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Topic subjectKindle Fire HD6 for $69. Today only
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=12881427
12881427, Kindle Fire HD6 for $69. Today only
Posted by pops_nice, Mon Aug-17-15 12:14 PM
12881654, good look. copped
Posted by DVS, Mon Aug-17-15 02:53 PM
Children not fighting over the Ipad? PRICELESS

12881659, Thank you!
Posted by SuiteLady, Mon Aug-17-15 02:58 PM
My Christmas shopping is complete. One person, one gift, and done in August. Whoohoo!
12881898, 8 gig..16 gig 20$ more
Posted by rdhull, Mon Aug-17-15 09:16 PM