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12875291, cruise trips apprecation page
Posted by mistermaxxx08, Mon Aug-10-15 03:14 AM
when was the last time you went on a cruise? and how far was it?
and naw a hot tub or a bath with a rubber ducky don't count.
talking about on them waves
and the big splishy splashy and the pool.

eating out sea
and enjoying the waves
and checking out islands and enviroments.

whatcha got?

hitting that crusin like you is smokey robinson
12875293, I did Norwegian some years ago.
Posted by Doronmonkflake, Mon Aug-10-15 04:37 AM
I gained about 12 lbs.

Them suckas had the nerve to tell me on day 2: "You don't have to make a tough decision, sir. Just have both entrees."

You enablin sunuva...
12875341, That shit blew my mind.
Posted by SoWhat, Mon Aug-10-15 08:23 AM
'You mean I can have all of the entrees if I want? At no extra price??'

My cousin promptly ordered the surf and turf and a burger bc he wanted to put lobster and shrimp on a burger.
12875347, my wife cousin tried to order a whole rotisserie chicken to go
Posted by Cenario, Mon Aug-10-15 08:28 AM
yup, the cousin with cornrows in 2012.

That cousin.

12875355, lol!
Posted by SoWhat, Mon Aug-10-15 08:32 AM
I was so proud - no one brought Tupperware! Probably bc of the 24 hour pizza joint and the 24 hour ice cream machine.
12875348, LMAO
Posted by legsdiamond, Mon Aug-10-15 08:28 AM
12875311, im goin on my first one in October...
Posted by Big Kuntry, Mon Aug-10-15 07:32 AM
Kinda geeked & kinda hesitant.

Geeked cuz I need a vacation & never been to the Bahamas & hesitant cuz I know I'm gonna get bored bein on a ga damn ship wit nowhere to go.
12875327, Did the Santa Barbara, CA to Ensenada once
Posted by Amritsar, Mon Aug-10-15 08:10 AM
Stopped at Catalina island to snorkle and check out the island for a few hours in between

I remember realizing just how big the damn ship really was because we had to dock way out and take smaller boats to shore lol

Baja California was beautiful. Too many sharks in the water for me to surf tho. . I'm good

The cruise itself was cool. Lots of couples but enough singles to get it in too

Looking back I would have tried to sneak liquor on because they butt rape you in the drink prices.

12875329, I've been on 2. First was on princess and was wack bc
Posted by Cenario, Mon Aug-10-15 08:12 AM
it was mad old people. I'm talking like 85% of the boat had canes, walkers, or wheelchairs. Mind you the group we went with was about 65 people so pretty much every one else was old, wrinkled and white lol.

The 2nd was on CArnival and it was much better. Party boat, plus there was a few carolina panthers on the boat as well. They had some of the most tall and beautiful women with them that i ever seen.

We are going on a Hawaiian cruise in October.
12875331, These are gifts from the heavens
Posted by Cenario, Mon Aug-10-15 08:13 AM
12875333, im going in a few weeks.
Posted by SoWhat, Mon Aug-10-15 08:16 AM
2nd time. The first was a gift from family - I went with a crew of cousins and LOVED IT. I was very cynical going in but I was all in after I finished my first drink b4 the ship left Miami. 7 days of pampering and entertainment. I only did what I wanted and nothing I didn't want. For 7 days. Hell yeah I'm going again.
12875336, My baby was conceived on a cruise last summer
Posted by KosherSam, Mon Aug-10-15 08:19 AM
Flew to Venice, did two nights there, then we cruised from Venice to Montenegro, Santorini, Athens, Olympia, and back to Venice over the course of 7 nights. Then we took a train to Milan and did two nights there before heading home.

