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Topic subjectAre humans, by nature, "good" or "bad"?
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12879020, Are humans, by nature, "good" or "bad"?
Posted by Government Name, Wed Dec-31-69 07:00 PM
interpret the question however you wish.

Poll question: Are humans, by nature, "good" or "bad"?

Poll result (21 votes)
good (5 votes)Vote
bad (5 votes)Vote
neither/neutral (8 votes)Vote
varies by person (3 votes)Vote


12879022, Good
Posted by Big Kuntry, Thu Aug-13-15 10:44 AM
12879025, good and bad are constructs built on morality
Posted by tomjohn29, Thu Aug-13-15 10:48 AM
so no someone is not by nature good or bad
12879028, No.
Posted by Buddy_Gilapagos, Thu Aug-13-15 10:52 AM
Good & bad are descriptors that can be used to describe natural behavior.

"Everyone has a plan until you punch them in the face. Then they don't have a plan anymore." (c) Mike Tyson

"One of the most important things in life is what Judge Learned Hand described as 'that ever-gnawing inner doubt as to whether you're
12879036, from whose perspective though?
Posted by SoWhat, Thu Aug-13-15 11:00 AM
'good' and 'bad' are subjective.
12879043, Whoever is answering the question. It's a subjective question which can
Posted by Buddy_Gilapagos, Thu Aug-13-15 11:06 AM
only be subjectively answered.

It's the same as "is this person pretty"?

The notion of "pretty" exist. Even though it is subjective.

"Everyone has a plan until you punch them in the face. Then they don't have a plan anymore." (c) Mike Tyson

"One of the most important things in life is what Judge Learned Hand described as 'that ever-gnawing inner doubt as to whether you're
12879047, i'm not sure i agree.
Posted by SoWhat, Thu Aug-13-15 11:08 AM
1. i don't believe in 'natural behavior'. 'nature' is such a construct - it's pretty meaningless.

2. i don't think 'natural behavior' can or should be described as 'good' or 'bad'. well, i guess it CAN but the description is of little use, IMO. maybe i'd change my mind w/some examples.
12879067, RE: i'm not sure i agree.
Posted by Buddy_Gilapagos, Thu Aug-13-15 11:21 AM
>1. i don't believe in 'natural behavior'. 'nature' is such a
>construct - it's pretty meaningless.

Natural behavior is s'pose to be how folks would act without any social constructs. I can see what you mean by meaningless because we don't get many examples to see how it would play out. My instincts though tell me that people would act pretty brutish.

>2. i don't think 'natural behavior' can or should be described
>as 'good' or 'bad'. well, i guess it CAN but the description
>is of little use, IMO. maybe i'd change my mind w/some

I agree. That's why I avoided the terms and use self-ish which I really mean is self-interested.

"Everyone has a plan until you punch them in the face. Then they don't have a plan anymore." (c) Mike Tyson

"One of the most important things in life is what Judge Learned Hand described as 'that ever-gnawing inner doubt as to whether you're
12879071, RE: i'm not sure i agree.
Posted by SoWhat, Thu Aug-13-15 11:23 AM
My instincts though tell me that people would act
>pretty brutish.

i'm not sure b/c i was brainwashed way too early w/the idea that ppl are inherently evil. i have tried to shake it.

>I agree. That's why I avoided the terms and use self-ish
>which I really mean is self-interested.

that's that Adam Smith, Wealth of Nations brainwashing right there. we use it to defend our adoption of capitalism and shit. so i dunno about that either.
12879039, morality is decided by a society of people not nature
Posted by tomjohn29, Thu Aug-13-15 11:04 AM
therefore someone being bad or good by people and by nature are kind of seperate
subjectivness of morality and good and bad prevents me from saying someone is born a certain way since those descriptors evolve sometimes in a lifetime
12879073, yes morality is a social construct and subjective.
Posted by Buddy_Gilapagos, Thu Aug-13-15 11:23 AM
But using the social construct we can draw subjective opinions whether certain behavior we see in nature is "good" or "bad".

