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Topic subjectDo you trust a man who doesn't drink?
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12894740, Do you trust a man who doesn't drink?
Posted by Binladen, Wed Dec-31-69 07:00 PM
I've heard people say this but I can never tell if their serious. I tend to trust people until they give me a reason not too.
With the exception to men who pop their chewing gum, I don't trust them any further than I can throw them.

Poll question: Do you trust a man who doesn't drink?

Poll result (26 votes)
Yes (12 votes)Vote
No (12 votes)Vote


12894744, Yes, but I don't trust people that don't smoke herb
Posted by flipnile, Fri Sep-11-15 11:39 AM
Especially if they smoke cigarettes and drink. Fucking narcs. Always looking like they are about to go tell on you to someone.

Edit: You talking about people that go to bars, clubs or other drinking venues but don't drink? No one likes or trusts them. Standing around all sober judging people.
12895134, You might be projecting
Posted by Brotha Sun, Sat Sep-12-15 08:09 AM
12894745, nope
Posted by rdhull, Fri Sep-11-15 11:39 AM
12894752, I think thats a bit strong but it's hard for me to form strong bonds with
Posted by Buddy_Gilapagos, Fri Sep-11-15 11:48 AM
folks if we haven't drank together.

"Everyone has a plan until you punch them in the face. Then they don't have a plan anymore." (c) Mike Tyson

Movies I need y'all bastids to see so we can discuss:

Five Star - https://goo.gl/jBHbVv
Appropriate Behavior - http://goo.gl/isCzTM
12894754, same
Posted by Cenario, Fri Sep-11-15 11:52 AM
12894779, thats about how I feel about it.
Posted by Binladen, Fri Sep-11-15 12:14 PM
12894755, i never knew this was a thing
Posted by BigJazz, Fri Sep-11-15 11:53 AM
but i have heard a sign that said something like

when it's time to go to war, i'd rather have a drinker beside me than a teetotaler...

12895135, People make "things" out of the dumbest things tho..
Posted by Boogie Stimuli, Sat Sep-12-15 08:13 AM
I knew a girl who wouldn't talk to a guy anymore if he drank Cherry Coke or Pink Lemonade...
or anything she considered "girly drinks". She liked to drink a lot... big surprise there.
12894756, i don't trust a man who doesn't like sports/competition on any level
Posted by Cenario, Fri Sep-11-15 11:53 AM
watch, play, gamble, something.
12894966, i think that person is weird but i wouldn't call him untrustworthy...
Posted by BigJazz, Fri Sep-11-15 02:57 PM

I'm tryna be better off, not better than...
12894758, Sure, but i also assume they've either had problems with it in the past
Posted by lonesome_d, Fri Sep-11-15 11:55 AM
or abstains for religious purposes

and in almost every case of a non-drinker it's one or the other.

Not a big deal though.
12894764, My man is a native american and Alcohol destroyed his fam. he cool.
Posted by Buddy_Gilapagos, Fri Sep-11-15 11:57 AM

"Everyone has a plan until you punch them in the face. Then they don't have a plan anymore." (c) Mike Tyson

Movies I need y'all bastids to see so we can discuss:

Five Star - https://goo.gl/jBHbVv
Appropriate Behavior - http://goo.gl/isCzTM
12894770, my BIL doesn't drink bc he don't like it.
Posted by Cenario, Fri Sep-11-15 12:03 PM
12894830, I've only ever heard that statement from women
Posted by Lach, Fri Sep-11-15 01:18 PM
never a man
12894762, nah but I judge people with low (IMO) bars for "alcoholism"
Posted by illegal, Fri Sep-11-15 11:56 AM
like this guy I work with,
and then one day he got to talking about it
and it turns out he got super drunk at a party in college and blacked out once
cut it off after that and started the 12 steps


but to me its also CMON.

IIRC Chris Hardwick has a similar story that I respect and roll my eyes at at the same time.
12894766, Yooo, those people are the worst!!!!
Posted by Buddy_Gilapagos, Fri Sep-11-15 11:58 AM

"Everyone has a plan until you punch them in the face. Then they don't have a plan anymore." (c) Mike Tyson

Movies I need y'all bastids to see so we can discuss:

Five Star - https://goo.gl/jBHbVv
Appropriate Behavior - http://goo.gl/isCzTM
12894780, lol
Posted by Neez, Fri Sep-11-15 12:14 PM
12894784, Ha!
Posted by Binladen, Fri Sep-11-15 12:16 PM
12894819, lol fuckin quitter
Posted by T Reynolds, Fri Sep-11-15 01:04 PM
12894975, There's probably more to the story than that
Posted by ndibs, Fri Sep-11-15 03:07 PM
You don't tell the coworker you blacked out and got accused of raping some girl or drove drunk and killed someone.

I went on a date with a guy and I'm pretty sure that was his story. He was sober and looking for sober friends in a bunch of debt, had a law degree, but had a roommate and wasn't driving. But he didn't go into detail.

