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Topic subject6 months in the Bay( reactions from a lifelong NYer)
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12877324, 6 months in the Bay( reactions from a lifelong NYer)
Posted by jeanlouis61, Tue Aug-11-15 03:21 PM

I'm still surprised that I am out here in the San Francisco Bay area, 3k miles away from the only other place I could call home. There are strange things and there are good things. It definitely was a relief to jump 50 degrees over night and shrug my shoulders at all the mounting snowy facebook photo posts i would see. I've goten used to the fog somehow. I have gotten used to it, believe me.

So obviously you know that a new Yorker is gonna tell you that the pace is different, slower....but its not bad. Living in the redwood city area feels like Long Island and the shopping centers and Caltrain adds to that idea.

Here's a quick rundown of thoughts:

1. these people need to miss me with this winter gear in spring/summer. yeah, yeah....i get it. Its not LA, and its drops to high 50s at night in some areas. big woop. Its not a Boston type 50s, which means through on a denim jacket or sweater. People out here have winter hats, leather jackets on 85 degree days, and again.....knit hats on warm days? what is that? I saw a guy in a t shirt, with windows rolled down, wearing a knit hat. and no NY, its not a hipster thing. All ages and cultures do it.
2. no one honks. That bugged me out. Driving in NYC again one day will freak me out.
3. Dogs rarely bark. I wake up to that shit in NY. Are they just zen out here?
4.Where are the cops???? I get that NYC is much denser and higher populated but I can go days without seeing a cop car and I drive a lot. Then again, I'm not in East San jose much.
5. I knew that there were techies out here.......but damn. They are everywhere;dripping out of faucets and climbing the side of buildings and shit. The campuses are impressive. Seen Facebook and Google,...passed Twitter.
6. The pizza isnt that bad. The tacos are to die for and my girl loves Philz coffee.
7. they need to solve this water thing. I could fit the amount of rain I've seen in a cup. It has to have rained less than 4 times, and no heavy downpours.
8. They werent kidding about finding black folk. SF and the pennisula are definitely Negro Light. East Bay, Oakland , San Jose and Milpitas definitely felt like an escape from being the "only one."
9.I thought that the traffic would be worse. Compared to NY, not that bad. Has its moments.
10.My biggest fear is being caught in an earthquake driving on the side of a hill in the dark. Drving back from half moon bay in the dark was real, and people were racing by you. Mother fuckers out here love to tailgate, even on the side of a hill. Imagine that during an earthquake? And why dont they have any lighting on these highways?

12877359, Thanks for the info. I was/am weighing a move but #10
Posted by Atillah Moor, Tue Aug-11-15 03:35 PM
is a big hurdle for me and San Fran had me bugged being what seemed like one of the few out there. They have the 50's signage and buildings well preserved enough that I couldn't help but think there was a whites only sign still tucked away somewhere in those stores.

I walked into this one restaurant which looked really cool but it was like 40 - 50 white folks only in there lol I turned around immediately. All that's to say I'd love to explore the surrounding areas on my next visit.
12877652, my advice....
Posted by jeanlouis61, Tue Aug-11-15 07:33 PM
is if you're looking for other non whites, check the east bay and oakland, hook up with some okps or whoever. If you're a techie they have support for getting comfortable if you're the "only one"

the earthquake thing......we had a 3.5 in the distance so it didnt hit hard. So I cant say much. Just gotta be smart and prepared i guess.

12878061, RE: my advice....
Posted by Tiggerific, Wed Aug-12-15 10:52 AM
We may need this. I will bookmark this post for later just in case we do. My hubby finds out if he got his job in San Ramon today. He's flying back from the Bay as I type.
12878123, RE: my advice....
Posted by jeanlouis61, Wed Aug-12-15 11:35 AM
well, I am here for you guys with what I have learned, and I knew some okps.

12878975, word??
Posted by lfresh, Thu Aug-13-15 09:41 AM
>If you're a
>techie they have support for getting comfortable if you're the
>"only one"

When you are born, you cry, and the world rejoices. Live so that when you die, you rejoice, and the world cries.
You cannot hate people for their own good.
12879148, RE: word??
Posted by jeanlouis61, Thu Aug-13-15 12:13 PM
meaning that they have common groups, like Bay Area Blacks in Tech. They talk about issues together and of course its refreshing to look around a room to see mostly black techs. Im not a techie but I have seen a couple of their meetings, at FB and at Pinterest recently

12877361, 85 degree days?
Posted by SoWhat, Tue Aug-11-15 03:37 PM

anyway, let's not exaggerate for the ppl. they'll get the wrong idea.

i've seen ppl dressed in winter gear when the air temp was like 55 or 60 degrees. even my mother who grew up in Missouri and spent several years in Michigan falls for that shit. but she's been out there for more than 30 yrs. she's too far gone.

