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Topic subjectPSA: For the safety of everyone involved, keep your dog on a leash.
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=12894540
12894540, PSA: For the safety of everyone involved, keep your dog on a leash.
Posted by Frank Longo, Fri Sep-11-15 02:15 AM
I have neighbors who walk their small dogs off leash. I know what their line of thinking is: "My dog is well-behaved and small, what can possibly happen?"

I have a 75 pound dog that is always on leash. I have had, on multiple occasions, small dogs race away from their owners, sprint at my dog, and bark aggressively at max volume. Needless to say, my dog doesn't take terribly kindly to this behavior. I am *always* afraid in these scenarios-- always-- that the wrong dog will catch my dog by surprise on the wrong day, and my dog will critically injure the aggressive off-leash smaller dog.

The owners of the off-leash dogs are always oblivious, and they always say the same thing: "My dog never does this, that's so weird!" There is never-- *ever*-- an apology from owners who walk their dogs off-leash. I have had countless apologies from owners whose on-leash dogs have barked or acted aggressive. That's because on-leash owners are smart and considerate. They realize that you can't accurately predict how every dog will react around every other dog on every singly day.

Now, there is a fine for walking your dog off-leash-- $50-- but in my neighborhood, for the owners of these small dogs, this is akin to the law forcing them to eat Sugarfish for lunch instead of Katsuya. I know what it'll take for them to walk their dog on a lunch. It will take their dog getting critically injured or killed when it acts out of line.

I once had a dog race across the street to bark at my dog, and it launched itself in front of a car barreling down the road. Thank God that car's brakes were on point and the driver was attentive, because this dog was millimeters from death. All because its dumb fucking owners were too fucking dumb to put their dog on a leash.

I don't blame the dog for running up on my dog. That's nature. That dog saw a bigger dog, and he wanted to attempt to stake a claim on the territory or what-the-fuck-ever. That's some typical dog shit. I can't blame a dog for doing some dog shit. I *can* blame the humans for being asshole dog owners.

I haven't even brought up off-leash dogs that bite or attack humans. That's a totally different post. While I'm sure that happens, it's not nearly as frequent as off-leash dogs sprinting from their owners to bark at and run up on other dogs.

I don't want my dog to get upset. I don't want your dog to get hurt. I don't want you, the other owner, to yell at me. I don't want any unpleasant interactions to possibly occur when I'm simply trying to give my dog some exercise and let him take a shit in peace.

If you want your dog off-leash, cool. Go to a designated off-leash dog park. Some dogs are into that. Others aren't. By going to an off-leash dog park, you have a far better chance of guaranteeing your dog only interacts with others that are cool with being run up on by fellow off-leash dogs. In public, you get no guarantees. You have your dog loose in an uncontrolled environment fraught with risk. Which makes you a shitty dog owner.


This has been a public service announcement (and also the Whitest Post Ever).
12894541, I never did when I first got him
Posted by Neez, Fri Sep-11-15 02:19 AM
Now I do

He ran to the front a couple of times and I got scared as hell

But yes I realize this
12894542, Word.
Posted by Doronmonkflake, Fri Sep-11-15 02:19 AM
12894576, complete agreement.
Posted by CyrenYoung, Fri Sep-11-15 08:05 AM

