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Topic subjectRecommend a terrible movie, just terrible, that you wish others saw.
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12881539, Recommend a terrible movie, just terrible, that you wish others saw.
Posted by Doronmonkflake, Mon Aug-17-15 01:36 PM
I was watchin Ballers, which I love, and the latest episode ends with All These Things That I've Done by The Killers.

This seemed to me a subtle nod to one of The Rock's first films: Southland Tales. Here is a scene.


So maybe that's all you need to know in three min. If you're still curious, it is the most expensive, star studded turd in existence. It was the second movie by the guy who made Donnie Darko. They gave him a budget and The Rock, Ryan Reynolds, Justin Timberlake, half of SNL, Wood Harris and a crew of computer animators. The movie begins at episode IV. It's about multiple identity disorder and time travel and a baby who never pooped. It has anagrams and a wireless power source drained from the spinal fluid of the Earth.

They expected you to read a 300 page graphic novel to get episodes 1-3. I did. I still don't understand a damn thing. It's equally infuriating and strangely fulfilling to sit through.

Do you know any movies like that?
12881587, the kentucky fried movie
Posted by Allah, Mon Aug-17-15 02:00 PM
12881674, yes.
Posted by PG, Mon Aug-17-15 03:10 PM
12881722, Are you crazy, thats the greatest movie ever.
Posted by ShinobiShaw, Mon Aug-17-15 04:19 PM
12881723, ya but that one scene though...
Posted by GriftyMcgrift, Mon Aug-17-15 04:20 PM
12881731, RE: the kentucky fried movie
Posted by Doronmonkflake, Mon Aug-17-15 04:23 PM
I think I was thinkin of Amazon Women on the moon
Posted by GriftyMcgrift, Mon Aug-17-15 04:24 PM
12888721, UHF! Def belongs on this list.
Posted by Doronmonkflake, Thu Aug-27-15 08:09 PM
12889072, "you get to drink from the firehose!"
Posted by PG, Fri Aug-28-15 02:26 PM
12889212, Supplies!!!!
Posted by Doronmonkflake, Fri Aug-28-15 08:20 PM
12881589, Spring Breakers
Posted by Cenario, Mon Aug-17-15 02:01 PM
Posted by PimpTrickGangstaClik, Mon Aug-17-15 02:03 PM
12881614, yo, i didnt even realize that was james franco at first.
Posted by Cenario, Mon Aug-17-15 02:17 PM
I was more incensed when i realized it was lol
12881692, Yo, I fucking loved that piece
Posted by JellyBean, Mon Aug-17-15 03:35 PM
of trash ass movie lol
12881845, Incredible movie. One of the best of its year.
Posted by Frank Longo, Mon Aug-17-15 07:07 PM
12881925, I couldn't even finish that piece of shit.
Posted by Hitokiri, Mon Aug-17-15 10:06 PM
Started watching it on an OKrecommendation too.
12888128, loved it
Posted by Government Name, Thu Aug-27-15 07:44 AM
12888638, You can add pretty much any Harmony Korine movie here
Posted by Adwhizz, Thu Aug-27-15 04:23 PM
Love that weirdo dude
12888803, LOVED IT!
Posted by Brother Rabbit, Fri Aug-28-15 07:10 AM
12889270, why did i watch this yesterday because of this post..
Posted by luminous, Sat Aug-29-15 09:23 AM
it is terrible...
12881597, Bruh, i love that show!...
Posted by Big Kuntry, Mon Aug-17-15 02:05 PM
I missed last nights episode but i'm hooked!
12881744, RE: Bruh, i love that show!...
Posted by Doronmonkflake, Mon Aug-17-15 04:35 PM
I hate football. But I watch that show faithfully.

