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Topic subjectPositive Friday
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12879894, Positive Friday
Posted by teefiveten, Fri Aug-14-15 08:28 AM
dedicated to the regs


wow. spun Webster Hall's House Party last night. that party is bananas. our room was sort of up and down - crowds of dancing then fanned out - but after the guest artist performed upstairs it was crackin, which i'm happy about b/c our guest dj came a long way and she was dope

but yeah. 3 hours sleep. but Summer Friday so :)

this week was terrible. it really was. trying really hard not to tolerate things from people that make me feel low. feeling bad/sad/angry is one thing but when i feel low? not good. not doing that anymore. especially when it's avoidable. be kind, y'all.

this weekend is going to be a lot but come sunday morning i will be riding out on some well needed rest. i plan to do nothing. until then it's a party to support my people, spinning a day party under a bridge (cause i'm a troll :P), and checking out one of my DJ idols spin only a quarter of a mile away from my house!

have a great one guys!
12879904, dumb week
Posted by atruhead, Fri Aug-14-15 08:51 AM
tons of people saw an article I should have written because I dropped the ball

I look forward to relaxing and hanging with friends this weekend.

I have to figure out what's next though
12879932, there is a lot going on right now
Posted by latenitemix, Fri Aug-14-15 09:21 AM
everything in my life demands my attention right now
it's so overwhelming i can't even think about it i'm just plowing my way through
that's why this wknd i'm taking a break for some qt
should be good

happy positive friday, y'all :)

12879938, In less than 3 weeks I'll have my life back
Posted by blackrussian, Fri Aug-14-15 09:26 AM
In less than 4 weeks I'll be in Venice.

I've got an interview next week, it would be cool if I got it but I'm not pressed.

12879944, back in the states, already want to leave
Posted by akon, Fri Aug-14-15 09:29 AM
i just realized i should probably take the first term off
and get a consultancy -
i cant really find classes that are relevant to my interests
after the school spent a year killing me with 20+ credits each term, and now... nothing.
and i still *hate* this school, ugh

so... yesterday i finally got off my ass, polished my c.v and applied to a couple of places
today will be reaching out to some folks (i hate networking)
i think i want to leave the country (again) and soon, crossing fingers
and positivity

been doing to some random ish since i got back
but recently went to a party... and there was fireworks
that was awesome
makes up for missing fourth of july

bmore is getting to me
im trying to get out and about and meet people
this city does not make it easy
im about to start looking to d.c
12880096, It takes about two years to figure out your social life there
Posted by GirlChild, Fri Aug-14-15 11:24 AM
I have two friends in DC you might it it off with. I went to school with one of them. J is going to DC next month so maybe you can all link up together.
12880278, this would be nice
Posted by akon, Fri Aug-14-15 01:34 PM
>I have two friends in DC you might it it off with.
>J is going to DC next month so maybe
>you can all link up together.

im starting to believe that its impossible to find where the grown folk hang out

meanwhile been to a couple of happy hrs in dc that were quite nice
cant find similar in bmore
id have thought there would be
12880130, not including yesterday, it's be an amazing week
Posted by GirlChild, Fri Aug-14-15 11:49 AM
+ monday i had a studio visit with a museum in LA to be part if a major exhibition. i'm so geeked. curator really enjoyed the work and told me that i'd been recommend by two different people plus he already knew my work. that's so weird! i'm really hoping this works out. this could be a game changer.

+ spent tuesday with my booface at the waterpark. we splashed out and got nice and wet and then went for ice cream. there are some days it's like you're standing outside of yourself, watching yourself fall deeper and deeper in love with your child.

+ my preschool search is over. he'll be doing preschool at his current daycare. that was easy and a relief. the tuition i'd been seeing were almost as much or more than our mortgage.

+ was asked to so a solo show in san antonio next year *and* i got that big time residency i wanted. i'm headed to NOLA next year. i also found out that i'll be traveling to Norway to install for my show in January. I CAN'T WAIT!

have a good weekend.

12880280, all this is awesomness. congrats!!
Posted by akon, Fri Aug-14-15 01:35 PM
12880134, I am going to beg you to give Chance one more, ahem, Chance
Posted by Buddy_Gilapagos, Fri Aug-14-15 11:51 AM
with this track.


Yes, I am a Stan. Love this kid.
"Everyone has a plan until you punch them in the face. Then they don't have a plan anymore." (c) Mike Tyson

"One of the most important things in life is what Judge Learned Hand described as 'that ever-gnawing inner doubt as to whether you're
12880257, i've already heard it. it's good.
Posted by teefiveten, Fri Aug-14-15 01:20 PM
still no like overall.

check out Mick Jenkins.
12880135, Positive Friday
Posted by Latina212, Fri Aug-14-15 11:51 AM
For the past 14 days I've spent everyday with friends
8 days in a small room on a cruise
And 6 days with a friend that was staying at my place
She left this morning

I just want to spend the entire weekend alone!
I am so excited!
I've turned down plans to go out
I just want to enjoy my home in peace and quiet
It's going to be the best weekend ever
I get my bed back
I'm going to roll all over it

Happy weekend y'all!
12880136, Down to 220 after being in the mid 300s last year
Posted by Adwhizz, Fri Aug-14-15 11:52 AM
Yay Weight loss
12880194, Congrats
Posted by GirlChild, Fri Aug-14-15 12:32 PM