There is no Objective natural morality. But I can see a cave man steal food from another cave man and decide if their behaviour is good or bad from my subjective view point.

>therefore someone being bad or good by people and by nature
>are kind of seperate
>subjectivness of morality and good and bad prevents me from
>saying someone is born a certain way since those descriptors
>evolve sometimes in a lifetime

"Everyone has a plan until you punch them in the face. Then they don't have a plan anymore." (c) Mike Tyson

"One of the most important things in life is what Judge Learned Hand described as 'that ever-gnawing inner doubt as to whether you're
12879027, I think the answer is self-ish.
Posted by Buddy_Gilapagos, Thu Aug-13-15 10:50 AM
By nature, people don't mind helping others. Probably even like to do it. Unless it comes at a true cost to themselves.

If you are stranded on and island and you have extra food, you will share it with strangers. If there wasn't enough food to go around, you might not share it. And then you will feel bad about it after they starve to death.

"Everyone has a plan until you punch them in the face. Then they don't have a plan anymore." (c) Mike Tyson

"One of the most important things in life is what Judge Learned Hand described as 'that ever-gnawing inner doubt as to whether you're
12879037, Didn't they do experiments with babies/kids on this subject?
Posted by PimpTrickGangstaClik, Thu Aug-13-15 11:00 AM
If I remember correctly, the kids got more and more selfish as they got older.
12879050, the desert island scenario could assume a lot of things tho. based on
Posted by Government Name, Thu Aug-13-15 11:11 AM
current societal norms. let's say you're born on this island alone. no human interaction. you grow up and a person/people who is starving approaches. they can't reach the melons/fish/etc.

is it human nature to:
a. feed them
b. ignore them or
c. actively prevent them from taking "YOUR" food (it being your island and all)?
12879193, A and C. You will feed them as much as you think you have to spare.
Posted by Buddy_Gilapagos, Thu Aug-13-15 12:48 PM

"Everyone has a plan until you punch them in the face. Then they don't have a plan anymore." (c) Mike Tyson

"One of the most important things in life is what Judge Learned Hand described as 'that ever-gnawing inner doubt as to whether you're
12879030, yellow
Posted by ambient1, Thu Aug-13-15 10:52 AM
12879035, 'good' and 'bad' are subjective/relative.
Posted by SoWhat, Thu Aug-13-15 10:58 AM
so i can't say unless i have some context.

or i guess my answer is 'neutral'.
12879042, for the sake of this exercise it's fine to apply your own standards
Posted by Government Name, Thu Aug-13-15 11:05 AM
and definitions.
12879046, neutral.
Posted by SoWhat, Thu Aug-13-15 11:08 AM
back when i was a xtian i resented the idea that i'm a bad person by default and that i can only be a 'good person' and/or do good things via Jesus. i felt i was being taught to hate myself. it was odd to me and i was increasingly put-off by that notion. so now that i'm an atheist i flat-out refuse to believe that ppl are inherently bad. and i haven't shaken off all of that xtian mind control so i still wonder if ppl can be inherently good. for now i don't think we're inherently either.
12879065, interesting. discussing this with someone else, they mentioned that
Posted by Government Name, Thu Aug-13-15 11:20 AM
religion is the only reason many humans believe they're inherently "good." but now i wonder if he really (unknowingly) equated "special/chosen/etc." with good -- cause you're right, Christianity does basically teach you the opposite.
12879041, bad.
Posted by BrooklynWHAT, Thu Aug-13-15 11:05 AM
12879048, there are levels of both good and bad in human nature...
Posted by mikediggz, Thu Aug-13-15 11:09 AM
the levels vary from person to person.
12879070, RE: Are humans, by nature, "good" or "bad"?
Posted by ILLwiLL132, Thu Aug-13-15 11:23 AM
You're born in a blank slate so no. Things you do as a baby are done instinctively whether good or bad... whatever that actually means. You learn as you grow based on others thoughts and beliefs as to what is good or bad but still have a mind of your own to challenge others beliefs. Good or bad is subjective, I think we can all admit that murder is a "bad" thing but yet under certain circumstances such as an individual being in a life threatening situation protecting themselves or others it can be a good thing.
12879077, Have you seen the news or history books lately?
Posted by Atillah Moor, Thu Aug-13-15 11:25 AM
12879096, there's a lot of good in the history books too
Posted by Government Name, Thu Aug-13-15 11:38 AM
12879234, wrong spot.
Posted by Somnus, Thu Aug-13-15 01:26 PM
12879327, All of human history is Malcom's quote
Posted by Atillah Moor, Thu Aug-13-15 02:20 PM
About pulling a knife halfway out and calling it progress. The difference in regard to humanity as a whole is that the wound is self inflicted.