Bryant Gumble too for some reason.
12881605, Go For Broke starring Pras.
Posted by StephBMore, Mon Aug-17-15 02:11 PM
12881636, Airborne
Posted by stattic, Mon Aug-17-15 02:40 PM
12881727, perfect summertime aint nothing else on tv cept this on cable
Posted by GriftyMcgrift, Mon Aug-17-15 04:21 PM

all kinds of then unknown now famous people in that movie.

and alot of dudes we never saw again lol
12881740, and the shark says... la ola es mia.
Posted by Doronmonkflake, Mon Aug-17-15 04:33 PM
12888132, wht do you say we sit down and discuss this over a basket of fries?
Posted by stattic, Thu Aug-27-15 07:58 AM
12889310, You don't have to fight the shark to fight for the wave.
Posted by Kei2Lyfe, Sat Aug-29-15 01:04 PM

│♬ ♫ ♪ ♬ ♪ ♫ ♬│
12889314, the subtle soundeffects in the movie are great too
Posted by GriftyMcgrift, Sat Aug-29-15 01:09 PM
like anytime they are on their roller blades theres this whooooosh sound
12881821, That shit got me and my boys into blading lol
Posted by CaptNish, Mon Aug-17-15 06:28 PM
We all thought we were young Mitchell Goosens. I tell you no lie...
12881850, ive never wanted to play roller hockey so bad in my life
Posted by GriftyMcgrift, Mon Aug-17-15 07:14 PM
12888760, classic
Posted by makaveli, Thu Aug-27-15 11:28 PM
12888785, My favorite bad movie
Posted by Kei2Lyfe, Fri Aug-28-15 05:53 AM
And I have yet to meet a teenager who doesn't love it.
12881639, Fast Sofa
Posted by KosherSam, Mon Aug-17-15 02:41 PM
just a really strange film
12881713, between the tilly twins and the busey grill, it wasn't that bad. lol
Posted by Doronmonkflake, Mon Aug-17-15 04:08 PM
Her response to his condom cracked me up.
12881680, i fux with Ballers.
Posted by legsdiamond, Mon Aug-17-15 03:14 PM
12881695, "Run Ronne Run!" Its funny as all hell but hard to recommend
Posted by sersey, Mon Aug-17-15 03:37 PM

For HBO Heads it basically a spin-off off the comedy sketch show, "Mr. Show." Its just straight up white trash excess and slapstick hilarity.

But I never recommend it to anyone for fear that it reflects badly on my judgement of whats appropriate and passes for comedy these days..

12881714, dude. one plus one minus one, doe.
Posted by Doronmonkflake, Mon Aug-17-15 04:09 PM
12881847, I'd recommend people watch scenes from it on YouTube.
Posted by Frank Longo, Mon Aug-17-15 07:08 PM
12881707, Enter the Void.
Posted by walihorse, Mon Aug-17-15 04:03 PM
Paz De la Huerta being terrible.
12881730, oh! you should try Nurse 3d then. (esp in 2d)
Posted by Doronmonkflake, Mon Aug-17-15 04:22 PM
It's mostly her bein naked and killin ppl and throwin things at the camera to remind you it was made in 3d.
12881709, Shottaz
Posted by TR808, Mon Aug-17-15 04:05 PM
Starring Wycleff

12881716, wyclef was in that?
Posted by Doronmonkflake, Mon Aug-17-15 04:11 PM
I have zero recollection of him. I remember a jewelry store tho.
12881718, RE: wyclef was in that?
Posted by SHAstayhighalways, Mon Aug-17-15 04:14 PM
12881737, Blackmale starring Bokeem Woodbine
Posted by PoppaGeorge, Mon Aug-17-15 04:27 PM

everything about this movie is terrible...

... and you all should watch it.
12881803, Attack the Block
Posted by bentagain, Mon Aug-17-15 05:52 PM
lost my movie selecting privileges for awhile behind this one

I think there's a theme that could be talked about

but she wasn't having it

the dialogue is hilarious

mostly because it sounds awkward even in a foreign accent

I still say Fam, and Allow It

but yeah, she wouldn't even entertain my thoughts

just handed me an L, and I handed her the remote.
12881822, nothin bad about that movie, yo. I love it.
Posted by Doronmonkflake, Mon Aug-17-15 06:32 PM
And Moses should have been Black Panther with Denzel as Tchaka.
12881846, That's a fucking great movie, fuck anyone who disagrees.
Posted by Frank Longo, Mon Aug-17-15 07:07 PM
12881892, but it put me off the thought of movin to london. aint bout all dem bruvs.
Posted by Doronmonkflake, Mon Aug-17-15 08:56 PM
Cmon bruv.