Not something you want to tell first dates or coworkers.
12895010, I believe him.
Posted by illegal, Fri Sep-11-15 03:57 PM
mostly because I believe him to be the type who wouldn't volunteer an unsolicited half-truth.
12895011, I wonder how the other 12 Steppers and Al-Anon folks
Posted by Numba_33, Fri Sep-11-15 03:59 PM
reacted to you're co-worker. Almost reminds me of the infamous Bob Sagat scene from Half Baked.
12895074, outwardly NO judgement at all
Posted by Oakley, Fri Sep-11-15 07:30 PM
inwardly you and in quiet corners i'm sure there are folks that judge the shit out of him, though to be fair, you don't have to be getting black out drunk all the time to be an alchoholic
12894774, This post could be awesome. *edit* I've never had a drink.
Posted by Mongo, Fri Sep-11-15 12:11 PM
I had a sip of champagne on New Years 1997.

12894980, None of the Jews i know drink a lot. Do they have Jewish bars?
Posted by ndibs, Fri Sep-11-15 03:11 PM
12894781, who trusts men?
Posted by Neez, Fri Sep-11-15 12:14 PM
who trusts people at all?
12894785, as long as its not due to religion
Posted by akon, Fri Sep-11-15 12:18 PM
12894786, I can understand not liking or not being able to relate
Posted by Numba_33, Fri Sep-11-15 12:20 PM
to someone such as myself that doesn't like to drink if drinking social or otherwise is your thing, but having trust issues is something I don't understand, but to each their own.


Gum popping done regardless of age or gender is probably one of my top five pet peeves, but why do you have trust issues specifically with men that do it?
12894791, what don't you like?
Posted by Cenario, Fri Sep-11-15 12:29 PM
12894798, The hangover after effects from serious drinking episodes.
Posted by Numba_33, Fri Sep-11-15 12:35 PM
And since I've been diligent about working out, I've been stringent on what I eat and drink. Would seem silly to push myself in the gym and then drink alcohol since it'll only be a detriment towards what I'm working out for.
12894824, ah, i def see the work out angle.
Posted by Cenario, Fri Sep-11-15 01:05 PM
12894835, With that said
Posted by Numba_33, Fri Sep-11-15 01:22 PM
I can fully understand folks not liking or fully understanding people that abstain from drinking since it's accepted socially, but I don't get the trust issues that other people are mentioning in the post. I guess drinking is supposedly a masculine trait or a signal of being strong and macho. I dunno.
12894846, the trust part is extreme to me, but i am suprised when men
Posted by Cenario, Fri Sep-11-15 01:28 PM
say they don't drink.

I feel like there needs to be a strong reason attached to it, like they are a recovering alcoholic, or their body is their temple etc.

not, oh i just dont care for the taste...lol.

But it ain't thaaaat serious, more like a mental note.

12894806, I wasnt really being serious about that part.. Come on lol
Posted by Binladen, Fri Sep-11-15 12:52 PM
but Im still looking at a grown man funny if he's sitting around popping his gum. I really shouldn't have to explain that, use your imagination a picture it.
I also agree that its a pet peeve no matter who does it.

>Gum popping done regardless of age or gender is probably one
>of my top five pet peeves, but why do you have trust issues
>specifically with men that do it?
12894853, I don't trust nobody that claims to have no vice
Posted by RaphaelSoulLee, Fri Sep-11-15 01:30 PM
12894982, I understand the rationale behind this
Posted by Numba_33, Fri Sep-11-15 03:14 PM
especially if said person is highly vocal about their stance or tries to proselytize others to their way of thinking.
12894944, I trust 'em more than a man that can't grow a connecting beard
Posted by Regina Rose, Fri Sep-11-15 02:36 PM
12894972, well dammit I don't trust you either lol http://i.imgur.com/UeCNEW5.jpg
Posted by Lach, Fri Sep-11-15 03:03 PM
12894997, Speaking of facial hair
Posted by Numba_33, Fri Sep-11-15 03:44 PM
What's the rationale behind the motto of not trusting a black man without a mustache? Is it because shaving one's facial hair is viewed as being a sellout?

And this isn't the case of a hurt dog hollering because I've been rocking the Wolfman Jack mustache and beard for about 2 or so years now. I'm genuinely curious though about the black man's facial hair steeze, especially since it's custom for most men in general to completely shave their facial hair past a certain age.
12894981, Sure I don't think the reasons ppl don't drink skew them towards untrustworthiness
Posted by ndibs, Fri Sep-11-15 03:14 PM
>I've heard people say this but I can never tell if their
>serious. I tend to trust people until they give me a reason
>not too.
>With the exception to men who pop their chewing gum, I don't
>trust them any further than I can throw them.
12894988, I don't trust people who need to drink
Posted by Musa, Fri Sep-11-15 03:18 PM
means they are weak willed.
12894989, RE: I don't trust people who need to drink
Posted by JustMe, Fri Sep-11-15 03:21 PM
>means they are weak willed.
^^^why you can't trust non-drinkers.
12895146, ^ Confirmation bias
Posted by Brotha Sun, Sat Sep-12-15 10:38 AM
12895025, I trust him much more than most of the one who do drink
Posted by SuiteLady, Fri Sep-11-15 04:20 PM
12895060, I don't drink, or care about sports, or smoke herb...
Posted by stravinskian, Fri Sep-11-15 06:15 PM
So I'm in trouble in this thread (apart from my copious facial hair).