Is there "good" in there world-- yes of course. But the world is more evil than good. Just look around. It's this way because it is easy for man to justify evil and it is easy to justify because it is the direction in which we are all bent.

The proof is in the fact that children don't need to be taught how to lie.

12879081, Babies are good by nature. Puberty n all that seems to change that
Posted by -DJ R-Tistic-, Thu Aug-13-15 11:28 AM
12879085, why do you say they're 'good by nature'?
Posted by SoWhat, Thu Aug-13-15 11:30 AM
12879098, a full baby will snatch food from a hungry baby just cause they can lol
Posted by Government Name, Thu Aug-13-15 11:39 AM
12879118, Lol is that necessarily bad though?
Posted by Big Kuntry, Thu Aug-13-15 11:49 AM
12879568, It's really hard to say, it's half nature, half how their parents train em
Posted by -DJ R-Tistic-, Thu Aug-13-15 05:31 PM
eaaarly on. Some are naturally selfish as shit, while I've seen some who are naturally caring and giving
12879108, yeah right lol
Posted by rdhull, Thu Aug-13-15 11:44 AM
12879109, Naw they are more obedient. You can train them to share as children.
Posted by Buddy_Gilapagos, Thu Aug-13-15 11:44 AM
then they hit puberty and rebel.

"Everyone has a plan until you punch them in the face. Then they don't have a plan anymore." (c) Mike Tyson

"One of the most important things in life is what Judge Learned Hand described as 'that ever-gnawing inner doubt as to whether you're
12879240, you can train them but it doesn't mean they'll do it, lol
Posted by GirlChild, Thu Aug-13-15 01:30 PM
12879093, humans by nature are empathetic and tend toward self-preservation
Posted by EMATI, Thu Aug-13-15 11:35 AM
'good or bad' depends on the person & the situation
the lens which i choose to look says good
but humans are going to be humans
12879102, RE: humans by nature are empathetic and tend toward self-preservation
Posted by Government Name, Thu Aug-13-15 11:41 AM
aren't these two things often at odds with each other? and does self-preservation mean preserving the human race (or your tribe on a smaller scale) or preserving yourself?
12879272, self preservation usually means preserving yourself...
Posted by StephBMore, Thu Aug-13-15 01:49 PM
by nature, most humans are selfish because they are out for their own survival.

However, once a person has kids (or falls in love) then the concern for the "tribe" as you called it comes into play. Humans enter into agreements to live together and roam together as a means of self preservation. This at times could be I'm weaker and the only way I will survive is to be with these people. It could be something else. But preservation for species only arises once a person has children. how can we preserve this for our children? how can we make sure our children are ok? even if it's not their own children per se, this pack mentality about preserving a tribe is not an issue when it's a single person making it on their own.
12879368, i do think that at times they are at odds with each other
Posted by EMATI, Thu Aug-13-15 02:37 PM
that conflict is what makes us human -- the fact that those two traits coexist and play out in a myriad of ways

i do think self-preservation on a larger scale can mean concern for the preservation of the human race -- but empathy is also a strong component of giving thought to the well being of the human race

>aren't these two things often at odds with each other? and
>does self-preservation mean preserving the human race (or your
>tribe on a smaller scale) or preserving yourself?