You killin me.
12881923, Attack the Block is dope
Posted by Hitokiri, Mon Aug-17-15 10:06 PM
Ya'll have bad taste.
And the comment about the dialog is silly.
No, they don't talk like us. So?
12881929, u know what ur problem is? u r putting the pussy on a pedestal
Posted by thegodcam, Mon Aug-17-15 10:15 PM
12882009, 40 yr old virgin?
Posted by Doronmonkflake, Tue Aug-18-15 06:02 AM
12888129, wat
Posted by Government Name, Thu Aug-27-15 07:45 AM
12888805, foh
Posted by Brother Rabbit, Fri Aug-28-15 07:10 AM
12881814, Abvout losing privilege
Posted by Nappy Soul, Mon Aug-17-15 06:20 PM
I can't stand Birdman and do not understand why people dig it. I tried to watch it more than 3 times and I can't get into it. I then realized that I probably do not like it for the same reason people like the show Girls. Unlikable, miserable white people talking about white people problems, throwing tantrums and breaking furniture. Usually when a movie win Oscars I understand why, Birdman is an enigma. I find it snobbish and annoying.
12882023, movie is ass. Couldnt finish it
Posted by tully_blanchard, Tue Aug-18-15 07:24 AM

Bottoms up....and the devil laughs..

12881819, Banged out, ESPECIALLY if you're from L.A. The best worst movie
Posted by -DJ R-Tistic-, Mon Aug-17-15 06:25 PM
I've EVER seen.

It's on YouTube now!! - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TQTy0mFyV2A you gotta watch at least 10 min of the nonsense.

CLIFTON POWELL OWNS that mothafucka!!!!! Everything about it is perfectly horrible. The overacting, the random seemeingly real but fake news clips that pop up, the cinematography, the quality, the fact that you recognize folks like Allen Payne in it, man everything.

And the long jump scene.........most epic shit since Jesse Owens. These dudes were being chased by some other bangers, and at a park, one dude made the most amazing jump over a short wall that I've ever seen.
12889259, Reminds me of when I tried to watch Snow on the Bluffs.
Posted by Doronmonkflake, Sat Aug-29-15 06:25 AM
Tapped out.

The level of negrocity was just too high.
12881839, Urban Menace
Posted by godleeluv, Mon Aug-17-15 06:59 PM

Music is almost everything.
12881848, Winter's Tale.
Posted by Frank Longo, Mon Aug-17-15 07:12 PM
What does it have?

1. A flying white horse that is actually a dog. (This is never explained.)
2. Colin Farrell as a thief who has a miracle to give.
3. Russell Crowe hams it up intensely as Pearly Soames (that name!!), a derby-wearing demon whose sole purpose on Earth is to stop people from giving their miracles to others.
4. Will Smith as Satan, chilling in the sewer, reading books, rocking a t-shirt and blazer.
5. The timeline of the movie spans well over a hundred years.

There's so much more, too.

It's one of those movies where you admire how earnestly they REALLY go for it, even as you're sitting there wondering how all of this stuff got approved by anyone with sense.
12881887, so will was the only part of it I've seen and it made me wanna see it.
Posted by Doronmonkflake, Mon Aug-17-15 08:49 PM
12881897, When I saw it, I had *no idea* Will was going to be in it.
Posted by Frank Longo, Mon Aug-17-15 09:15 PM
Imagine my surprise.

Like, I've *never* been so surprised in a theater.

The rest of it is pretty bonkers. The bonkers-ness sort of slows down after the massive time jump, but really that's only the final twenty to twenty-five minutes or so (also, the structure of this movie makes NO sense). It's still worth it, especially if you have a massive itch on your head that requires scratching.
12881912, they buried the lede!
Posted by Doronmonkflake, Mon Aug-17-15 09:32 PM
12881852, State Property 2
Posted by monifah, Mon Aug-17-15 07:21 PM
12881976, Worth it just for Nore alone.
Posted by J305, Tue Aug-18-15 01:35 AM
Awesome, awful movie.
12881876, It might be too obvious, but….Cool As Ice.
Posted by third_i_vision, Mon Aug-17-15 08:26 PM
We have the DVD and play it about once a year.