It's up there with our honeymoon for best vacation ever.
12875354, never been but I have heard great things
Posted by legsdiamond, Mon Aug-10-15 08:30 AM
my wife has a friend who is on one right now and she said she wasn't going to drink.

smh.. not cause she doesn't drink, just cause she is p'noid and unfun.

all that shit is paid for right? I'm getting shit faced EVERYDAY
12875372, nah, i've never been on a cruise that includes liquor
Posted by Cenario, Mon Aug-10-15 08:43 AM
That's how they get you.
12875431, Actually, i forgot that cruises offer all inclusive liquor deals but i think its
Posted by Cenario, Mon Aug-10-15 09:20 AM
around $50 a day per person and everyone in your room has to do it. And they put a cap on the number of drinks per day but i think its around 15.
12875526, well damn, guess its shrimp and lobster
Posted by legsdiamond, Mon Aug-10-15 10:06 AM
is liquor expensive? can you bring bottles in board?
12875528, liquor costs about as much as in a stand-alone bar.
Posted by SoWhat, Mon Aug-10-15 10:07 AM
not as much as hotel bar liquor. not as cheap as a dive bar though.

the reasonable pricing encouraged me to buy more than i would've if it'd been more expensive.
12875535, all the cruises i've been on make relatively week drinks though.
Posted by Cenario, Mon Aug-10-15 10:11 AM
12875542, i didn't notice that.
Posted by SoWhat, Mon Aug-10-15 10:13 AM
i drank beer primarily and when i had mixed drinks i didn't have complaints about them.
12875564, you got fortunate then. I usually grease the bartender in the club
Posted by Cenario, Mon Aug-10-15 10:25 AM
on the 1st night. That's the only place i'm buying from the bar throughout the trip. Rest of the time on the boat, i'm carrying around my coke bottle.

I'll buy beer tho.
12875397, RE: cruise trips apprecation page
Posted by Tiggerific, Mon Aug-10-15 08:56 AM
A year and a half ago, went out of Orlando to the Bahamas and the Royal Caribbean private island, Coco Key.

We went snorkeling (a first for me). My hubby was teasing me because I kept swimming in circles. We swam with the stingrays. They rubbed on you like kittens. And, we went to Atlantis and chilled for a day.

Those pineapple drinks were the best!!! We had a wonderful time. The best is that we got to unplug. No phones (not really), no computers, just us. And, it was perfect.

Next year, my 20 year high school class reunion is going on a 5 day cruise out of Miami on Carnival. We are supposed to be going to Grand Turk and a couple other places. We've already paid some on it. I'm excited and looking forward to going. I think my hubby and I are going to have a great time.

12875409, is there any way to sneak drinks on the boat?
Posted by Big Kuntry, Mon Aug-10-15 09:06 AM
12875420, yes, i put it in poost 5
Posted by Cenario, Mon Aug-10-15 09:10 AM
rum runners....stick them in your luggage NOT your carry-on.

