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Topic subjectThe Mekong giant catfish world's largest freshwater fish. (Swipe)
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=12893509
12893509, The Mekong giant catfish world's largest freshwater fish. (Swipe)
Posted by MEAT, Tue Sep-08-15 06:31 PM


Woman discovers 'boyfriend' of two years is woman when she removes blindfold during sex
A woman told police of her disbelief when she discovered that her "boyfriend" of two years was a female friend, a jury has heard.

The complainant said she thought she was having sex with a man called Kye Fortune, who was recovering from a brain tumour and did not want her to see his scars.

But she claims she eventually discovered it was in fact her 25-year-old friend Gayle Newland, who had persuaded her to wear a blindfold throughout their sexual encounters in which a prosthetic was used.

'Straight away she held her hand down over her face and said 'it's not what you think'...'

The court heard the alleged victim received a Facebook friend request in 2011 from a Kye Fortune who purported to be a half-Filipino, half-Latino young man.

They communicated online and "Kye" later told her he had been involved in a car accident before medics found he had a brain tumour. He was having treatment in hospital and was not well enough to see her, the complainant told police in a video interview.

But the pair spoke frequently on the phone where the complainant described Kye's voice as "high-pitched".

The complainant told the interviewing officer: "He was saying how much I had helped him get through his illness. (He said) it was a sign, we should get married, we should have kids, we were going to do all sorts of things."

During this time, the complainant said she met Newland - who became a "really good friend" and said she knew Kye. Eventually, the complainant and Kye decided to finally meet in person at a Chester hotel, the jury heard.

She told police the only stipulation that Kye made was that she wear a blindfold because he was "anxious about the way he looked" and "could not walk properly" due to nerve and muscle damage.

The woman said "Kye" was in the bathroom when she entered the hotel room and the bed was covered with rose petals and Hello Kitty bears.

The complainant said she put on the blindfold of a sleeping mask and scarf and that a "shaking Kye" came in and said he had signed himself out of a private hospital in Manchester.

The pair then had sex, she alleges, in which Newland is alleged to have used a prosthetic penis before "Kye" said he had to return to hospital.

Further hotel visits followed where she said sex took place again before "Kye" visited her flat and finally uncovered the truth, the court heard.

Describing what she said was their last sexual encounter before she went to the police, she said: "When I was having sex I grabbed for the back of his head and my hand got caught on something. It did not feel right.

"I was sat on the bed, he was standing up. Something in my mind said 'pull it (the blindfold) off, pull it off'. I just pulled it off. Gayle was just standing there... I just couldn't believe it, I couldn't believe it. Straight away she held her hand down over her face and said 'it's not what you think'."

The trial continues.
12893511, A+ post title
Posted by placee_22, Tue Sep-08-15 06:58 PM
Kye shouldn't have put that prosta-cock on her so good.
Blew his damn cover.

12893899, word
Posted by ShinobiShaw, Wed Sep-09-15 02:18 PM
12894020, Yup *golf clap*
Posted by Sofian_Hadi, Wed Sep-09-15 08:15 PM
12894086, couldn't even be mad at the title
Posted by Rjcc, Thu Sep-10-15 02:24 AM
I just want to see what the messages said.

because girl's text game must be extreme expert high level to make that story float.

www.engadgethd.com - the other stuff i'm looking at
12893607, I'm actually disappointed this wasn't a zoology story though.
Posted by Sepia., Tue Sep-08-15 10:57 PM
Also, this has to be fake.
12893641, ^^^
Posted by Fishgrease, Wed Sep-09-15 07:59 AM
12893642, ^^^
Posted by Fishgrease, Wed Sep-09-15 07:59 AM
12895287, me too
Posted by astralblak, Sun Sep-13-15 12:02 PM
Posted by eclipsedInI, Tue Sep-08-15 11:06 PM
best poast title of the year!!!
12893713, And women hate the Street Hollar, but love Tinder... LOL
Posted by Case_One, Wed Sep-09-15 11:09 AM
At least you know that the person hollering is a real man.
"Love your haters until they can love themselves and then love them further." ~ J. Case
12893717, lol
Posted by legsdiamond, Wed Sep-09-15 11:12 AM
12894017, what the fuck are you talking about?
Posted by Rjcc, Wed Sep-09-15 08:10 PM

www.engadgethd.com - the other stuff i'm looking at
12894022, Don't engage.
Posted by MEAT, Wed Sep-09-15 08:26 PM
12894077, It's about women, you wouldn't understand.
Posted by Case_One, Thu Sep-10-15 12:22 AM

"Love your haters until they can love themselves and then love them further." ~ J. Case
12894084, I understand women just fine, and I know you do too.
Posted by Rjcc, Thu Sep-10-15 01:52 AM
that shit you wrote wasn't english or relevant tho

www.engadgethd.com - the other stuff i'm looking at
12894269, Right Buddy.
Posted by Case_One, Thu Sep-10-15 12:56 PM

"Love your haters until they can love themselves and then love them further." ~ J. Case
12895264, lmao
Posted by Boogie Stimuli, Sun Sep-13-15 08:50 AM
12895329, there's not even a male involved in this story...
Posted by eclipsedInI, Sun Sep-13-15 05:26 PM
he's like a GOP rep

always pushing the agenda
12893733, Man, I came in to talk nerd-talk about Sturgeons
Posted by flipnile, Wed Sep-09-15 11:29 AM
12893923, I came in here with my cornmeal, hot sauce and vinegar
Posted by JellyBean, Wed Sep-09-15 02:56 PM

What's crazy is the dude/chick befriending her!
12894011, you Catfished us in a post about getting Catfished!!!!!
Posted by J_Stew, Wed Sep-09-15 07:43 PM
masterfully well done.
12895284, Like an infinite mirror!
Posted by SP1200, Sun Sep-13-15 11:48 AM
12894062, i came in this post ready to make some fried catfish jokes. nm
Posted by Binlahab, Wed Sep-09-15 10:30 PM

does it really matter?

wonder what bin's doing?
12895174, OKP mastery level 100! Lol
Posted by Sarah_Bellum, Sat Sep-12-15 02:43 PM


12895234, I wanted this to be some National Geographic shit lol
Posted by Heinz, Sat Sep-12-15 11:55 PM
but it was entertaining..just didnt expect a stupid woman

TWITTER : Heinz21st

IG : H_N_Z
12895236, title's too good, it made me not click for 3 days lol
Posted by sndesai1, Sun Sep-13-15 12:04 AM
12895273, Chill... It's a prank!!
Posted by PimpTrickGangstaClik, Sun Sep-13-15 10:11 AM
12895285, trial updates ... link
Posted by MEAT, Sun Sep-13-15 11:51 AM