*skatin' the rings of saturn*

..and miles to go before i sleep...
12894581, so ridiculous that this has to be said in 2015...
Posted by Dstl1, Fri Sep-11-15 08:16 AM
for your safety AND the safety of your dog...keep it on a damn leash!!! It's really frustrating when my son and I are out on a walk with our dog and we come upon a yard with a dog just roaming freely.
12894596, you are talking about a non fenced yard?
Posted by Cenario, Fri Sep-11-15 08:29 AM
12894599, lol...yeah, fam..
Posted by Dstl1, Fri Sep-11-15 08:34 AM
like, there's a house that you have to pass to get out of my subdivision in a certain direction...their dog regularly just walks around their front yard and out into the street. Pretty much, if you see him, you have to walk the other way. My neighbor stepped to them one day because the dog ran up on his wife while she was jogging one morning. She had to run behind a car until the owner ran out an called him back. Shit like that is stupid.
12894587, Almost seems as if you should forward this to a local gov't official.
Posted by Numba_33, Fri Sep-11-15 08:20 AM
It appears you've but some time and effort into writing this, but I have no clue what the logistics are for being getting fined for walking dogs off a leash. Do police have to catch folks walking dogs off their leash? I wonder if police could fill their unofficial quotas by catching inconsiderate folks like the people you mentioned in your letter there.
12894598, How bout the lady who lets her dog poop on my lawn and doesn't clean
Posted by Cenario, Fri Sep-11-15 08:34 AM
it up?

Me and my wife kept finding dog poop so I started randomly looking out the window to try to catch the person. One day my neighbor from about8 houses down had her dog circling on my grass. I went towards the front dooor bc she could see me watching through the window and i wanted to bust her in the act...but when i went to the front door she was gone/no poop. She musta saw me in the window. Haven't seen any since that day.

I've taken my dog for a walk and didnt' bring poop bags bc he just pooped and he pooped like 4 blocks away from the crib in someone's grass. I ran home, grabbed some bags and ran back hoping that the owner didn't see it in the 10 mins we were gone lol.

Shits disgusting. (pun intended)
12894720, RE: How bout the lady who lets her dog poop on my lawn and doesn't clean
Posted by Hamsterline, Fri Sep-11-15 11:09 AM
This is me. I will go out of my way to find a bag. My dog typically has one poop, and I had one bag left. She did another poop on the way back from our walk. I too went back to get another bag.

I also think it's important to clean up after your dog, so that you can check for any difference in the poop, as this can indicate any health issues.

12894842, i have a little dispenser that stays attached to the leash
Posted by GriftyMcgrift, Fri Sep-11-15 01:25 PM
never leave home without it! they smell like lavender too!

heres my dog walking gear + pups

12895009, Is that a gun?
Posted by Numba_33, Fri Sep-11-15 03:55 PM
12895016, yes
Posted by GriftyMcgrift, Fri Sep-11-15 04:12 PM
12895019, Naturally I have to ask
Posted by Numba_33, Fri Sep-11-15 04:15 PM
Why is a gun part of your dog walking gear?
12895021, im usually walking my dogs between midnight and 2 am
Posted by GriftyMcgrift, Fri Sep-11-15 04:18 PM
the other aspect is i live in an odd neighborhood

essentially at one of my street are million dollar + houses

less than two blocks away are some of the poorest neighborhoods in dallas.

i live in this very odd border neighborhood of these very old houses and the rest of the city kinda sprung up around so we get some strange characters
12895052, the tan dog lookin like "I'll hold on to the gun, this time"
Posted by Dstl1, Fri Sep-11-15 05:56 PM
12895057, thats my patsy
Posted by GriftyMcgrift, Fri Sep-11-15 06:06 PM
"the dog did it"

works on many levels
12894640, where I go hiking near my house (the Wissahickon).....
Posted by J_Sun, Fri Sep-11-15 09:19 AM
people have their dogs off leashes ALL THE TIME. Now, I like dogs and I don't mind if dogs come up to me as long as they don't jump, which some do sometimes. But not everybody likes dogs, some people are afraid of dogs. They shouldn't have to worry about random dogs running up on them when they wanna go out for a hike. It's so fucking selfish.


"Sometimes I contemplate moving to a warmer place, then the lake and skyline give me a warm embrace" © Common
12894659, Remember that post when a dog charged an okp with her child
Posted by Sarah_Bellum, Fri Sep-11-15 09:35 AM
and people argued she was in the wrong for contacting the rental office about the dog being off leash and not listening to its owners? Shit was crazy.

People with little yap yap dogs seem to think they have no obligation to train or properly socialize their dogs. My mom has two toy poodles that I hate for that very reason.


