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Topic subjectAzelia Banks on a Plane
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12900118, Azelia Banks on a Plane
Posted by Cenario, Tue Sep-22-15 01:49 PM

Full story:

12900127, "To be fair, we've ALL felt like saying that on a plane before."
Posted by Frank Longo, Tue Sep-22-15 01:57 PM
- someone earnestly in the first 20 replies, just watch.

I've found on FB (and occasionally on here) that some people defend Azealia Banks for any and everything she says/does. She could punch Obama in the face and they'd be like, "Well, what did Obama say first, though?" They like that she's a fighter, without acknowledging that maybe she just gets into all these spats because she's batshit crazy.

One would hope that no one would try to defend this behavior. But someone weirdly will, somehow or another.
12900215, Check me out at post #7 lol. Not defending her actions in the vid tho
Posted by micMajestic, Tue Sep-22-15 02:43 PM
>- someone earnestly in the first 20 replies, just watch.
>I've found on FB (and occasionally on here) that some people
>defend Azealia Banks for any and everything she says/does. She
>could punch Obama in the face and they'd be like, "Well, what
>did Obama say first, though?" They like that she's a fighter,
>without acknowledging that maybe she just gets into all these
>spats because she's batshit crazy.
>One would hope that no one would try to defend this behavior.
>But someone weirdly will, somehow or another.

Let my love slide in and never slip out
12900218, A chick in Complex's comments swear we're trying to tear this queen down.
Posted by JFrost1117, Tue Sep-22-15 02:44 PM
12900133, She's probably right about dude violating, but she's also a little cray
Posted by flipnile, Tue Sep-22-15 02:01 PM
I wonder if she could have handled that shit differently.

She seems like the type to lean over and honk the horn from the passenger seat at a car full of gangsters (because they took to long to pull off at a green light), call them names out the window, then cry as you're thusly being pummeled by four dudes at once.

Edit: Her accent is FUCKING ANNOYING.
12903553, RE: She's probably right about dude violating, but she's also a little cray
Posted by Original Juice, Mon Sep-28-15 05:42 PM
>I wonder if she could have handled that shit differently.
>She seems like the type to lean over and honk the horn from
>the passenger seat at a car full of gangsters (because they
>took to long to pull off at a green light), call them names
>out the window, then cry as you're thusly being pummeled by
>four dudes at once.
>Edit: Her accent is FUCKING ANNOYING.


Sounds like my ex. :)
12900172, she sounds like a small whiny child
Posted by mikediggz, Tue Sep-22-15 02:16 PM
12900179, yeesh. way to shit on some of your base.
Posted by double negative, Tue Sep-22-15 02:19 PM
12900192, sit your cranky ass down and wait your turn to disembark lol
Posted by T Reynolds, Tue Sep-22-15 02:27 PM
12900202, Thats yalls girl
Posted by DavidHasselhoff, Tue Sep-22-15 02:34 PM
12900213, Why did dude need to stick his hand out to block her? Would he have done
Posted by micMajestic, Tue Sep-22-15 02:42 PM
that to a man?

I've been on flights where people on connecting flights try to squeeze past. Shit is super annoying, which seems to fit Azealia's motif. But I've never though to impede the person from passing by.
That's the video that would allow me to properly assess the situation, not her acting out in the aftermath.

Let my love slide in and never slip out
12900243, if i'm standing straight, and someone tried to squeeze by, i'm giving
Posted by Cenario, Tue Sep-22-15 03:00 PM
em a chicken wing at least.

IF you are in a rush, stand up and get as far to the front as you can. If other people are standing tho, you just got to wait.

If you really, really, really, need to get off the plane and squeeze past standing folks, you need to ultra apologetic before you squeeze by.

12900289, Yeah what she said (if anything) before she tried to squeeze by makes
Posted by micMajestic, Tue Sep-22-15 03:20 PM
>em a chicken wing at least.
>IF you are in a rush, stand up and get as far to the front as
>you can. If other people are standing tho, you just got to
>If you really, really, really, need to get off the plane and
>squeeze past standing folks, you need to ultra apologetic
>before you squeeze by.

somewhat of a difference. And no doubt she seems to have a lot of difficulty with social interactions. But I just wonder if dude saw this skinny black girl trying to pass him and felt comfortable about getting aggressive with her.

Let my love slide in and never slip out
12900361, im still amazed at the fact that she spit in his face smh.. what a gal.
Posted by mikediggz, Tue Sep-22-15 04:11 PM
her and foxy are wonderful role models
12900363, the space was tight....she was just lubing him.
Posted by Cenario, Tue Sep-22-15 04:13 PM
12900373, right but if she got pummelled in the face over that shit she'd have
Posted by mikediggz, Tue Sep-22-15 04:21 PM
felt done wrong and violated
12900375, Again I'd have to see his first move to judge. I'm not cool with him putting
Posted by micMajestic, Tue Sep-22-15 04:26 PM
>her and foxy are wonderful role models

his hand up to her face, if that's what happened then I can see how the situation got ugly pretty quick.

