruction than work as a slave. Especially, in space where there is no record of what happened. All you'd have to do is either destroy the records, destroy the ship, or "work out a solution" with the space shuttle participants.

12906386, i woildnt go to Mars for a million white women
Posted by legsdiamond, Fri Oct-02-15 09:14 PM
12906640, Who'd volunteer for hell tho?
Posted by Boogie Stimuli, Sun Oct-04-15 12:54 AM
12906390, I can almost guarantee you half of the first people to go to Mars
Posted by Musa, Fri Oct-02-15 09:42 PM
will be highly pigmentated and be majority women.

Why because the current beings on Mars are BLACK.
12906494, Lol
Posted by Teknontheou, Sat Oct-03-15 08:23 AM
12906495, Laugh now
Posted by Musa, Sat Oct-03-15 08:39 AM
d ride later.
12906616, u really like elijah huh?
Posted by thegodcam, Sat Oct-03-15 09:53 PM
12906687, You know these "mythologies" were around
Posted by Musa, Sun Oct-04-15 11:01 AM
before Elijah he just made it popular for Black folk in the US.

12906706, yup
Posted by Mynoriti, Sun Oct-04-15 12:54 PM

>Why because the current beings on Mars are BLACK.
12906707, Wrong this Mars is closer to the original one
Posted by Musa, Sun Oct-04-15 12:56 PM

and he is from the planet Brooklyn

12906394, these replies are a perfect microcosm of okp
Posted by DJPoke, Fri Oct-02-15 10:04 PM
I didn't even know I knew that word either.
12906403, Lil Duval
Posted by seasoned vet, Fri Oct-02-15 10:30 PM
12906404, Sex slavery
Posted by DavidHasselhoff, Fri Oct-02-15 10:32 PM
Hetero of course
12906624, Uh, you think you get a choice?
Posted by ConcreteCharlie, Sat Oct-03-15 11:04 PM
12906638, Lol right?
Posted by Moonlit_Force, Sun Oct-04-15 12:40 AM
12906407, I've wonder who were those first people to volunteer to go to the New
Posted by Buddy_Gilapagos, Fri Oct-02-15 10:37 PM

When the survival rate was like 40%. Or even people who volunteered to go west. old world must have been fucked up as shit.

"Everyone has a plan until you punch them in the face. Then they don't have a plan anymore." (c) Mike Tyson

Movies I need y'all bastids to see so we can discuss:

Five Star - https://goo.gl/jBHbVv
Appropriate Behavior - http://goo.gl/isCzTM
12906414, I'm going to planet #5
Posted by csuave03, Fri Oct-02-15 11:42 PM
Jupitarians gonna have it poppin

67 moons & rings?

Plus a day is like 10 hours long?

People would get old like its nothin

After working a couple of years you can check out. For good.

Gets cold though, but I'll be straight

Might set up shop on that red spot

12906665, Probably no surface, and way too much pressure. So goodluck.
Posted by Innocent Criminal, Sun Oct-04-15 09:14 AM
12906490, i wouldnt make a good slave because i don't do well with taking orders
Posted by BigJazz, Sat Oct-03-15 07:51 AM
i'm a 'i know what my job is so get away from me and i'll get it done' type of guy.

i doubt that if they put me in the martian version of cotton field that i would get that type of autonomy...
12906563, I wouldn't give up on earth so easily.
Posted by Moonlit_Force, Sat Oct-03-15 03:14 PM
It's a big place and there's bound to be multiple spots where a
decent, simple life could be had despite everything else waging
on in the world.

I'm not cut out to be anyone's racialized slave- sexual or otherwise.
12906622, I stay on earth and spearhead the new B.G.F....:Black Gundam Federation!
Posted by NoDrawls McGraw, Sat Oct-03-15 11:00 PM
Type bounce to Japan and intern at a Mecha-development lab.
Under the guise of *apprenticeship, recon they whole shit
and smuggle mecha-fabrication-schematic technology back to
Pan-Afro-America. Dissemenate the knowledge to my kinfolk, get
deez Gundams crackin, den rally troops and bumrush Mars
and gaffle they whole shit up fo La Raza!

12906664, If I could work in the house
Posted by 81 DUN, Sun Oct-04-15 09:13 AM