12894716, what??? damn...OKP never stops surprising me.
Posted by Dstl1, Fri Sep-11-15 10:55 AM
12894728, Yeah... It happened
Posted by Sarah_Bellum, Fri Sep-11-15 11:23 AM
I'm sitting overs here like...

12894772, yup, and didn't she swing and miss and hurt herself?
Posted by legsdiamond, Fri Sep-11-15 12:07 PM
12894773, lol yeah, i think thats the part people were clowning.
Posted by Cenario, Fri Sep-11-15 12:08 PM
12894828, True, some clowned the swing and miss
Posted by Sarah_Bellum, Fri Sep-11-15 01:16 PM
But there were one or two "off leashers" that were in there acting crazy.

12894994, If I recall correctly...
Posted by Frank Longo, Fri Sep-11-15 03:31 PM
... one particular on-leasher (a guy I like and usually agree with, but who can certainly get, and I think he would agree, "undiplomatic" in posts like this, lol) was really giving it to the off-leashers, which was causing the off-leashers to simply dig their heels in harder.
12894995, is he a mod?
Posted by Cenario, Fri Sep-11-15 03:34 PM
12894998, LOL, nah. Not him.
Posted by Frank Longo, Fri Sep-11-15 03:44 PM
12895014, lol
Posted by Cenario, Fri Sep-11-15 04:08 PM
12895103, I half remember some "on-leasher" talking about busting shots
Posted by Sarah_Bellum, Fri Sep-11-15 09:38 PM
Not sure who it was though. Lol
That post was too much.

12895122, Dog lovers went crazy in that post
Posted by AFRICAN, Sat Sep-12-15 01:27 AM
They actually blamed a mother for being fearful for her child.
Just goes to show.......
12894706, I support this post 1000%
Posted by rdhull, Fri Sep-11-15 10:30 AM
12894726, but, it's so crazy to see those well trained dogs off leash...
Posted by eclipsedInI, Fri Sep-11-15 11:21 AM
that won't bark, bite or run after shit

it's always some abuelo/abuela in NY with a small ass dog that literally will be attentive to their master constantly & not distracted by all the city trappings of kids, bikes, motorcycles, cars, stores, street meat carts, other dogs

that shit amazes me

but i feel ya

it's silly.
12894727, RE: PSA: For the safety of everyone involved, keep your dog on a leash.
Posted by double 0, Fri Sep-11-15 11:21 AM
Thse fuckin idiots...

I have a 116lb Rotty...

These fuckin people I live around will literally let their small dog walk themselves down the street (as in they just open the door and let them out like the sidewalk is their yard)
12894748, that's why god made small dogs shaped like footballs
Posted by PG, Fri Sep-11-15 11:43 AM
go for 3 points before they even get to your Dog...

I keed..

I totally hear you on this.. I have two big dogs one which is a high energy goof and another who is a rescue pit with chronic pain and a chip on her shoulder... always on leash.. used to off leash parks with the goof until he blew a knee don't mess with off leash with the rescue at all.. I'm still working on the trust with her..

anyways I pitty the foolish owner who let's their little punter run up on us.. it's happened.. so far they've only gotten close and then change their minds when she(rescue) reacts.
12894802, Used to drive me nuts. my dog was 110lbs
Posted by Mynoriti, Fri Sep-11-15 12:44 PM
and some dog would appear out of nowhere, and you'd hear "Oh he/she's ok!" when they have no idea if MY dog is aggressive or not. She loved little dogs but they don't know that. Plus bigger dogs were about 50/50 if they'd get along.

Fortunately it was a small fraction of dog owners that were this way.
12894810, this is one of the things that could really drive me to violence
Posted by PoppaGeorge, Fri Sep-11-15 12:55 PM
Don't ever let me get bit by a dog that's off it's leash. Aside from the dog getting launched into the air like Adam Vinatieri does a football, the owner is probably goiing to get their ass kicked... THEN I'm callin the cops, tellin 'em what I did and I'm gonna sue. If a dog is charging at me I'm getting my kicking leg ready and I really don't give a shit if their owner is right there telling little Rutherford to stop or not. The shit is gettin kicked into orbit.

