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Topic subjectare you an adult male who's still smaller than his father?
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12891316, are you an adult male who's still smaller than his father?
Posted by Kwesi, Wed Sep-02-15 06:59 PM
actually, i want to type about the relationship you have with your father.

in some strange turn of event, i've become my father's brother.

i love it. but it gets me thinking.

is this a natural progression? or has circumstance made this happen?

what's your experience?

how close to a brother is your father?
12891319, We the same height, but he's a buff Omega guy
Posted by -DJ R-Tistic-, Wed Sep-02-15 07:04 PM
It is slowly turning into more of a friendship than a "I know everything, listen to me, do what I say, NOW!" type thing. But he still says the usual fatherly stuff. And he was low key embarrassed when I ran away from the Garter at the Wedding I was just in.
12891329, lmao.
Posted by ndibs, Wed Sep-02-15 07:25 PM
And he was low key
>embarrassed when I ran away from the Garter at the Wedding I
>was just in.
12891343, why'd you run? you were going for humor?
Posted by Kwesi, Wed Sep-02-15 08:01 PM
12891322, i've been taller than him since I was 13
Posted by RobOne4, Wed Sep-02-15 07:08 PM
but we arent brothers at all. He still comes over and tries to pay for everything.I used to host UFC fight night years ago every month. He would try to hide $40 for me to find after he left. We might go out for a drink and appetizers once in a while. But still a father/son relationship. I dont think I would want him to be like a brother to me. It would just be weird.
12891333, it's definitely kinda weird. but im okay with it.
Posted by Kwesi, Wed Sep-02-15 07:33 PM
considering how everything went down. it'd be weird for the father/son between us.
12891540, he's got me by an inch and 100 lbs
Posted by MiracleRic, Thu Sep-03-15 10:03 AM
not brotherly at all

he doesn't listen to me for shit (hell, does he listen to anybody)

i don't even try

nigga done fell for like 5011 network marketing pitches and tries to get me in on each one no matter how many times i subtly try and call him stupid


same ol G
12891544, I got 4 inches and 40lbs on my pop
Posted by flipnile, Thu Sep-03-15 10:05 AM
Still my pop tho.
12891547, Im 6'3" & he's 6'4"... but....
Posted by KnowOne, Thu Sep-03-15 10:07 AM
it seems like he has shrunk as he got older so we're actually even now.
12891599, My dad only has 1 tall child, and he's 15.
Posted by JFrost1117, Thu Sep-03-15 10:37 AM
Me and my middle brother are the same height, at 5'9". Our baby bro is a fuckin gigantor.
12891603, RIP he was like 6'2"
Posted by ThaAnthology, Thu Sep-03-15 10:40 AM
I'm 6 even so he still got me lol. He passed at age 39 (i was 3) In two weeks I make 42. I beleive he is happy I passed him (one would think) and I think he would have still been more Pop than friend, but I know we have a bunch in common so who knows.

Ya'll got me thinking about how I'd like Amir and my relationship to grow in the far away future (he's only 8 lol)
12891638, My dad is 6'7 300lbs ...aint gonna happen
Posted by Nvncible1, Thu Sep-03-15 10:57 AM
so i still look up to him. I can him Rev. Suge Knight
12891771, I envied my dads hands
Posted by DVS, Thu Sep-03-15 01:38 PM
That motherfucker had ROCK BREAKERS for hands.

He was 6'1.5" so I ended up beating him in height by an inch and change....but wasn't no amount of growing going to give me them fucking hands.

I gotta hit yo ass multiple times....pops had them 1 punch KO mitts

12891772, i am shorter, less mechanically knowledgable.
Posted by Nodima, Thu Sep-03-15 01:39 PM
and we only speak on holidays, really.

but that's me with my whole family, I've never been very close to the people closest to me.

my relationship with my dad is basically 'older man who'll help me move and do other handy-work'.

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12891790, I'm taller. He's bigger.
Posted by Moonlit_Force, Thu Sep-03-15 02:00 PM
If we had a relationship it would definitely be fraternal.