Someone out there knows what happened to Mitrice Richardson
12879372, and although i choose to believe "good" -- i really voted green
Posted by EMATI, Thu Aug-13-15 02:39 PM

12879110, Bad
Posted by rdhull, Thu Aug-13-15 11:44 AM
12879137, could you ask the same thing of say a Bonobo or a bird or a a tiger?
Posted by double negative, Thu Aug-13-15 12:05 PM
12879163, we all know cats (of all kinds) are naturally evil
Posted by Government Name, Thu Aug-13-15 12:27 PM
12879165, can't believe i'm the only green vote.
Posted by IkeMoses, Thu Aug-13-15 12:29 PM
nature nature is neither good nor bad.

human nature is no different.
12879175, Green
Posted by Hitokiri, Thu Aug-13-15 12:38 PM
good and bad are constructs.
12879178, turrible.
Posted by Cenario, Thu Aug-13-15 12:40 PM
do you see the stuff we be doing?
12879197, soooo according to this post the overall consensus is that--
Posted by Somnus, Thu Aug-13-15 12:50 PM
good & evil are subjective constructs

infanticide, genocide, cannibalism anyone?

we're "EVIL" as fuck.

all of us.

to varying degrees.
12879213, the ppl engaged in those activities don't see them as evil.
Posted by SoWhat, Thu Aug-13-15 01:00 PM
in most cases the ppl who commit those acts feel they have a valid justification or even that they don't need justification b/c what they're doing is right or 'good'.

that's why i say 'good' and 'bad' are subjective as related to human behavior.
12879229, Yeah but question is whether those are natural products of human
Posted by Buddy_Gilapagos, Thu Aug-13-15 01:16 PM

You can say yeah because people did them. Or maybe not because they don't always happen given the same set of circumstances.

"Everyone has a plan until you punch them in the face. Then they don't have a plan anymore." (c) Mike Tyson

"One of the most important things in life is what Judge Learned Hand described as 'that ever-gnawing inner doubt as to whether you're
12879232, #15 we are a blend of good and evil...but free will gives us the choice
Posted by mikediggz, Thu Aug-13-15 01:21 PM
to act on either notion or not.
12879237, yes and what I'm saying is that the pendulum more often that not--
Posted by Somnus, Thu Aug-13-15 01:28 PM
swings in the direction of our more debased nature.

we have a natural inclination/ propensity towards some downright awful shit
12879242, indeed we do.
Posted by mikediggz, Thu Aug-13-15 01:33 PM

>we have a natural inclination/ propensity towards some
>downright awful shit
12879316, oh really?
Posted by SoWhat, Thu Aug-13-15 02:13 PM
then why don't see more of those behaviors?

hell, why haven't YOU committed any of them? assuming you haven't, that is.
12879427, RE: oh really?
Posted by Somnus, Thu Aug-13-15 03:12 PM
>then why don't see more of those behaviors?

while they're (infanticide/ cannibalism) not WITNESSED en masse on a consistent basis in this here country and the event of such is seemingly an anomaly, trust it's happening elsewhere, prolly even regularly, on this planet.

>hell, why haven't YOU committed any of them? assuming you
>haven't, that is.

muhfucka, I'M GOD!
12879513, on a large scale?
Posted by SoWhat, Thu Aug-13-15 04:19 PM
>>then why don't see more of those behaviors?
>while they're (infanticide/ cannibalism) not WITNESSED en
>masse on a consistent basis in this here country and the event
>of such is seemingly an anomaly, trust it's happening
>elsewhere, prolly even regularly, on this planet.

i agree those incidents happen. and they're minimal and whenever they happen or wherever ppl are rightly outraged and appalled.

i don't agree that we are 'naturally inclined' to commit those acts. i see them as anomalies in the human existence.