Let my love slide in and never slip out
12900385, ordinarily id agree..but this chick has a rep of wildn out on a somewhat
Posted by mikediggz, Tue Sep-22-15 04:37 PM
regular basis..it really doesnt seem to take much at all to set her off
12900389, Fair enough. Her reputation precedes her.
Posted by micMajestic, Tue Sep-22-15 04:49 PM
>regular basis..it really doesnt seem to take much at all to
>set her off

Let my love slide in and never slip out
12903557, RE: if i'm standing straight, and someone tried to squeeze by, i'm giving
Posted by Original Juice, Mon Sep-28-15 05:54 PM
>em a chicken wing at least.
>IF you are in a rush, stand up and get as far to the front as
>you can. If other people are standing tho, you just got to
>If you really, really, really, need to get off the plane and
>squeeze past standing folks, you need to ultra apologetic
>before you squeeze by.

12900248, people swear she "real", though
Posted by Dstl1, Tue Sep-22-15 03:04 PM
12900252, #blackpassengersmatter
Posted by Case_One, Tue Sep-22-15 03:05 PM

Speaking inspiration to your situations on Instagram @jeromejcase.
12900257, Why does she think she has a pass to say that word?
Posted by PimpTrickGangstaClik, Tue Sep-22-15 03:09 PM
I don't want to dig into her unstable history
12900261, she's bi, has a trans brother and has gay employees.
Posted by Cenario, Tue Sep-22-15 03:10 PM
12900280, oh. lol
Posted by PimpTrickGangstaClik, Tue Sep-22-15 03:17 PM
12900299, plus she says that she uses it to mean a weak male not someone who is
Posted by Cenario, Tue Sep-22-15 03:25 PM

Altho, that i didn't hear her say myself but read that part in an article.
12900306, Like when someone whit says Nigger, meaning an ignorant person..
Posted by Case_One, Tue Sep-22-15 03:27 PM
NOPE! NOPe! NOpe! Nope! nope!

Speaking inspiration to your situations on Instagram @jeromejcase.
12900316, Yeah, she's just being ignorant there, I don't buy the excuses.
Posted by micMajestic, Tue Sep-22-15 03:35 PM
>NOPE! NOPe! NOpe! Nope! nope!

Let my love slide in and never slip out
12900392, I would have read her for filth had I been on the plane.
Posted by Moonlit_Force, Tue Sep-22-15 05:01 PM
Even after witnessing that the guy was in the wrong she would've been read.

Homegirl needs a reality check.

And I say that as someone who enjoys the hell out of her music.
12900727, I agree with Case.
Posted by Frank Longo, Wed Sep-23-15 11:27 AM
It's an incredibly lousy rationale, and it may be completely disingenuous.
12900704, she's wrong. she doesn't.
Posted by SoWhat, Wed Sep-23-15 11:03 AM
12900266, I've had it with these motherfucking ***** on this motherfucking plane!
Posted by flipnile, Tue Sep-22-15 03:12 PM
--Azaelia Banks
12900334, Yea , she's crazy as hell, but....
Posted by Dyskoteknowlegy, Tue Sep-22-15 03:48 PM
you know how white people do.
I can imagine some snobby ass French people "on a holiday",
taking there time blocking the fucking way,
especially when they see some little black lady waiting.
White people think their time is more important than yours...
12900348, That's pretty much where I'm at with it too
Posted by micMajestic, Tue Sep-22-15 04:01 PM
>White people think their time is more important than yours...

I'm not trying to give her a pass for all her bs, but I've experienced THIS so often that I have to wonder if it was a factor in how things played out.

Let my love slide in and never slip out
12900359, Is it not standard protocol to wait your turn to exit the plane?
Posted by PimpTrickGangstaClik, Tue Sep-22-15 04:10 PM
People in the back wait until all the people in the front have gotten their stuff and moved through the aisle.

I probably would have given a little passive aggressive hip check if someone tried to skip the line
12900369, If I'm pull hella bags off the overhead, I let everyone pass...
Posted by Dyskoteknowlegy, Tue Sep-22-15 04:18 PM
I don't block the people that got their shit together already.
Now THATS rude...
12900374, eh, i think courtesy is to let the people in the front get their stuff and
Posted by Cenario, Tue Sep-22-15 04:22 PM
disembark first.
12900379, But still...
Posted by Dyskoteknowlegy, Tue Sep-22-15 04:29 PM
you see someone trying to get off,
even if they are breaking protocol,
what does it cost you to step aside?
Maybe the have a connecting flight or something...
12900502, Lol
Posted by Mgmt, Tue Sep-22-15 10:18 PM
>you see someone trying to get off,
>even if they are breaking protocol,
>what does it cost you to step aside?
>Maybe the have a connecting flight or something...
12900480, what was the tug of war with her bag for????
Posted by MizClayton, Tue Sep-22-15 08:16 PM
he could have just let her storm off

