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Topic subjectDid you have sex ed in school?
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12875390, Did you have sex ed in school?
Posted by boyd, Mon Aug-10-15 08:52 AM
i remember having two: one in 6th grade and the other in 9th grade.
both sexes were separated. 6th grade one was more biology and
9th grade was more sex.

now days some schools are regression
as john oliver speaks on it,


first thing out of my moms mouth DONT BRING HOME NO BABIES
12875394, i remember it in 9th grade. The teacher was telling us how safe and fun
Posted by Cenario, Mon Aug-10-15 08:54 AM
masturbation was.
12875395, Yup and glad I did. Although I already knew how shit worked by then.
Posted by Atillah Moor, Mon Aug-10-15 08:55 AM
Found some where do babies come from? books well before sex ed.
12875398, yes. definitely in middle school, probably in high school as well.
Posted by KiloMcG, Mon Aug-10-15 08:57 AM
12875434, Yep 8th grade. Only thing I learned is about technical terms
Posted by Lach, Mon Aug-10-15 09:21 AM
for when the brain is sending signals to the reproductive organs. Everything else I knew by then.
12875462, Yup 9th grade
Posted by KnowOne, Mon Aug-10-15 09:35 AM
12875465, 7th grade health class.
Posted by SoWhat, Mon Aug-10-15 09:36 AM
Plus during biology in 7th and 10th grades.
12875467, 7th & 8th grade.
Posted by JFrost1117, Mon Aug-10-15 09:36 AM
For like, 2 days each of those years.
12875646, Watched that this morning
Posted by sectachrome86, Mon Aug-10-15 11:07 AM
I did have Sex Ed. but I don't really remember it at all. I think we even got some form of it in elementary school, I remember the boys and girls being separated and watching some movie. Then there was some in high school from our health class teachers but I don't remember any of it.
12875658, yep same for me. 6th grade was super basic and then 9th grade health class
Posted by sndesai1, Mon Aug-10-15 11:12 AM
12875661, yup. 5th grade. boys & girls had separate sessions
Posted by BigJazz, Mon Aug-10-15 11:14 AM

I'm tryna be better off, not better than...
12875662, in 6th grade we had a couple of days worth and
Posted by SHAstayhighalways, Mon Aug-10-15 11:14 AM
in JHS we had 'health' class that touched on it for a few days as well.
12875663, yup... and it was held in this room in the basement around a few corners
Posted by legsdiamond, Mon Aug-10-15 11:16 AM
like they were hiding it from the rest of the school.

I guess they didn't want kids walking past seeing dick diagrams.

12875701, haha, i thougth you meant you were having private lessons down there
Posted by KiloMcG, Mon Aug-10-15 11:28 AM
12875776, nah, I used the baclony in our gym for my shenanigans
Posted by legsdiamond, Mon Aug-10-15 12:31 PM
one time I thought i got caught... we were in the stair well at the bottom and heard footsteps so we ran up the steps and the footsteps were running behind us.

I turn around and it's my friend (God bless the dead) was behind me clowning...

12875668, yes. i believe it started in 6th grade.
Posted by PROMO, Mon Aug-10-15 11:17 AM
i always found the classes to be boring but that's because i was lucky enough to already know much of the information.

that said, they are useful and it should be taught in schools.
12875675, Catholic school FTL
Posted by placee_22, Mon Aug-10-15 11:19 AM
Maybe just my particular school, but they barely acknowledged that muhfuckas had sex to procreate let alone for any kind of enjoyment.
12875690, 5th grade and 7th grade.nobody separate..5th grade was HILARIOUS
Posted by ambient1, Mon Aug-10-15 11:24 AM
one of those moments in life i'll never ever ever forget

Teacher decides she will give us the 'talk'

gives all these disclaimers about how we better not laugh, this is serious bizness, yadda yadda

So after she grosses us out on all the girly talk about their time of the month, my man Avery, the class clown, decides to kick this convo up a notch

Avery raises his hand....applies his curious student straight face on...and asks... 'Ms. Teacher(name suppressed)..........What is oral sex??'

