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Topic subjectAylan Kurdi kind of fucked me up
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12891842, Aylan Kurdi kind of fucked me up
Posted by AFRICAN, Thu Sep-03-15 03:02 PM
3 years old his older brother was five, same age as my two eldest.
I hope I never know that kind of desperation, to get on a rickety boat, paying my lIre savings and anything I could scrabble up to an unknown future and lose everything that made me take the risk in the first place.
Really fucked me up.
12891845, yeah i read up on this story and saw the pics this mng...def ruff shit.
Posted by mikediggz, Thu Sep-03-15 03:06 PM
12891856, Yeah, that whole situation is unimaginable. n/m
Posted by Marbles, Thu Sep-03-15 03:23 PM