Multiple intoxicants can make for a fairly pleasurable experience.
12881880, Gummo
Posted by GriftyMcgrift, Mon Aug-17-15 08:34 PM
although most folks here have probably seen it

12881889, issaboutda be a whut? chair fiyeet!!!
Posted by Doronmonkflake, Mon Aug-17-15 08:49 PM
12888761, parts are disturbing and parts are hilarious
Posted by makaveli, Thu Aug-27-15 11:29 PM
12889084, lol... now I gotta listen to sleep.... right now.
Posted by PG, Fri Aug-28-15 02:37 PM
12881910, death wish 3
Posted by Roadblock, Mon Aug-17-15 09:30 PM
12881918, Black Dahlia...preferably high
Posted by MiracleRic, Mon Aug-17-15 09:47 PM
saw it high for the first time and was cracking up laughing for like 60 minutes

the fist fight scenes were so comedic

none of it intentionally comedic btw...

could have been a good movie bc it's one of the classic noir stories...

but yo...it's told so horribly

it's awesome high movie though...i almost had an asthma attack for the first time in over 10 years we was laughing so hard
12881978, S. Darko
Posted by Key, Tue Aug-18-15 01:58 AM
The Sequel to Donnie Darko. For some reason i was laughing a lot at how bad it was but i can't be sure it wasn't just the weed. Just a bad film all i can remember is they obviously couldn't afford to pay Mazzy Star for the soundtrack and had a lot of early 90sesque songs commissioned for the movie instead of using actual 90s songs. Terrible CGI and editing.


12882006, I was asleep immediately after the crucified astronaut.
Posted by Doronmonkflake, Tue Aug-18-15 05:48 AM
12888726, The reviews were TURRIBLE
Posted by csuave03, Thu Aug-27-15 08:21 PM
I loved the first film but I don't know if I should destroy that legacy by watching the next one.

They should've done an M. Darko instead
12888731, The worst affront to the memory of Darko is everything after
Posted by Doronmonkflake, Thu Aug-27-15 08:46 PM
Cause The Box was also awful. I don't know why I gave him another chance after Southland Tales, but I wanted to try it since I loved the short story.

That story may have been ten pages. They made it the longest, wandering movie with nothing to say other than "Look, we got actors to be in this one too!"
12881980, Knights of Badassdom
Posted by Hitokiri, Tue Aug-18-15 02:05 AM
the trailer had me convinced it would be hilarious.
No. It was not.
It was fucking garbage.
12882005, RE: Knights of Badassdom
Posted by Doronmonkflake, Tue Aug-18-15 05:46 AM
The Dinklage lip synclage cracked me up.
12881999, 'Only God Forgives'...
Posted by Af-1, Tue Aug-18-15 04:43 AM
The absolute definition of pretentious film-making. The film actually offends me and I want people to have seen it so that we can hate it together.
12882022, Couldnt finish it mayne..when the mom showed up we turned it off
Posted by tully_blanchard, Tue Aug-18-15 07:23 AM

Bottoms up....and the devil laughs..

12888631, This is a great example for this post.
Posted by Frank Longo, Thu Aug-27-15 04:12 PM
Gorgeous cinematography, KST going absolutely bonkers, all of the bad guy's karaoke-- I kinda sorta loved it, while also realizing that it's definitely not good.
12888737, yep, that movie loved wallowing in its own shit
Posted by will_5198, Thu Aug-27-15 09:18 PM
I still love Drive though
12889070, ^^sings Karaoke in this post^^ nm
Posted by DVS, Fri Aug-28-15 02:23 PM
12889178, that man had the voice of an angel!
Posted by Af-1, Fri Aug-28-15 05:33 PM
12882019, Lisa Kudrow + Damon Wayans = Worst Movie I have ever seen.
Posted by Buddy_Gilapagos, Tue Aug-18-15 07:20 AM
It was called Marci X. I saw it because I was a student and given free passes for a test screening. I think I single handedly got them to hold the movie back a few months because my survey was so brutal.

