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Topic subjectSo jeb's at the varsity (ATL) and I swear they found every young Black
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12882695, So jeb's at the varsity (ATL) and I swear they found every young Black
Posted by blkprinceMD05, Tue Aug-18-15 03:45 PM
Republican in the state to come to this event, it's comical. But yeah he's in here real accessible. I give him props for that at least, he's taller than I thought he would be too
12882701, lol @ The Varsity
Posted by Utamaroho, Tue Aug-18-15 03:48 PM
that food is so horrible i don't think i'd roll up there to see Obama.

btw, where do you think the "black republicans" are in Atlanta? Down near those McMansions out by Camp Creek?
12883101, If I had to guess where they're concentrated, I'd say N. Fulton or E. Cobb
Posted by placee_22, Wed Aug-19-15 09:25 AM
but they're scattered everywhere. a lot more than you think in DeKalb too.
12882739, Ahhh The Varsity...one of Atlanta's last bastions of southern Americana
Posted by Overqualified, Tue Aug-18-15 04:13 PM
where the food is laughably bad and Blacks humbly catered to the whims of upstanding whites and more importantly, knew their place.

12882741, wow! that's EXACTLY what i thought when this old black man
Posted by Utamaroho, Tue Aug-18-15 04:14 PM
brought my burger to my car when i went there the first/last time.

shit was surreal.
12882752, lol
Posted by blkprinceMD05, Tue Aug-18-15 04:21 PM
12882774, LOL
Posted by SoWhat, Tue Aug-18-15 04:44 PM
12882818, But that logo is SOOO visible and distinct!!!!!!
Posted by -DJ R-Tistic-, Tue Aug-18-15 05:55 PM
12882830, ^^^
Posted by Kevin26_2, Tue Aug-18-15 06:05 PM
12883090, I believed you've used up all your truth for the day
Posted by DVS, Wed Aug-19-15 09:16 AM
you can rely on half truths and bullshit until 12am 8/20.
12883105, word...fuck The Varsity
Posted by placee_22, Wed Aug-19-15 09:27 AM
12882790, F yall. i love the varsity. 3 slaw dogs and rings, frosted orange.
Posted by cgonz00cc, Tue Aug-18-15 05:08 PM
12883091, Varsity is only good when your other options are Krystals
Posted by DVS, Wed Aug-19-15 09:17 AM
and a 1h30min wait at Waffle House