The only one I really "oppose" is sports, though.

On drinking, I do very rarely have a glass of wine, or champagne, or cider. But I can't stand beer (liquid bread, it makes no sense, and tastes terrible), and I've never even tasted harder liquor. Just never been interested.

I'd be willing to smoke weed, if I weren't too nerdy to figure out how to get some. I'm sure many of my students could hook me up, but that would be weird.
12895063, alcohol is a vice, and a sign of weakness if consumed regularly
Posted by J_Stew, Fri Sep-11-15 06:29 PM
or in large amounts. it makes sense that the person who partakes in it would feel some sort of guilt that gets repurposed as disdain for someone that doesn't desire it like they do.
12895087, ^^^dont wanna sound holier than thou but everything he said
Posted by thegodcam, Fri Sep-11-15 08:11 PM
i work in an office full of alcoholics where many of them think that no true team bonding can happen unless u r willing to get shitfaced with them...

pathetic imho
12895136, ^^^^ Came through and lifted the skirts ^^^^
Posted by Boogie Stimuli, Sat Sep-12-15 08:15 AM
12895262, Truth
Posted by BlassFemur, Sun Sep-13-15 08:39 AM
12895069, I hope I'm able to marry one. n/m
Posted by Sepia., Fri Sep-11-15 06:53 PM
12895237, RE: I hope I'm able to marry one. n/m
Posted by MeshaMeesh, Sun Sep-13-15 12:15 AM
12895260, Hi (c)
Posted by Boogie Stimuli, Sun Sep-13-15 08:26 AM
12895072, Real Men don't worry about what other men drink.
Posted by Case_One, Fri Sep-11-15 07:14 PM

"Love your haters until they can love themselves and then love them further." ~ J. Case
12895088, on this we mos def agree
Posted by thegodcam, Fri Sep-11-15 08:11 PM
12895150, bogus. i'd be concerned wih what another man consumes, and how.
Posted by Kwesi, Sat Sep-12-15 11:06 AM
im not about to be around no bullshit.
12895085, I don't trust anyone.
Posted by chillinCHiEF, Fri Sep-11-15 08:08 PM
12895090, ^^^
Posted by Lach, Fri Sep-11-15 08:39 PM
This is probably the right answer. Cuz really I trust my mother, father, and my wife. That's bout it lol
12895133, That phrase is an idiotic, arbitrary line that strangely happens to be true
Posted by Cold Truth, Sat Sep-12-15 08:00 AM
The word "trust" in there is a little misleading. It usually means "like", and it's typically a somewhat arbitrary line in the sand and a self fulfilling prophecy.

I've found that most people who say that stupid line and actually believe in it tend to be people I don't wind up getting along with well at all. The guy who says that is usually the guy who won't stop trying to get you to drink, typically under the dumb premise of "wanting you to have a good time".

When people simply can't possibly conceive of the notion that people are able to have a perfectly good time without drinking, there's a lot of assumptions I make that turn out to be true far more often than not. When drinking HAS to be the centerpiece of any outing or gathering and everyone with you HAS to be just like you, yeah, that's problematic and indicative of a host of other negative traits.

I don't trust a guy who needs a drink to "bond".

Of course, the non drinker who thinks everyone who drinks is an alcoholic and needs to save everyone from themselves is also annoying to deal with. Or the church guy, or the mlm guy, or any number of people who go out of their way to convert you into some behavior or another.
12895243, It's pretty common at AA and NA.
Posted by denny, Sun Sep-13-15 03:14 AM
Every meeting has at least one guy/gal who says something like 'I'm glad to be here with all of you because we are the ones who strive to learn about ourselves.....and attempt to know ourselves for who we truly are'. It certainly does start to sound evangelical and elitist.

My opinion is that there's 10 to 20 percent of the population that are addicts. And I'm one of them. Other people are perfectly capable of using drugs and alchohol recreationally. I can't. I don't think other people should stop drinking/using unless they express or confide in a DESIRE to do so...and need help/support in order to follow through.

Sure...there's addicts out there that don't realize they are an addict. But even more common than that is the tendency for people in recovery programs to project onto the general population. Sometimes they're just jealous. "yah....my neighbor gets to drink beers on the weekend. But he's SO unaware of who he TRULY is and I wouldn't trade that for all the booze in the world". Most likely, you're neighbor is not one of the 10 to 20%....and doesn't need all this introspection into his behaviour because he doesn't have a problem to begin with.
12895271, Idiots that doesn't care to have a designated driver homie.
Posted by mtbatol, Sun Sep-13-15 09:33 AM
And thus likely to have a DUI on record or hop a ride with a DUI-suspect.