Here is the synopsis:

A Jewish-American Princess is forced to take control of a hard-core hip-hop record label and tries to rein the one of the label's most controversial rappers.

For some reason Damon W. played the hardcore rapper as super Prince-like effimanent. Of course the main source of jokes was white people rapping and talking hip-hop. Ugh.

I want people to see this movie just cause I want people to baffle with me how a movie so terrible could get made.

"Everyone has a plan until you punch them in the face. Then they don't have a plan anymore." (c) Mike Tyson

"One of the most important things in life is what Judge Learned Hand described as 'that ever-gnawing inner doubt as to whether you're
12882358, man, his testimony at the end, tho.
Posted by Doronmonkflake, Tue Aug-18-15 11:19 AM
Why have I seen all of these? What is wrong with my life?
12888622, This movie is, in fact, an incredibly awful movie.
Posted by Frank Longo, Thu Aug-27-15 04:00 PM
12888730, it was like the fake film that's shown in parody films on a tv someone's
Posted by DJ007, Thu Aug-27-15 08:40 PM
watching but they made it in real life....LMAO!!!!!
12882369, Eagle vs Shark
Posted by Doronmonkflake, Tue Aug-18-15 11:25 AM
It's an indie thing by Jemaine Clement and Taika Watiti. They also made What We Do in the Shadows, which I want EVERYBODY to see, but it's not terrible at all. Eagle Vs Shark is pretty terrible. Or not. It's essentially a profane, angry, violent against the handicapped Napoleon dynamite in new Zealand who falls in love with a near mute quirky girl. Claymation happens. People get pushed outta wheelchairs. It's real in the zeal.
12889079, yup I enjoyed... almost like a lowbrow "the science of sleep"
Posted by PG, Fri Aug-28-15 02:34 PM
12889088, Yeah, I hated this, but I def loved WWDITS.
Posted by Frank Longo, Fri Aug-28-15 02:42 PM
Eagle vs. Shark is textbook indie "let's be weird just to be weird" shit.
12889214, It was like, "know who was beeg thees yeah? Doinamoit!"
Posted by Doronmonkflake, Fri Aug-28-15 08:23 PM
"Leet's just do thaht."
12888107, Dust-Up (2014)
Posted by Doronmonkflake, Thu Aug-27-15 04:26 AM
It's essentially a spaghetti western but with copious amounts of meth, cannibalism and close-up gore.

At one point in the film, I wondered to myself why humans don't have a mental systems purge option when we've seen too much.

I wanna delete some stuff now.
12888110, Meet the Feebles (by film titan Peter Jackson)
Posted by Doronmonkflake, Thu Aug-27-15 05:00 AM
Probably the first movie to drag the Muppet Show to filth. Violent. Disturbing. Felt and velour covered anarchy with sporadic musical numbers. I found it on youtube if you're into it.

12888111, Arena (2011) Sam Jackson movie
Posted by Doronmonkflake, Thu Aug-27-15 05:07 AM
I believe if you asked Sam how many movies he's been in, he would have no idea. I bet there are more than 20 of them he has never seen. Big Game is one of them. Formula 51 is prolly another one. And there's this: a simulated gladiator arena with real blood and injuries that magically get patched up with pills and staples.

Also available on youtube.

12888127, Woo or B.A.P.S.
Posted by chincheckin, Thu Aug-27-15 07:43 AM
12889260, Honorable mentions: Booty Call and Held Up
Posted by Doronmonkflake, Sat Aug-29-15 06:26 AM
12889321, Re: B.A.P.S.
Posted by Belief, Sat Aug-29-15 01:38 PM
I've wondered since I saw it what made Halle Berry take that role...

