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Topic subjectDid W show strength when he chilled in that classroom on 9/11?
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12874930, Did W show strength when he chilled in that classroom on 9/11?
Posted by legsdiamond, Sat Aug-08-15 09:28 PM
Cause I think that line of thinking is bullshit. Why do people act like if W got up and left the room those kids woulda flipped out and been scarred for life?

People always talk like he had 2 choices. Sit and play cool or wild the fuck out and toss chairs while kicking kids in the face.

Nigga coulda got up and left.

12874936, I dont think its as damning as once thought
Posted by rdhull, Sat Aug-08-15 09:39 PM
12874945, At most that was plain composure...
Posted by Moonlit_Force, Sat Aug-08-15 09:52 PM
... a necessary requirement for anyone serving as the POTUS. Nothing more...

...and in his case, it probably wasn't even that considering the policies and rhetoric
he implemented following 911.
12874951, Composure? LMAO
Posted by legsdiamond, Sat Aug-08-15 10:07 PM
You can keep your composure and leave a school classroom at the same time.

Ionno, I never liked his reaction.

He had 2 chances to gtfu.
12874953, We're in agreement.
Posted by Moonlit_Force, Sat Aug-08-15 10:12 PM
12874954, Word
Posted by legsdiamond, Sat Aug-08-15 10:14 PM
12874946, I don't think its fair to judge him. POTUS gets F'd up news all day
Posted by GameTheory, Sat Aug-08-15 09:53 PM
Plus, its not like he WATCHED it the moment it happened either.
12874948, Man, judging him is in the job description
Posted by legsdiamond, Sat Aug-08-15 09:59 PM
and so is getting F'ed up news all day.

Thats like saying its not fair to judge the police because they deal with crime all day.

12874957, To an extent but overdid it. Gotta move your ass.
Posted by ConcreteCharlie, Sat Aug-08-15 10:20 PM
12875034, moron behaved like a moron would
Posted by Riot, Sun Aug-09-15 09:52 AM
Not sure why ppl want to overthink it. Bush didn't
12875039, https://vimeo.com/44583147
Posted by Vex_id, Sun Aug-09-15 10:19 AM

12875045, Them secret service protocols tho
Posted by Amritsar, Sun Aug-09-15 10:38 AM
Word on the street They keep uhh a pretty strict schedule

Anytime the president is in public it's all carefully coordinated, mapped and timed out.

12875149, Nah, even if its protocol we are going to the teachers lounge so I can get all the info
Posted by legsdiamond, Sun Aug-09-15 03:39 PM
No way I'm sitting there listening to some kid finish a book.
12875074, He showed what a person that doesn't make his own decisions looks like
Posted by KingMonte, Sun Aug-09-15 11:48 AM
12875088, Let's be honest tho....you can't just get straight up
Posted by rorschach, Sun Aug-09-15 12:21 PM
if someone tells you what the Secret Service probably told him, you'd have a legit reason to sit and stare. Shit just got real in real time.....and it's not even 10am yet.

W. did sit there way too long but I can't front like I don't understand the pause.

12875147, Why not? Why cant the President stand up and excuse himself?
Posted by legsdiamond, Sun Aug-09-15 03:35 PM
What is the blowback? Do the kids starts screaming and burst into flames?

Seems like everyone is suggesting if he left the room all hell woulda broke loose.

Everyone defends it like he would run out the room like George Costanza screaming FIRE.

He is the president, the nigga gets up early everyday and gets briefed on a rack of shit. 10 AM aint early.

12875199, Aint nobody telling the Pres that planes flew into a building everyday....
Posted by rorschach, Sun Aug-09-15 07:16 PM
No President is hearing that kind of shit day in day out....come on.
12875202, He was warned that it was a possibility...
Posted by legsdiamond, Sun Aug-09-15 07:24 PM
so when it actually happens a week after the intel you dont sit there and chill.

I could see if he went into Afghanistan or went hard at the Saudis but this dude went into Iraq.

Which makes me believe that dude had the wrong reaction from the jump.
12875103, I think most anybody would react the same way
Posted by DavidHasselhoff, Sun Aug-09-15 01:15 PM
12875105, you would have stayed in the classroom too
Posted by IkeMoses, Sun Aug-09-15 01:20 PM
if somebody told you jet fuel melted steel beams.

he couldn't believe it.

because it can't.
12875122, ^^^found the redditor^^^
Posted by double negative, Sun Aug-09-15 02:28 PM
12875148, LOL, I woulda left quick as fuck.
Posted by legsdiamond, Sun Aug-09-15 03:37 PM
Not on some WTF shit but I woulda been OUT.

