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Topic subjectHeavily armed Oath Keepers descend on Ferguson
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12876738, Heavily armed Oath Keepers descend on Ferguson
Posted by legsdiamond, Tue Aug-11-15 10:05 AM

FERGUSON, Mo. (Reuters) - Four civilians carrying military-style rifles and sidearms patrolled a riot-torn street in Ferguson, Missouri, early Tuesday, saying they were there to protect a media organization but drawing swift criticism from police and protesters alike.

The appearance of the four men, all white, quickly drew stares in the mostly black neighborhood, which exploded into violence again on Sunday night as protesters marked the police killing of an unarmed black teen a year ago.

The men identified themselves as part of a group called "Oath Keepers," which describes itself as an association of current and former U.S. soldiers and police who aim to protect the U.S. Constitution.

The Southern Poverty Law Center, a non-profit civil rights organization, has described the "Oath Keepers" as a "fiercely anti-government, militaristic group," and St. Louis County Police Chief Jon Belmar condemned their appearance in Ferguson.

"Their presence was both unnecessary and inflammatory," he said, adding that police would work with county prosecutors to see if the men had broken any laws.

Led by a man who gave his name only as John, the group, whose members wore bulletproof vests and carried sidearms in addition to combat-style rifles, said they had come to protect a journalist from the conservative "Infowars.com" Web site.

"There were problems here, there were people who got hurt. We needed to be prepared for that," said the man, who noted that Missouri state laws generally allow the open carrying of heavy weapons of the kind that his group were brandishing.

InfoWars could not be reached for immediate comment.

Ferguson has seen months of violent protest since the fatal shooting of 18-year-old Michael Brown by a white police officer a year ago. Sunday night's protests were punctuated by gunfire, with police shooting and critically wounding a man who they said had opened fire on them.

Monday's protests were less chaotic, with about nine people arrested in skirmishes with police that saw protesters throw rocks and bottles at officers.

But many in the crowd questioned the wisdom of openly carrying such heavy weapons into an emotionally charged situation.

"You’re going to bring some uncommissioned citizens, white citizens, into a black community like this? It's disrespectful," said Talal Ahmad, 30, who is black and has been a fixture of the last year's protests, which prompted a Justice Department review that found Ferguson's police department routinely violated city residents' civil rights.

"Here, in a black neighborhood, we’re already living in a state of terror," Ahmad said.

(This version of the story corrects description of rifles to military-style from automatic in first paragraph)
12876739, apparently open carry in the hood is the solution to gun violence.
Posted by SoWhat, Tue Aug-11-15 10:07 AM
so let's see how this pans out.
12876752, So let me see if I get this straight....
Posted by Mongo, Tue Aug-11-15 10:11 AM
...they're 'fiercely' anti-government.

But weren't there to protect the protesters.

So...wait, what?

Man, this is some slap-happy-Billy-Bob-bullshit to justify 'gearing up' to 'pacify' those uppity ni -- I mean, protestors.
12876781, Its a fucked up disconnect that's been bothering me.
Posted by BigReg, Tue Aug-11-15 10:19 AM


On the list of things they hate apparently its

1)Black and Brown people


>...they're 'fiercely' anti-government.
>But weren't there to protect the protesters.
>So...wait, what?
>Man, this is some slap-happy-Billy-Bob-bullshit to justify
>'gearing up' to 'pacify' those uppity ni -- I mean,
12876784, nakedly so.
Posted by SoWhat, Tue Aug-11-15 10:21 AM
12876793, what also gets to me
Posted by akon, Tue Aug-11-15 10:31 AM
is that if this was four black men, legally armed
they probably wouldve been shot with no recourse
open carry is only applicable to white people

i mean....
*this* in a protest for a man whose last words were 'dont shoot'
12877032, anti-government == anti-black in their circles
Posted by Atillah Moor, Tue Aug-11-15 12:41 PM
Black people can now get paid to do government work and these folks hate dealing with black folks in government positions because they have some degree of authority in those roles.

When you hear get government out of X or whatever they are talking about black people in government.
12877499, they said they are there to protect the MEDIA - not the protesters
Posted by SuiteLady, Tue Aug-11-15 04:51 PM
12877022, Praying brothers in the street willl work it out.
Posted by Buddy_Gilapagos, Tue Aug-11-15 12:36 PM

"Everyone has a plan until you punch them in the face. Then they don't have a plan anymore." (c) Mike Tyson

"One of the most important things in life is what Judge Learned Hand described as 'that ever-gnawing inner doubt as to whether you're
12877053, Some diseases have no cure
Posted by Atillah Moor, Tue Aug-11-15 12:52 PM
you have to let them run their course. I hope anyone that doesn't want to end up on a postcard surrounded by smiling faces gets out of town or off the street ASAP.
12877071, Any connection between Oath Keepers and Tyrone Harris being shot
Posted by bentagain, Tue Aug-11-15 12:59 PM
couldn't just be coincidence

that one of the initial stories had the young man being pursued by plain clothed 'detectives'

and now this 'oath keepers' story

12877122, That are starting to come out of the woods people.
Posted by Beezo, Tue Aug-11-15 01:23 PM
Be prepared
12877476, I have no problem with the oath keepers because they are smart
Posted by godleeluv, Tue Aug-11-15 04:37 PM
I have a problem with black people with drawn guns not using common sense but quick to cry racism.