12888143, November Rule it's on netflix enjoy
Posted by esb225, Thu Aug-27-15 08:15 AM

12888200, i saw that shit and scanned right past it.
Posted by earthseed, Thu Aug-27-15 09:45 AM
12888235, i was at work on a Saturday nothing else to watch
Posted by esb225, Thu Aug-27-15 10:20 AM

12888201, Uninvited Guest with Wayna Morris. Yes, from Boyz II Men.
Posted by earthseed, Thu Aug-27-15 09:46 AM
12888719, Somebody sold me that movie in another movie's case at a swap
Posted by Doronmonkflake, Thu Aug-27-15 08:08 PM
Meet. I forget what movie I meant to buy, but that junk was horrific!!!

Poor Kim Fields...

12888237, Samurai Avenger: The Blind Wolf
Posted by Lach, Thu Aug-27-15 10:22 AM
I watched that movie a couple weeks ago and was like WTF did I just watch? It tries to be Machete-like with it's humorous kills and such, but it is one terrible terrible movie that I had to see through.
12888279, The Room with Tommy Wiseau
Posted by ShinobiShaw, Thu Aug-27-15 10:57 AM
The movie is awful but I watched it while baked and laughed my ass off. Watched it again normal and I was like :-(
12888600, "Oh hi Mark"
Posted by Af-1, Thu Aug-27-15 03:19 PM
12888608, Anything with Ryan Reynolds. ANYTHING.
Posted by Mongo, Thu Aug-27-15 03:25 PM
12888720, I believe Deadpool will break that streak finally. Waiting wasn't bad.
Posted by Doronmonkflake, Thu Aug-27-15 08:09 PM
I'd recommend that one
12888758, Deadpool is still a Fox production.
Posted by Frank Longo, Thu Aug-27-15 11:14 PM
I'll believe it's good when I see it.
12888759, The trailer alone is the best thing Fox has ever done.
Posted by Doronmonkflake, Thu Aug-27-15 11:18 PM
12889251, sorry adventureland is good
Posted by GriftyMcgrift, Sat Aug-29-15 01:08 AM
12889252, Also, I didn't hate The 9s for some reason. But it goes on this list.
Posted by Doronmonkflake, Sat Aug-29-15 01:14 AM
Ryan Reynolds is a guy. In a life. Or several lives. He learns that every living thing is given a rank in the hierarchy of life. Angels are 10s. Humans are 7s. Koalas are 8s. Ryan Reynolds is a 9.

It makes more sense when Melissa McCarthy explains it, but that's basically it. It wants to be Darko, but it's not Darko.
12889311, LOL jesus
Posted by GriftyMcgrift, Sat Aug-29-15 01:07 PM
that description alone
12888639, Petey Wheatsraw, The Devil's son in Law
Posted by Adwhizz, Thu Aug-27-15 04:25 PM
I fuck with Rudy Ray Moore SO much.
12888711, Tiptoes
Posted by go mack, Thu Aug-27-15 07:56 PM
I still haven't seen it but want to eventually off the ridiculous trailer. Hell, just watched it again and didn't realize Dinklage is in it, Im gonna download tonight now. lol
12888723, Tosh did a synopsis. Nomg.
Posted by Doronmonkflake, Thu Aug-27-15 08:11 PM
12888797, Phat Beach
Posted by Wizdom, Fri Aug-28-15 06:42 AM
12889091, Yo he look like Kenny motherfucking Rodgers!
Posted by Ryan M, Fri Aug-28-15 02:46 PM
12888806, Prey aka Alien Prey (1981)
Posted by Brother Rabbit, Fri Aug-28-15 07:13 AM

Trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WRYDePSGO6I
12888942, Adore
Posted by luminous, Fri Aug-28-15 10:51 AM
12889092, Southland Tales is the worst movie I've ever seen.
Posted by Ryan M, Fri Aug-28-15 02:47 PM
I even thought about breaking the Netflix disc and saying it got lost in the mail so there was one less copy in the world. It's horrendous.
12889213, Lmao! This is the only way to feel about it.
Posted by Doronmonkflake, Fri Aug-28-15 08:21 PM
12889222, The movie with the Rock/ Justin Timberlake?
Posted by Adwhizz, Fri Aug-28-15 09:08 PM
I liked it, it was confusing as fuck tho
12889095, Apartment 1303
Posted by Rjcc, Fri Aug-28-15 02:52 PM
the only notable thing is that the ghost is surprisingly muscular

