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Topic subjectAnyone here watch RAY DONOVAN still?
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12894461, Anyone here watch RAY DONOVAN still?
Posted by CaptNish, Thu Sep-10-15 06:46 PM
Yo, so I'm listening to the song that closed out this week's episode and I'm like, "How did this trash track make it on to this show??" So I Shazam it to see who it is, and I die laughing.

So, did y'all know that Bunchy is a rapper? bwahahahahahahahahah


Cot damn I can't stop laughing at this.

Oh, here's the song that closed out the episode: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xwy5cYJ0P0Y
12894466, Ima keep watching and just pretend this never happened
Posted by PG, Thu Sep-10-15 06:56 PM
see how that goes.
12894467, This might be my new "bar;s closing, get the fuck out" song. hahaha
Posted by CaptNish, Thu Sep-10-15 07:05 PM
12894499, wait...is this him as the character rapping or is this real?
Posted by gumz, Thu Sep-10-15 08:37 PM
please don't answer that question...i don't really wanna know

i kinda hate the show now but i still watch it. i didn't realize they had an ep this week. i figured they didn't.
12894522, Someone in the Reddit thread about it said that he hopes....
Posted by CaptNish, Thu Sep-10-15 10:45 PM
>please don't answer that question...i don't really wanna

....that this is what Bunchy spent his settlement money on, and I was so damn mad that I didn't think of that joke first.
12894558, yeah he's got that dumb bunchy face
Posted by Mynoriti, Fri Sep-11-15 05:54 AM
it's hard to look at him without laughing as it is
12894543, On demand started fucking up as I got to the end of season 1
Posted by Neez, Fri Sep-11-15 02:21 AM
Has a serious problem with the 2 dimensional way they portray black people

Little rapper dude talks like a slave and my aunt spoiled his fate for me

Dude from the game is dumb as hell...like why is he trying to reconnect with his dad who was never there and willing to do everything he says

12894550, I kept thinking The Black Eyed Peas were going to turn up.
Posted by Pete Burns, Fri Sep-11-15 03:12 AM
12894552, Erika Christensen still fine...
Posted by Sofian_Hadi, Fri Sep-11-15 03:31 AM
Im gonna go shower and try to erase everything else from my memory....WTF did i just watch
12894560, RE: Anyone here watch RAY DONOVAN still?
Posted by b00g13man, Fri Sep-11-15 06:20 AM
>Yo, so I'm listening to the song that closed out this week's
>episode and I'm like, "How did this trash track make it on to
>this show??" So I Shazam it to see who it is, and I die
>So, did y'all know that Bunchy is a rapper?
>Cot damn I can't stop laughing at this.
>Oh, here's the song that closed out the episode:

Loooooooooooooooool. WTF? I don't know how to respond to this.
12894574, I was geeked hearing the Mancini "Two for the Road" yink
Posted by DVS, Fri Sep-11-15 08:02 AM
but it all went downhill from there.

12894577, I'm just happy that Terry don't really have Parkinsons
Posted by placee_22, Fri Sep-11-15 08:08 AM
12894608, I've only seen parts of the 1st 2 eps of this season..gonna rewatch
Posted by ambient1, Fri Sep-11-15 08:50 AM

I'm confused as to where did the lil ufc chick come from
12894622, The gym
Posted by Neez, Fri Sep-11-15 08:57 AM
If we talk in the latina
12894645, yeah her
Posted by ambient1, Fri Sep-11-15 09:22 AM
12894650, Some people wasn't paying they dues
Posted by Neez, Fri Sep-11-15 09:25 AM
Rays wife came in and saw bunchy on match.com

He told her his personal and business problems

She goes and handles the clients

He stares wistfully out the window at the new chick he wants to fuck
12894684, Harrold Perrineua's smirk says it all
Posted by infin8, Fri Sep-11-15 09:55 AM

and when I'm on my deathbed, I'ma tap you for 4m:24s of life.
12894700, Dude's life is pretty interesting:
Posted by auragin_boi, Fri Sep-11-15 10:23 AM
That is, if his wiki is accurate...


Dated Alanis
Took photos for some of her music
Has Tourettes
Is friends with DiCaprio
His best friend is Donald Faison (WTF?)

12894970, i still enjoy the shit out of the show
Posted by Mynoriti, Fri Sep-11-15 03:00 PM
it's not great. it may not even be good, but i'm always entertained.
12894973, Two of my closest friends still absolutely swear by it.
Posted by mrhood75, Fri Sep-11-15 03:03 PM
And still in disbelief that I don't watch it regularly.

I will say that I didn't give it much of a chance. Watched the first ep. when it premiered, didn't love it, and never watched it again. It probably deserves another day in court though...
12895017, I'm kind of glad there's been no post on it for this season
Posted by Mynoriti, Fri Sep-11-15 04:13 PM
I've avoided RD posts for the most part, because they might force me to think about its flaws

it's nice to just watch a show and just enjoy it without picking it apart.

I should probably do it more.
12895115, Pretty much how I feel about it
Posted by makaveli, Sat Sep-12-15 12:12 AM
12894992, that CBS/Showtime beef with Time Warner
Posted by IkeMoses, Fri Sep-11-15 03:25 PM
happened in the middle of season 1, and I refused to go back to the show since.
12895012, so Whiteboyz wasn't that far fetched...?
Posted by Ananse, Fri Sep-11-15 04:03 PM
12895129, Better than last season
Posted by revolution75, Sat Sep-12-15 07:16 AM
The daughter is annoying as fuck
Mexi would get my settlement $ too...
12895131, best show next to house of lies
Posted by esb225, Sat Sep-12-15 07:34 AM

12895279, You get John Legend to sing that hook, and Thought to do the verses...
Posted by CaptNish, Sun Sep-13-15 10:48 AM
...and that song would kinda be a banger. (my thoughts a few days later)