In the xray machine, they cant really distinguish it from any other bottle of liquid like shampoo or body wash.
12875424, Thanks
Posted by Big Kuntry, Mon Aug-10-15 09:13 AM
12875529, oh, im bringing 5 bottles of shampoo filled with goose and whiskey
Posted by legsdiamond, Mon Aug-10-15 10:08 AM
12875539, no just get the rum runners. They are made to hold liquor.
Posted by Cenario, Mon Aug-10-15 10:12 AM
12875569, I don't drink, I just feel like they got me knowing I gotta pay an...
Posted by Big Kuntry, Mon Aug-10-15 10:30 AM
arm & leg for water & juice.
12875603, generally the prices onboard aren't exorbitant.
Posted by SoWhat, Mon Aug-10-15 10:50 AM
they don't price gauge for much of anything...b/c they want you to buy more stuff.
12875450, book with Disney Cruises
Posted by BabySoulRebel, Mon Aug-10-15 09:27 AM
they let you keep the liquor you buy when you get off at your ports of call
the lines for the soda fountains were like the lines to get into the club, people with cups of ice and drank on trays STACKED.
12875455, sounds like a lot of kids.
Posted by Cenario, Mon Aug-10-15 09:30 AM
12875577, there were but there are a lot of kids no matter who you book with
Posted by BabySoulRebel, Mon Aug-10-15 10:35 AM
unless the cruise specifies adults only
I went as part of a family reunion and we got it the fk IN every night on the upper decks.
No problems whatsoever.
12875587, hmmm.. i really don't remember that many kids when i went on carnival
Posted by Cenario, Mon Aug-10-15 10:42 AM
princess had some kids. I would think that the majority of people that go on disney have kids, but i've never actually known anyone that has tho
12875592, my Carnival boat was full of kids.
Posted by SoWhat, Mon Aug-10-15 10:43 AM
thankfully the rear half of the boat was adults-only. i spent most of my time there.
12875612, that sucks. We always make sure to go when school is in session lol
Posted by Cenario, Mon Aug-10-15 10:52 AM
12875622, smart move!
Posted by SoWhat, Mon Aug-10-15 10:56 AM
my next cruise is w/Royal Caribbean. i hope there'll be fewer kids but if not i'll be fine. b/c the ship is fucking massive. i can avoid kids if i want. lol
12875522, Just got off the carnival breeze in Miami
Posted by Latina212, Mon Aug-10-15 10:04 AM
I don't know if it's that I haven't cruised in three years
But that ship was turned up!
The entire time it was a nonstop party

It was so much fun!
12875541, Carnival is the party line.
Posted by Cenario, Mon Aug-10-15 10:13 AM
12875543, Bahamas 2 years ago. I'm ready for another one right now
Posted by Lach, Mon Aug-10-15 10:13 AM
The relaxation of a cruise is so lovely. Especially when you have a nice suite and sleep with your door to the balcony open and listen to the water. I can't wait to go on another.
12875584, a Scandinavian or Mediterranean one maybe
Posted by southphillyman, Mon Aug-10-15 10:39 AM
the Caribbean ones seem like ratchet magnets
i'm also not too big on having a couple of hours to explore the touristy area of some port
at least not in the caribbean where i could easily either stay on a resort or cop an airbnb if i want to experience local life
12875589, How many hours do you get when you port?...
Posted by Big Kuntry, Mon Aug-10-15 10:42 AM
Shit, I payed for the Caribbean joint smh.

What happens if you don't make it to the boat on time?
12875595, hmmm..i'm trying to remember. maybe around 6-8 hours
Posted by Cenario, Mon Aug-10-15 10:46 AM
Some cruises stay overnight.
>What happens if you don't make it to the boat on time?

You are assed out. Hope you can join them at the next port lol
12875591, you gotta do your research before hand, and hook up with a local
Posted by Cenario, Mon Aug-10-15 10:43 AM
f them tourist traps lol

I like it as a sampler of places i'd want to visit on my own.
12875599, i saw it that way too - a sampler of places i wanna visit.
Posted by SoWhat, Mon Aug-10-15 10:48 AM
Jamaica? no. Grand Cayman? hellz yeah. Cozumel (Mexico)? no.

12875602, the point of the cruise is the ship, not the ports.
Posted by SoWhat, Mon Aug-10-15 10:49 AM
most time is spent on the ship. most entertainment is on the ship.

the ship is the point.

12875609, Why is that preferable to an all-inclusive?
Posted by John Forte, Mon Aug-10-15 10:52 AM
12875615, i'm down w/both.
Posted by SoWhat, Mon Aug-10-15 10:54 AM

12875617, lol yeah, my favorite day is usually the 1st day at sea
Posted by Cenario, Mon Aug-10-15 10:55 AM
but then again its the 1st day.

I don't always look forward to getting off the boat.
12875619, same here.
Posted by SoWhat, Mon Aug-10-15 10:56 AM
i had a fucking ball that first day at sea. all of the sea days were my favorites.
12875674, one port we couldn't stop at bc of the weather. I was so excited and we
Posted by Cenario, Mon Aug-10-15 11:18 AM
got a couple of dollars back lol
12875679, LOL
Posted by SoWhat, Mon Aug-10-15 11:19 AM
12875618, base. spending hours on the open sea isn't my cup of tea.
Posted by guru0509, Mon Aug-10-15 10:55 AM
fly to said destination, explore, fly back or to another destination.