12877720, gotten up 100 inland, 89 in RWC on Sat......
Posted by jeanlouis61, Tue Aug-11-15 11:47 PM

12878008, yes. and ppl weren't wearing hats and gloves, were they?
Posted by SoWhat, Wed Aug-12-15 10:23 AM
which was my point.

12878120, hats and light parkas
Posted by jeanlouis61, Wed Aug-12-15 11:34 AM
12879173, naw.
Posted by SoWhat, Thu Aug-13-15 12:36 PM
not during the day in 85 degree weather. LOL

if anything the ppl will carry jackets b/c they anticipate a temperature drop after sunset or if the fog rolls in.

80+ degree weather is a cause for celebration - b/c the ppl FINALLY get to strip off their outer layers and enjoy the (fleeting) warmth. but then they'll bitch about the 'heat' if the temp jumps above 85. and that can be a serious complaint considering the routine lack of A/C in buildings out there.
12879505, RE: naw.
Posted by jeanlouis61, Thu Aug-13-15 04:06 PM
next time i will take pics for u because it happens. even wearing a sweater and a jacket during the day on a 72 degree day is fuckin ridiculous

12879506, sweater and jacket in 72 degree weather is ridic but needed.
Posted by SoWhat, Thu Aug-13-15 04:07 PM
>next time i will take pics for u because it happens. even
>wearing a sweater and a jacket during the day on a 72 degree
>day is fuckin ridiculous

i've seen that and i agree. but i understand b/c i've done it. 72 degrees out there can come w/a chilly wind. lol

12877378, Philz is good....but try Rogers if you can.
Posted by double negative, Tue Aug-11-15 03:46 PM
they have the same concept, a walk up counter an extensive menu

however Rogers will seriously wreck your shit. people will think you just jammed several rails into your skull holes.

Roger was Phil's former business partner. Shit went south and they split. There is only one Rogers location and its in the mission.

God....i would stab the side of a mercedes for a cup right now.

&Four Barrel
12877386, & #5 is pretty weird right?
Posted by double negative, Tue Aug-11-15 03:51 PM
i revisited recently and i was gobsmacked at the amount of tech t-shirt and hoodie bros i saw around

12877410, in the supermarket and dudes are talking about rails like it's sports
Posted by southphillyman, Tue Aug-11-15 04:02 PM
might expect that in SV because why else would young ppl be living there
but even in The City it's common to randomly walk by a tech debate/convo
12877437, ....yeah, I hated that to no end.
Posted by double negative, Tue Aug-11-15 04:20 PM
and im in the fucking industry
12878074, I work in tech
Posted by sectachrome86, Wed Aug-12-15 11:02 AM
and I've been out to company HQ in SF a couple times. I HATE that everyone everywhere is some tech guy talking about apps. I just felt smothered by it all. I dont think I could live there just because of that.
12878109, random q, where are you located normally?
Posted by double negative, Wed Aug-12-15 11:25 AM
12878113, I work remotely in CO
Posted by sectachrome86, Wed Aug-12-15 11:28 AM
12878170, ah, nvm.
Posted by double negative, Wed Aug-12-15 12:02 PM
12877445, Wonder what the next generation of bay area born athletes will look like
Posted by Amritsar, Tue Aug-11-15 04:23 PM
The kids of these tech dweebs

Might not be any more Tom Brady's or OJ Simpsons for a while guys

12877529, world cup crew members
Posted by double negative, Tue Aug-11-15 05:04 PM
12877399, Blue Bottle
Posted by Catalyst830, Tue Aug-11-15 03:58 PM
12877401, hes from NYC they've had BB for some years now
Posted by double negative, Tue Aug-11-15 04:00 PM
12877441, See this is what happens when I don't go home on almost a decade
Posted by Catalyst830, Tue Aug-11-15 04:21 PM
12877391, Lol the dogs don't bark. Too stoned
Posted by Amritsar, Tue Aug-11-15 03:53 PM
12877400, Dog parties in Frisco be like
Posted by -DJ R-Tistic-, Tue Aug-11-15 03:58 PM



12877403, There's rarely much need for horn-honking. That's big in NYC
Posted by Teknontheou, Tue Aug-11-15 04:00 PM
because alot of the drivers in NYC learned how to drive in 2nd and 3rd World countries, where driving is less regulated. In those countries, the streets are often kind of chaotic and horn honking is how people get down the street without getting killed. Plus, alot of it is cabbies, from those same countries, who are impatient to get down the street and trying get another fare as fast as possible.