12875120, no.
Posted by guru0509, Sun Aug-09-15 02:23 PM
12875129, strength isn't the right word really
Posted by Garhart Poppwell, Sun Aug-09-15 02:42 PM
it doesn't necessarily take strength to stare and get up from where he was. World leaders deal with things like this, relatively, as a job function. "Composure" is probably a better word.
12875155, I always thought W got a (rare) bad rap for that
Posted by MME, Sun Aug-09-15 04:03 PM
I agree, I think he was both shocked but showed composure.
12875204, I doubt anyone would blame him if he got up and left the room
Posted by legsdiamond, Sun Aug-09-15 07:29 PM
That is the natural reaction. I dont MSNBC could spin him leaving the room into a negative.

12875173, definitely composure
Posted by wluv, Sun Aug-09-15 05:01 PM
The fact that he stayed until the kids were done with their presentation.

He showed he wanted to fulfill his duty to those kids who wanted to show the president their presentation. Him not cutting them short was admirable imo.

Under those circumstances, thats the only time i felt sorry for W his whole term.

Until i found out that his administration ignored a CIA report weeks earlier that the some form of attack organized by Bin Laden was going to happen.

12875201, Yeah... no.
Posted by legsdiamond, Sun Aug-09-15 07:20 PM
Fuck that little presentation.

Buh Bye kids, gotta go!!!

12875228, i blame that more on his handlers than him
Posted by wluv, Sun Aug-09-15 09:18 PM
If his handlers had showed a sense of urgency to leave at that moment and suggested he leave the classroom, i believe he would have went. Instead they told him like it was FYI.

They would have sent a second staff member into the classroom to whisper to the teacher and they would have ended it right there.

The sense of urgency to leave at that moment wasn't there.

And believe me nothing about that man i like but in that moment i dont think he did anything wrong.

Dont make me defend W anymore because its already annoying the hell out of me.
12875208, Oh, like Obama knew about Benghazi WEEKS before it happened?
Posted by josetheplumber, Sun Aug-09-15 07:40 PM
>Until i found out that his administration ignored a CIA report
>weeks earlier that the some form of attack organized by Bin
>Laden was going to happen.

12875314, maybe
Posted by legsdiamond, Mon Aug-10-15 07:48 AM
12875197, He acted calmly, like anyone would when they knew what was coming
Posted by Selassie I God, Sun Aug-09-15 07:03 PM
12875206, Just as much as Obama did as he witnessed Benghazi go down.
Posted by josetheplumber, Sun Aug-09-15 07:35 PM
>Nigga coulda got up and left.

12875316, was Obama in a classroom?
Posted by legsdiamond, Mon Aug-10-15 07:49 AM
I don't know where Obama was but I would expect him to get up as soon as someone told him it was going down.

12875318, He was in bed smoking a cigarette
Posted by josetheplumber, Mon Aug-10-15 07:53 AM
That's what the Hillary emails are showing
That's why FNC is gong so hard on him about it
He took a "lazy fare" approach to the whole thing and let four Americans die in cold blooded vein.
12875227, He only sat there because he was so shocked....
Posted by Lardlad95, Sun Aug-09-15 09:05 PM
That the attacks had been carried out two months before schedule!!!


"All the world's a stage,
And all the men and women merely players:
They have their exits and their entrances;
And one man in his time plays many parts..." -The Bard
12875383, Obama would have done the same thing.
Posted by Atillah Moor, Mon Aug-10-15 08:49 AM
The attack had happened, intelligence was on it, there was going to be de-briefing afterwards. Nevermind the time needed to secure Airforce One and run whatever security protocols needed during such an event. Bush could chill in the classroom because there was nowhere to get up and run to at that moment.
12875402, where exactly was he supposed to get up and go? At that time the line of...
Posted by ThaTruth, Mon Aug-10-15 09:01 AM
was that the White House was the next target. I think when he did leave they just flew around in Air Force One for a few hours escorted by fighter planes.
12875404, Flew around a bit. Then landed in Nebraska
Posted by Amritsar, Mon Aug-10-15 09:04 AM
12875406, about one of the few times i was impressed
Posted by akon, Mon Aug-10-15 09:04 AM
it took a lot not to panic in front of little children

nobody knows how they would have reacted- its not like you get a practice-run

his reaction was appropriate
12875581, He acted how any sociopath would act.
Posted by Brotha Sun, Mon Aug-10-15 10:36 AM
12875762, "Mr. President, we've bombed the buildings as you ordered us to"
Posted by -DJ R-Tistic-, Mon Aug-10-15 12:26 PM
Bush Jr: "Ok, cool."

That's what a lotta folks felt like, right?