>the Caribbean ones seem like ratchet magnets
>i'm also not too big on having a couple of hours to explore
>the touristy area of some port
>at least not in the caribbean where i could easily either stay
>on a resort or cop an airbnb if i want to experience local
12875643, yea i've been to the buffet and the club before
Posted by southphillyman, Mon Aug-10-15 11:06 AM
and i didn't have to come back and lay in a full size bed when i was done
if the boat is the main selling point then i'm not interested.
12875672, it ain't for everyone.
Posted by SoWhat, Mon Aug-10-15 11:18 AM
i wasn't at all interested in going on the first cruise. i only went b/c the ticket was a gift from family and i didn't want to be rude. i fully expected to be bored and to hate it. i kinda went w/a chip on my shoulder.

the chip was gone by the time the ship left Miami. LOL

i dunno who could go on a cruise and not have a good time. but i'm sure it's possible. if one were determined to not enjoy it that could be done. of course if the ship itself has some drama (malfunctioning equipment, capsizing, et al) that would be a buzzkill. or i imagine if one suffered from seasickness or some other ailment that could ruin the cruise. but otherwise i think one would have to work hard to have a bad time on a cruise.
12875677, pretty much, there's something for everyone.
Posted by Cenario, Mon Aug-10-15 11:19 AM
12875720, Mine even had a basketball hoop
Posted by Amritsar, Mon Aug-10-15 11:51 AM
Bruh we was running threes all day lol
12875754, the boats i've been on have had full courts.
Posted by Cenario, Mon Aug-10-15 12:20 PM
First time i went on one, we was playing ball on the first day with this scrappy white dude...like matthew delevedova just not as reckless. Anwyway dude is by himself running up court and just falls and grabs his ankles.

We thought it was funny at first bc ain't nobody was near him, but he was the only dude going hard, like we were joking he was gonna overboard diving for a loose ball or something.

Later we see him in Jamaica, getting pushed around in a wheelchair looking sad as shit.

Karma got me cause i ruptured my achillies a few years later.

I was on dry land tho.

I aint playing ball on a ship no more.

If i ever do play it'll be the last day.
12875608, I'm a weirdo and I don't want to be seated with strangers for meals
Posted by John Forte, Mon Aug-10-15 10:51 AM
12875614, you don't have to be.
Posted by Cenario, Mon Aug-10-15 10:53 AM
The last time it was just our group of 4 at our table.
12875616, i didn't have that experience.
Posted by SoWhat, Mon Aug-10-15 10:54 AM
we had our own table at dinner.

hell, we didn't have to go to dinner if we didn't want.
12875623, BET!!
Posted by Big Kuntry, Mon Aug-10-15 10:57 AM
>hell, we didn't have to go to dinner if we didn't want.
12875628, i could've spent all 7 days in my cabin if i'd wanted to.
Posted by SoWhat, Mon Aug-10-15 10:58 AM
the only thing i *had* to do was attend the safety lecture on the first day. they identified my life boat and showed me how to reach it.

after that i was free to do whatever i wanted until the ship docked in Miami and they put me off.
12875634, The rooms are the worst part of the cruise experience
Posted by Cenario, Mon Aug-10-15 11:01 AM
Assuming you getting one of the basic ones(which i always do)

I try to spend as little time as possible in the room. Plus the bathroom starts to smell like piss after a couple of days lol
12875640, i insist on a nice room.
Posted by SoWhat, Mon Aug-10-15 11:03 AM
i'm roomming w/a cousin this time and he was fine w/an interior room. i insisted on a room w/an ocean view and a balcony. i can't imagine being on a ship and not being able to chill in my room. i saw one of the interior rooms and i was NOT about that life.
12875644, The 1st time i went we had an ocean view with a balcony. My wife said
Posted by Cenario, Mon Aug-10-15 11:07 AM
it would probably help with sea sicknesses since it was my 1st time. It definitely was nice and better but we don't need it bc we hardly spend that much time in the room.