I grew up in Philly and only experienced all this horn honking once I moved to Brooklyn in 2006.
12877406, oh, btw, have you been to Eddies yet?
Posted by double negative, Tue Aug-11-15 04:00 PM
super cool greasy spoon joint on divisadero

korean owned but soulful as fuck

they play nothing but al green and 'nem and the food is good hangover food
12877570, RE: oh, btw, have you been to Eddies yet?
Posted by jeanlouis61, Tue Aug-11-15 05:41 PM
No.....not yet. Need to add to the list. In sf I've been to a ton of American brunch joints, south Indian joint and brendas
12877629, Damn, you put me onto two spots I'd never heard of in one post.
Posted by stankpalmer, Tue Aug-11-15 06:54 PM
Gotta check em out
12877655, I havent made it to ANY Korean spots
Posted by jeanlouis61, Tue Aug-11-15 07:38 PM
i did get my ramen on, but the koreans havent seen me yet.

What part of the bay are you in , Stank?

12877849, Another good Korean spot is HRD Cafe
Posted by double negative, Wed Aug-12-15 08:58 AM
Super good.
12878103, I stay in SF's Richmond District
Posted by stankpalmer, Wed Aug-12-15 11:21 AM
My neighborhood is mostly Chinese and Russian families. I like it cause it's relatively quiet with great restaurants and a good mix of dives and Irish pubs.

There's some cool Korean spots out here. As mentioned HRD is pretty good. There's also Toyose in the Sunset or My Tofu House. Toyose is pretty cool, try the spicy chicken wings and one of the stews.

12878127, Bay area foodies!
Posted by jeanlouis61, Wed Aug-12-15 11:38 AM
we need to hang out. I need to get the full rundown of spots. We have gotten around, and received a good number of choices but this looks good. I'll inbox you.

12877422, How do the women treat you out there?
Posted by flipnile, Tue Aug-11-15 04:14 PM
Compared to NYC? Do different ethnic groups treat you differently in SF vs. NYC? Are they friendlier on the street? Do you get the Barry Sanders-esque pocketbook clutch when you walk by like double negative talked about?
12877431, It's still a part of the US
Posted by Atillah Moor, Tue Aug-11-15 04:17 PM
12877448, True, but there are regional differences
Posted by flipnile, Tue Aug-11-15 04:25 PM
For example: Out in public, I find women my age in Philly (in general) to be quite off-putting, but in New York or DC (with the transplants) I get a completely different vibe.
12877649, RE: How do the women treat you out there?
Posted by jeanlouis61, Tue Aug-11-15 07:28 PM
Funny you should ask, becausee its what I'm constantly thinking about in public. its a mix. the lighting in a neighborhood like SOMA(where Pinterest is) is terrible at night, so in actuality a lot of things can happen but I was walking around there in the dark, across from a tennis club and past a guy who was showing someone something on his mac book and I was like....."i guess they aint worried about that" but then again, there have been many times in the store or whatever I am invisible to white women passing in front of me to get something or whatever. A lot of people are extremely polite and friendly. The funny thing is the guarded people I meet or have a wall up are not natives.

The purse clutch is covert like NY, i guess unless ur in the tenderloin.

12877460, What part of RWC are you in?
Posted by Catalyst830, Tue Aug-11-15 04:31 PM
I was off Fulton and El Camino, nice quiet neighborhood, great place to raise kids.
12877576, RE: What part of RWC are you in?
Posted by jeanlouis61, Tue Aug-11-15 05:48 PM
Redwood shores near oracle

12878783, word I work downtown RWC
Posted by vik, Wed Aug-12-15 10:06 PM
Right next to that Philz ... well like a block over.
12877478, 6 months in the Bey>>>>>6 months in the Bay
Posted by thegodcam, Tue Aug-11-15 04:38 PM
nas lost
12877511, !
Posted by Amritsar, Tue Aug-11-15 04:56 PM
12877536, Redwood City? That's the suburbs. Of course it's quiet.
Posted by janey, Tue Aug-11-15 05:08 PM

~ ~ ~
All meetings end in separation
All acquisition ends in dispersion
All life ends in death
- The Buddha


Every hundred years, all new people
12877560, If it ain't SF Oak or SJ, it's all suburbs here
Posted by Catalyst830, Tue Aug-11-15 05:31 PM
I hated it at first, missed the vibe of tha Town. Now, I wish I could have kept my kid in school over there.
12877612, RE: If it ain't SF Oak or SJ, it's all suburbs here
Posted by jeanlouis61, Tue Aug-11-15 06:20 PM
Don't feel a super busy city vibe unless I'm in SOMA

U gotta understand what I left behind.