Now...Avery knew good an got damn well what it was....we all did....me and my man Eric who sat across from me just made the 0_0 face

Ms Teacher.....answers.....

this woman....who was our math teacher...who had a son our age....this revered and feared scholarly lady says

'Well Avery....If I take YOUR penis and put it in MY mouth......THAT is oral sex'

it ...took....every...and I mean EVERY....ounce of my...hell OUR soul not to bust out laughin

after class tho.....we were in real tears
12875739, wooooow
Posted by Ashy Achilles, Mon Aug-10-15 12:07 PM
12876347, When was this? Cuz if that happened today
Posted by MME, Mon Aug-10-15 06:59 PM
...she'd be fired. lol
12875695, 7th grade. We were so young and immature too.
Posted by -DJ R-Tistic-, Mon Aug-10-15 11:26 AM
Giggling at ALLLLL that shit. Literally none of us had fingered or even sucked a titty at that point. Shit, most of us hadn't even kissed a girl yet.
12875697, RE: Did you have sex ed in school?
Posted by Tiggerific, Mon Aug-10-15 11:26 AM
Yup. 6th grade and 9th grade. Taught by the same lady. And she was pregnant both times!!! :)

I had been getting "the talk" from my DAD since I was 12. Every summer. 2 hour lecture. Basically just him ranting about how my cousins were getting pregnant and he didn't want it to happen to me. Oh, and how he would disown me if I got pregnant.

I didn't have my child until I was in my 30s and I was married. That man put the fear of GOD in me.

12875712, We did..in 7th grade. And it was the most difficult class ever.
Posted by Overqualified, Mon Aug-10-15 11:39 AM
We had to be able to identify in correct order periods of fetal development from zygote to embryo to fetus, etc...label ALL parts of male and female genatlia and what they did. I remember the male being much more complicated than the female, with the cowper's gland, seminal vesicle, vas deferens and so on. Symptoms of and transmission of various STDs. Of course, there was the "this is how it's done" and condom usage and all that...but it was pretty heavy for seventh grade. I think I bombed the exam when it was all over.
12875715, yes but the spice channel and classmates lying on their dicks had
Posted by southphillyman, Mon Aug-10-15 11:43 AM
WAY more influence
12875729, LOYD is a master sex educator in middle and high schools across the nation
Posted by placee_22, Mon Aug-10-15 12:00 PM
12875719, Uhh yeah brah
Posted by Amritsar, Mon Aug-10-15 11:50 AM
I'd be shocked if someone in my age group didn't have sex Ed

12875730, Nope
Posted by soken, Mon Aug-10-15 12:00 PM
12875735, RE: Did you have sex in school?
Posted by Buddy_Gilapagos, Mon Aug-10-15 12:03 PM
Fixed the title of this post for you.

"Everyone has a plan until you punch them in the face. Then they don't have a plan anymore." (c) Mike Tyson

"One of the most important things in life is what Judge Learned Hand described as 'that ever-gnawing inner doubt as to whether you're
12875737, 6th grade
Posted by luminous, Mon Aug-10-15 12:05 PM
and in high school during health class. i took health in 12th grade. we also had AIDS education in the 9th grade
12875777, Pretty sure it started in 5th grade, but we reviewed it every year
Posted by John Forte, Mon Aug-10-15 12:32 PM
12875797, Yep in the 9th grade.
Posted by Starbaby Jones, Mon Aug-10-15 12:46 PM
I remember having to get a parental consent signed for it.
12875800, 6th grade covered biology and 8th grade covered sex
Posted by RobOne4, Mon Aug-10-15 12:50 PM
12875802, and half of y'all still can't fuck
Posted by John Forte, Mon Aug-10-15 12:52 PM
12876353, LMFAO!!
Posted by Big Kuntry, Mon Aug-10-15 07:02 PM
12875811, iirc, 4th grade, the biology stuff
Posted by Rjcc, Mon Aug-10-15 01:04 PM
then 9th or 10th grade

www.engadgethd.com - the other stuff i'm looking at
12879195, RE: iirc, 4th grade, the biology stuff
Posted by creepycrawley, Thu Aug-13-15 12:49 PM
Ditto…I don't recall any sex ed prior to high school.
12875881, Fourth grade, eighth grade, and 10th grade (via Biology class)
Posted by mrhood75, Mon Aug-10-15 01:38 PM
12876124, Yeah. I think it was Grade 6.
Posted by Shaun Tha Don, Mon Aug-10-15 03:44 PM
12879219, Yes in 8th grade, in the 80's
Posted by Hamsterline, Thu Aug-13-15 01:02 PM
It was taught by Sue Johanson <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sue_Johanson>. She was the Public Health nurse in our area.

She gave us a VERY frank talk about sex and she was hilarious. These kids today are missing out. It's outrageous that we're going back to the dark ages when it comes to discussing sex.