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Topic subjectAre women looked down upon in African countries?
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12879996, Are women looked down upon in African countries?
Posted by GrumpySmurf, Fri Aug-14-15 10:27 AM
Or is this a stereotype?
12879998, what does that even mean?
Posted by woe.is.me., Fri Aug-14-15 10:28 AM
are you asking if women in every african country are treated as 2nd class citizens? because that is how your question is phrased.
12880009, I never said "every african country" and yes Im asking if they are treated
Posted by GrumpySmurf, Fri Aug-14-15 10:36 AM
2nd class citizens. Nothing about my question is hostile, I'm simply asking if this is true.

>are you asking if women in every african country are treated
>as 2nd class citizens? because that is how your question is
12880018, i'm responding this way b/c it's a stupid question
Posted by woe.is.me., Fri Aug-14-15 10:44 AM
(no disrespect to you at all, i'm being objective)

are there women on an entire continent that are looked down upon?

there are women on every continent that are "looked down upon".

there have been female heads of state in africa
there are also cultures (some, out of the thousands that are on the continent) where male children may take precedence over female ones in some circumstances.

my point is that this is too general a question to answer seriously.

to say that "____ in africa are _____." is generally inaccurate because africa is a huge place with millions of people who think and treat each other differently depending on where you are.
12880229, ok man
Posted by GrumpySmurf, Fri Aug-14-15 12:58 PM
12880235, i hoped someone would bring this perspective.
Posted by SoWhat, Fri Aug-14-15 01:05 PM
b/c this is a weird question.
12880025, Are there African countries as patriarchal and misogynistic as America?
Posted by Moonlit_Force, Fri Aug-14-15 10:47 AM
May have been a better phrased question...?
12880030, uuuh, but that's a different question though.
Posted by Buddy_Gilapagos, Fri Aug-14-15 10:50 AM

"Everyone has a plan until you punch them in the face. Then they don't have a plan anymore." (c) Mike Tyson

"One of the most important things in life is what Judge Learned Hand described as 'that ever-gnawing inner doubt as to whether you're
12880035, True.
Posted by Moonlit_Force, Fri Aug-14-15 10:51 AM
12880236, a better one too.
Posted by SoWhat, Fri Aug-14-15 01:05 PM
12880038, recently had a convo with some nigerian women
Posted by southphillyman, Fri Aug-14-15 10:53 AM
they were igbo, rivers(sp?), and yoruba for whatever that's worth
but apparently there is a LOT of value placed on women being able to attract a husband by a certain age (30-35)
the women are all under but approaching 30 and they seemed relatively successful to me (2 MDs and a MBA)
didn't matter to their families. one girl was damn near close to tears talking about how her uncles/aunts don't even care about what she's doing in her life
first thing they ask is if she has a prospective husband yet
we got into some other stuff about how women are encouraged to stay in bad/abusive relationships because of the single woman stigmas and the fact the husband kind of owns you after paying a husky dowry etc
i was just sitting back listening kind of in shock
12880048, parts of this sound familiar
Posted by woe.is.me., Fri Aug-14-15 11:00 AM
and I wouldn't discount their experience.
it's also common sense to regard this as their experience, not everyone's.
in general, the worst thing you can do is rely on anecdotal evidence to indict an entire society.
12880185, I think all ethnic groups are kind of like this.
Posted by Buddy_Gilapagos, Fri Aug-14-15 12:24 PM

"Everyone has a plan until you punch them in the face. Then they don't have a plan anymore." (c) Mike Tyson

"One of the most important things in life is what Judge Learned Hand described as 'that ever-gnawing inner doubt as to whether you're
12880197, From what I've seen, this is true almost everywhere *except* the US:
Posted by flipnile, Fri Aug-14-15 12:34 PM
>but apparently there is a LOT of value placed on women being
>able to attract a husband by a certain age (30-35)

There are exceptions, but marriage & family seem like they haven't been devalued as much in the rest of the world as they have in the US and a few other countries. I'd think the number above would be 20-25, honestly because 35 is a little old to be just starting to get married and have a family, at least from a biological perspective.
12880250, irrespective of what else they have going on in life?
Posted by southphillyman, Fri Aug-14-15 01:17 PM
iono about that
if we're talking ppl living in some dirt village sure, because that's a survival thing
i'm not talking about "africans" per say. if it was some hausa chick from some dirt road i may have understood
but "westernized" people making that a #1 priority in peoples lives to the point ppl get depressed and avoid family gatherings
we got into a lot of other stuff like the reasons why they couldn't even logically argue or explain that getting a man wasn't their #1 life goal to otherwise rational family members
but that cultural norm was a shock to me coming from ppl who are quick to let you know "Africa" isn't all huts and lions
12880039, Yes, they are. And it's disgusting.
Posted by kwez, Fri Aug-14-15 10:54 AM
12880052, I'm a little surprised this didn't make the rounds on GD:
Posted by Moonlit_Force, Fri Aug-14-15 11:01 AM
12880214, Slightly OT, but in Ghana, I thought it was interesting that they made ALL
Posted by -DJ R-Tistic-, Fri Aug-14-15 12:48 PM
the girls keep their heads shaven until they graduated HS. I heard different reasons, but not sure what's true. Tour guide said it's because they want the girls to focus on schoolwork and not have their hair as a distraction. He also said it's to symbolize who's a woman and who's not, based on them graduating HS. Not sure if it's even to deter men who don't know how old the girls are.

My only question was, what if a woman who was 18-30 just wanted to have a low cut? Would people not respect her as much, thinking she was just a high schooler?