If you do chill in your room, i'd def understand getting the better rooms.
12875656, i liked being able to chill in the room
Posted by SoWhat, Mon Aug-10-15 11:12 AM
when i was tired of seeing ppl all over the ship - it was a party ship, indeed. i like some private time to chill w/my thoughts. and if my roommie was in the room at the time i could go chill on the balcony.
12875641, Is there TV in the room or wifi on the ship?...
Posted by Big Kuntry, Mon Aug-10-15 11:05 AM
Man, fuck! And knowing me, I'd be in my room sleeping in after lookin at water all ga damn day gets old
12875653, TV yes, Wifi I don't remember having wifi but there were pay internet
Posted by Cenario, Mon Aug-10-15 11:11 AM

At this point, I wouldn't be surprised if cruises had a pay wifi option.
12875660, 'looking at water all day'
Posted by SoWhat, Mon Aug-10-15 11:14 AM
a cruise ship is not a ferry boat.

it's a floating resort hotel. w/a shopping mall, theaters, and a casino. w/multiple bars and clubs and restaurants. and swimming pools and hot tubs. and spas. and saunas. and gyms. basketball courts. boxing rings...

there's so much activity - if you're bored it's b/c you choose to be bored but not b/c there's nothing to do except stare at water. of course, if you want to stare at water you can do that.
12875671, yup, thats what i didn't appreciate until my 1st cruise.
Posted by Cenario, Mon Aug-10-15 11:18 AM
I hate water and boats so i didn't get it. My wife was like its a huge building, you'll forget you are even on a boat.

I wasn't buying it. I'm like i see cruise ships on the water while we on the highway(obviously from a distance). its a damn boat

When we first got close to it, i was like oh my. Day time you barely can tell that you are on a boat. Sometimes at night you can tell, or if the ship is making up for a lost time.
12875676, yup.
Posted by SoWhat, Mon Aug-10-15 11:19 AM
we had choppy water one afternoon. the boat rocked - that's the only time i knew i was on a boat. lol
12875693, Bruh, for some reason I got a scene of playin shuffle boarding and...
Posted by Big Kuntry, Mon Aug-10-15 11:25 AM
eating all day.

I really gotta look on that site again, like I said above I don't even know the ship.
12875702, check out the ship.
Posted by SoWhat, Mon Aug-10-15 11:28 AM
read up on the amenities. you might be pleasantly surprised.
12875632, They don't do that any more
Posted by Latina212, Mon Aug-10-15 11:01 AM
12875657, I did a couple w/ family when I was young
Posted by sectachrome86, Mon Aug-10-15 11:12 AM
I have good memories of it. I think you really have to be going for the actual cruise part, because you really only get the tourist cliff notes of the destination.

I would be open to doing one again now, but I think not living near a port kind of kills it unless you can get a really cheap flight.
12875665, Did the cheap-o Ensenada cruise out of Long Beach earlier this year.
Posted by Wonderl33t, Mon Aug-10-15 11:16 AM
My bud and I deal-hunted for a few weeks and got a 4-day cruise for $194 each (that's after fees. The base rate they show on the web page was $105). It was the weekend of the Super Bowl so it was a SB party on the boat. Really fun. My first cruise. Took me about a day to adjust to being trapped on a boat, after that it was a blast. I really want to go back to Mexico now.
http://i.imgur.com/81XSukd.jpg <-- Happy trails
12875681, this post got me excited for the cruise we are going on in October lol
Posted by Cenario, Mon Aug-10-15 11:20 AM
12875686, Same
Posted by Big Kuntry, Mon Aug-10-15 11:23 AM