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Topic subjectSo my band got selected for Converse Rubber Tracks!! Going to Berlin!!
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=12892923
12892923, So my band got selected for Converse Rubber Tracks!! Going to Berlin!!
Posted by Heinz, Mon Sep-07-15 01:35 PM
Leaving on the 13th...not sure if there are any OKPs there

www.wearewilde.ca check us out


TWITTER : Heinz21st

IG : H_N_Z
12892929, Congratulations!!!!!!!!!
Posted by c71, Mon Sep-07-15 02:03 PM
12892930, Congrats!!!
Posted by lightworks, Mon Sep-07-15 02:09 PM
12892936, congrats!!! and can't wait to make it to berlin!
Posted by rawsouthpaw, Mon Sep-07-15 02:42 PM
12892937, when are you going?
Posted by Heinz, Mon Sep-07-15 02:43 PM


TWITTER : Heinz21st

IG : H_N_Z
12892938, wont be for a year or two
Posted by rawsouthpaw, Mon Sep-07-15 03:01 PM
the arts scene is amazing there as you probably know. i met a hottie while traveling in mexico who's a dancer at this supposedly primo burlesque spot called Kleine Nachtrevue and i gotta see that :)
12892941, Haha nice. Yeah our singer lives there off an on during the year
Posted by Heinz, Mon Sep-07-15 03:12 PM
So she tells a us a lot about it. The rest of us this will be our first time, i'm excited it should be fun. More work than pleasure this trip but I know we'll be back there soon enough

Let me know how that show is LMAO

TWITTER : Heinz21st

IG : H_N_Z
12892939, nice!
Posted by eclipsedInI, Mon Sep-07-15 03:07 PM
12892950, RE: So my band got selected for Converse Rubber Tracks!! Going to Berlin!!
Posted by double 0, Mon Sep-07-15 04:16 PM
Congrats kid.. Berlin is an awesome and inspiring place currently...
12892976, Thanks man I appreciate that
Posted by Heinz, Mon Sep-07-15 07:49 PM
Yeah our lead singer tells us its really crazy out there. Glad we get to go and check it out. We been collabing with a few people out there and just recently an electronic duo out in Australia. Def wanna do shows and tours in both places


TWITTER : Heinz21st

IG : H_N_Z
12892957, good stuff
Posted by dafriquan, Mon Sep-07-15 05:43 PM
been hearing good things abiut berlin
12892964, Congrats man!
Posted by Crash85, Mon Sep-07-15 06:47 PM
Has your band put out an album yet or just a few tracks??
12892975, Just a few tracks, finishing up these last 2 tracks from the EP
Posted by Heinz, Mon Sep-07-15 07:47 PM
gonna put it out ASAP and move on to the next project as we push that EP and do shows. 15 songs, 8 originals and 7 remixes.


TWITTER : Heinz21st

IG : H_N_Z
12893017, congrats...
Posted by CyrenYoung, Tue Sep-08-15 04:48 AM
..be sure to update us during the trip.

*skatin' the rings of saturn*

..and miles to go before i sleep...
12893278, Def gonna take a lot of pics and video
Posted by Heinz, Tue Sep-08-15 12:37 PM
They are filming a lot of it for us too


TWITTER : Heinz21st

IG : H_N_Z
12893080, congratulations :)
Posted by sweet ruffian, Tue Sep-08-15 10:20 AM
12900236, Pics and video from the trip on my IG
Posted by Heinz, Tue Sep-22-15 02:53 PM


TWITTER : Heinz21st

IG : H_N_Z