12879534, RE: on a large scale? YES.
Posted by Somnus, Thu Aug-13-15 04:44 PM
>i agree those incidents happen. and they're minimal and
>whenever they happen or wherever ppl are rightly outraged and
>i don't agree that we are 'naturally inclined' to commit those
>acts. i see them as anomalies in the human existence.

infanticide/ genocide?

see: any and all (or at least most) dictators


see: papa doc

and all the while the world at large turned a blind eye to these atrocities until the heat/fire rose too high to ignore.

minimal you say? Nooooo, sir.
12879565, *shrugs*
Posted by SoWhat, Thu Aug-13-15 05:30 PM
Yeah. Minimal.
12879596, *stands still w/ mouth agape*
Posted by Somnus, Thu Aug-13-15 06:23 PM
12879606, *shrugs*
Posted by SoWhat, Thu Aug-13-15 06:45 PM
12879218, Some of us ain't all human.
Posted by Musa, Thu Aug-13-15 01:02 PM
12879475, Some of us ain't all homo-sapien, but we're all human
Posted by Atillah Moor, Thu Aug-13-15 03:52 PM
12879580, Well if you getting super technical you got homo sapien sapien
Posted by Musa, Thu Aug-13-15 05:44 PM
Then you got homo sapiens, cro magnons, denovsians, neanderthals etc.

And all of us ain't all human its some synthetic folk walking around.
12880260, Are they finding Cro Mag DNA in people though?
Posted by Atillah Moor, Fri Aug-14-15 01:21 PM
I know folks have percentages of denovsian and neanderthal. I haven't read or heard anything about cro magnon.

>And all of us ain't all human its some synthetic folk walking

Yeah I wouldn't doubt it, but that Boys From Brazil shit-- man...
12879227, I vote yellow
Posted by atruhead, Thu Aug-13-15 01:15 PM
for me it all boils down to how you handle your baggage and bullshit
I can be happy for my successful friends without a streak of shade or jealousy, that's a part of me striving to be good

generally speaking how a person conducts business speaks to their character
12879251, Selfish.
Posted by Monkey Genius, Thu Aug-13-15 01:39 PM
How that waxes or wanes over time will define you.
12879285, Green...
Posted by StephBMore, Thu Aug-13-15 01:54 PM
good and bad are socially defined by the community a person is born into. You are good if you follow the rules, bad if you act outside of those defined rules.

but in nature, most people would act according to what would help them survive. You can't define an act as good or bad unless you create that standard.

Outside of nature (how we live now), I'd still say neutral. most ppl are a mix of good and bad (as defined by society) but it balances out so that most people are just "Average" (not bad or good). on a scale of good to bad (good being whatever Saint you pick and bad being the biggest mass murderer of all time), most ppl fall in the middle. they are neither good or bad. they just are.
12879297, Alignment: CN
Posted by PG, Thu Aug-13-15 02:02 PM
12879317, elijah muhammad said that the whiteman was the devil
Posted by thegodcam, Thu Aug-13-15 02:15 PM
but he possibly got this info from a white guy
12879560, elijah muhammad....LOL
Posted by rdhull, Thu Aug-13-15 05:24 PM
12879995, He was right.
Posted by Musa, Fri Aug-14-15 10:26 AM
12879477, most people are just looking out for themselves
Posted by J_Stew, Thu Aug-13-15 03:52 PM
Which isn't necessarily a bad thing, it's just a thing. The interesting thing is that middle class and poor people tend to be much more giving and equitable than wealthy people(rich people almost by rule don't give to real charities).

Most people aren't going to cause you physical harm, but they also aren't going to risk their own safety to help you.
12879566, selfish as fuck, with good moments. so yeah, bad.
Posted by now or never, Thu Aug-13-15 05:30 PM

No one ever went broke underestimating the intelligence of the American public. (c) HL Mencken or some other motherfucker.
12879567, good and bad don't exist.
Posted by Kwesi, Thu Aug-13-15 05:31 PM
12879976, care to expound?
Posted by mikediggz, Fri Aug-14-15 10:02 AM