A kid got bit walking the trails between the lakes 'cause some idiot ass let their wander around while they were chatting it up with a friend. The HOA had to send out letters telling folks that it's illegal to let their dogs walk off leash and that there was a dog park nearby (you pass it coming in and out of the community).
12894834, i only walk my dogs off the leash late at night
Posted by GriftyMcgrift, Fri Sep-11-15 01:21 PM
when no one is around

my dogs are way too friendly. my one dog would literally get in your car if your door was open lol.
12894996, Off-leash dogs at night are my worst nightmare. No offense.
Posted by Frank Longo, Fri Sep-11-15 03:43 PM
Because my dog and I can't see them coming and try and avoid them.

Once, around 11:30 PM, I had an off-leash dog literally get to my dog's ass before we noticed it. My dog lost its shit (understandably) in a huge way.

Please, if you're walking your dog off-leash at night, bring your leash with you, and stay extra alert for the possibility of other humans/dogs around so you can leash your dog the second someone else is on your block. That still doesn't account for if someone walks out of their house/apartment with their dog right as you happen to be passing with your dog...

... but just please be cautious. Please. I don't want anything bad to happen to your dog. And, if it's off-leash in public, it absolutely could.
12895007, LOL i appreciate the concern
Posted by GriftyMcgrift, Fri Sep-11-15 03:50 PM
but not to worry

not only do each of my dogs have a light on their collar, i carry both leashes and i have two lights (one flashlight and a light attached to the leash)i linked a picture of what i carry when i go for walks.

also they hate the light on their collar it actually kinda works like a governor. they cant run full speed with them on its kinda funny. they have to trot or the light bounces off their chin haha

then to top it off im essentially walking in a neighborhood where theres not a soul awake at that time of the night its completely safe.


i would also describe myself as "hyper alert" when walking at midnight...
12895055, you're an irresponsible person and probably feed your dog babies
Posted by PoppaGeorge, Fri Sep-11-15 06:03 PM
... when no one is looking.


"Where was the peace when we were getting shot? Where's the peace when we were getting laid out?
Where is the peace when we are in the back of ambulances? Where is the peace then?
They don't want to call for peace then.
12895056, =(
Posted by GriftyMcgrift, Fri Sep-11-15 06:04 PM
i certainly am not
12894985, I Hate Dogs
Posted by RexLongfellow, Fri Sep-11-15 03:17 PM
I recognize their right to live, but fuck them

And one of those unleashed bastards nearly bit my son who was 2 at the time. And the owner and her girlfriends were all cackling while my son is screaming. Finally she runs over and gives an ill faded sorry. I seriously thought about running over the dog with the Dodge
12895000, Laughing at a defenseless child being hurt
Posted by Numba_33, Fri Sep-11-15 03:47 PM
sounds exceedingly evil. I wonder if your child is now traumatized from all dogs because of that incident.
12895112, I Don't Think They Were Laughing At Us
Posted by RexLongfellow, Sat Sep-12-15 12:01 AM
But the group of chicks were just not paying attention, laughing at their own jokes or stories while this chick's dog is trying to bum rush my 2 year old. When she finally realized where "Lucy" was, she just said, bad girl, come to Momma

I wanted to do unspeakable harm to that dog

My kid now is still nervous around dogs...but so is his old man. I have a bad history with them. But if a dog attacks my son, the dog's gotta die
12895022, Dog's in the office: yay or nay?
Posted by SuiteLady, Fri Sep-11-15 04:18 PM
12895049, HELL nay
Posted by DJR, Fri Sep-11-15 05:46 PM
12895061, Only if literally everyone in the office consents.
Posted by Frank Longo, Fri Sep-11-15 06:26 PM
And even then, that feels like a lawsuit risk for if visitors come into the office and the dog happens to jump at them or startle them somehow.