12900496, Yeah, that ain't make no sense
Posted by Cenario, Tue Sep-22-15 09:09 PM
12900699, she needs to sit down somewhere
Posted by gumz, Wed Sep-23-15 10:56 AM
12900706, she is the worst.
Posted by SoWhat, Wed Sep-23-15 11:03 AM
her time will be up soon.
12900719, She is the epitome of hustling backwards.
Posted by Starbaby Jones, Wed Sep-23-15 11:19 AM
She stays being her own worst enemy.
12903387, "LGBT community are like the gay white KKKs"
Posted by Frank Longo, Mon Sep-28-15 02:58 PM
12903410, she is the worst.
Posted by SoWhat, Mon Sep-28-15 03:07 PM
12903510, Who the hell are her people?
Posted by MEAT, Mon Sep-28-15 04:42 PM
I NEVER hear anything positive about her. Who's riding for her so hard that she's not completely irrelevant and unmentioned by now?

What in the world is propping this human up?
12903549, Ppl who love rap and hate whitey and fags.
Posted by SoWhat, Mon Sep-28-15 05:33 PM
12903411, I mean, I don't see how she was in the wrong UNTIL she used the slur
Posted by Buddy_Gilapagos, Mon Sep-28-15 03:08 PM
Like the video title was AB goes bezerk on plane but I didn't really see that (and not knowing what happened before the camera was rolling).

"Everyone has a plan until you punch them in the face. Then they don't have a plan anymore." (c) Mike Tyson

Movies I need y'all bastids to see so we can discuss:

Five Star - https://goo.gl/jBHbVv
Appropriate Behavior - http://goo.gl/isCzTM
12903547, I eagerly await hearing Charlamagn give her donkey of the day tomorrow
Posted by Adwhizz, Mon Sep-28-15 05:31 PM
12903561, RE: Azelia Banks on a Plane
Posted by Original Juice, Mon Sep-28-15 05:58 PM
>Full story:

You fly coach/business class.. you wait your turn to get off. Plain and simple. If you're so high and mighty, bite the bullet and fly first class.
12903562, she told somebody on instagram,
Posted by Tommy-B, Mon Sep-28-15 05:58 PM
"One day your hemmroids are going to burst and you’ll bleed to death bitch,"
followed by "keep trolling for d*ck on grindr. You’ll be murdered and stuffed under a truck somewhere soon."

she's batshit.

full story:

12903731, honestly asking...is her music that good...
Posted by Dstl1, Tue Sep-29-15 08:14 AM
that people still ride for her despite this kind of shit? I've literally never heard one bar of hers.
12903691, We just can't support Azeala Banks any more
Posted by dafriquan, Tue Sep-29-15 06:05 AM
As much as I like her music, she might be a three letter organization plant to delegitimize black and queer folk movements for equality. Either that or we are just enabling her infantile outbursts. Just because she occasionally says something we agree with about race or gender does not make up for the fact that she is wrong as hell most of the time.

Her music would have to be mind-blowing for her batshit-diva persona to even be halfway acceptable.

"Fucking faggot"? Really?

12903707, Does she not have anyone on her team to tell her to chill?
Posted by bwood, Tue Sep-29-15 06:56 AM
Her manager or publicist or someone in her squad never tells her to take it down a notch and fall back for a minute. Does she not have people like that around?
12903714, Leave No Bridge Unburned - her PR Team
Posted by MiracleRic, Tue Sep-29-15 07:49 AM
12903889, lol
Posted by Tommy-B, Tue Sep-29-15 12:10 PM
12903733, She's pure id, and people get to act out their own vicariously through her
Posted by MEAT, Tue Sep-29-15 08:18 AM
12903736, yep
Posted by MiracleRic, Tue Sep-29-15 08:25 AM
12903740, Thus ensuring she'll be flying commercial the rest of her pathetic life
Posted by MME, Tue Sep-29-15 08:29 AM
12925394, Looks like her and her crew attacked sercurity at a nightclub in LA
Posted by bwood, Tue Nov-10-15 12:29 PM
Someone in her crew needs to be rational. She has no chill b.

Azealia Banks Investigated in Alleged Security Guard Assault at Los Angeles Nightclub
The LAPD has opened a criminal battery investigation


Azealia Banks is being investigated by the LAPD for criminal battery after allegedly assaulting a security guard at a Los Angeles nightclub, TMZ reports.

The incident took place at Break Room 86 in late September. Security guards claim that Banks tried to pull a fire alarm after she and her friends were asked to leave the club for acting "unruly," according to TMZ. "A security guard grabbed Banks as she was messing with the fire control valves, and that's when Banks and her crew jumped the guy," TMZ reports.

A video released by TMZ captured the incident, and can be viewed here.

Earlier this year, Banks was involved in an altercation on an airplane. Yesterday, Banks cancelled her upcoming tour.
12925412, does she need medz?
Posted by SoWhat, Tue Nov-10-15 12:38 PM
has she been diagnosed?
12925421, Dawg she needs something
Posted by bwood, Tue Nov-10-15 12:44 PM
It's like watching a car crash in slow motion.

It's only so much people are willing to put up with your shit before it backfires.