12877613, I'm from Harlem
Posted by Catalyst830, Tue Aug-11-15 06:30 PM
It is what is out here, you'll never find that NYC vibe, we just move different here.
12877619, RE: I'm from Harlem
Posted by jeanlouis61, Tue Aug-11-15 06:42 PM
What part of the city are u in?

12877620, I work in the City and live in East Bay
Posted by Catalyst830, Tue Aug-11-15 06:45 PM
Hayward to be exact
12877628, Just across the bridge
Posted by jeanlouis61, Tue Aug-11-15 06:53 PM
We were having dinner in san leandro the other day, wondering if we could move there next year. Went for a drive and it got hood real quick. Though u can't really tell how hood an area is unless u sit there for a while and learn the area.

U like hayward??

12877568, RE: Redwood City? That's the suburbs. Of course it's quiet.
Posted by jeanlouis61, Tue Aug-11-15 05:40 PM
I find it very quiet in sf
12877579, LOL I live in a quiet area and it's not quiet
Posted by janey, Tue Aug-11-15 05:50 PM
and Mr Wonderful lives in the Tenderloin and that's very not quiet, and he used to live in SOMA and that's extremely not quiet, lol.

I grew up in the suburbs of LA, and the difference between that, or even the difference between living in a residential area in Hollywood, and living in a city (a little tiny one like SF or a big honkin one like NY) is pretty noticeable.

~ ~ ~
All meetings end in separation
All acquisition ends in dispersion
All life ends in death
- The Buddha


Every hundred years, all new people
12877590, Oh you're here too?
Posted by jeanlouis61, Tue Aug-11-15 05:59 PM
I need to meet more okps

12877592, I'm talking quieter than crown heights bk
Posted by jeanlouis61, Tue Aug-11-15 06:01 PM


12877603, edited
Posted by husam, Tue Aug-11-15 06:09 PM
12877598, Any okps in the bay......
Posted by jeanlouis61, Tue Aug-11-15 06:04 PM
Besides the ones that I've met? (A few) gangsta mittens hooked me up with a few of yall
12877604, I'm here, but I'm a D-list OKPer at best
Posted by husam, Tue Aug-11-15 06:10 PM

I'd be down for a meetup or something though
12877611, Me too
Posted by jeanlouis61, Tue Aug-11-15 06:18 PM
Doing what I can to get a crew out here. I'm up for meeting up. Inbox me.

12877605, I'm here. I live way out in the 'burbs these days, tho. I'm barely social
Posted by mrhood75, Tue Aug-11-15 06:13 PM
Fricking domestic life.
12877608, RE: I'm here. I live way out in the 'burbs these days, tho. I'm barely social
Posted by jeanlouis61, Tue Aug-11-15 06:16 PM
That's me only many days, I'm in the burbs too. Inbox me your info.

12877665, I live and work in Vallejo
Posted by Original Juice, Tue Aug-11-15 08:03 PM
12877701, RE: I live and work in Vallejo
Posted by jeanlouis61, Tue Aug-11-15 09:44 PM
i have driven through vallejo a number of times heading to fairfield. all i know is the bridge, e 40, and snoop mentioning having hoes over there once. how do u like it? anything out of towners or newbies should know?

12877680, Not feelin that East Side San Jose joke...
Posted by Crash85, Tue Aug-11-15 08:29 PM
>4.Where are the cops???? I get that NYC is much denser and
>higher populated but I can go days without seeing a cop car
>and I drive a lot. Then again, I'm not in East San jose

Haha... Shit is true... Crazy how everyone knows whats up with essj... I feel like when people move here, they immediately get warned about the east side... In reality, it aint that bad... You definitely need to swing through there, tho... Peter's Bakery burnt almond cake is the best... Antipasto is some pretty bomb italian, but you're from NY so you probably had as good, if not better... Get a stromboli at Tony Di Maggio's... Hit up Santa Fe for their Carne Asada fries... And Mexico Bakery for a torta... Chalateco is hella good Salvadorian food, try the pupusas... And hit up Jubba for some bomb ass Somalian food... That's not on the east side, but it's hella good...

I just moved from out there... Living in Oregon now...
12877706, RE: Not feelin that East Side San Jose joke...
Posted by jeanlouis61, Tue Aug-11-15 09:46 PM
good looks....