www.engadgethd.com - the other stuff i'm looking at
12889133, Redneck Zombies
Posted by Swol_Belly, Fri Aug-28-15 04:08 PM
My dad rented this shit from JB Videos I'm guessing late 80's or early 90's. This shit was horrible. The only way to kill the zombies was to spay them with aerosol deodorant. Imagine that
12889218, The Adventures of Pluto Nash
Posted by Doronmonkflake, Fri Aug-28-15 08:30 PM
It had everything: Rosario Dawson. Futuristic dancing that could actually happen in 60 years. Space age crooning. Several iterations of Dancin in the Moonlight. The biggest budget flop next to Waterworld, if I'm not mistaken.

It's purty bad.
12889228, Waterworld cost 172m, made 260m.
Posted by Ryan M, Fri Aug-28-15 10:01 PM
Not the hit they were expecting, and by most Hollywood standards (with a marketing budget that's 2x the film budget), it "lost" money. It only made like 88 mil domestically, but made up the rest overseas.

Pluto Nash, on the other hand, cost $100m and made $7 mil.


Huge flop, even more than Cutthroat Island (98m, made 10m)
12889233, Well there it is. lol
Posted by Doronmonkflake, Fri Aug-28-15 10:50 PM
12889234, that YG movie
Posted by 2Future4U, Fri Aug-28-15 10:59 PM
fucking horrible
12889236, NOPE!
Posted by csuave03, Fri Aug-28-15 11:05 PM
Hood classic status.

They even condensed it so it didn't bore you like a lot of other hood films.

'Stop cuzzin me! Stop bloodin me!'

^ Classic line

The only problem with this film is the same problem that you will find in many CA ghettos.

The settings look mad unintimidating.

Shootouts in from palm trees, surf, & sun.

12889239, SLC Punk.
Posted by GriftyMcgrift, Fri Aug-28-15 11:27 PM
pretty shitty "indy" movie with the ET kid
12889240, With Jason Segel as a "tough guy"?
Posted by Doronmonkflake, Fri Aug-28-15 11:56 PM
12889242, ha!
Posted by GriftyMcgrift, Sat Aug-29-15 12:04 AM
i totally forgot thats him
12889244, I don't know what's worse: his hand or Leto's arm in Requiem
Posted by Doronmonkflake, Sat Aug-29-15 12:38 AM
12889249, Hard Rain
Posted by GriftyMcgrift, Sat Aug-29-15 12:57 AM
shit is garbage

pretty big cast though

12889250, MK Annihilation
Posted by RexLongfellow, Sat Aug-29-15 01:04 AM
I mean...wow
12889253, I saw this at my first gf's house in HS
Posted by Doronmonkflake, Sat Aug-29-15 01:22 AM
I remember roughly thirty seconds of it. Big hair and steel transport pods?

Was that a thing?
12889254, They Ruined Raiden
Posted by RexLongfellow, Sat Aug-29-15 01:28 AM
I mean...wow
12889255, Howard the Duck
Posted by Doronmonkflake, Sat Aug-29-15 01:59 AM
I watched this a few days after Guardians of the Galaxy because I haven't seen it since childhood.

With good reason. They felt the need to earn an R rating with their depiction of Duckworld, super weird for me. All those feathery filets on display. Like who made that directorial decision? What part of the story are you trying to convey?

Unless it's somehow desperately important that we know the ducks on this planet are mammalian.
12889312, one of the GOAT best worst movies
Posted by GriftyMcgrift, Sat Aug-29-15 01:07 PM

that movie is sooooooooooooo bad
12889313, Big Top PeeWee
Posted by GriftyMcgrift, Sat Aug-29-15 01:09 PM
looks the first one was freaking amazing

it was scary, weird, funny all these things but somehow intended for children?

til this day i hate the bully from the first one, hes a terrible person

large marge? nightmares

the magic shop? still scary

the opening scene? classic


12889315, Wild Palms
Posted by rdhull, Sat Aug-29-15 01:14 PM
even though it was a series (short lived)