I have a friend whose office essentially has a designated office for the dogs of the employees, complete with play area and skylight. They're segregated from the other employees/potential clients, and they can get good social time with other dogs in a safe environment that all owners sign off on. That seems okay to me.
12895225, Wow that sounds dope
Posted by Cenario, Sat Sep-12-15 07:21 PM
12895732, I would LOVE that for my pup and I
Posted by MzOnyxVI, Mon Sep-14-15 03:10 PM
12895111, i love dogs and really all animals but this is usually
Posted by GriftyMcgrift, Fri Sep-11-15 11:03 PM
not a good idea
12895041, indeed
Posted by Roadblock, Fri Sep-11-15 05:16 PM
if I'm out with my guys and i see a unleashed dog I exit the area immediately
12895121, PSA: For the safety of everyone involved, don't keep your dog .
Posted by AFRICAN, Sat Sep-12-15 01:25 AM
leashed off leashed
Fuck your and your filthy beasts.
12895194, What a valuable contribution to the post! Thanks!
Posted by Frank Longo, Sat Sep-12-15 04:45 PM
12895253, •smooches•
Posted by AFRICAN, Sun Sep-13-15 07:53 AM
12895310, Lol
Posted by GirlChild, Sun Sep-13-15 02:54 PM
You must be loving my IG account lately.
12895193, cues up some Biggie as Longo walks off into the sunlight..lol
Posted by DJ007, Sat Sep-12-15 04:43 PM
"You can win with certainty with the spirit of "one cut". "Musashi Miyamoto
12895269, I get the same thing in reverse...
Posted by Starbaby Jones, Sun Sep-13-15 09:18 AM
I have small dogs that I always walk on the leash and there's always some big ass dog in my neighborhood that people have off leash barreling towards my dogs. Ish is mad annoying.
12895308, shoot it.
Posted by PoppaGeorge, Sun Sep-13-15 02:49 PM
I'm serious. the dog is charging you and yours, you have no idea what it's intentions are, shoot it and walk away:


and if the owner has anything to say about it remind them they were breaking the law and probably have no real legal recourse and may end up fined themselves.


"Where was the peace when we were getting shot? Where's the peace when we were getting laid out?
Where is the peace when we are in the back of ambulances? Where is the peace then?
They don't want to call for peace then.
12895299, My little 20 yr old neighbor learned the hard way....
Posted by Sofian_Hadi, Sun Sep-13-15 01:44 PM
This little twenty year old girl lives next door. Always let her tiny dog out to use the bathroom without a leash and would let her run around. I mentioned a leash to her numerous times because of snakes, cats big dogs in the neighborhood. She didnt listen. Her excuse was always "she doesnt like a leash." One day i walk to my car and hear screams, i run over and have to help pry her dogs head out the mouth of another woman's giant dog that was on a leash because her dog ran up to the big dog and started fucking with it. Was very sad but i tried to warn her numerous times. Havent seen the tiny dog since. Prolly died. Sad part is the woman with the big dog was crying hysterically and felt bad. I tried to tell her it wasnt her fault or her dogs fault.
12895307, Word
Posted by GirlChild, Sun Sep-13-15 02:47 PM
There's a lot of little yappy ass dogs in my hood. This neighbor has 4 chihuahuas and they ran up on my boxer and bit her leg. If they ever have their gate open and those dogs get out again my boxer will chew those fuckers up and spit them out.
12895774, yo in less than a week i see these
Posted by lfresh, Mon Sep-14-15 04:17 PM


last friday

this vid is VERY graphic btw
advanced warning


When you are born, you cry, and the world rejoices. Live so that when you die, you rejoice, and the world cries.
You cannot hate people for their own good.
12895776, yo that vid smh.
Posted by Cenario, Mon Sep-14-15 04:24 PM
12895807, "my dog dindu nuffin wrong" - dog's owners
Posted by PoppaGeorge, Mon Sep-14-15 05:46 PM
seriously, someone shoulda dispatched both of them dogs with a swift kick to the head.

or shot 'em both.