Music is almost everything.
12877477, how much do you know about the Oath Keepers? (link)
Posted by SoWhat, Tue Aug-11-15 04:38 PM
12877482, ^^^ didn't want to just jump on the subjectiveness of calling them smart
Posted by bentagain, Tue Aug-11-15 04:40 PM
organized, sure

but what would incline someone who I'm assuming never met these people to just label them smart


12877488, IMO the 2nd part of her statement is the more problematic part.
Posted by SoWhat, Tue Aug-11-15 04:43 PM
i just left it alone. lol
12877490, Imo i think they are smart because they are organized and know the law
Posted by godleeluv, Tue Aug-11-15 04:46 PM
They dont just react off of emotion.
Music is almost everything.
12877504, RE: John Crawford and Tamir Rice disagree with you
Posted by bentagain, Tue Aug-11-15 04:54 PM
I was hoping that wasn't where you were going either

we have no rights is the point

12877510, We do have rights. We just have too many bad apples who ruin
Posted by godleeluv, Tue Aug-11-15 04:56 PM
It for the good ones. Shit is embarassing. Of course its understandable but its embarassing that we cant unify for shit.
Music is almost everything.
12877704, You do realize folks are getting arrested, right now in Ferguson
Posted by bentagain, Tue Aug-11-15 09:45 PM
for exercising their rights



Oath Keepers at 2min

do you see it?
12877760, I agree...this is embarrassing
Posted by legsdiamond, Wed Aug-12-15 07:23 AM
12877530, oh my damn...lol
Posted by legsdiamond, Tue Aug-11-15 05:04 PM
12877516, these mfers smh
Posted by wluv, Tue Aug-11-15 04:58 PM
12877731, I'm mouthing off to an Oath Keeper off gp.
Posted by Kira, Wed Aug-12-15 12:29 AM
I'll be damned if ANYONE can run up on me with the fuckery especially one of these fucks. Thanks for fighting for the country but you're going to need more than a gun to enforce your authority with no legal justification whatsoever.


OKLawyers: help me out, please.

What can't I do to these "oath keepers"? What's stopping someone else, be that a person or group of people, from responding accordingly to these vigilantes without legal jurisidiction?

When one of these morons gets killed for being in the wrong place at the wrong time what happens? Does this turn into a vet was killed defending this business from violent thugs?
12877754, i think theyre there in a taunting capacity
Posted by wluv, Wed Aug-12-15 06:31 AM
did any of the media clients they say theyre protecting pay they to be there?
12882294, Soooo Oath Keepers are arming Protesters. Huh?
Posted by Buddy_Gilapagos, Tue Aug-18-15 10:52 AM

"Everyone has a plan until you punch them in the face. Then they don't have a plan anymore." (c) Mike Tyson

Movies I need y'all bastids to see so we can discuss:

Five Star
Appropriate Behavior
12882329, wasnt expecting that
Posted by ShinobiShaw, Tue Aug-18-15 11:05 AM
12882333, Not at all. But in a non-racist world it makes more sense.
Posted by Buddy_Gilapagos, Tue Aug-18-15 11:06 AM

"Everyone has a plan until you punch them in the face. Then they don't have a plan anymore." (c) Mike Tyson

Movies I need y'all bastids to see so we can discuss:

Five Star
Appropriate Behavior
12882387, Yup. Who wouldda thunk it?
Posted by BigReg, Tue Aug-18-15 11:36 AM
>Not at all. But in a non-racist world it makes more sense.
12882341, RE: Soooo Oath Keepers are arming Protesters. Huh?
Posted by Marbles, Tue Aug-18-15 11:09 AM
I feel like they're putting a bullseye on any black man that gets one of these rifles. They call it celebrating the 4th Amendment when white people do it. But I have a feeling that the comfort level drops dramatically when a bunch of armed, black men go on a march in an already tense environment.

Bad idea jeans.
12882391, oh shit! i like that. lol
Posted by SoWhat, Tue Aug-18-15 11:38 AM
12882399, ...I wasn't expecting that at all. I retract my sarcasm.
Posted by Mongo, Tue Aug-18-15 11:44 AM
12882429, Oathkeepers are OKPs and they are doing this to spite yall cynicism.
Posted by Buddy_Gilapagos, Tue Aug-18-15 12:02 PM

"Everyone has a plan until you punch them in the face. Then they don't have a plan anymore." (c) Mike Tyson

Movies I need y'all bastids to see so we can discuss:

Five Star
Appropriate Behavior
12882467, RE: Soooo Oath Keepers are planning on arming Protesters.
Posted by bentagain, Tue Aug-18-15 12:27 PM
"the march would be held in the next “couple of weeks,”"

good luck with that.

Posted by legsdiamond, Tue Aug-18-15 12:30 PM