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Topic subjectStreaming : Foreign Exchange, 'Tales From The Land Of Milk And Honey'
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12878864, Streaming : Foreign Exchange, 'Tales From The Land Of Milk And Honey'
Posted by DavidHasselhoff, Thu Aug-13-15 07:37 AM
12878865, Two words: Shana Tucker
Posted by Airbreed, Thu Aug-13-15 07:44 AM
Damn, I love her.
12878921, I CAN'T GET PAST WORK IT TO THE TOP!! lol!! too tight!
Posted by FLUIDJ, Thu Aug-13-15 08:47 AM
heavy Slave influence here...which is a GOOOOOOOD THANG!
12879130, RE: I CAN'T GET PAST WORK IT TO THE TOP!! lol!! too tight!
Posted by creepycrawley, Thu Aug-13-15 11:58 AM
Yes indeed I was not mad at the homage to Slave. I can get with 7/10 tracks so far.
12878948, this good. real good....
Posted by FLUIDJ, Thu Aug-13-15 09:19 AM

"Get ready..for your blessing..."
12878956, RE: Streaming : Foreign Exchange, 'Tales From The Land Of Milk And Honey'
Posted by Tiggerific, Thu Aug-13-15 09:24 AM
I'm only a few minutes in and I'm loving this!!!! I don't think I'll be listening to anything else today.
12878996, just what I needed today
Posted by esb225, Thu Aug-13-15 10:03 AM

12879010, Sometimes it's so hard..
Posted by PuertoNico, Thu Aug-13-15 10:29 AM
not listening to an album over and over again before getting my hands on the vinyl-edition. this is another classic case. Three tracks in, sounds AMAZING so far
12879012, I thought this album had another name? Asking for a friend or something?
Posted by Buddy_Gilapagos, Thu Aug-13-15 10:33 AM

"Everyone has a plan until you punch them in the face. Then they don't have a plan anymore." (c) Mike Tyson

"One of the most important things in life is what Judge Learned Hand described as 'that ever-gnawing inner doubt as to whether you're
12879023, RE: I thought this album had another name? Asking for a friend or something?
Posted by Tiggerific, Thu Aug-13-15 10:45 AM
That's the first single.
12879038, That's the single
Posted by 13Rose, Thu Aug-13-15 11:02 AM
I'm still on my first listen and I like what I hear so far.
12879361, sounds good
Posted by jrocc, Thu Aug-13-15 02:34 PM
12879413, Truce is sad melodic,Dissappear is gold,Body has a strip club vibe
Posted by kevgalaxy, Thu Aug-13-15 03:05 PM
12879607, They delivered. WAY better than the last project
Posted by GameTheory, Thu Aug-13-15 06:46 PM
This shit is legit as hell
12879615, The Milks gone bad...
Posted by sersey, Thu Aug-13-15 06:57 PM
There's enough bright spots on the album to make it worth a listen..But I just can't get past Tay's redundant melodies anymore... He just kind of meanders over songs without ever catching a melody that pulls you in or prompts you to sing along.

I wish I could articulate it better... I just know that singers like Bilal, and to a lesser degree Chris Brown, and Frank Ocean have a knack for crafting melodies that bring life to otherwise boring beats and rhythms. A lot of the songs here just come off as bland to me because Tay's melodies just don't marry well to the music...

FE just hasn't been my cup of tea since Leave It All Behind...

But what do I know....Y'all go head and keep the party goin....
12879808, Leave It All Behind was my all time favorite too...
Posted by creepycrawley, Fri Aug-14-15 05:28 AM
It soars above the rest of their discography and set the benchmark. At least they try something different each time.
12880302, i am trying REALLY HARD to like this......
Posted by murderbear, Fri Aug-14-15 01:54 PM
i mean, watching phontes evolution from lb to this, plus knowing WE were so close to it, PLUS the extra Zo and Tigallo type gems...how can you not ride for the whole FE family?

Like previous posters, LIAB remains the standard for me, and each release since then has been a departure from the next....i still rode for Authenticity, and LIFC was good music that didnt *really* grab me, even though Better was absolute heat.

Still, I dont hear any bad music on this release, its just that nothing resonates with *me*

The trajectory of FE is similar to the roots for me, in that with each release they gained new fans and solidified their core base, but each album cost them a small group that couldnt keep up with the changes.

While still a fan, i came in at DYWM, and havent bought a new release since Game Theory

Still a fan of FE, came in at Connected, but I am torn about making this purchase