12878007, was just there about a week ago. LOVED IT. i can totally see moving there...
Posted by earthseed, Wed Aug-12-15 10:22 AM
#1 is so damn true.
that temp drop is something to get used to.
and folks walking around with serious heavy jackets was tripping me out.

what really caught me off guard was the fact that everywhere folks were rolling up, smoking weed like they were cigarettes.

that said, it's totally a laid back city and i can see myself enjoying all the sunshine, people and vibes.
12878014, Lol I hear this a lot
Posted by Amritsar, Wed Aug-12-15 10:27 AM

>what really caught me off guard was the fact that everywhere
>folks were rolling up, smoking week like they were

12878049, lol. i was amazed and every time i would look at my cousin like "really?"
Posted by earthseed, Wed Aug-12-15 10:43 AM

another cousin was showing me his medical card and the one whiff i got of that, i think i had a 15 minute high.

put the people were all so nice and courteous. i loved it
12878056, the pizza at arizmendi was DELICIOUS. like i'm mad i didn't get some to go.
Posted by earthseed, Wed Aug-12-15 10:45 AM
12879161, this is how it is for me
Posted by soken, Thu Aug-13-15 12:26 PM
growing up in the bay, I wear beanies and scarfs on 70 degree days since it can change quickly and its just comfort. also smoke where ever whenever. Funny, even when I see police I dont release it's illegal to smoke. Police just tell you, Hey can you take it around back. *knod
12878071, RE: 6 months in the Bay( reactions from a lifelong NYer)
Posted by Tiggerific, Wed Aug-12-15 10:58 AM
Well, my hubby and I MAY (find out today) move to the Bay area. I was looking on the web at places to live and omg inflation is a b*tch!!!!! I'm in my 5 bedroom house enjoying life. We move out there, and its 2 bedroom condo living for at least a year!!! LOL!

12878130, RE: 6 months in the Bay( reactions from a lifelong NYer)
Posted by jeanlouis61, Wed Aug-12-15 11:40 AM
Where are you at currently????

12878785, Anybody hitting up Hiero Day that Monday of Labor Day?
Posted by vik, Wed Aug-12-15 10:08 PM
In Oakland, of course.

I think it's Sept 7.

Word- I've got designs on it along w a few buddies.
12878837, RE: Anybody hitting up Hiero Day that Monday of Labor Day?
Posted by jeanlouis61, Thu Aug-13-15 02:13 AM
dang. so many Okps here......where you guys been?

I'll be out of town that weekend, back in nyc. you regularly attend shows around here?

12879160, I went last year, shit was packed.
Posted by stankpalmer, Thu Aug-13-15 12:25 PM
It's dope cause it's very much a community event, but there's just a lot of people. There was a skate park in the middle of everything that was causing a lot of traffic. I caught a few acts on the smaller stages but bounced after a couple hours. It was hella hot and the line for beer was too long lol.
12879176, Yup I'm there
Posted by Amritsar, Thu Aug-13-15 12:38 PM
Missed last years

This one of the few regular bay events I hit up.
12879315, Go every year
Posted by soken, Thu Aug-13-15 02:13 PM
12878976, #2 sounds awesome
Posted by lfresh, Thu Aug-13-15 09:41 AM

When you are born, you cry, and the world rejoices. Live so that when you die, you rejoice, and the world cries.
You cannot hate people for their own good.
12879153, it is
Posted by jeanlouis61, Thu Aug-13-15 12:16 PM
people just wait a few extra seconds before honking and no honking for sport(no reason). They know that traffic is gonna let up at some point, so they're cool.

12879220, What gets me about a non honking society
Posted by sectachrome86, Thu Aug-13-15 01:03 PM
(which I prefer) is when people don't honk for flagrant assholery. I've experienced people getting cut off, almost causing an accident etc. and NO ONE honks. I say fuck that. If you do some dumb shit I'm gonna let you know and shame you publicly.
12879223, I haven't used mine in months. Maybe even over a year
Posted by Amritsar, Thu Aug-13-15 01:09 PM
Always a bit guilty after using it too

12879248, its cause errrbody blunted...err, "medicated"
Posted by double negative, Thu Aug-13-15 01:37 PM
12879695, Ha!
Posted by lfresh, Thu Aug-13-15 08:38 PM

When you are born, you cry, and the world rejoices. Live so that when you die, you rejoice, and the world cries.
You cannot hate people for their own good.
12879208, I have been in the car during a few earthquakes and you cant feel it
Posted by RobOne4, Thu Aug-13-15 12:57 PM
unless it is a HUGE one.
12879277, in this post, "The Bay" seems as big and varied as "LA County"
Posted by astralblak, Thu Aug-13-15 01:51 PM
12879324, well, yeah. LOL
Posted by SoWhat, Thu Aug-13-15 02:19 PM
that's b/c it is.