"Where was the peace when we were getting shot? Where's the peace when we were getting laid out?
Where is the peace when we are in the back of ambulances? Where is the peace then?
They don't want to call for peace then.
12895872, doesnt really apply in this particular
Posted by GriftyMcgrift, Mon Sep-14-15 10:44 PM
reportedly she may have allowed the dogs to attack the man after an argument
12895873, yikes
Posted by astralblak, Mon Sep-14-15 10:59 PM
12895798, Man....I can't stand my SO's dog.
Posted by denny, Mon Sep-14-15 05:24 PM
My SO is the hyper-sensitive caring type. She got a dog that was abused at the beginning of her life so there's huge behavioural problems. I can't STAND taking care of this dog. She pees in the apartment when she's excited. She won't let us eff so we have to put her in a seperate room. Then the eff gets ruined cause she claws at the door constantly. She tries to bite people. Hates strangers. Scares little kids by barking at them. I don't know shit about dogs but I've heard you can't train them after a certain age. Is that true? I can sense people judging me when she scares little kids....and the thing is, I agree with them.

I feel guilty even when the dog is on a leash. Yah, she doesn't bite the kids....but she certainly scares the shit outta them. I walk 20 floors up and down with her for walks just because I worry that a kid will take the elevator and get scared. I'm not even sure I agree with having a dog in an apartment building. They need a backyard. It sucks. Last week I finally drew the line and said the dog can't come to my house anymore. It made my SO upset....but shit, I've taken on her kids.....I'm financially supporting everyone....I'm making alot of sacrifices for the sake of the relationship. This is the one thing I decided to draw the line. I can't stand the hair all over the place.....the peeing.....scaring little kids.....ruining the eff....it's too much. Not sure how we're gonna figure this out when we move in together. I really, really, really don't want to live with this thing.
12895820, Yup our dog don't let us bone either. The vet says he thinks 2e are fighting
Posted by Cenario, Mon Sep-14-15 06:12 PM
I said not so, even if my wife rubs me under the sheets gently he'll start barking. One time we were kissing and ignoring him and he peed in the bed. Talk about spoiling a mood. I was still down but of course wifey wasnt.

Now we'll put him I the basement and turn up his radio dumb loud. I'm sure he smells the sex or notices I'm butt nekkid when I let him back upstairs.
12895855, lmao
Posted by rdhull, Mon Sep-14-15 09:13 PM
>I said not so, even if my wife rubs me under the sheets
>gently he'll start barking. One time we were kissing and
>ignoring him and he peed in the bed. Talk about spoiling a

12895800, GREAT POST YO
Posted by Allah, Mon Sep-14-15 05:30 PM
12895847, my neighbors stay trying to get their dogs murked
Posted by monifah, Mon Sep-14-15 08:39 PM
These idiots across the street have the tiniest dog ever, if you blink you'll miss him, yet damn near every morning when I leave for work this dog is just roaming the subdivision alone. I'm not sure if they let him out or he gets out someone but they never seem to be around. Once I had to jump out of car after pulling out of my driveway cause I saw him come out into the street but never saw him get to the other side. I was looking all around the car and didn't see him so I had to creep at .5 miles an hours to be sure I didn't run over him, then I see this lil mofo just chillin in my driveway smh.

Another chick that used to live across the street has this little feisty ass yapping dog that stayed running up on folks, she would just open the door and let him run out knowing how he acted. He rolled up on an old black man once who proceeded to pull a 2x4 out the back of his truck and was about to bash that dogs head in. This chick STILL did not come get her dog, she was just peeping out the door on the phone talking about Mister please don't hit my dog, old man was like you better come get him. This same dog rolled up on my cousin and bit her on the ankle, thank God this chick moved.